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Scotland DoW

Proxian Empire

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If you’d pay attention then you’d be amazed at what you actually learn. Firstly we’ve enacted a quarantine, not a blockade. The quarantine only pertains to ships and cargo going INTO Iberia or toward Europe in general. The primary goal of the quarantine: to prevent weapons and troops from reaching EUROPE. Who said anything about not allowing ships to return home, about blockading the Mediterranean or disrupting trade?

Other than the fact that you are completely ignoring the sovereignty of Mechodamian ships, which have orders to assist an ally in the closure of the Straits of Gibraltar.

In reality UMS ships can go home whenever they want. Hell they can zigzag their way through the quarantine line if they want, but they wouldn’t have to because they have the luxury of using their neighbor and ally’s territorial waters to access the straits of Gibraltar. The western countries don’t have that luxury since they can and will be intercepted in international waters.

Fine then, the issue is therefore resolved. Our ultimatum still stands though: if our sovereignty is ignored, so shall yours.

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Following the attack by RSSN, the FUtSR carriers launched SKAT UCAVs, which used surveillance satellite data to locate and target the Louisiana fleet. After the targets had been locked, 50 SS-21-N Sizzler ASMs had been launched. These cruise-missile type ASMs, once locked on to a target, flies at hypersonic speeds towards the target until visual range is entered, after which the missile takes a purely random course decided by its onboard EMP shielded systems, fooling even the most responsive CIWS systems before 'sizzling' its way into the ships.

OOC: There is no missile system that can evade a CIWS 100% especially a low maneuverable supersonic missile system. When you are doing a barrage fire like this, 50 missiles and such, the point defense may get over loaded and a few may pass through which would more than cripple the enemy navy. It is impossible for all 50 missiles to pass through just like it is impossible for all 50 missiles to be interdicted too.

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Other than the fact that you are completely ignoring the sovereignty of Mechodamian ships, which have orders to assist an ally in the closure of the Straits of Gibraltar.

Fine then, the issue is therefore resolved. Our ultimatum still stands though: if our sovereignty is ignored, so shall yours.

"So this is funny, these people are whining about being blocked passage...so they can block other nation's passage! It's like they don't even read their own statements! Next thing you know we'll be hearing things like War is Peace!"

-Finnish Comedy TV Host

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"So this is funny, these people are whining about being blocked passage...so they can block other nation's passage! It's like they don't even read their own statements! Next thing you know we'll be hearing things like War is Peace!"

-Finnish Comedy TV Host

"It seems that those comedians over in Finland are as dumb as they look. Don't they know our ships were already there? Next thing you know, they'll be crying about war... oh wait, lest I forget, their belligerence is like watching a cat lick itself."

-Mechodamian Talk Shot Host

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"It seems that those comedians over in Finland are as dumb as they look. Don't they know our ships were already there? Next thing you know, they'll be crying about war... oh wait, lest I forget, their belligerence is like watching a cat lick itself."

-Mechodamian Talk Shot Host

"In other news, Mechodamian Talk Show Hosts are apparently even less funny than previously believed. This, coming after a recent sanity drought struck the UMS with signifcantly more ferocity than previous sanity droughts have. We already knew that their sanity supplies were very low, one of the lowest in the world, however this recent drought has caused the DLC to put UMS on its 'In Need of Immediate Assistance' list.

So what can you do to help UMS? Text 'The Tree Makes A Sound" to 565-565 and we will donate 1 sanity to UMS, which will be charged to your phone bill."

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Mechodamia's eagerness to go to war with Scotland and our allies is duly noted. We do not understand why such a nation would wish to do so, especially after our governments had private talks the other day. We encourage you to relax and not escalate this situation, as tensions are high enough.

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Mechodamia's eagerness to go to war with Scotland and our allies is duly noted. We do not understand why such a nation would wish to do so, especially after our governments had private talks the other day. We encourage you to relax and not escalate this situation, as tensions are high enough.

Our eagerness to go to war? No, we are not eager to war. We are assisting our allies in their sovereign waters to help prevent the inclusion of warships from entering the Mediterranean. We do not support, or condone, either side. We do not take threats against our sovereignty, whether it be land-borne or naval, lightly, even if it is the faintest.

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Our eagerness to go to war? No, we are not eager to war. We are assisting our allies in their sovereign waters to help prevent the inclusion of warships from entering the Mediterranean. We do not support, or condone, either side. We do not take threats against our sovereignty, whether it be land-borne or naval, lightly, even if it is the faintest.

"GDR warships are already in the med, and merely 300 kilometers away from Louisiana's european holdings.

What are you going to do with our ships? They're just sitting there, doing nothing. And having Railguns with a range of 650 kilometers."

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"GDR warships are already in the med, and merely 300 kilometers away from Louisiana's european holdings.

What are you going to do with our ships? They're just sitting there, doing nothing. And having Railguns with a range of 650 kilometers."

Is the GDR currently at war? No. We are talking about the warships sovereign to the belligerents in the current conflict.

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Taeunas applauds the Slavorussian Empire for their move. We agree that this does not need to become further inflamed. As soon as our exercises are done in the mid Atlantic, Taeunas ships would be available to aid in the quarantine.

Furthermore, If the FRG wants to look and deal with unreasonable CB's (we're sick of everyone throwing the Latin around) they should look to those loopy Italians with a formerly anti colonial American leader named Dobbs.

Unreasonable CB? We ask you to describe what is so unreasonable about defending a friend from immature demands of brutes and bullies and simply doing what is right?


In an earlier error the State of Euzkadi failed to properly recognize Italian actions in regards to Valencia, we hereby provide official recognition that a state of war exists between the Italian Federation and Euzkadi.

OOC: Sorry Valencia and Italy, i should have thought of that angle earlier ;)


Finally. We declare on a nation when we don't even have a treaty with Louisiana, and it takes them this long to declare on us with a treaty? Still, they have balls.


We recognize the state of war between Euzkadi and ourselves. We look forward to meeting you on the field of battle. Additionally, we have mailed your leader a pair of something they liked to call in America "trailer hitch testicles". They are a pair of massive, metal balls. Don't worry about scanning them for explosives, they are a gift. Because your leader obviously has balls.

In case it was not clear before this point, any nation that declares upon one of our allies is at war with Scotland by default. We recognise the hostility of unrelated war aggressors who seek to harm us (such as Italy). We stand ready, no matter what happens.

Well, we recognize hostilities with you as well, but we must correct a few points. We're not unrelated here, Louisiana is our friends. We made that very clear from the beginning. Also, we don't really seek to harm you, we just seek to harm that ego you've got hanging over you. So... yeah. See you on the field of battle.


Euzkadi has declared on us. As we have not been attacked yet, it's up to you, but you can choose to activate that D clause in our MDP now if you wish.


Euzkadi declared on us and Scotland "recognized hostilities", which is basically declaring war because we never declared on them. Am I worried? No. We haven't been attacked on home soil yet, which is why this is optional. If you want to activate the D clause, go ahead and get your feet wet. If you don't, after we get attacked on the homeland, or one of our ships gets attacked, or soldiers, etc, I'll be forced to properly activate it. Cheers.

Edited by Pravus Ingruo
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OOC: He'll be around. He posted yesterday that he didn't have time to RP until today. He has to respond to my naval attack too. It'll be alright.

OOC: Ah, didn't see that. Posts go fast here.


The Republic of Finland government releases a statement:

"We wish to once again state that this is a police action to remove American imperialism from Europe. We have no wish to attack other European nations, despite their rude words and attempts to provoke other nations to attack them, childish words will not drive us to go beyond our stated goal of removing Louisiana from Europe. We are here to fight Imperialism and Colonialism, not participate in a session of name-calling and schoolyard tactics."

Edited by BaronUberstein
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Archives Ident. 20010/003M

Conti, The 15th January 2010

From the inception of its ill-fated adventure in Europe, Louisiana has cynically been counting on the disunity and the apathy of European governments. It has failed on both accounts. It is now reaping the consequence of its foolishness.

The Great Council recognizes a state of war between the Bailiwick of Conti and Louisiana, in support of our allies of the Iberian Pact.

All branches of the military have been placed on maximum alert. Full deployment of Conti’s Expeditionary Force of 42000 men is expected to be completed within the next 10 days. A first detachment of 2500 men from the Naval Infantry Regiment is expected to reach Valencia in 48 hours.

Edit: grammar

Edited by Council of Ten
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"The United Mechodamian States (OOC:EDIT: Fixed) seem to be forgetting one major detail: Norway's half of the straits of Gibraltar remain open to our allies and all whom are willing to acquire transit permits. We are unhappy to see this shift by several nations, yourselves included, in attempting to infringe on Norwegian sovereignty by attempting to close the whole of the straits. We will air this reminder once: Any attempt to stop our ships, military or otherwise, or to close our waters for us, for whatever reason, will be met with, at the least, opposition, and at the most, it will constitute an act of war. That is all."

Edited by Il Terra Di Agea
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New Eden wishes to send three hospital ships through the Area of Operations in the Atlantic to get to port in Portugal, and then to arrange humanitarian Aid for any civilians caught up in the conflict.

Would this be a Problem by any combatants?

*Somewhere in the Atlantic cruising eastwards*

The Hospital ships "Hurt Locker","Bob Hope" and "No Hope" were cruising eastwards, remaining in international waters, and was awaiting orders from the President.

Whilst unable to pass through the Gibraltar Straights to offer medical aid for civilians caught up in the war, the ships were heading to a Port in Portugal instead and would remain in Portugal until the Quarantine is lifted, and the humanitarian Aid can get through... all they needed was clearence.

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New Eden wishes to send three hospital ships through the Area of Operations in the Atlantic to get to port in Portugal, and then to arrange humanitarian Aid for any civilians caught up in the conflict.

Would this be a Problem by any combatants?

*Somewhere in the Atlantic cruising eastwards*

The Hospital ships "Hurt Locker","Bob Hope" and "No Hope" were cruising eastwards, remaining in international waters, and was awaiting orders from the President.

Whilst unable to pass through the Gibraltar Straights to offer medical aid for civilians caught up in the war, the ships were heading to a Port in Portugal instead and would remain in Portugal until the Quarantine is lifted, and the humanitarian Aid can get through... all they needed was clearence.

A few ships from the Azores Taskforce would leave formation and join with the hospital ships to escort them for as far as International Law allowed.

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A few ships from the Azores Taskforce would leave formation and join with the hospital ships to escort them for as far as International Law allowed.

President Barney sends his gratitude to his Southern Bretherin and requests a change of plan.

"Would it be possable for us to make Port in the Azores?"

**Classified to Louisiana and its Allies**

STONE ONE, our new satellight is currently over Guam, and several Italian Federation Battleships left the theatre, seemingly bound for the Med.

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President Barney sends his gratitude to his Southern Bretherin and requests a change of plan.

"Would it be possable for us to make Port in the Azores?"

**Classified to Louisiana and its Allies**

STONE ONE, our new satellight is currently over Guam, and several Italian Federation Battleships left the theatre, seemingly bound for the Med.

This is certainly possible and will be arranged, Imperial Ships will be escorting yours to the Azores.

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The three hospital vessels were now bound for the Azores, with the capibility of holding 3000 patients onboard and up to 600 staff the ships would be able to treat almost 9000 civilians at maximum capacity.

The three vessels turned about and made best speed to the Azores closeley followed by Imperial warships.

"Cheers for the escort lads" said the captain of the "Hurt Locker" over his radio to the Imperial Vessels before making Port and preparing his ship for the nightmare of the war.

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OOC: There is no missile system that can evade a CIWS 100% especially a low maneuverable supersonic missile system. When you are doing a barrage fire like this, 50 missiles and such, the point defense may get over loaded and a few may pass through which would more than cripple the enemy navy. It is impossible for all 50 missiles to pass through just like it is impossible for all 50 missiles to be interdicted too.

OOC: 1. I'm not saying all the Sizzlers got through. 2. It is supersonic until close range, when speed decreases and the missile begins erratic maneuvers.

IC: The Slavic Union hopes the quarantine is respected, although currently we are only at war with the nations of Louisiana and Groenlandia.

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