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Clarification from The Legion

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[quote name='shahenshah' date='12 February 2010 - 08:51 AM' timestamp='1265964683' post='2177315']
You fail at reading comprehension and now you intend to ZI the entire alliance for your own mistake. I hope the others on the front have more common sense than this.
show me where I said ZI. Seriously...show me.

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[quote name='Hyperion321' date='12 February 2010 - 03:09 PM' timestamp='1265969386' post='2177372']
show me where I said ZI. Seriously...show me.

[quote]Your alliance will be [u]completely[/u] and utterly destroyed. Your tech - pillaged. Your nations - flattened. Your citizens - wiped out. [/quote]

If it means something else, my bad and I'll take back the ZI word. Hope to see clarification on what it means.

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[quote name='shahenshah' date='12 February 2010 - 10:26 AM' timestamp='1265970392' post='2177377']
If it means something else, my bad and I'll take back the ZI word. Hope to see clarification on what it means.
it does mean something else. It means we're going to beat/destroy/whatever word you want to use them to a point where they can't continue the war. which would be [i]complete[/i] victory on our part :P . I'll admit I used emphatic wording but you should know that Sparta of all alliances would never ZI another entire alliance, nor could we really. I don't think any alliance could ZI nearly 400 people at once. Not even NPO could against FAN in years of time.

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Judge Nando presiding in the case Sparta v. Legion.

1. Sparta assumed that the phrase I understand meant I (We, The Legion) accept the terms.
2. Legion failed to inform and clarify for Sparta that it was not an acceptance of terms and that "I understand" meant I will take this back to be discussed with other people.
3. Sparta never offered White Peace if the final offer contained a clause preventing Legion from entering on another front to help allies.
4. Sparta should have asked if the terms were understood. Then should have asked if the terms were accepted. Then finally also asked to use offiical signatures on a surrender document. At this point Hub or whoever would realize and state to Sparta that a process has to take place for this surrender to be finalized. Legion representatives will contact you asap when this process is finalized to inform Sparta that the terms are accepted/rejected, etc.
5. The Legion knowing its in a state of war should have been ready to send the appropriate negotiators or not send anyone at all until they were available.
6. A clear line of authority by the Legion needs to be in place or if it is already it needs to work to communicate better with adversaries during peace negotiations at the start of each meeting so these adversaries are aware of your long processes.

Finally, both alliances have shown a lot of hostility here. Both Sparta and the Legion are equally wrong in the way they have treated each other in this and other discussion topics. You are still at war with each other, but I urge you to recognize that you both misbehaved and made errors in the peace negotiation. When you do begin peace talks again, recognize the mistakes but do not use them against each other. Further, if you don't have a mediator/witness I suggest you get one that is fair and can present honest logs if necessary.


Edited by Fernando12
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[quote name='Lord Fingolfin' date='12 February 2010 - 04:43 AM' timestamp='1265946219' post='2176333']
Last night/this morning I met with Sparta to discuss peace and to give them our resounding no to the demand of reps to the tune of 600 million on the grounds that we did not enter an aggressive war as they argued, but rather entered only defensively in support of IRON. Tulak countered that their General Assembly voted to give us white peace, no reps. After much deliberation I gave them this answer
I'm really wondering how you can enter "defensively" for IRON when it was IRON that agressively started this war.

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[quote name='Tromp' date='12 February 2010 - 12:07 PM' timestamp='1265976426' post='2177441']
I'm really wondering how you can enter "defensively" for IRON when it was IRON that agressively started this war.
But Tromp have you not heard! its all CnG's fault, TOP and IRON are entirely blameless :ehm:

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[quote name='Tromp' date='12 February 2010 - 06:07 AM' timestamp='1265976426' post='2177441']
I'm really wondering how you can enter "defensively" for IRON when it was IRON that agressively started this war.
It all depends on how anyone interprets things. If all wars by those that declared to start the war and those that later enter to assist them are characterized as offensive wars then people will view it your way.

Instead some people may view it where all of CnG and each mutual defense allies they have enter is fine. But when CnGs allies' ally enters via optional aggression to support a treaty partner yet they are not directly MDP'd to any CnG alliance, then that is how some may interpret it as in defense of IRON or whoever.

Technically really it could be argued both ways I suppose.

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[quote name='King DrunkWino' date='12 February 2010 - 03:08 AM' timestamp='1265965707' post='2177330']
We passed the WTF threshold a long time back. This war has gone full retard and fast approaching division by zero.


You realize this may be the greatest post ever, right?

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[b]*puts on overalls and white suite. Readying to use his southern gentlemen accent.[/b]

Now I am a simple man, born and raised in the bayou, father was a poor mountaineer, barely kept us fed. Momma was a 600 pound former alligator wrestler named Chunk. But in all of my time on Bob I have learned that we all make mistakes. Have we not all fell for the 'Look stain on your shirt' trick when they flick your nose. Have we not all awaken to he sound of police sirens and a hooker named Lucile that [i]was[/i] hot the last night, but now has a scar that came from [i]his[/i] prison sentence, and a missing eye. Can't we all admit that this was an honest mistake and move on. Can we not all continue to send hundreds of thousands of non-exsistant soldiers to their deaths, Admin willing we will find peace someday. But let us make sure it is a right and legal peace.

Edited by Nedved I
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[quote name='Hymenbreach' date='12 February 2010 - 12:14 PM' timestamp='1265976863' post='2177444']
Oh, and wasn't the invention of the Imperator supposed to stop &#$@ ups like this?


With the right person in the position, that is.


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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='12 February 2010 - 08:21 AM' timestamp='1265980888' post='2177494']
[color="#0000FF"]Is it just me or is it more interesting that Sparta was initially demanding 600 million in reparations from a fairly small alliance?[/color]
No. not really

This whole saga is quite hilarious

Edited by wickedj
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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='12 February 2010 - 01:21 PM' timestamp='1265980888' post='2177494']
[color="#0000FF"]Is it just me or is it more interesting that Sparta was initially demanding 600 million in reparations from a fairly small alliance?[/color]
Sparta are original unpunished Hegemony. Its their unchallenged and unchanged modus operandi to shake down alliances for cash and/or tech.

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So basically Legion has absolutely no idea what it wants, and its government is vetoing itself several times? :huh:

You probably made the right decision – pulling out while leaving alliances on the other side to redeploy means your friends get rolled harder. But the process by which you got there is laughable, it would appear.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='12 February 2010 - 02:21 PM' timestamp='1265980888' post='2177494']
Is it just me or is it more interesting that Sparta was initially demanding 600 million in reparations from a fairly small alliance?
I'm with fail here. Those reps could take upwards 20 days for legion to pay off. This is would mean almost 5% of their aid slots would be tied up for well over 2 weeks. For shame sparta!

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I am amazed that such a simple thing is causing so much "outrage" and anger on both sides. Peace is off, get over it and get back to fighting, the whole pissing contest and promises of "you'll pay for this!" just make everyone involved look bad.

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[quote name='neneko' date='12 February 2010 - 02:03 PM' timestamp='1265983383' post='2177526']
I'm with fail here. Those reps could take upwards 20 days for legion to pay off. This is would mean almost 5% of their aid slots would be tied up for well over 2 weeks. For shame sparta!
The only surprise is that MK werent to get their mandatory 10k tech for not being at war with them. :rolleyes:

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