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Event Bug

Ying Yang Mafia

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For the fourth time in the past year my nation has received the "flood" event quoted below.

Flooding has become a problem in your nation due to the recent heavy rains.

and my subsequent response

Option 1: Take action and build dams and levees in the areas prone to flooding. Citizen income -$5.00.

While I understand that nothing appears to be wrong with this event it is extremely important to take note that my nation's entire existence has been spent in the city of Dubai, located in the United Arab Emirates.


The maximum rainfall Dubai will get on average in one month is 25mm which is the equivalent of about one inch [source]. Since the average elevation of Dubai is 8m (source) it is thoroughly implausible that my nation would flood even once, let alone four times.

And while this is splitting hairs, I believe that after the first two tries the third levee system built by my nation would be sufficient enough to prevent flooding even from a rainfall comparable to the record of an astonishing 150mm.

Since this event has extremely negative effects I believe this bug is extremely detrimental both to my nation and any other unfortunate ruler who believes he is safe from the horrors of floods such as those in Katrina and should be addressed as soon as possible.

Thank you for your time,


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Didn't you know, global warming is raising the sea levels. B-)

Seriously, events are not based on your nation's location on the map. We have players who put their nations in the middle of oceans to make pretty pictures on the map like this so any event correlation to map position would be pointless.

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Didn't you know, global warming is raising the sea levels. B-)

Seriously, events are not based on your nation's location on the map. We have players who put their nations in the middle of oceans to make pretty pictures on the map like this so any event correlation to map position would be pointless.

I think he's complaining about getting the same event 4 times in a row, but I'm not sure myself. <_<

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