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Proxian Empire

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Any attempt to stop Imperial vessels, of which there are none in the area, will be seen as a direct act of war.

"In recent news, the Holy American Empire recently declared war on two Stop Signs, and a crossing guard for this same reason. It is unknown if Yield will remain neutral, or join in on the die of their allies."


Edited by Il Terra Di Agea
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"In recent news, the Holy American Empire recently declared war on two Stop Signs, and a crossing guard for this same reason. It is unknown if Yield will remain neutral, or join in on the die of their allies."


The Kingdom of Speed Limit Signs Supports our Stop Sign Allies!

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Any attempt to stop Imperial vessels, of which there are none in the area, will be seen as a direct act of war.

"And any attempt to stop New Englander vessels will also be seen as an act of war.

And in light of the FRG's recent declaration of war on Scotland and its allies, we would like to let it be known that we will be neutral in the ongoing conflict at this time, until any of our allies get attacked. During this time, our lands, airspace, and seas will be off-limits for the time being, and any violations of our neutrality will not be tolerated."


Military bases in Bermuda and Guantanamo Bay, as well as the State of Newfoundland, were placed in a state of high alert (DEFCON 3). Navy ships now began patrolling New Englander waters around Newfoundland and Bermuda, as well as coastal New England. In event of violation of New England's neutral waters, the offending ship(s) will be warned to turn around and, failing that, sunk.

Under the Atlantic Ocean, or a portion of it alongside New England's eastern coast and around Bermuda, the IUSS was activated. Military satellites hovering above New England transmitted everything that was happening in Europe. Government and Army officials in the Briefing Room in Boston were now monitoring everything.

Edited by JEDCJT
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"In recent news, the Holy American Empire recently declared war on two Stop Signs, and a crossing guard for this same reason. It is unknown if Yield will remain neutral, or join in on the die of their allies."


The crossing guard was taken prisoner and executed for his poor sense of humor.

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Taeunas applauds the Slavorussian Empire for their move. We agree that this does not need to become further inflamed. As soon as our exercises are done in the mid Atlantic, Taeunas ships would be available to aid in the quarantine.

Furthermore, If the FRG wants to look and deal with unreasonable CB's (we're sick of everyone throwing the Latin around) they should look to those loopy Italians with a formerly anti colonial American leader named Dobbs.

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In an earlier error the State of Euzkadi failed to properly recognize Italian actions in regards to Valencia, we hereby provide official recognition that a state of war exists between the Italian Federation and Euzkadi.

OOC: Sorry Valencia and Italy, i should have thought of that angle earlier ;)

...the Federal Republic of Grøenlandia recognizes a state of war between itself and Scotland, Valencia, Federal Union of the Slavic Republics, Kyivan Rus', and Euzkadi. All these nations have supported Scotland in their aggression and we give our full support to Louisiana.

We hereby recognize the state of hostilities between Grøenlandia and Euzkadi.

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We encourage HAE and New England to respect the quarantine and not escalate the war. As you are neutral nations there is no reason for you to have military vessels near the European coast.

The Azores are important to the security of the Holy American Empire and Europe is one of the most important continents the HAE trades with, our ships will go where needed regardless of illegal blockades. Firing upon them will be considered a Declaration of War from whichever side shoots.

Edited by Centurius
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Any attempts to prevent Mechodamian ships from reaching their designated point in order to assist the Rebel Army in closing the straits will be seen as an act of war. You are trying to act tough, but I would like to see you act tough when your ships are strewn across the bloody ocean. This is not a warning, this is a threat.

To use your brazen words: this threat is a reality, ignore it and you will be responsible for escalating the war. Respect it and everything will go smoothly.

We made our statements clear and should you bar our access to the Mediterranean, we will respond in kind in never allowing your ships access back home ever again. You wanted to play hardball, here you go; reap what you have sown.

Edited by SpacingOutMan
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The UMS can try to act tough and make as many threats as they want, but the quarantine is in place for the protection of Europe. The point is to diffuse the situation and prevent massive deployment of foreign troops to Europe. Anyone who tries to pass the perimeter is clearly doing so in an attempt to tip Europe over the edge, and there are a number of options we're prepared to take to prevent that from happening. The UMS can try to sink our ships if they want, but consider the consequences before you do.

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How can the situation be defused when certain entities are intent on unreasonable posturing. A blockade should only be against the parties you are warring against, not against neutral nations. A blockade is an act of war, tread very carefully into that domain. Mediterranean like all seas are free for passage for all. Europe has no right to blockade it against neutral nations unless it wants to wage war against the world. The Kingdom of Cochin advices the belligerent nations to control the rhetoric and try not to involve hitherto neutral nations into joining this war. A bellicose stance of "Either you are with us or against us" is completely unreasonable and European nations would be better advised not to follow this path and provoke much stronger entities into becoming your enemies.

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So do you want to compensate us the 3.2 billion Mechas for the movement of our ships to a location we announced we were moving to days in advance? Our ships are already in Gibraltar and are nearing the Rebel Army; should the Rebel Army remove its closure, our ships will return home. That is our point. If you want to stop them, then do as you must as we will not hold back.

Edited by SpacingOutMan
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Following the attack by RSSN, the FUtSR carriers launched SKAT UCAVs, which used surveillance satellite data to locate and target the Louisiana fleet. After the targets had been locked, 50 SS-21-N Sizzler ASMs had been launched. These cruise-missile type ASMs, once locked on to a target, flies at hypersonic speeds towards the target until visual range is entered, after which the missile takes a purely random course decided by its onboard EMP shielded systems, fooling even the most responsive CIWS systems before 'sizzling' its way into the ships.

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If you’d pay attention then you’d be amazed at what you actually learn. Firstly we’ve enacted a quarantine, not a blockade. The quarantine only pertains to ships and cargo going INTO Iberia or toward Europe in general. The primary goal of the quarantine: to prevent weapons and troops from reaching EUROPE. Who said anything about not allowing ships to return home, about blockading the Mediterranean or disrupting trade?

Another issue flaw is that Slavorussia is not at war with any nation at this moment in time and the quarentine as clearly stated, covers any military vessel or cargo ship carrying weapons.

Then there’s the issue of the RA barring Scotland’s allies from reaching their destination. They’re protecting one side, we’re protecting the other.

In reality UMS ships can go home whenever they want. Hell they can zigzag their way through the quarantine line if they want, but they wouldn’t have to because they have the luxury of using their neighbor and ally’s territorial waters to access the straits of Gibraltar. The western countries don’t have that luxury since they can and will be intercepted in international waters.

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The Witness


Transmission... COMPLETE

The Witness had completed several overpasses over the conflict storming in and around Iberia prior to this data dump over the NoN.

Technicians begans to furiously decompile the 1028-bit encypted data. What they saw was amazing.

Dutch and Louisianian Navies clashing in Atlantic... Rebel Army fleet stationned in Gibraltar...


Taeunas fleet formations several hundred Kilometers away from battlezone...


A large gathering of Naval forces in and around Northern Italian port cities... More ships than the Italians have on Register*... Probability of them assisting Sicilian Vessels Near Valencia...




GDR Naval Interdiction fleet stationned off coast of Molakia near Valencia...


Slavorussian Blockade fleet enroute to Atlantic Battlezone, moving to blockade entire Iberian Peninsula...




WARNING: UMS Vessels enroute to Mediterranean Sea face possible Slavorussian blockade should Louisianian fleet fall to combined Dutch and Slav Navies.


It seemed the Witness had focused most of its attention on the Naval activities in and around Iberia, as per its mission parameters.

The Witness placed a warning on the last bit of information, as African Forces were given priority.

"This may be of benefit. Perhaps this escalation between the UMS and Slav Empire will allow us to test the IWAn'SEAUP Network against 'a hostile fleet' enroaching African waters."

OOC:*I don't know about the Aussie boats' nationalities, Subtle

If i missed anything I could have seen, lemme know and ill put it in.

Edited by Executive Minister
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If you’d pay attention then you’d be amazed at what you actually learn. Firstly we’ve enacted a quarantine, not a blockade. The quarantine only pertains to ships and cargo going INTO Iberia or toward Europe in general. The primary goal of the quarantine: to prevent weapons and troops from reaching EUROPE. Who said anything about not allowing ships to return home, about blockading the Mediterranean or disrupting trade?

Another issue flaw is that Slavorussia is not at war with any nation at this moment in time and the quarentine as clearly stated, covers any military vessel or cargo ship carrying weapons.

Then there’s the issue of the RA barring Scotland’s allies from reaching their destination. They’re protecting one side, we’re protecting the other.

In reality UMS ships can go home whenever they want. Hell they can zigzag their way through the quarantine line if they want, but they wouldn’t have to because they have the luxury of using their neighbor and ally’s territorial waters to access the straits of Gibraltar. The western countries don’t have that luxury since they can and will be intercepted in international waters.

Halting trades of Imperial Merchants running a tight schedule can cause a large economic effect on the Holy American Empire, we will inform our merchants to avoid the blockade if Slavorussia will compensate the merchants for their financial loss.


OOC: As it is close to Iberia, the HAE taskforce to the Azores

Edited by Centurius
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Following the attack by RSSN, the FUtSR carriers launched SKAT UCAVs, which used surveillance satellite data to locate and target the Louisiana fleet. After the targets had been locked, 50 SS-21-N Sizzler ASMs had been launched. These cruise-missile type ASMs, once locked on to a target, flies at hypersonic speeds towards the target until visual range is entered, after which the missile takes a purely random course decided by its onboard EMP shielded systems, fooling even the most responsive CIWS systems before 'sizzling' its way into the ships.

OOC: I'm sorry, but no. That is not possible at all. Hypersonic missiles, yes, there are currently being tested by the Indian military (BrahMos II), but those are intended for land based targets, whereas the BrahMos I is intended for anti-ship missile warfare. Moreover, the BrahMos II could be equipped to be anti-marine, but it would require a huge downgrade because of moving targets (meaning hypersonic capability is immediately axed).

Next point is: you can't maneuver hypersonic missiles. It is physically not possibly as it would rip the missile apart, causing it to detonate prematurely. Once it is set on a trajectory, it is set. This applies to supersonic missiles as well. Once a trajectory has been inputted, the only way to maneuver out is by activating the fail-safe, which either causes the warhead to self-detonate or inactivate.

When you reach supersonic, you lose point-pitch maneuverability. Hypersonic, you lose all maneuverability period. So a random course would be assigned a random trajectory, but it would easily be shot down by a capable anti-missile system by applying a counter-trajectory.

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