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Which opponent was the most enjoyable to fight?


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In all the wars you've fought in, which opponent was the most pleasant? I don't just mean in this war..... what about in Karma, War of the Coalition, the Unjust War, etc? (if you can remember that far back, of course.)

Consider this a kind of shoutouts thread but not restricted to this war.

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In VietFAN there was this BayEagle guy that was pretty cool, I even talked to him during the 2nd VietFAN, but idkk if he still plays the game.

and during the Karma war, there was this chill dude in IRON (I was MHA at the time) &I can't remember his name, but he was funny and yeah, I wonder if he is still in IRON.

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Let's see, UJW, the Gen[m]ay guys I fought were pretty cool.
NoCB War, all 3 Valhallans I fought at the start were very cool, and so was NobodyExpects of BAPS, as well as a few others whose names are now fuzzy memories.
Karma War . . . I remember fighting SSSW18 and TOOL, but I can't remember the individuals.
This war, Neoche666 is the only one talking. I'm sure I'll find more opponents, though.

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UJW - Fought Schattenmann who was in GOONS at the time. We were both noobs though.
WotC - Fought a few Vox nations. Wanted to be on their side. :(
Karma - Fought FEAR, UCN, & NATO targets. Not too bad, but periphery of the war.
Bi-Polar - Fighting loltex and jstep. Nukes flying, alongside plenty of strategy and coordination from both sides. Right in the heart of the war and having lots of fun with them.

So yeah, this one.

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limited experience:

tC/NoV war - Legio-x was a fun group (though can't remember who I fought)
Karma - Andrewbw of Sparta and SeparhimJulius of Brigade were tough and great opponents ^_^ (don't remember the DT nation and the other Sparta I fought against)
this war (I'd go w/ Bipolar) - again Sparta (my nation's not very talkative) and RIA's Dani C - not just a tough, good foe but quite friendly too

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UJW: I don't remember it was some NpO nations.
WoTC: Again don't remember they were MK nations though.
Karma War: Quagsville of RnR, hes a great opponent.
This War: Again I fought Quagsville great guy, and Xiphosis was another great opponent. It was fun nuking him a couple of times.

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!00% for sure General Zico from the BAPS war.

The guy single handidly fought us for 6 months launching 100+nukes(I cant recall the exact count and dont feel like digging thru old mil threads).

Guy had heart and had fun with it, gained my respect for him and BAPS as a whole for sure.

Not to mention I learned a LOT about what a nation with cash an MP and the willpower to use them can do to be a royal pain in the $@!. :P

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None of them. I have never fought a foe who was worth my time, almost gotten to but the war ended too quickly. Hopefully, I will get to meet a few worthy foes as TOP falls.

Worthy = (on at update at least once D:)

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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GWII: Don't remember, GOONS, didn't talk any.
UJW: NV I think, they were relatively cool I guess. My memory sucks tbh.
WotC: Tyga! Was a blast fighting him, I had no SDI and he convinced me to get one, his SDI was a beast. :awesome:
Karma: Myworld, was in DT I think? Was meh, heh.
Bipolar War: two HoG guys, one is inactive, other is pretty cool; and a LoSS guy who likes to glow, which of course makes him my kind of guy :blush:

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UJW - no-one that great.
noCB war - imatt15
Karma war - imatt15 (Joined MK just to fight him one more time! It was fun and after that he quit. He came back a few days ago though :))
This war - ... They are not talking much. Maybe because they feel the pain of their dead pixels...

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[quote name='Penlugue Solaris' date='07 February 2010 - 05:10 AM' timestamp='1265519438' post='2166047']
None of them. I have never fought a foe who was worth my time, almost gotten to but the war ended too quickly. Hopefully, I will get to meet a few worthy foes as TOP falls.

Worthy = (on at update at least once D:)

I thought we had a good war? Perception is everything I suppose.

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I don't really recall whom I've fought during my time on CN with only a few exceptions.

I warred with Flonker (MASH) and he proved a strong opponent. In addition my current MHA opponents are fun to battle as well, make you wonder though how the battles would have gone if the nuke button had not been pushed.

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noCB War - I was in MK for this one (left FCC to join them) - fought against NPO and VE nations. This one was fun, launched 18 successful nukes throughout the war. I got Manhattan Project as my most recent wonder before this war started. This war was fun while it was going on, but considering I had given up on everything I had worked towards in CN to join MK (Infra - haha :awesome: , FCC, and The Citadel) once the war ended I felt empty. It was a lot of fun while it lasted, just an unsatisfying ending. Took a while for me to regain much interest in CN after this one ended, as I never planned for peace when entering. I was happy with my casualties stat going up though.

My pre-war stats
[QUOTE]Technology: 2,560.85
Infrastructure: 6,999.99
Area of Influence: 3,092.254 mile diameter.
Nation Strength: 50,765.372
Nuclear Weapons: 20
Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars: 7,851 Attacking + 3,490 Defending = 11,341 Casualties[/QUOTE]

My post-war stats
[QUOTE]Technology: 2,251.35
Infrastructure: 4,905.01
Area of Influence: 1,681.598 mile diameter.
Nation Strength: 28,353.229
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars: 186,638 Attacking + 426,055 Defending = 612,693 Casualties [/QUOTE]

I used all my nukes, and MP proved to be quite useful.
Nukes Launched (Successful Hit): 18
Nukes Launched (Blocked by SDI): 6
Nukes Received (Successful Hit): 4
Nukes Received (Blocked by SDI): 9

Karma War - In this one I was King of FCC and declared on IRON in support of Gremlins. I was happy to come to the assistance of an ally and enjoyed this one, although when everyone wanted to discuss peace terms it was a hassle to deal with. I wasn't happy with how harsh some wanted terms to be, but overall I was satisfied with the peace agreement reached in the end. For this war WRC was my recent wonder I had gotten before it started, so I got to have fun with that.

In the Karma War I went from 9k infra to around the same as after the noCB war, so about 4.9k infra. In this war I was an alliance leader rather than a grunt launching off nukes in all directions, so that meant dealing with more stuff.

Hard to say which I enjoyed more, probably Karma War because it felt like I won and accomplished something. I started playing right before the Unjust War, so it was always NPO who seemed to be that mountain to climb as they had a lot of control after that war. I remember once way back in a conversation referring to NPO as the main boss in a video game you need to beat to win CN half joking... (didn't get to actually fight NPO in this war though, but all the same. IRON nations I fought actually did a lot more damage than any NPO & VE did in noCB war, they were fun opponents) :v:

This war - This one is still in progress, so we'll see. :)

Edited by Methrage
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