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The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds given adequate vacuuming systems

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[quote name='goldielax25' date='03 February 2010 - 07:20 PM' timestamp='1265242847' post='2157458']
I declare this treaty null, where is the Florida clause?

Sanity Clause nicked it to pay for his pixie stix habit.

[quote name='ShadowDragon' date='03 February 2010 - 12:45 PM' timestamp='1265219110' post='2156782']
In the spirit of mutual friendship, protection and converging interests, the 57th Overlanders (57th) and the Random Insanity Alliance (RIA), do hereby agree to this treaty of Mutual Defence and Optional Offense in good faith and fully aware of the obligations it puts on them to the other.

What I want to know is who got whom drunk first, and what can you do in 8.6 seconds that I can't?

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o/ RIA Always a pleasure doing business.

Mech you lost your privileges to whimper when you packed your bags and left like a 5 year old that couldn't handle a sleep over.

Shart bite me, you're still whining about a one night affair that was settled peacefully, and to stand there and say you would not accept information from an old friend about a planned attack on your alliance is beyond ridiculous, to attempt to call it spying is down right idiotic.

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[quote name='DesertSon' date='04 February 2010 - 09:37 AM' timestamp='1265305045' post='2159013']
Mech you lost your privileges to whimper when you packed your bags and left like a 5 year old that couldn't handle a sleep over.[/quote]

Not whimpering, just find it curious that under the new regime things have taken a turn from what the alliance was built on. I mean, I would know these things what with me being a co-founder of HPS and the 57th and the very thing that your boss is changing is a core value those alliances were built upon: Friends/allies are defended no matter what. Now it's whenever you fall under these specific guidelines. Why do you think I made the change to signing only MDPs and greater for the 57th?

You can insult me all you like, doesn't change the fact that the 57th is changing its core beliefs for whatever reason your boss has decided upon.

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[quote name='Mechanus' date='04 February 2010 - 07:04 PM' timestamp='1265310299' post='2159140']
Not whimpering, just find it curious that under the new regime things have taken a turn from what the alliance was built on. I mean, I would know these things what with me being a co-founder of HPS and the 57th and the very thing that your boss is changing is a core value those alliances were built upon: Friends/allies are defended no matter what. Now it's whenever you fall under these specific guidelines. Why do you think I made the change to signing only MDPs and greater for the 57th?

You can insult me all you like, doesn't change the fact that the 57th is changing its core beliefs for whatever reason your boss has decided upon.


You have long since lost any right to lecture the 57th, or indeed any of her members, about her ideals. I seem to remember honour and loyalty being in them somewhere and you are lacking in both. HPS's ideals were purely about survival, as you well know, so I don't see the application unless you're trying to impress people by saying that you were here with the rest of us way back when. As for altering a core ideal, this is merely a solution to a practical matter, a matter you yourself admitted while Captain was going to eventually (and in fact did) put the 57th in a situation where she could neither enter nor exit the field with honour. I refer of course to our decision to not defend Veritas Aequitas in the Karma conflict. A war in which they were attacked prior to the attack on RIA (the alliance whose side we entered in on).

Where was our "Friends/allies are defended no matter what." there? We made a political decision that was in the best interests of the 57th. You applied the same thinking here as what has been written in this treaty. Where does the greater dishonour lie? The alliance that says it will back its allies/friends regardless of the circumstances, and then deliberately ignores treaties? Or the alliance that does what it says it will, even if that means admitting some uncomfortable truths?

I do enjoy the way you continue to believe that the 57th revolved around yourself though. If anything, it merely cements my view on why you left the 57th, but that is neither here nor there. What is at the heart of this is that we're finally admitting that we are physically do as we had previously promised. We lack the numbers, the material and the general capacity to do so. The 57th cannot fight on opposite sides of a conflict, it is logistically and politically impossible for her to do so at the present time. I'm not sure that there's a single alliance out there that could reasonably claim that they could.

Our core beliefs haven't changed dramatically. We're dealing in practical issues and pursuing practical alternatives as opposed to trying to get the ideal solution to work. We're still trying to figure how exactly we're to be able to defend multiple allies from multiple hostiles who are quite likely opposing each other and manage to keep the 57th intact.

This all said, if you think for a second that you can hit an ally of ours and not have your head blown off provided we're in a position to do so, well, try your luck, see how far it gets you.

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[quote name='Veneke' date='05 February 2010 - 06:24 AM' timestamp='1265379878' post='2161450']

You have long since lost any right to lecture the 57th, or indeed any of her members, about her ideals. I seem to remember honour and loyalty being in them somewhere and you are lacking in both. HPS's ideals were purely about survival, as you well know, so I don't see the application unless you're trying to impress people by saying that you were here with the rest of us way back when. As for altering a core ideal, this is merely a solution to a practical matter, a matter you yourself admitted while Captain was going to eventually (and in fact did) put the 57th in a situation where she could neither enter nor exit the field with honour. I refer of course to our decision to not defend Veritas Aequitas in the Karma conflict. A war in which they were attacked prior to the attack on RIA (the alliance whose side we entered in on).

Where was our "Friends/allies are defended no matter what." there? We made a political decision that was in the best interests of the 57th. You applied the same thinking here as what has been written in this treaty. Where does the greater dishonour lie? The alliance that says it will back its allies/friends regardless of the circumstances, and then deliberately ignores treaties? Or the alliance that does what it says it will, even if that means admitting some uncomfortable truths?

I do enjoy the way you continue to believe that the 57th revolved around yourself though. If anything, it merely cements my view on why you left the 57th, but that is neither here nor there. What is at the heart of this is that we're finally admitting that we are physically do as we had previously promised. We lack the numbers, the material and the general capacity to do so. The 57th cannot fight on opposite sides of a conflict, it is logistically and politically impossible for her to do so at the present time. I'm not sure that there's a single alliance out there that could reasonably claim that they could.

Our core beliefs haven't changed dramatically. We're dealing in practical issues and pursuing practical alternatives as opposed to trying to get the ideal solution to work. We're still trying to figure how exactly we're to be able to defend multiple allies from multiple hostiles who are quite likely opposing each other and manage to keep the 57th intact.

This all said, if you think for a second that you can hit an ally of ours and not have your head blown off provided we're in a position to do so, well, try your luck, see how far it gets you.

There's just one problem with your story. I was in touch with VA the entire time the KARMA war was happening and Mrott, Conner, and I were all in agreement about how things could happen and what should be done should things fall along certain lines. You can try to paint it as if I didn't follow along certain lines, and I'm sure you'll do a good job what with the way you slant things to your benefit no matter how blatantly wrong you might be (see your cancellation on SSX and your attempted reasoning as to what they should do to fix the problem), but you'll still be wrong. VA and the 57th worked together during the KARMA war, unlike the 57th declaring on an ally of VA this time around. Can't say I ever went that route while I was in the 57th.

And the 57th never revolved around me. If that were the case, I'd have ended its life as soon as I chose to retire. No, instead I handed the reigns over to someone that is so full of himself and his self-imposed idea of 'honour' that you've actually ran off quality membership. Hell, you even let one of the nicest people in the game take the fall for a grudge that you bear against an alliance that has every right to exist. Still bitter about BC? Still holding onto the original IRC channel so that they can't take it back?

I left because no matter how many times I tried to explain my reasoning for wanting to leave, you never got it. I talked to others and they could understand, but not you. You continued to berate me with 'why why why' and I got to the point where I grew tired of your inability to grasp concepts. So when I finally left, and I make no excuse for leaving the way I did which was quite the $@!*(#$ way of leaving, you turned around and made me the pariah of the alliance, blaming all of the problems you have upon me.

You do whatever you do and keep thinking that those precious numbers mean something. Keep thinking that grudge against Browncoats will fuel some sort of desire to do....something. Keep thinking whatever you need to to try and reason with yourself that you're doing 'great things'. But don't think that you are doing things out of a practical manner and that I was no better off. I might not have been a perfect leader, but I sure as hell cared more about the membership than I did about the alliance having ### NS and ### nations.

You keep on keeping on. I'm sure those burdens you bear will get you far.

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