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To be fair, in Grub's initial DoW, he said he knew one of your allies was going to defend, and expected them to.

Well he could have declared on both as well then. Seems he din't feel outraged enough to forget his tactics. A shame all that planning won't keep out PCs allies now.

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Well he could have declared on both as well then. Seems he din't feel outraged enough to forget his tactics. A shame all that planning won't keep out PCs allies now.

True... but honestly I don't pretend to think Grub or his staff & compatriots were that naive. It's easier to plead a case of defense to your allies than a case of optional Aggression in the face of a global conflict.

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Love your willingness to defend your allies FOK, you've always been good that way. Can't understand why you'd have those two as allies in the first place, but that's your call. Good luck.

\m/ isn't an ally of FOK.

PC is and we are extremely happy with them. They even brought the beer last time!

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LMAO @ you, you are either a liar or ignorant of the facts, Grub/NpO never even spoke to PC prior to the intial attack, nothing was handled. NpO was to fearful of this happening to attack PC for the same supposed reasons it was attacking \m/. Just another classless manuever from a NpO Emperor, too bad NpO's allies are going to burn for Grubs lack of class and decorum.

also :P

Now we have a \m/ member trying to talk down to Grub about His lack of class and decorum? How about yours? Oh that is right, \m/ cares not about being hypocrites.

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Now we have a \m/ member trying to talk down to Grub about His lack of class and decorum? How about yours? Oh that is right, \m/ cares not about being hypocrites.

Obviously, \m/ holds everyone but their members to pristine standards of "class and decorum"

Apparently they're allowed to because they're \m/?


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The righteous few will be rewarded, while those who doubt the word of god and the word of admin most benevolent will be struck down by the weight of their injustices against those who follow the word of GOD.

Green are the waters.

FOK, do you hear the word of god in this fight?

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FOK is supporting \m/? This is not surprising. The Dutch have liberal views on abortion, and the 'reformed' \m/ certainly qualifies as one.

This is a very classy comment. Maybe you would be better off shutting up.

The righteous few will be rewarded, while those who doubt the word of god and the word of admin most benevolent will be struck down by the weight of their injustices against those who follow the word of GOD.

Green are the waters.

FOK, do you hear the word of god in this fight?

What? It's probably some witty reference I don't get. Could you please explain?

Edited by erikz
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LMAO @ you, you are either a liar or ignorant of the facts, Grub/NpO never even spoke to PC prior to the intial attack, nothing was handled. NpO was to fearful of this happening to attack PC for the same supposed reasons it was attacking \m/. Just another classless manuever from a NpO Emperor, too bad NpO's allies are going to burn for Grubs lack of class and decorum.

also :P

You talk of ignorance and class, yet nowhere in my post did i say PC was spoken too. It is you who is ignorant and lacks class.

also :P

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That was an extremely classy comment.

This is a very classy comment. Maybe you would be better off shutting up.

Because of course I care what you and others think. It keeps me up at night, in fact.

I guess you're against reformations in general or?

Reformations are fine, when they involve the key people from the to-be-resurrected alliance. (This was true with Nordreich.) Most of the important people associated with \m/ 1.0 are either long-gone or residing elsewhere.

None of this is relevant to FOK's DoW, so I will not mention it further in this thread. Instead I shall enjoy watching UjP2.0 burn.

Edited by Ashoka the Great
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Because of course I care what you and others think. It keeps me up at night, in fact.

Reformations are fine, when they involve the key people from the to-be-resurrected alliance. (This was true with Nordreich.) Most of the important people associated with \m/ 1.0 are either long-gone or residing elsewhere.

None of this is relevant to FOK's DoW, so I will not mention it further in this thread. Instead I shall enjoy watching UjP2.0 burn.

No offense, but it's not as though NoR is something you'd call a quality alliance. To assume that it's any better than \m/ is just plain naive on your part. If \m/ is terrible, then as ctb said NoR = ?

The answer is equally terrible.

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No offense, but it's not as though NoR is something you'd call a quality alliance. To assume that it's any better than \m/ is just plain naive on your part. If \m/ is terrible, then as ctb said NoR = ?

The answer is equally terrible.

I don't see NoR rushing off to raid 30+-member alliances.

There is a qualitative difference. If you can't see it I can recommend a good opthamologist.

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Because of course I care what you and others think. It keeps me up at night, in fact.

When it comes to OOC matters, you should not be this naive. At least when you take a look at your own history. In fact, many great alliances has fought the old hegemony to make sure that OOC stuff stay out of this world

I don't see NoR rushing off to raid 30+-member alliances.

If this is your only way of measuring the quality of an alliance you are in for a surprise

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