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Joint NATO/IRON/TOP Announcement


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Maybe I'm just drunk, but I can't figure out for the life of me what this guy ^ means. I assume it's NPO's announcement of a bot that just spews out the party line with no regard to logic, sense, or grammar.

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Maybe I'm just drunk, but I can't figure out for the life of me what this guy ^ means.

He is as amused about your grander coalition's hypocrisy as am I and everyone else who isn't part of it :)

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Brainwashed minion responding as ordered

When any other alliance gets nailed or accused for multi's and or Spying: No excuses allowed! Let The Beatings Begin!

When a KARMA, Alliance member is caught doing almost the same thing they just punished other alliances for: It is ok and all is automatically forgiven, No harm no foul!

Gotcha!!, I understand completely now..

/me waits for further lies, erm Brainwashing techniques

Do you have any examples? Are you trying to say that TPF did not attempt to spy on Athens? Or that this is a clear case of one alliance spying on another?

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Evidence of what, exactly? The only evidence that exists is that Rish was using the same IP as a guy who was in NATO. There is no proof that Rok obtained information from him, no proof that Rok government was complicit in it (Chairman Hal of all people has verified that there were no spy programs in Rok up to his resignation in Feb 2009), no proof, really, of anything - or even of the intent to do anything. It is no more proven that Rok was spying on NATO than that NATO was spying on Rok.

This reminds me of an important point of difference between the cases of Rish and TPF. Here some people are quick to say that there "wasn't any proof of spying" (yet. And as if infiltration wasn't confirmation enough), but in the case of Zero Hour, there is proof that spying did not occur, as confessed by both Zero Hour, Athens, and confirmed by TPF.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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Maybe I'm just drunk, but I can't figure out for the life of me what this guy ^ means.

I am drunk as well, and I understand perfectly. Maybe its,....wait,...dont wanna get warned now,...

Needless to say, I lold, hardest at doitzel and some others--- you gonna push any garbage to support your political rabble and grudges,....objective moralist :lol1:

Also happy new year and this doesn't belong in here, is perfectly IC,...though what do I know I am not a mighty mod,...

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This reminds me of an important point of difference between the cases of Rish and TPF. Here some people are quick to say that there "wasn't any proof of spying" (yet. And as if infiltration wasn't confirmation enough), but in the case of Zero Hour, there is proof that spying did not occur, as confessed by both Zero Hour, Athens, and confirmed by TPF.

Here, there is no clear intent of spying. In the case of Zero Hour, there is proven intent on spying.

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Here, there is no clear intent of spying. In the case of Zero Hour, there is proven intent on spying.

Not only is the intent clear, but act has been committed.

The moment a person enters the gate of an alliance under false pretenses, they are spying.

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Here, there is no clear intent of spying. In the case of Zero Hour, there is proven intent on spying.

I like this brave new world, where we no longer look at what did happen, but speculate on what someone somewhere might have intended to happen, even though it didn't.

Edited by Vladimir
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Situation 1:

Leader of an alliance orders members to infiltrate enemy alliances. Many other government members are aware of the plan. The fact that this plot took place has been confirmed by the leader in question. The mission was not a success, although that's largely irrelevant.

Situation 2:

Regular (ex-gov) member of an alliance acquires a multi and infiltrates another alliance, with no knowledge or support from anyone in government. The attempt was not a success, although that's largely irrelevant. This lack of knowledge has been confirmed by the leader of the alliance in question and there is no evidence to suggest otherwise.

edit: if anyone has anything other than the usual "brave new world, karma are hypocrites, woe is me" drivel, I'd be happy to hear it.

Edited by Lord Brendan
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* Using the multi to attempt infiltration of IRON (it should be noted that he was unsuccessful).

* Using the multi to successfully infiltrate NATO; he was a member of that alliance until today.

* Using the multi to ghost the NSO alliance affiliation and send fake recruiting messages to major nations in TOP, presumably in an attempt to cause contention between the two alliances.

* Using the multi in order to launch a nuclear rogue assault on a member of the Gray Council.

Not only was there spying, but sabotage, and interference of alliance relations, as well.

RoK are these the kind of people that you let run your alliance and advise your affairs?

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CN history says that this is a war worthy offense, if it is true.

The NAAC was attacked in the Second Polar War due to a spy from the NAAC that, if the NAAC government was telling the truth, the NAAC gov had no knowledge about.


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Here, there is no clear intent of spying. In the case of Zero Hour, there is proven intent on spying.

ZH canceled the op before actual spying was done.The question here is two nations both mature,with long Histories and where each were at critical junctures here in Digiterra and controlled by one individual.Where were each during the Karma War for example?

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Not only was there spying, but sabotage, and interference of alliance relations, as well.

RoK are these the kind of people that you let run your alliance and advise your affairs?

I know, right? How could Rok be stupid enough to let a NATO spy get and adviser tag that doesn't provide them with any additional influence or access.

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Not only was there spying, but sabotage, and interference of alliance relations, as well.

RoK are these the kind of people that you let run your alliance and advise your affairs?

We do not condone spying nor have we ever spied on another alliance or been aware of ongoing spy operations against anyone. rishnokof never made us aware of his operation and he certainly never shared any information with us. Had rishnokof still been a member of Ragnarok (and still had a nation) he would have been removed for such an act immediately as per RoK protocol.

Answer: No. ^_^

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Situation 1:

Leader of an alliance orders members to infiltrate enemy alliances. Many other government members are aware of the plan. The fact that this plot took place has been confirmed by the leader in question. The mission was not a success, although that's largely irrelevant.

Situation 2:

Regular (ex-gov) member of an alliance acquires a multi and infiltrates another alliance, with no knowledge or support from anyone in government. The attempt was not a success, although that's largely irrelevant. This lack of knowledge has been confirmed by the leader of the alliance in question and there is no evidence to suggest otherwise.

edit: if anyone has anything other than the usual "brave new world, karma are hypocrites, woe is me" drivel, I'd be happy to hear it.

Sure. Ex-Gov, current "Foreign Affairs" Advisor to RoK gov.

Clear enough?

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I know, right? How could Rok be stupid enough to let a NATO spy get and adviser tag that doesn't provide them with any additional influence or access.

Indeed, how could RoK be stupid enough to let a multi and spy run their alliance and advise their affairs? Is this your ally?

Or could it be the complete opposite of what you have been desperately trying to insulate ever since you latched on to the idea? Distract and flail all you want, it won't save their image.

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Deeds > Words

The OP included a call to action for Ragnarok: that they condemn Rish's actions and expel him from their community. They have done so.

Sure. Ex-Gov, current "Foreign Affairs" Advisor to RoK gov.

Clear enough?

As I understand it, the position holds no additional mask or priviledges, just a title for ex-government. Similar to the Imperators Emerti of the Orders, although they might actually have additional masking, I'm not sure.

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