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Nation Dublin WAPA

micheal collins

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how are ya doing my name is micheal collins being playin the game for a while now but straight to the point!!!!

i am a member off We Are Perth Army and a fellow member and a good friend off mine is away atm he left some time last week...

anyway he asked me to nation sit his nation and i agreed...

completely forgeting that i had jus takin a forien aid offer off him...

i logged on and collected after he was inactive 13 days and the rule voiolation popped up in my forien aid offer's...

i must admit im worried about losing my nation and his...

just wanted to know weather it will be deleted or not?

im 100% sure u've heard every excuse in the book at this stage and fully understand if u must delete both nations i just wanted to know?

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Just when did you start nation sitting because I looked through the nation sitting thread back to late in December and I can't find where it was requested and approved? That could cause more problems than the cancelled aid. Assuming you have permission from the game staff to nation sit, the cancelled aid shouldn't cause your nation to be deleted. Just don't make any further attempts to send aid, trade or go to war with the same nation as your friend's nation.

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