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Joint NATO/IRON/TOP Announcement


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I'll admit it's possible. However I find it extremely unlikely and quite frankly totally insane that he would maintain a second account for 1200 days so that he could use it to spy on NATO after three and a half years.

p.s. I've yet to see anyone come up for a reason as to why anyone would care to spy on NATO. They're one of the lowest profile alliances around, and this is coming from the freaking CSN. :P

Anyways it's 3am. See you in the morning, maybe proof of Hoo's involvement will come to you in your dreams. :v:

i never said anything about Hoo being involved in anything. you did.


please refer to my previous one word post link to a song that you may want to listen to.

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As mentioned before, he may have gotten the second nation for someone else. But whether the nation was created for spying or not is moot. Maybe the original intent was economic (unlikely, due to cybernation's restrictions on the aid between nations on similar networks). or maybe it was just for fun. The second nation was still used for spying and sowing of dissent between other alliances- an act of supreme hypocrisy by a high ranking member of RoK.

Proof please?

All we've seen is that the two nations he controlled were in different alliances. There are plenty of other reasons outside of spying for that

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Proof please?

All we've seen is that the two nations he controlled were in different alliances. There are plenty of other reasons outside of spying for that

oh this little nation? in the other alliance? no i don't use it for spai!!! i just had 'plenty of other reasons' to have it.. but i swear i never spai! I just liek to look around at all of your stuff every now and then... i'm suuuuure you won't mind long as i don't spai!!!

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A high level RoK government advicer using a multi to spy on IRON and NATO while trying to stir up trouble between NSO and TOP.... well that doesn't sound anything like something RoK would support. I've read post after post from RoK, Athens, and GoD about how spying is bad....

It doesn't sound like something Rok would support at all. In fact, they don't!

It's not as interesting as it seems.

Rishnokof left Ragnarok on December 25th and posted this message in our IA section:

We had no idea what his goals or motives were nor did we hold any sort of affiliation with his new project. We in fact had little to no contact with rishnokof other than an occassional visit to our public IRC channel.

When we went to war, rishnokof returned to our AA citing that fighting in a war would cure his boredom. Since rishnokof left us in good standing, we found that acceptable. Rishnokof then had his nation deleted and he advised us that it was due to too many [OOC]forum warns[OOC]. We had no reason to think otherwise.

With this new information coming to light, rishnokof is no longer welcome at Ragnarok. We at Ragnarok are actually pretty shocked that a long time member would do such a thing. When he said he was bored and wanted to do something, we assumed he was just going to go rogue on someone he didn't like as that seems to be the trend these days.

We do not condone spying nor have we ever spied on another alliance or been aware of ongoing spy operations against anyone. rishnokof never made us aware of his operation and he certainly never shared any information with us. Had rishnokof still been a member of Ragnarok (and still had a nation) he would have been removed for such an act immediately as per RoK protocol.

Despite the current conflict, IRON, NATO, NSO, TOP and anyone else we are not currently aware of have my sincerest apologies that this occured.

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Even though I've not read anything in this thread let me take a stab at what's going on.

Everyone that's awesome agree that this post is awesome

Everyone that is bad is trolling it.

Did I nail it?

By the way, we're right.

fixed. lol..

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Except of course all evidence, including that presented by Bilrow, shows he was loyal to Rok so...your theory doesn't hold water.

I think perhaps we have here a player who sought to have an additional alter ego that he could pay attention to from time to time when he was bored. To the extent that he used it to aid Rok is firmly established. As to whether he spied with the additional alter ego on behalf of Rok...why choose the alliances he did and not others? If you're just wanting an additional nation to toy with there are alliances out there that are pretty well known for barely paying attention to their rosters and would require little to no interaction through a forum.

No, pretty much guilty on all counts. The only question is what did Rok gov know after late February 2009 and when did they know it.

my shtery wsa nothihnb more than tery man. i just peoprsed a dighferent set of criteari for what that dotherd ucde prospes.

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oh this little nation? in the other alliance? no i don't use it for spai!!! i just had 'plenty of other reasons' to have it.. but i swear i never spai! I just liek to look around at all of your stuff every now and then... i'm suuuuure you won't mind long as i don't spai!!!

One of the best times I had in any game was the time I helped plan two opposite sides of a war (another game). Neither character used info they shouldn't have access to and I had a blast. It was awesome seeing both sides of a plan as they fell into place at the same time. If I could do that here, I would do it again without hesitation.

fixed. lol..

Stop. Seriously. I try and try to like IRON, but when people post like this, it really doesn't help the case.

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my shtery wsa nothihnb more than tery man. i just peoprsed a dighferent set of criteari for what that dotherd ucde prospes.

Care to try again? :blink::P

Edited by Lenex
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Proof please?

All we've seen is that the two nations he controlled were in different alliances. There are plenty of other reasons outside of spying for that

Yes, applying to several alliances, ALL of them antagonistic to RoK...

and... trying to stir up tensions between them....

totally coincidental.....

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One of the best times I had in any game was the time I helped plan two opposite sides of a war (another game). Neither character used info they shouldn't have access to and I had a blast. It was awesome seeing both sides of a plan as they fell into place at the same time. If I could do that here, I would do it again without hesitation.

So you posted this to try to help your cause?! I seriously lol'd when I read this. Thanks for helping our propaganda machine with your statement!

I'm sure this post really helps your side

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One of the best times I had in any game was the time I helped plan two opposite sides of a war (another game). Neither character used info they shouldn't have access to and I had a blast. It was awesome seeing both sides of a plan as they fell into place at the same time. If I could do that here, I would do it again without hesitation.

i don't even care to understand how this could POSSIBLY be relevant to having a MULTI in THIS game which is BAD. (and lame as well)

Stop. Seriously. I try and try to like IRON, but when people post like this, it really doesn't help the case.

your sig tells me how much you 'try and try to like IRON', but don't worry we have a whole staff of diligent IRON'ers trying to figure out just how to get you, Flak, to like us. they can figure it out.

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Proof please?


There was a spy, proof was already given. Anything else is completely irrelevant.

Thus Ragnarok forfeited it's right to exist peacefully per the Supercomplaints NoTalkTotalZi doctrine.

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One of the best times I had in any game was the time I helped plan two opposite sides of a war (another game). Neither character used info they shouldn't have access to and I had a blast. It was awesome seeing both sides of a plan as they fell into place at the same time. If I could do that here, I would do it again without hesitation.

Stop. Seriously. I try and try to like IRON, but when people post like this, it really doesn't help the case.

To the first, sounds like a blast. Unfortunately, we keep runing into opposing spies, so that makes it hard to see such a scenario play out.


To the second; I like MK, but recent maneuverings on their part has dropped their esteem greatly in my blurry drunken eyes.

You are not directly involved in ANY of the most recent goings-on, yet you're the loudest in promotion/deflection.

If you can honestly look yourself in the mirror and count to ten without turning away, congratulations; you're sociopaths.

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One of the best times I had in any game was the time I helped plan two opposite sides of a war (another game). Neither character used info they shouldn't have access to and I had a blast. It was awesome seeing both sides of a plan as they fell into place at the same time. If I could do that here, I would do it again without hesitation.

i can see how it might be appealing to view a war from both sides of the conflict. however, the other nation that he was controlling was originally a part of RoK. Keeping them seperate from the beginning would have lent more credence to that possibility. Also, using the second nation as a responsible member of an alliance instead of as a ghost trying to stir up problems would also have helped back that possibility up.

Edited by pho3nixsong926
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To the second; I like MK, but recent maneuverings on their part has dropped their esteem greatly in my blurry drunken eyes.

You are not directly involved in ANY of the most recent goings-on, yet you're the loudest in promotion/deflection.

If you can honestly look yourself in the mirror and count to ten without turning away, congratulations; you're sociopaths.

BOOM! It is true though, MK is over every topic defending every karma side regardless of how bad the evidence is stacked against them.

07 MK!

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So you posted this to try to help your cause?! I seriously lol'd when I read this. Thanks for helping our propaganda machine with your statement!

I'm sure this post really helps your side

Of course! How dare I say that I'm reasonably able to separate my IC feelings from my OOC feelings! What a ridiculous statement.

i don't even care to understand how this could POSSIBLY be relevant to having a MULTI in THIS game which is BAD. (and lame as well)

Yes, having a multi is against the rules. It does not, however, mean that they multi was used to spy.


There was a spy, proof was already given. Anything else is completely irrelevant.

Thus Ragnarok forfeited it's right to exist peacefully per the Supercomplaints NoTalkTotalZi doctrine.

Please show me where proof was given. Proof was given that there was a multi, but not of spying.

I can see the appeal in that, honestly, however, the other nation that he was controlling was originally a part of RoK. Keeping them seperate from the beginning would have lent more credence to that possibility. Also, using the second nation as a responsible member of an alliance instead of as a ghost trying to stir up problems would also have helped back that possibility up.

I don't know his intentions, nor will I pretend to, but I will point out that saying spying is the only thing he could be doing with it is a straight lie.

EDIT: You know what? I'm better than that.

Edited by flak attack
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Thus Ragnarok forfeited it's right to exist peacefully per the Supercomplaints NoTalkTotalZi doctrine.

A claim that Athens and Rok intend to ZI TPF is quite laughable. In fact, I wouldn't have expected them to pursue more than a one week war. Of course with the stubbornness bound to be displayed now that TPF is emboldened by the support they are receiving that certainly doesn't seem to be the direction we are headed now.

So you posted this to try to help your cause?! I seriously lol'd when I read this. Thanks for helping our propaganda machine with your statement!

I'm sure this post really helps your side

:lol1: I had to laugh when reading your post in the context of flak attacks signature. Your cookie cutter reply could have been applied to any post by any person without any context.

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my shtery wsa nothihnb more than tery man. i just peoprsed a dighferent set of criteari for what that dotherd ucde prospes.

I think this sums up my feelings on this thread pretty well, too.

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