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Scotland DoW

Proxian Empire

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The ships, having passed throught the Suez, are nearing Italy.

The Fleet commander radioed ahead for clearance to dock in their ports.

OOC: There, I'm finally there, Pravus.


Genoa and Rome are open and operating. Openings in the sea wall and their positions are being sent to you now. Once inside the sea wall, please follow all instructions to docking facilities.

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"Whatever else a person may think about Italy, it is a rather courageous move to assault a nation stronger than yourself with no guarantee you'll be backed up."

"Which is exactly why they are moving to assault a nation weaker than them with complete certainty that they will be backed up."


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Except that Valencia is stronger than us. Good try though.

OOC: Maicke outguns me by 9k NS IG. Check your mother$%&@ing facts.

OOC: He's referencing that any attack on your ability to wage war (aka, your factories, government) results in pretty much every major nation coming to your aid.

Edited by BaronUberstein
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Except that Valencia is stronger than us. Good try though.

OOC: Maicke outguns me by 9k NS IG. Check your mother$%&@ing facts.

OOC: I don't give a rat's sphincter. Any of them.

It's called a whiny, already established as Tabloid-esque political journal. I don't care.

Also, I like that part where you swear at me for no apparent reason, really helps get your point across. I wouldn't have understood it without the swears, not a bit. Good show.

Edited by Il Terra Di Agea
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Approximately 100,000 Scottish infantry are stationed throughout the Iberian Peninsula, with the majority in Valencia.

Scottish bombing craft had been launched just ahead of the planned airborne invasion. Approximately 50% of these troops had been loaded into Scottish aircraft, and at 1:26AM they took off for the Louisiana military establishment in eastern Spain. Flying over the Republic of Spain, the aircraft avoided the complication of the high seas that were patrolled by hostile nations.

Bombing aircraft proceeded to flatten an opening for the Scottish troops, whose transports landed merely minutes afterward. Firing upon what defences had been prepared by Louisiana, the invasion began.

OOC: Link me to the RP where you moved 100,000 troops to the Iberian Peninsula, especially with regards to Valencia. As your ally in Finland has said, troops don't just teleport some place.

Anti-aircraft guns leapt to life as radar picked up enemy aircraft violating Louisianan airspace, the vast technological difference between the Louisianan technology and the Scottish technology would make the anti-aircraft guns' job extremely easy. There would be no mercy as the anti-aircraft guns spat death and destruction amongst the Scottish invaders.

Scottish 1st division troops began to hammer forwards, with the 2nd line establishing machine gun defences. Bombing craft were returning to Valencia to refuel, whilst transport aircraft took up to retrieve more Scottish troops from Valencia. It would be a long night.

OOC: There is no way your first wave of aircraft managed to destroy enough to open an area for your troops to invade with, not with my higher technology and especially not with Sargun's airplanes hitting you. You'll need to re-do that part of the RP as it simply isn’t realistic.

Operation Lose-iana

The Dutch Ships which were blocking the Louisiana Navy from coming near the conflict broke into two separate forces prior to the Declaration of War. Three submarines, four stealth destroyers, and six corvettes moved behind the Louisiana's Naval lines with the intention of intercepting supplies coming through to the Louisiana Navy or meant to go through to the Louisiana base in Iberia. These forces would be vital, and thus the fastest and stealthiest forces were sent behind Louisianan lines to intercept supplies. They had orders to fire on all ships flying a Louisiana flag, and the Corvettes would attempt to intercept all Naval ships that they encountered. Those receiving clearance were non-combatants and ships without armaments on board larger than hand guns.

Meanwhile, the bulk of the Dutch Navy, still across from the Louisiana Navy, opened fire as soon as they were given the order from Amsterdam. 40 Anti-Ship ICBM's launched immediately from the Battleships and Destroyers, aimed for the largest of the Louisiana ships. Total decimation was expected. The submarines remaining launched torpedoes at the larger ships, and smaller missiles fired at the smaller ships in the Louisiana Navy. Orders were to take ships transporting large amounts of troops hostage and capture the men on board as PoW's instead of allowing them all to die at sea. However, missile strikes would be used here if necessary.

From the carriers took off about 100 Naval Attack Aircraft. Being short-range planes with the intention of decimating whatever was left of the Louisiana Navy as well as observing the battle field, they carried numerous missiles, as well as machine guns on either wing. They transferred imaging back to the Navy and this was, in turn, transferred to the Military Control Center in the Netherlands. This was then processed and more attacks were issued as actual Naval Battle began with the remaining Louisiana Naval Forces in the area.

Aircraft patrolling above the Louisianan naval convoy spotted the Dutch Navy long before the Dutch began their attack, and relayed warnings back to the Louisianan fleet. The Louisianan fleet would be prepared for battle. Within minutes, the two Louisianan aircraft carriers emptied themselves of their fixed-wing aircraft (75 per Aircraft Carrier) while maintaining the helicopters within their holds (15 per Aircraft Carrier). One hundred of the planes went after the one hundred Dutch fighters, while another twenty-five planes began attacking the Dutch ships, the remaining twenty-five planes were kept above the Louisianan vessels to provide for defensive coverage.

The four Anti-Aircraft Destroyers began to rain hell on the Dutch Fighters while the four Anti-Submarine Frigates began defensive measures to protect the convoy against enemy submarines, enemy submarines in the area were picked up on the Anti-Submarine Destroyers computers and soon, the Anti-Submarine Destroyers began to target the enemy submarines with depth-charges, 30 ASROCs, and 20 rocket launched torpedoes were deployed; destruction of the Dutch submarines from this massive firepower was expected, but not assured. Four of the Guided Missile Cruisers directed their fire upon the Dutch Aircraft carriers in the hopes of sinking the large ships before they could do too much damage to the Louisianan ships.

Two of the Louisianan Submarines, L.S.S. Bigfoot and L.S.S. Littlefoot were given orders to protect the troop transports, and thus they began targeting any and all Dutch ships that were firing at the Louisianan transport vessels. The remaining two submarines began launching their torpedoes at the Dutch Battleships and Destroyers in the hopes of scoring a death blow.


Louisianan vessels in the Gulf of Mexico were recalled home as a large Tahoean fleet was tracked entering the Gulf of Mexico. Louisiana was careful not to keep their naval force in port as to avoid a Pearl Harbor type situation. Regular patrols around Louisiana’s shores were undertaken and communication was upped between all divisions of Louisiana’s home defenses. Louisiana would not be taken by a surprise attack on their homeland. Ant-Aircraft and Anti-Ship weapons were checked to make sure they were in proper shape, and regular drills were stepped up to ensure that Louisiana’s defense would be ready in the case of an invasion. Border checkpoints were told to be on alert, and all military personnel were filled with a heightened sense of duty as trouble began nearing their families. They would fight to the last man to defend their homeland.

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Genoa and Rome are open and operating. Openings in the sea wall and their positions are being sent to you now. Once inside the sea wall, please follow all instructions to docking facilities.


For reference, Sicilian League waters are open for transit by military vessels, but it is suggested whoever wants to move ships through our waters contact us before doing so. Just a general statement so everyone knows the situation

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Genoa and Rome are open and operating. Openings in the sea wall and their positions are being sent to you now. Once inside the sea wall, please follow all instructions to docking facilities.




For reference, Sicilian League waters are open for transit by military vessels, but it is suggested whoever wants to move ships through our waters contact us before doing so. Just a general statement so everyone knows the situation

OOC: Sorry.


A message was also sent to the Sicilian League, ecplaining why they were there and requesting transit rights.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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Just to confuse everyone, High Command in the GDR decided to send almost its entire fleet (only the submarines and transports were kept in harbour) into the mediterranean and to the disputed territory, though roughly 300 kilometers away from it, without engaging anyone.

13 Corvettes, 11 Battleships, 10 Cruisers, 9 Frigates, 9 Destroyers and 8 Carriers, a total of 60 ships would be moving from the German harbours down the Adriatic into the Mediterranean, and from there towards its final position, of course honoring national waters and the like.


Final position of the fleet

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Just to confuse everyone, High Command in the GDR decided to send almost its entire fleet (only the submarines and transports were kept in harbour) into the mediterranean and to the disputed territory, though roughly 300 kilometers away from it, without engaging anyone.

13 Corvettes, 11 Battleships, 10 Cruisers, 9 Frigates, 9 Destroyers and 8 Carriers, a total of 60 ships would be moving from the German harbours down the Adriatic into the Mediterranean, and from there towards its final position, of course honoring national waters and the like.


Final position of the fleet

OOC: I think Sargun and I may be in your way :/

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"Thank you for the advice and escort. it is appreciated."

***End Message***

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Just to confuse everyone, High Command in the GDR decided to send almost its entire fleet (only the submarines and transports were kept in harbour) into the mediterranean and to the disputed territory, though roughly 300 kilometers away from it, without engaging anyone.

13 Corvettes, 11 Battleships, 10 Cruisers, 9 Frigates, 9 Destroyers and 8 Carriers, a total of 60 ships would be moving from the German harbours down the Adriatic into the Mediterranean, and from there towards its final position, of course honoring national waters and the like.


Final position of the fleet


Molakian Spy Sats pick up this massive fleet.....Including the Ensigns and men without pants peeing over the side of boats.

Priority One Message to GDR

Office of Knight Commander Williams

Molakia is EXTREMELY alarmed by such a large fleet, with Carriers and Battleships namely, off our coast. What are your intentions? Be warned, the Minefields around Molakian Waters are active and do not IFF (Although we can turn them off).

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Molakian Spy Sats pick up this massive fleet.....Including the Ensigns and men without pants peeing over the side of boats.


Unfortunately there were no men not wearing pants, as that was forbidden while the ships were moving, or on alert.

Reply to Molakia

There is no reason for you to be concerned.

Also, if you have minefields more than 100 kilometers away from your coast, then we'll come with anti-mining vessels and remove those, because what the hell.


Lynneth Sarkara

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Private Message to GDR:

"What are you planning, there with your naval deployments? Is there anything that we may be able to help out with? Let us know. Our ships are far away, but the Luftwaffe is quicker."

*Private Reply*

"We want to confuse and frighten them. We won't do anything with that fleet unless it's attacked.

Also, please keep that to yourself."

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Reply to Molakia

There is no reason for you to be concerned.

Also, if you have minefields more than 100 kilometers away from your coast, then we'll come with anti-mining vessels and remove those, because what the hell.


Lynneth Sarkara

Reply to GDR

We should. We almost came to blows during the last war. As for the mines, they extend only to the Internationally recognized Territorial waters of 12 Nautrical Miles out. However, some mines may break off their chains and wander around. While, if they seperate for more than 12-24 hours they go inert, we cannot promise that no damage will be sustained.

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It is sad to see Europe devolve into violence once again, however it is more unfortunate that a once peaceful nation is actually the aggressor. Scotland, a nation with whom we have looked favorably upon, has fabricated an illegitimate Casus Belli under the pretenses that a preemptive attack is necessary for the security of Iberia. That is not a Casus Belli, that is an attempt to justify inexcusable warmongering. Louisiana, a nation with a commendable human rights record, legally obtained land for their military base in Europe. That's right, a sovereign nation exercised its right to give part of its land to another nation. The question of whether this move was a good or bad idea is irrelevant, the fact remains the land is Louisiana's.

Scotland claims to have been trying to work out a solution. They wanted Louisiana to remove its military base. They are telling Louisiana what they can and can not do with their land. That is not a compromise, that is blatant interfering in another nation's internal affairs. No one tells Scotland where they can and cannot build a military base, and this same basic principle should be reciprocated. We agree with Louisiana's decision to dismiss any manipulative attempts of Scotland to strong arm them. If Scotland truly wanted to avoid violence, they wouldn't have declared war and once again turn Europe into a battlefield. They would allow Louisiana to exercise its right as a sovereign nation. And Scotland has decided not to.

Scotland claims it is for the security of Iberia. This is false. A military base is not going to result in the invasion of Europe. Nations around the world own bases many miles from their homeland yet do not use them to attack or kill. Louisiana is one of the most honorable nations in the world, we have no doubt they have no evil intentions for their new land. The fact is Scotland has no evidence at all that Louisiana was planning on becoming aggressive. All Scotland has is a misguided suspicion. A suspicion is not a Casus Belli. What is needed is evidence, of which there is none, because Louisiana has no desire to disturb the tranquility that had befallen Iberia until earlier this week.

With no Casus Belli and no proof we find Scotland's military movements and actions to be nothing more than a chance to use violence to enhance their own goals for whatever reasons. With their aggressive war, the FRG stands united. Not only are we legally obligated to help our allies Louisiana, it is morally prerogative to never let a nation such as Scotland militarily interfere in another's matters. This uncalled for attempt of manipulation seems particularly similar to our recent tensions with the Tahoe Republic. Our allies stood by us in the face of overwhelming firepower and we did not falter. We shall not do so now.

It is with great determination and justification that we support our ally Lousiana. With the release of this statement, the Federal Republic of Grøenlandia recognizes a state of war between itself and Scotland, Valencia, Federal Union of the Slavic Republics, Kyivan Rus', and Euzkadi. All these nations have supported Scotland in their aggression and we give our full support to Louisiana.


DefCon has been raised to 1.

Arkhangelsk: The 10,000 men garrison has been put on High Alert and has asked Caucasia to close the port and city to any nation assisting Scotland.

Monaco: The 10,000 men garrison has been put on High Alert and currently no one may enter Monaco without prior approval. Allies in the conflict are welcome to use Monaco as required.

Florida: Troops are being flown in to raise the current amount of troops in Florida to 310,000. These men will be stationed primarily in Miami and surrounding coastal cities. In addition 3 CBGs have been dispatched to Florida waters with a full complement of airplanes.

Greenland: The remaining 120,000 men in Greenland have been mobilized and are currently manning the border defenses. All Missile Defenses are online and active. In addition, all cruise missiles are being aimed at Tahoe fleets and major military installations in Nova Scotia and Cuba.

Edited by Californian
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OOC: Forgot me. :P


Classified: With permission granted, the Finnish airborne land at a airstrip near London, refuel, and begin a trip towards Valencia, making sure not to violate neutral airways or enter hostile skies, their 10 squadron escort following closely, with 2 squadrons at a time in a 2 mile "orbit" of the group to manually check for any stealth aircraft entering the standard missile-lock range.

A encrypted message was sent to Valencia,

"Requesting permission to land in your country, where are our troops needed most?"

Edited by BaronUberstein
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Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev's speech to the nation


Good evening citizens of Europe and of the world,

Recent events in the west have had a strong effect on the people in the east. In the last few months we’ve seen in Europe a new brand of unity, friendship and mutual cooperation which we haven’t experienced before in our history, but our advances will be for naught if we allow foreign nations to establish a military presence within out continent.

As far as this government is concerned the issue of legality is inconsequential, it has no bearing on my decision to support Scotland’s ultimatum to Louisiana. The factors that I, and the cabinet have taken into consideration are: Does the base serve a purpose besides acting as a launching pad for the Louisianan military? How many military personnel will be deployed to the area? What relevant treaties and obligations does Louisiana have with European countries in the area?

The answers to some of these questions are alarming. We can support a diplomatic nerve center, but hundreds of thousands of armed military personnel to defend a diplomatic outpost raises a few red flags. Since there’s been no evidence of a prior threat in western Europe it’s safe to assume Louisiana was only planning on destabilizing the region with it’s massive troop deployment.

For that reason the Slavorussian Empire enacts a naval quarantine of the Iberian peninsula. The Slavorussian navy will work with the Dutch navy several kilometers off the shores of Iberia to prevent military equipment from reaching Europe. In accordance with this quarantine all vessels bound for Iberia will be required to halt, allow inspectors to board and inspect the vessel form weapons and contraband. Any ship that refuses will be ordered to return to their nation of origin.

In doing this the Slavorussian Empire hopes to hold the Louisianan government to their word, and prevent the escalation of a war which is already out of control.

Starting to night at midnight, by the powers vested in me by the Slavorussian people, acting in my capacity as Prime Minister the quarantine ordered by me shall take effect. I hope that this will bring be the turning point in the war, and all sides will take negotiations seriously. Europe need not play the battleground for another massive war. I say unto you, leaders of the world, remember, You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.

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