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So you chose to escelate a war that would have otherwise have stayed contained. in the end its your funeral so w/w floats your boat I guess

I love the crying now that the sides have evened up. If you can't run with the big dogs then stay on the porch.

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It is more than amusing to see Grub trying to turn this around claiming we escalated this, when in fact the blatant lie was this was a confined issue in the first place.

Not punishing one techraid and come down on the other one, is not containment. It's unfair. Attacking an alliance with a treaty and warning their ally not to come to their aid or else thing might "escalate" is not containment. It's against the political consensus of this game. This kind of crooked justice is the only thing that needs to be confined.

Containment, huh? The fifties called and they want their... oh never mind.

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It is more than amusing to see Grub trying to turn this around claiming we escalated this, when in fact the blatant lie was this was a confined issue in the first place.

Not punishing one techraid and come down on the other one, is not containment. It's unfair. Attacking an alliance with a treaty and warning their ally not to come to their aid or else thing might "escalate" is not containment. It's against the political consensus of this game. This kind of crooked justice is the only thing that needs to be confined.

Containment, huh? The fifties called and they want their... oh never mind.

Hey, you're the ones that attacked citing your "optional aggression" clause. Escalation is...Kinda technically what you did.

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This is why everyone in the game would want to have a treaty with Fok.

I like how some Polar members are already getting a bitter after taste of this feast.

Have fun to both sides.

B-b-b-but this is a weakened Polaris! Im not sure from *WHAT* exactly, i mean i know PC and \m/ can create quite the tag team but dang they weakened the #2 alliance

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Not punishing one techraid and come down on the other one, is not containment. It's unfair. Attacking an alliance with a treaty and warning their ally not to come to their aid or else thing might "escalate" is not containment. It's against the political consensus of this game.

Would you say that an alliance going against its own charter is more or less "against the political consensus of this world"?

I ask only for information.

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Would you say that an alliance going against its own charter is more or less "against the political consensus of this world"?

I ask only for information.

If anything we've proven that an alliance attempting to impose it's police mentality on others goes against the political consensus of this world.

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If anything we've proven that an alliance attempting to impose it's police mentality on others goes against the political consensus of this world.

That's sort of like playing minesweeper, but knowing where all the mines are, yet clicking the bombs anyways isn't it?

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That's sort of like playing minesweeper, but knowing where all the mines are, yet clicking the bombs anyways isn't it?

When I was a kid, I always thought the mines were good, because the little face used to make a funny expression when I got one. :(

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We are here to even the odds a little. Polar brought the escalation with bringing NSO in, before that it was an even war, we weren't planning to bring anyone in unless we would be attacked by outsiders. I thought Polar wanted a fair and even fight?

Also you weren't planning on giving PC peace anytime soon, Grub was changing his demands every time we spoke with him, and in the end he took all the offers of the table.

And don't worry about funerals, we will do just fine :) I would be more worried about your 176 nations in anarchy.

You seem bitter, don't forget to have fun, thats what this game is all about, have fun and good luck!


You are a bare faced liar, I honestly do not know how you can come on these forums and sprout total rubbish like that... oh wait I do, it suits your agenda.

Polaris has made an offer, it is final, it is current and it is not going to be debated any further. Fight if you want to fight, burn if you want to burn, but do not try to spin this around on me. Also lol, liar.

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You are a bare faced liar, I honestly do not know how you can come on these forums and sprout total rubbish like that... oh wait I do, it suits your agenda.

Polaris has made an offer, it is final, it is current and it is not going to be debated any further. Fight if you want to fight, burn if you want to burn, but do not try to spin this around on me. Also lol, liar.

Don't hold it in Grub, tell us how you really feel.

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You are a bare faced liar, I honestly do not know how you can come on these forums and sprout total rubbish like that... oh wait I do, it suits your agenda.

Polaris has made an offer, it is final, it is current and it is not going to be debated any further. Fight if you want to fight, burn if you want to burn, but do not try to spin this around on me. Also lol, liar.

Your posts smack of total and absolute hypocrisy. Not because of what the poster you're replying to has stated, but that you accuse him of spinning this against you. Both sides are actively courting the international scene on who is at fault and who is on the "right side" of things. Saying someone is a liar, while not providing proof of what they say is wrong is simply hearsay. Your word versus his, and frankly that doesn't mean that you're right or he is.

Perhaps if you provided a little more than the usual bellicose language, we might be able to get somewhere.

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You are a bare faced liar, I honestly do not know how you can come on these forums and sprout total rubbish like that... oh wait I do, it suits your agenda.

Polaris has made an offer, it is final, it is current and it is not going to be debated any further. Fight if you want to fight, burn if you want to burn, but do not try to spin this around on me. Also lol, liar.

Mmmm, maybe directly negotiating something would help. It would show respect. Insead you used a middleman to do you dirty work. How brave.

+ yes you frustrated the peace negotiations so this is what you got. Just get over it and have fun.

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