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The UN


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The United Kingdom of Great Britain shall not be applying for the United Nations.
We follow our own rules, policies and agendas, now by coincidence, they happen to match, abiet different wording, the human rights charter, and our rules of war follow along the lines of the Geneva Convention, with the exception that a criminal convicted of terrorism voids his human rights and is a prisoner of the state until we decide how to punish him.

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The representative from Sanc would stand up and address the Assembly.

"Looking at the response from the United Kingdom the Sanc Kingdom would like to motion for full sanctions against the United Kingdom for violating each of the laws we hold dear"

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You place sanctions on a nation for breaking laws we do not agree to?
This organisation shares the same traits as our own laws, battlefield code of conduct bar one excepttion, and that is of a terrorist.
Our definition of a terrorist is of a combatant who goes out of his way to cause murder against a civilian population or against the military to make a point etc.

What sactions do you place and on what grounds EXACTLY.

OOC, dude the US/UK IRL torture ppl in guantanamo bay, its common knowledge the governments just deney it, Dont see china russia placing sanctions on them do you? :P
Not to mention, they dont even get a conviction, they just get locked up.

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IC, you refer to our bioweapons program?
ah, now we see your issue, well I will be glad to inform you of our bioweapons division.

We dont believe in genocide, which is why our nuclear stockpile is small, however, we understand the need to subdue and enemy state before they can become a large enough threat in the event of a war.

Our bioweapons incorporate the ancient tactic of "burning the crop".
The bioweapons we posses are anti agricultural, designed as pesticides on a large scale, to destroy crop and farmland to prevent an enemy manufacturing them into food for their military.

An undernourished army will not fight, will become disheartened, and in theory lead to their surrender/withdrawl from an area.
Of course there will be stockpiles of food, but when that runs out? then what?.

The best way to beat an enemy is to beat him without fighting him.

We have opened up our bioweapons division before, and we are more than willing to do so again to proove our point, that our weapons are anti agricultural, and bear no harm to human life.

OOC, Cent I was under this impression after most of the stuff the creator has said, that he wants this to be like real life.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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The Patrickson Alliance, as it has for centuries, will stay out of most world affairs for the time being. We wish to continue observing the world before deciding if we wish to join this United Nations or not. We, obviously, can appreciate Great Britain's wish to remain independent of foreign rules and regulations, to not be pushed by other's morals.

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We thank the Patrickson Alliance for their understanding of our point of view and respecting our decision, as opposed to throwing around sanctions like a five year old whos had his toys taken away.

To the Sanc Kingdom, then the civilian casualties come from their Government who decided to aggress Great Britain.
You remove an enemies source of food, they will not fight. causing thousands of deaths, ruining of cities and polluting of the world by all the oil spilled from the flaming wreckages of the warships that will clash on the open sea.

If you are so blind to our offer to let you waltz on it and investigate our bioweapons, like I invited, then stop sending transmissions to us, and let somebody who is a logical thinker in your Organisation, who wont throw around threats like a child, speak with us.

We are a patient Nation, and great believers in diplomacy, but we will only respect those who respect us.

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Nuskar will not join, they follow the rules of their own nation. Biological weapons are needed for the security of our people.

But we do respect all UN nations and the UN Charter, and we also respect their opinions and beliefs, but signing this treaty is not what we will do.

Thank you.

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Message to the UN after discussion.

Great Britain is willing to halt its PRODUCTION of biological and chemical weapons.
However, Our stockpile will remain, and be maintained as a deterrent, just as other Nations maintain their nuclear stockpiles.

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[font="Arial"][size=2]Alba would feel more comfortable if you made an official announcement of your intention to only use these weapons in retaliation to another nation's attacks on you.[/size][/font]
[font="Arial, arial, sans-serif"][size=2]
[font="Arial"][size=2]This is the policy employed by Alba with nuclear arms, and it is hardly unreasonable.[/size][/font]

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His Majesty inquires into the provisions regarding human rights. The Kingdom of Manetheren has a somewhat unique government in today's world as an absolute monarchy, and though we strongly desire international cooperation, any restriction on Our Royal Perogatives cannot be allowed.

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[quote name='Emperor Mudd' date='05 March 2010 - 04:21 PM' timestamp='1267827979' post='2215219']
His Majesty inquires into the provisions regarding human rights. The Kingdom of Manetheren has a somewhat unique government in today's world as an absolute monarchy, and though we strongly desire international cooperation, any restriction on Our Royal Perogatives cannot be allowed.
While the Republic of Lacedaemon is not a member of the United Nations and refuses to accept an international body on the grounds of it being an insult to our sovereignty, we believe the issues here lie not within your absolute monarchy but with Your Royal Prerogatives.

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[quote name='Mergerberger II' date='05 March 2010 - 09:37 PM' timestamp='1267846923' post='2215581']
This showing is truly pathetic. If none of you are actually committed to peace, then just blow up this world and be done with it.
The Republic is committed to peace, but not through an agency of bickering nations with different political interests.

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[quote name='Sargun' date='05 March 2010 - 11:04 PM' timestamp='1267848542' post='2215612']
The Republic is committed to peace, but not through an agency of bickering nations with different political interests.

At least through this body we can attempt to reach a compromise. Perhaps you will not be entirely satisfied, but such is the way of the world without subjugation.

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