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From the Desk of Shogun Tokugawa Mitsukuni

Pyramid Scottish Assault Squadron

In the midst of this charming post-TPF-nuts-up post-not-war we're-all-bored-as-hell moment I thought I'd take a moment to address probably the most consistent issue which comes up time and again in these hallowed halls. Yes, it's another boring rant. Yes, I'm going to use upsettingly specific examples. Yes, I invite constructive commentary. Yes, I like your mom's breakfast cooking when I'm coming downstairs in the morning. Let's proceed.

1. The State of the Open World Forum

Let's be really honest for a moment here. Something like ninety-five percent of national rulers within the 'verse can't string together a sentence more complicated than "I :wub: you!" or "o/ (instert alliance name)" or "NO U". Being well spoken isn't exactly a requirement for being a part of this congress of thought and, generally, is discouraged since it means the other person(s) reading your words will be confused, might have to think and/or might not be able to crack off a witty remark in less than ten seconds before they run off to have a sycophantic laugh with their cohorts (IRON, pay attention here). Thus, the general proceedings have devolved into something you'd find on the playground when Child A knocks over Child B's sandcastle and Children C-K stand around taunting them into a fight before the Adults (the instruments of Admin's wrath) step in and tell them to knock it all off. As charming as this is, it's also rather tedious. Rinse, wash, repeat[1].

That being said, people are here craving what we all refer as THE DRAMA. On rare occasions some brave soul moves away from raising a safe topic and maybe causing the collective heart rate to move up a bit. Of course, it's very important to insult them, trash them and generally call them names or whatever in the hope that they'll care about your opinion and go away. If they don't then things really get fun, especially if they have some collection of menials to back them up, and the shouting begins where the literary skills of the 'verse can be brought to bear (see above for examples). This, in turn, cues some faux kindness where people are actually being terribly insulting while attempting to use cuddly language (calling others "sir" or whatever is a common one) and things spiral until the boredom returns, the inevitable "do something about it" argument starts or and everyone gets all hyped up as a way to fill the void between the end of the current DRAMA and the start of the next. A victory for intelligent discourse, certainly.

2. Why is it this way?

Everyone is bored and lazy. They want to be entertained but they don't want to provide entertainment for themselves. That, or they're cowards who don't want to risk their own supposedly-good standing in this community. Or we're all just content with the moronic state of drivel that goes on and don't really want to alter it - this actually falls under being lazy but deserves a special mention.

3. Why doesn't it change?

Cowardice, plain and simple. Prior to the commencement of the Karma War (yes, I used the K-word, yes the discussion will get derailed for it, whatever) everyone was afraid of Pacifica and Co. because if they said the wrong thing they'd get rolled. Now people are afraid because either some quasi-impulsive alliance[2] will decide to execute a massive tech raid or some big but impotent alliance[3] will harass them and drive them away. Everyone wants to be the hero but nobody wants to put in the effort. And yes, I'm sure there are some Big Bad people out there who'll show up and say "Look at me, I'm so bad I don't care RAWR" but, seriously, you do care which is why you're in an alliance being all snipey instead of actually doing something (the list of candidates here is too long to reference and I think someone might get upset with me if I did - see me after class if you want my list).

4. Should it change?

I think so. It's tedious to see the same old garbage day in and day out. Here are some common examples along with my typical reaction to them.

"We signed a treaty and wub each other!" - Here's a thought, sound intelligent. You're a national ruler, not a toddler.

"Reasons were communicated in private!" - No, you're a coward trying to dress up your fear of exposing your reasons as some sort of stupid respect for the other person. We're not all so dense to think you cancelled a treaty because you love each other. Come on.

"We have a doctrine and it's cool!" - I have a doctrine too, kiddo. Let's compare them and see who's is bigger. Only I don't care.

"We stand by our allies!" - Duh. If you didn't you'd be cancelling and communicating in private.

"I'm upset at my treatment from these people!" - Good for you. Now do something with it.

"This is the state of my alliance!" - Does anybody actually care or are you just going for cheap publicity?

"Announcement from Nordreich!" - These are actually consistently cool, especially with the neat graphics. I just thought I'd toss this in here.

I mean, are we collectively happy with this garbage (minus the Nordreich stuff)? I don't get the impression that we are. Once in a long while you have some national ruler make an appeal based on the inaccessibility of the 'verse to newer rulers, the stagnation of the political scene or some other grand cause which will be shouted down, shouted up, run in circles and eventually pounded into the ground. I get the impression that most of the time these efforts are actually just some sort of glory hounding and an attempt to get your name out there. If not, good for you, let's chat some time.

5. How does it change?

Simple. YOU make it different. The next time you have a snarky comment which won't contribute to the general discourse, don't make it. The next time you're being told to mindlessly hail something, don't hail it. The next time someone wants you to care about something which you can't be bothered with, don't care about it. You want change, it's your responsibility to undertake it.

For too long the expectation has rested on others[4] to make a differnece. The problem with that is eventually your agents of change simply won't give a damn anymore if they constantly get called on to repeat the same process again and again. It gets old. Moving and shaking is cool but it also takes time and effort and, let's be honest, the older generation did their bit. Maybe, just maybe, if you want to see a difference you should actually go out and attempt to effect it yourself.

"But I don't know how to do it!" you cry. Well, my friend, that's where your good old neighborhood think tank comes in handy in the form of fine persons from the Pyramid Scottish Assault Squadron. You want to engage in an intellectual excercise or three, you stop on my the address given and we'll have a chat. Or just go out and take a swing at things and see how it ends - trial and error is an outstanding method of education which I fully support. Take a chance, take a risk, just go and do something instead of being one of the whining masses who cower in fear and wet themselves at the idea that they may not be liked. I mean, come on, if you're really that afraid what bussiness do you even have running a nation and being responsible for others, right?

6. By Admin, Toku, you're right! I agree! Great success! Where do I sign up?!

You don't. Unlike some charming and self-important organizations out there[5] who run around showing off their self-perceived excellence I'm not going to sit here and claim I have some code or whatever and prod you toward some lofty secret goal. I'm always happy to help a brother/sister out but forming some collective with rules and whatever isn't exactly the style I'm gunning for here. Besides, it'd mean I'd have to share the oh-so-arousing PYSAS flag and I'm not doing that yet. That's my flag, not yours.

"But, if you're not starting a movement, what are you doing?! I'm confused!" Yes, I can hear the cries already. The idea is simple. I can't exactly sit here slamming down on others for being unconstructive while not being constructive myself. Thus, I'm nudging the proverbial apple cart a bit in the hopes that it causes some neurons to fire in someone else's head and they actually start thinking about what they're doing. Maybe it'll work, maybe not, we'll see.

That all being said, I'm going to bring this to a close. As noted above, constructive commentary is invited. Take care of yourselves, and each other.


Tokugawa Mitsukuni

[1] Washing is optional for most of these people, I'm sure.

[2] Like Athens

[3] Like MHA

[4] Like Doitzel

[5] The Ninjas

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I agree that complacency is a large part of the problem; people are so addicted to the status quo that they are paralyzed. On the other hand, it is often the case that the "movers and shakers" are more interested in perpetuating their egos than they are bring about any real progress, which I suppose in the end just serves to perpetuate the cycle.

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I agree that complacency is a large part of the problem; people are so addicted to the status quo that they are paralyzed. On the other hand, it is often the case that the "movers and shakers" are more interested in perpetuating their egos than they are bring about any real progress, which I suppose in the end just serves to perpetuate the cycle.

To which I offer that the solution here is to cease enabling the ego-centric. Just because someone is self-important doesn't mean that they are powerful - they become powerful when others agree to follow them and feed into their cults or whatever. If the cycle is to be broken then its up to you, me and others to do it. Of course, this means ridicule from the ego-centric but it's surprising how little that matters after a while.

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To which I offer that the solution here is to cease enabling the ego-centric. Just because someone is self-important doesn't mean that they are powerful - they become powerful when others agree to follow them and feed into their cults or whatever. If the cycle is to be broken then its up to you, me and others to do it. Of course, this means ridicule from the ego-centric but it's surprising how little that matters after a while.

I agree-- unfortunately it is difficult to get the masses to take your advice.

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It all starts with one person. The opinions of the masses aren't something you can care about too much when you're out to change the world.

I wasn't speaking to their opinions, I was more concerned with the fact that the one person eventually needs the people at large to stop acting like mouthbreathers-- otherwise, while everything begins with one person, there is only so much one person can do.

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I wasn't speaking to their opinions, I was more concerned with the fact that the one person eventually needs the people at large to stop acting like mouthbreathers-- otherwise, while everything begins with one person, there is only so much one person can do.

Well, to use myself as an example, I don't need anyone else to do much of anything. It'd be nice if people collectively slapped themselves out of this cyclical stupor they're all in and decided to step it up a bit but that's not a need, it's a want. My enjoyment rests with my own activities and accomplishements and not much else. The general trend in the 'verse, which runs contrary, is that others need to have their egos played to and their accomplishments celebrated (wubbed for the less-than-bright out there who don't know what "celebrated" means). Many whine, complain and otherwise generally do nothing about this which I object to in totality.

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Well, to use myself as an example, I don't need anyone else to do much of anything. It'd be nice if people collectively slapped themselves out of this cyclical stupor they're all in and decided to step it up a bit but that's not a need, it's a want. My enjoyment rests with my own activities and accomplishements and not much else. The general trend in the 'verse, which runs contrary, is that others need to have their egos played to and their accomplishments celebrated (wubbed for the less-than-bright out there who don't know what "celebrated" means). Many whine, complain and otherwise generally do nothing about this which I object to in totality.

I feel sad that I agree too much with you to really have an effective conversation.

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The next time you have a snarky comment which won't contribute to the general discourse, don't make it.


(think think think think think)

I would put forth that stagnation is the perfect breeding ground for revolution. In fact, things may already be in the works.

Good read.

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I feel sad that I agree too much with you to really have an effective conversation.

So, if you agree, what do you intend to do about it? That is the really fun question. Look me up sometimes on IRC.


rabble rabble Karma rabble NPO


Bob, Trilo already beat you to the punch. But thanks anyway.

I would put forth that stagnation is the perfect breeding ground for revolution. In fact, things may already be in the works.

I doubt it. Revolutions in the 'verse tend to never break the mold and thus they aren't revolutions, just the power players shifting around during their bedside activites so that someone else can get on top and proceed with the mounting.

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So, if you agree, what do you intend to do about it? That is the really fun question. Look me up sometimes on IRC.

First of all, where would you be found on IRC?

Secondly, and I suppose this plays to my egotism (oh no, the cycle cannot be broken!), but I pride myself on at least trying to work through any threads that catch my interest rationally and providing something more substantial than the typical four word sentences and fallacies that pass for conversation around these parts.

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First of all, where would you be found on IRC?

#HouseTokugawa, the home of the best.

Secondly, and I suppose this plays to my egotism (oh no, the cycle cannot be broken!), but I pride myself on at least trying to work through any threads that catch my interest rationally and providing something more substantial than the typical four word sentences and fallacies that pass for conversation around these parts.

As do I, as do I. There's nothing wrong, however, with being so very much in agreement with something that you can't offer something beyond "Thank the good Admin someone else is thinking that too". I do it all the time. Hell, I look forward to it.

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I doubt it. Revolutions in the 'verse tend to never break the mold and thus they aren't revolutions, just the power players shifting around during their bedside activites so that someone else can get on top and proceed with the mounting.

I agree, things that don't break the mold are not very revolutionary. But since death by ennui is a genuine epidemic, and necessity is the mother of invention, perhaps the cure then is revolution. I would suspect that others, especially with people such as you "nudging the applecart", are prime for a conversion to the cause of the subversion of the status quo. And not the endless permutations of the same status quo hiding under different cloaks, but a real change in the culture.

Plus, when chaos takes the land, opportunity arises for many who had none before hand.

Stir up waters to catch fish, and all that.

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I agree, things that don't break the mold are not very revolutionary. But since death by ennui is a genuine epidemic, and necessity is the mother of invention, perhaps the cure then is revolution. I would suspect that others, especially with people such as you "nudging the applecart", are prime for a conversion to the cause of the subversion of the status quo. And not the endless permutations of the same status quo hiding under different cloaks, but a real change in the culture.

Plus, when chaos takes the land, opportunity arises for many who had none before hand.

Stir up waters to catch fish, and all that.

When the popular masses want a revolution, a real one, you'll know it. That'd be the day when people cease running to alliances and putting up with the egomaniacal nonsense of alliance leaders and instead strike out on their own to make their own futures. I for one would like to see it happen. Or maybe it'll look different - it's not for me to dictate how people act revolutionary.

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interesting read. i agree with much of it but can't help but feel as if there is something a bit off about it.

from what i gathered, you want everyone else out here in CN to begin to stir things up and begin to affect a change while essentially you state you don't care enough to do so yourself and you are content with sitting back and doing your own thing.

now i know you posted this thread in and of itself which is, like i said an interesting read and something that i honestly hope others take to heart (or mind in many cases). yet, instead of being one of those who goes out and starts changing things, you "nudge the applecart" in the hopes that others will do it for you.


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from what i gathered, you want everyone else out here in CN to begin to stir things up and begin to affect a change while essentially you state you don't care enough to do so yourself and you are content with sitting back and doing your own thing.

That's actually not what I said at all (italics showing what I'm disagreeing with). In this specific instance I'm nudging the proverbial cart in order to get others to maybe take notice (which, since I took the time to wax verbose on the subject, qualifies as doing something). In general I've made a point to attempt to bring up the discourse, offer thought and generally steer both discussion and procedure away from status quo in both public and private.

I'm not making some call for a massive set of coups, nuclear rogue attacks or whatever.I'm suggesting that if people really are sick of the way things are around here they should actually alter their own behavior rather than whining about the state of things but never changing. You can't fight the system while supporting it at the same time yet people seem to think that you can. That's the apple cart I'm attempting to upset here.

As to how much I care, since I took the time to toss this together I obviously do care about spreading my thoughts around and maybe sparking some neurons for someone else. What I don't care about it is the implied sneering from people like good old Bob Janova up top your your little "interesting" quip which comes across like a poor attempt to talk down to me. My self-esteem and ego are intact and don't require feeding at this time, thank you.

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the whole point of the OWF is so the loud 10% of CN can argue and scream to their hearts content (read:MK/Athens) and non gov members who want to stroke their egos.

if you want to change the OWF, gl, but i doubt it's possible

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It would be a good time for all those people who came up with ideas of their own, differently constructed alliances or styles of play, and were then shouted down by the masses with "That won't work!!!" to try them. It's always bothered me that when new people show up on the forum and try to express an opinion that is different from the accepted norm, some people are so quick to try to force them into conformity of "how it's done" instead of helping them realize their dreams by examining the actual possibilities inherent in the idea and offer constructive critique of the less practical aspects ~ with the intent of aiding that person's aspiration.

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if you want to change the OWF, gl, but i doubt it's possible

I'm a sucker for lost causes. Still, there's hope if people actually want to see something different occur for once.

It would be a good time for all those people who came up with ideas of their own, differently constructed alliances or styles of play, and were then shouted down by the masses with "That won't work!!!" to try them. It's always bothered me that when new people show up on the forum and try to express an opinion that is different from the accepted norm, some people are so quick to try to force them into conformity of "how it's done" instead of helping them realize their dreams by examining the actual possibilities inherent in the idea and offer constructive critique of the less practical aspects ~ with the intent of aiding that person's aspiration.

This occurs because people feel threatened, because if things actually change they might not stay on top. Threatening the power base of another person is the quickest way to gain the ire of a group of patsies and sycophants who feel the need to kiss posterior in order to climb some rank structure. New things are to be feared and reacted to with verbal attacks in the 'verse. At least, that's what they want you to think.

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If you want poetic statements or literary masterpieces then go hang out in the arts dept of a University. The OWF is a fast moving fast talking stew of 12 - 80 year olds from every corner of the known universe most of whom arent literary genii.

edit: No u

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What I don't care about it is the implied sneering from people like good old Bob Janova up top your your little "interesting" quip which comes across like a poor attempt to talk down to me

I'm not quite sure what this sentence was trying to say, but I think you are guilty of thinking the worst of me and approaching my first post in a negative manner. Yeah, I wasn't fast enough to make the joke in the first reply, but 'implied sneering'? <_<

I think it is a good read and everyone should be trying to contribute instead of complaining about nobody doing anything interesting. You are doing that, I do that and I hope you can encourage more people to do it (though good luck with that, most people don't seem to want to put the effort in to post more than five words).

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If you want poetic statements or literary masterpieces then go hang out in the arts dept of a University. The OWF is a fast moving fast talking stew of 12 - 80 year olds from every corner of the known universe most of whom arent literary genii.

Ah, so because I've pointed out a consistent trend of people disliking the lack of intelligent discourse within the 'verse I should go and sit in a university department instead of attempting to effect change? You've just summed up about everything wrong with the current state of things. Thank you for providing an outstanding example.

Also, the word "stew" is incorrect. There's another four-letter one out there which is more appropriate. Of course, you could make a stew with it but I don't think people would be eager to eat it.

I'm not quite sure what this sentence was trying to say, but I think you are guilty of thinking the worst of me and approaching my first post in a negative manner. Yeah, I wasn't fast enough to make the joke in the first reply, but 'implied sneering'? <_<

If I've misjudged you, Bob, I'm sorry but it seems that every time I have anything interesting to say you show up and make some attempt to derail, put down or otherwise sideline my words. It's really quite irritating.

I think it is a good read and everyone should be trying to contribute instead of complaining about nobody doing anything interesting. You are doing that, I do that and I hope you can encourage more people to do it (though good luck with that, most people don't seem to want to put the effort in to post more than five words).

Thank you.

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