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Invicta Passes Two Million!


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[quote name='Ricros' date='16 February 2010 - 12:42 PM' timestamp='1266324171' post='2185459']
Bring it !!

What great posturing though guy. I think we are already engaged with most of Valhalla's allies, am I correct? If so, I'm quite sure we are already bringing it.

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[quote name='kriekfreak' date='16 February 2010 - 10:09 PM' timestamp='1266322198' post='2185436']
If you think agreeing to disagree with the opposite is bawwing you have a lot to learn. Sure your alliance (and Valhalla) can do a lot to make us hurt. But that comes at a cost though, [b]the cost of the rest of your allies reduced to ashes[/b].

lol, it was amusing to say the least.

o/ Invicta, you'll be right. :)

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[quote name='Gairyuki' date='16 February 2010 - 02:14 AM' timestamp='1266304499' post='2185136']
Invicta, I would recommend working on your warchests. ;)
Seen Haf's?

[quote name='Alterego' date='16 February 2010 - 02:17 AM' timestamp='1266304658' post='2185144']
Congrats lads, I look forward to seeing your 1m NS post.
Hell, I'm looking forward to seeing if they can hit 0. :D

[quote name='Emperor Mudd' date='16 February 2010 - 02:57 AM' timestamp='1266307060' post='2185243']
I think the video posted in the OP made it clear Invicta's war strategy is to get beaten so badly that we surrender to them out of respect for their refusal to yield despite the overwhelming odds. However, in the words of the Joker "Never start with the head, it makes the victim all fuzzy." So sorry Invicta, we didn't mean to beat your senses out first.
That's a laugh.

[quote name='kriekfreak' date='16 February 2010 - 03:37 AM' timestamp='1266309467' post='2185281']
We are giving them a nice clean way out, including their allies. It seems to me like you are either ill informed or you are just trying to garner sympathy for Invicta.

I hope Wolfpack agrees with this statement, they are the alliance that is getting even more beaten up than you. And that is pretty impressive.
A little here, a little there. That said, most curious.

[quote name='raasaa' date='16 February 2010 - 05:01 AM' timestamp='1266314484' post='2185334']
However you spin it, a bashing remains a bashing. All this talk about Honor and Pride is only to console yourselves that it is worth the beating that you are receiving.

Bottom line, Invicta is defending Vallhalla who in-turn is defending IRON who launched a pre-emptive strike on CnG with a CB based on paranoia. There is zero honor in that and u cant use the "just defending allies" card. Is it worth sentencing your whole alliance to ZI just so you can assist IRON with a pre-emptive strike on CnG...HECK NO.

I believe that peace terms offered included all the alliances that are related to Invicta.....this includes Valhalla and the bunch of alliances that came in to defend Invicta & Valhalla
Who are you to determine Invicta's value system? If it's worth it to them, it's worth to them, end of story.

No, not really.

Again, curious, but not unexpected I guess. Imma have to poke Jor about this one sometime. :P

[quote name='Nelchael' date='16 February 2010 - 05:54 AM' timestamp='1266317655' post='2185374']
Hey! Quit interrupting their chest-thumping with all your facts and logic!

Yay Invicta! Way to sacrifice your members for no good reason!
Again, who are you to determine Invicta's value system? If they think it's a good reason, it's a good reason, and there's no point !@#$%*ing about it here. And Invicta's not sacrificing anyone, people who still fight are doing it willingly. Those who don't can take the individual surrender terms. Invicta's resolve is stronger than ever, and when they put their mind to something, you will not break them with physical things like tanks and soldiers. You're going about this completely the wrong way. Learn your enemy, how he thinks, so that you may defeat him in his own combat. If your enemy fights with a spear, do you counter with a knife or a gun? Right now, you fight Invicta with a knife. You may damage their nations, but are completely ineffective at making them budge an inch. Just look back to TPF from the Karma War for a good example of Invicta's style of fighting at the moment.

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[quote name='kriekfreak' date='16 February 2010 - 04:09 AM' timestamp='1266322198' post='2185436']
If you think agreeing to disagree with the opposite is bawwing you have a lot to learn. Sure your alliance (and Valhalla) can do a lot to make us hurt. But that comes at a cost though, the cost of the rest of your allies reduced to ashes.

FAN did not consider the cost when DoWing, we wont consider the cost until the war is done and we look at rebuilding.

Our allies are standing firm and for that we thank them, we dont force them into or continuing war. It is their choice to stand with friends.

That being said, the 'white peace'(with conditions) with the cluase any alliance on your side at war can redeploy back into the war to dogpile another of our allies doesnt fly. We are ammendable to peace, its goood mkay? When a scenario arrives that allows for it without traitorous actions on our part we would look at. That being said we have pride and wont slink off into the shadows to watch the rest of our friends burn...

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[quote name='kriekfreak' date='16 February 2010 - 04:45 AM' timestamp='1266324301' post='2185462']
What great posturing though guy. [b]I think we are already engaged with most of Valhalla's allies[/b], am I correct? If so, I'm quite sure we are already bringing it.

Yes, your spaghetti ghost DoW covered most of them indeed.

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[quote name='Kryievla' date='16 February 2010 - 06:06 AM' timestamp='1266318384' post='2185385']
Does jumping into a war because you don't like the alliance in question and you have friends fighting constitute a defensive war then? I do not think so. I think it's pretty clear that it was an aggressive war. Not that I have a problem with aggressive wars, mind. I really truly don't. But let's call this what it is.

They may not have attacked if it were not for C&G being at war too, but that does not change it from being a war of aggression. No skipping around that, it is what it is, and that [b]activates the defensive portion of our contract[/b].
Even if i were to agree with that perspective....the fact remains that by defending IRON, you are helping them carry out their agenda of destroying C&G over a paranoid non-existent CB :D

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[quote name='Locke' date='16 February 2010 - 09:07 AM' timestamp='1266329264' post='2185515']
Who are you to determine Invicta's value system? If it's worth it to them, it's worth to them, end of story.
No, not really.
Again, curious, but not unexpected I guess. Imma have to poke Jor about this one sometime. :P
One of the members who is currently warring with them...and is not too happy about beating them to a pulp...but i guess thats war :(

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[quote name='Tick1' date='16 February 2010 - 12:52 AM' timestamp='1266299521' post='2184892']
Do you guys really even know what this war is about? You claim your fighting for the honor of your friends yet they where also dragged into a rather pointless war. Standing beside someone for nothing, seems rather worthless in my opinion so please enjoy the reduction program.
I'm betting if we abandoned our allies when the going gets tough you'd be in here mocking us for running out on them. Protip: when Invicta signs something, we honor it. If that means going to ZI for a "rather pointless war," then so be it. I'd rather be ZI'ed with honor intact instead of dropping friends at whim in order to save my infra.

[quote name='Bekloppt' date='16 February 2010 - 01:03 AM' timestamp='1266300187' post='2184933']
You're proud of being pretty much as good as GGA?

Also Stickmen has given you pretty good surrender terms. You're just too stubborn to admit you lost.
Ahh.... and this, kids, is a prime example of one member of the "uninformed public." Take note of his dismissive attitude, ignorance of facts, and subtle insult. Then notice how he casually leaves the thread, never to return.

[quote name='erikz' date='16 February 2010 - 02:15 AM' timestamp='1266304557' post='2185140']
Why does this need an announcement?

1. We all know you suck at war, this proves it ;)
2. If you want to spin this around you should have used the propaganda thread
If we suck so bad at war why is "the other side" pleading for us to take their terms? ;)

[quote name='raasaa' date='16 February 2010 - 05:01 AM' timestamp='1266314484' post='2185334']
However you spin it, a bashing remains a bashing. All this talk about Honor and Pride is only to console yourselves that it is worth the beating that you are receiving.
Reading comprehension is your friend. So far Invicta has lost only ~10 members so far, or only about ~5%. This is after several propaganda spam waves sent to everyone flying the Invicta AA. See my above response: we care more about honor then infra. Although you clearly would drop your friends to preserve your infra, we aren't like you. Sorry to burst your bubble.

[quote]Bottom line, Invicta is defending Vallhalla who in-turn is defending IRON who launched a pre-emptive strike on CnG with a CB based on paranoia. There is zero honor in that and u cant use the "just defending allies" card. Is it worth sentencing your whole alliance to ZI just so you can assist IRON with a pre-emptive strike on CnG...HECK NO.[/quote]
So, Valhalla [b]may[/b] have misjudged one of their allies. Yeah, that's a perfect excuse to just up and leave them hanging. Who cares about treaties and commitments anyway?
Nevermind the fact that your post clearly misses the big picture of things going on.

[quote]Also, unless the periphery wars are resolved and alliances start peacing out, there is NO WAY that people can even start thinking of peace for the alliances that initiated this entire war.[/quote]
CN history begs to differ.

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[quote name='Jorost' date='16 February 2010 - 01:06 AM' timestamp='1266278807' post='2183655']
Three-quarters of our nations are in anarchy, and many are at or approaching ZI and [b]bill lock[/b].

[b]I have never been prouder of my alliance.[/b]


Oh yes, because you don´t have to pay the bills, right? Way to set an example for our children! :awesome:

Jorost, please think about the children before you say things like that! Also, nice piece of propaganda you have there. If I recall correctly, you were extremely close to surrendering not so long ago. There was nothing you rather wanted than to surrender. Anyway, enjoy the fight! o/ :ph34r:

Edited by ikMark
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[quote name='kriekfreak' date='16 February 2010 - 03:37 AM' timestamp='1266309467' post='2185281']
We are giving them a nice clean way out, including their allies. It seems to me like you are either ill informed or you are just trying to garner sympathy for Invicta.
Yes, your "way out" involves us abandoning one of our allies and forcing another one of our allies to abandon its ally to bandwagoners.

Yeah that's totally clean.

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[quote name='Locke' date='16 February 2010 - 09:07 AM' timestamp='1266329264' post='2185515']
Seen Haf's?
Some of them have. They did a gather intel early on, and it was successful; however a bit later on someone else tried to get it and failed. So I guess coordination isn't what it's supposed to be. :awesome:

[quote name='chefjoe' date='16 February 2010 - 09:16 AM' timestamp='1266329805' post='2185524']
That being said, the 'white peace'(with conditions) with the cluase any alliance on your side at war can redeploy back into the war to dogpile another of our allies doesnt fly. We are ammendable to peace, its goood mkay? When a scenario arrives that allows for it without traitorous actions on our part we would look at. That being said we have pride and wont slink off into the shadows to watch the rest of our friends burn...
This is exactly why chefjoe is not like noWedge.

Wedgie would certainly have taken the deal on offer.

[quote name='raasaa' date='16 February 2010 - 09:33 AM' timestamp='1266330839' post='2185542']
One of the members who is currently warring with them...and is not too happy about beating them to a pulp...but i guess thats war :(
That's because of your alliance's own decisions. When we joined this war, you guys were on our side. It's not our fault you decided to switch sides.

[quote name='hizzy' date='16 February 2010 - 10:28 AM' timestamp='1266334111' post='2185596']
Alliances at war with Invicta;



(props to Acamas for the graphic)
Nice graph. And yeah, NV's war effort has been quite impressive.

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[quote name='hizzy' date='16 February 2010 - 03:28 PM' timestamp='1266334111' post='2185596']
Alliances at war with Invicta;


(props to Acamas for the graphic)

I thought that would be much greater after our redeployment. Guess NV isn't that good as I thought :unsure::smug:

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iFOK might as well surrender now, save themselves some pixels. Clearly you'll never defeat Invicta and you're losing lots of infra. Helping TOP or IRON get buried should be of no concern to iFOK regardless, so not sure why you're caught up on that.

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[quote name='Methrage' date='16 February 2010 - 11:05 AM' timestamp='1266336319' post='2185648']
iFOK might as well surrender now, save themselves some pixels. Clearly you'll never defeat Invicta and you're losing lots of infra.[/quote]

Invicta is already defeated. The moment they wake up and realize that, the war will end very quickly.

[quote] Helping TOP or IRON get buried should be of no concern to iFOK regardless, so not sure why you're caught up on that.[/quote]

OK, so it begins with IRON, goes through FAN, Valhalla, NoR, Invicta, and then....it gets confusing.

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[quote name='Penkala' date='15 February 2010 - 07:25 PM' timestamp='1266279955' post='2183707']
Either you don't understand warfare or you're purposely misrepresenting the odds Invicta is facing to garner sympathy.

And please stop complaining. It's not like your allies haven't done the same exact thing.
Seriously Penkala your a waste of pixels you bring nothing to the table other than bad breath. Their allies have done the same thing so have yours. Athens hitting an alliance for a tech raid. So please go back to your cave take a pen and paper write something usefull then come back.

[quote name='Mathias' date='15 February 2010 - 10:43 PM' timestamp='1266291796' post='2184282']
This announcement made me totally forget about Invicta supporting its allies while they ground innocent alliances into the dust simply because they felt like it. Honorable as always Invicta, supporting aggressive actions and all.

But I must say, sarcasm aside, I do support your policy of not surrendering. :v:
Agressive Actions there here due to an aggresive war by FAN who had no treaties yet decided to attack IRON.

[quote name='Snowbeast' date='15 February 2010 - 10:44 PM' timestamp='1266291885' post='2184289']
You guys are genuinely horrible at war. You should strongly consider going neutral. :)

[quote name='Bekloppt' date='16 February 2010 - 01:03 AM' timestamp='1266300187' post='2184933']
You're proud of being pretty much as good as GGA?

Also Stickmen has given you pretty good surrender terms. You're just too stubborn to admit you lost.
And now the obligatory MK PR brigade.

[quote name='Nelchael' date='16 February 2010 - 05:54 AM' timestamp='1266317655' post='2185374']
Hey! Quit interrupting their chest-thumping with all your facts and logic!

Yay Invicta! Way to sacrifice your members for no good reason!

Nel really man you know better than this. I remember when NV stood proudly with NpO in the NO CB war why would you question some one doing the same.

[quote name='kriekfreak' date='16 February 2010 - 06:59 AM' timestamp='1266321574' post='2185430']
Fair enough. We will see what happens after this though.
Why Kriek got plans to hit again after this one is over are you sure big brother will approve or will your orifices finally be clear enough you can do something on your own instead of yelling from behind big brother like a spoiled child.

[quote name='chefjoe' date='16 February 2010 - 09:16 AM' timestamp='1266329805' post='2185524']
FAN did not consider the cost when DoWing, we wont consider the cost until the war is done and we look at rebuilding.

Our allies are standing firm and for that we thank them, we dont force them into or continuing war. It is their choice to stand with friends.

That being said, the 'white peace'(with conditions) with the cluase any alliance on your side at war can redeploy back into the war to dogpile another of our allies doesnt fly. We are ammendable to peace, its goood mkay? When a scenario arrives that allows for it without traitorous actions on our part we would look at. That being said we have pride and wont slink off into the shadows to watch the rest of our friends burn...
To hell and back boss this is why I stay here

Many of you are correct terms have been offered but lets not confuse these terms for White Peace they are not and those that keep spouting they have been offered White Peace please. White Peace is a hand shake a nod of respect and everyone gets to go home. Stating that while the other side can peace out only to redeclare on others while the rest of us must stay home will not happen.

Cudos Invicta for standing strong it is appreciated.

o/ Invicta

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' date='16 February 2010 - 11:22 AM' timestamp='1266337346' post='2185677']
Invicta is already defeated. The moment they wake up and realize that, the war will end very quickly.
Once again, there goes someone trying to impose what Invicta should consider a victory or defeat on them. :rolleyes: If NoR were in this position and you saw it as a defeat for you and surrendered, good for you. But not everyone on Bob happens to share your value system.

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[quote name='Learz' date='16 February 2010 - 09:51 AM' timestamp='1266331886' post='2185557']
I'm betting if we abandoned our allies when the going gets tough you'd be in here mocking us for running out on them. Protip: when Invicta signs something, we honor it. If that means going to ZI for a "rather pointless war," then so be it. I'd rather be ZI'ed with honor intact instead of dropping friends at whim in order to save my infra.

If we suck so bad at war why is "the other side" pleading for us to take their terms? ;)

Reading comprehension is your friend. So far Invicta has lost only ~10 members so far, or only about ~5%. This is after several propaganda spam waves sent to everyone flying the Invicta AA. See my above response: we care more about honor then infra. Although you clearly would drop your friends to preserve your infra, we aren't like you. Sorry to burst your bubble.

So, Valhalla [b]may[/b] have misjudged one of their allies. Yeah, that's a perfect excuse to just up and leave them hanging. Who cares about treaties and commitments anyway?
Nevermind the fact that your post clearly misses the big picture of things going on.

CN history begs to differ.
I am yet to see anyone bashing Nueva Vida for exiting the noCB war after being stomped upon for 8 days....i wonder why :unsure:
To be ZI'ed with honor intact sounds great, on paper. Practically speaking, i would rather swallow some pride and take peace...only to rebuild and fight another day, when my alliance is better prepared for prolonged war.

The other side is not pleading for Invicta to take terms. The other side is trying to drive some sense into Invicta leadership...trying to ensure that something is left, post war, for Invicta to rebuild upon.

You do realize that number remains constant cos 3 or 4 nations surrendered, moved to the PoW AA, then returned to the Invicta AA and resumed fighting....very honorable move indeed. In my post i was not referring to the number of surrenders. I was only referring to the loss of NS and the multiple bill locked nations. We take no pleasure in doing this and would like to see Invicta get peace at the earliest.

As for us dropping friends to preserve our infra....well..all i can say is, we are awesome like that :awesome:

My post is not intended for the big picture, i am only concerned with the alliances that i am warring with. Being a lowly Lord and Imperator, everything else is of no relevance to me.

If Valhalla truly misjudged one of their allies, then time and energy would have been better spent on using diplomatic support to resolve the situation as opposed to military support.

[quote name='Vespassianus' date='16 February 2010 - 10:18 AM' timestamp='1266333512' post='2185586']
I don't approve this announcement, Invicta is over 2 mil again :D
That is bcos Solomon, a nation who was in a 1 man alliance named Purplol joined Invicta


[quote name='Haflinger' date='16 February 2010 - 10:39 AM' timestamp='1266334798' post='2185617']
That's because of your alliance's own decisions. When we joined this war, you guys were on our side. It's not our fault you decided to switch sides.

Nice graph. And yeah, NV's war effort has been quite impressive.
Switched sides....last war we defended Polar...this war we are defending NoR. Allies want assistance, we roll in, honoring our defensive commitments to them...where does "sides" come into the picture here ??

Thanks haflinger....sad to see that you had to pick zzzptm...of all the other targets in Nueva Vida :(

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[quote name='Buds The Man' date='16 February 2010 - 11:35 AM' timestamp='1266338107' post='2185688']
Nel really man you know better than this. I remember when NV stood proudly with NpO in the NO CB war why would you question some one doing the same.
We did...but we also realized that as far as military was concerned, we were of really no help to Polar in the war. We decided, rather I decided being emperor and all, that it would be better for Nueva Vida to peace out, rebuild and help Polar rebuild when they get out of war.

For the record, that ended with us having to shell out monetary reparations to 4 alliances :mad:

Edited by raasaa
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[quote name='raasaa' date='16 February 2010 - 11:37 AM' timestamp='1266338273' post='2185692']
Switched sides....last war we defended Polar...this war we are defending NoR. Allies want assistance, we roll in, honoring our defensive commitments to them...where does "sides" come into the picture here ??
Polar is still at war, and you're not defending them. If you were, we wouldn't be having a problem.

Instead, you're going off to defend one of your allies who's on the bandwagon.

[quote name='raasaa' date='16 February 2010 - 11:37 AM' timestamp='1266338273' post='2185692']
Thanks haflinger....sad to see that you had to pick zzzptm...of all the other targets in Nueva Vida :(
You know perfectly well this was coming. If you guys had been more receptive to our fairly reasonable requests about zzzptm two years ago, heck, we'd probably have been fighting on your side back then too.

I know that I would have, anyway.

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