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An Announcement from Athens and Ragnarok


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The multiple ones that I've been in. You know, the one where I repeatedly say I have no desire to see TPF die or receive harsh terms? If people are going to sit and assume, they'd better be able to back it up.

And lastly ... no one is afraid of the pack of alliances sitting over there waiting three days and counting before doing something. I know you think it helps morale by thinking that and proclaiming it in public and all ... but we're all still here if you decide you want to join in. If not? Shut up and watch.

But..but..but..but...I enjoy watching.

And has it only been 3 days? Where does the time go?

Remember Hoo, we have a deal. You give me Kait and I'll drop into your range. I'll even let you get the first shot in... :D

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It's all circumstance on if the aggressor feels that the CB is solid enough or not, and I'd really not start arguing that circular argument here again.

Are you saying then that the aggressors in every war after diplomacy shouldn't offer individual surrender terms?

lol You can't even make a CB, let alone fight a war.

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Except we have. Do try and have a decent argument next time ;)
What is this, the Neopets forum?

Put some effort into your trolling.

I would suspect you would be satsified with the "no u!" coming from WarriorConcept?

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What is this, the Neopets forum?

Put some effort into your trolling.

Going by your standards, I can DoW on anyone who provided external Aid to RoK in Karma, since it was an act of war in wartime.

Put some effort into your lame CBs

It's hard to muster effort, when I'm so busy pointing and laughing at the utter incompetence of the aggressors in this matter.

o/ TPF; Slayer of weak Coalitions!

Edited by PrideAssassin
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Going by your standards, I can DoW on anyone who provided external Aid to RoK in Karma, since it was an act of war in wartime.

Put some effort into your lame CBs

It's hard to muster effort, when I'm so busy pointing and laughing at the utter incompetence of the aggressors in this matter.

o/ TPF; Slayer of weak Coalitions!

So you endorse the ideals behind the plan, of attempting to destroy an alliance and its community through means not related to their nations?

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Going by your standards, I can DoW on anyone who provided external Aid to RoK in Karma, since it was an act of war in wartime.

Put some effort into your lame CBs

It's hard to muster effort, when I'm so busy pointing and laughing at the utter incompetence of the aggressors in this matter.

o/ TPF; Slayer of weak Coalitions!

You make points, but they are so far from being accurate, no one is going to be willing to reply to them after a while.

There. Constructive advice for you.

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Going by your standards, I can DoW on anyone who provided external Aid to RoK in Karma, since it was an act of war in wartime.

Put some effort into your lame CBs

It's hard to muster effort, when I'm so busy pointing and laughing at the utter incompetence of the aggressors in this matter.

o/ TPF; Slayer of weak Coalitions!

I see your legacy of ignoring the vast majority of arguments, covering your ears, and spewing off unrelated nonsense continues. Last time you tried it in the NPO reps thread you got a personal gag order, let's see where it goes this time.

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I said IRON is still around, and you are.

With more seriousness, one can assume that we have seen the errors of our ways, as the old adage says.

Opening and further reading some existencialism philosophy, we can safely assume that truth is to be said in Sartre's words : "Existence is preceding Essence".

While the directions of this link has vastly be discussed, we can safely assume that there exist a correlation between Existence (Processus, Activity) and Essence (Potential, To be). (if not, works of Kant, Hegel, Albert Camus, Platon & Aristote might be good leads).

Seeing the errors of our ways, you still say that IRON is still around.

The semantics of the sentence are oddly turned. We can basically separate these two elements.


defines a matter-of-fact as in Whitehead's philosophy. Factually, it is a state of the questionned entity, here being IRON.

IRON is, Implies that IRON stands out as in the old latin ex(out) - stare(stance).

However, Can we really say that IRON stands out

as per Doitzel post, it seems not!


still around

Implies an essence.

What is Mostly IRON? Well, it's still around. Mostly, IRON is being reduced to "still" being around.

What would you imply by that WarriorConcept?

Are we being too much in the cyberverse?

Arrived to this point, I stopped my tought and thought. "Damn, WarriorConcept is being mean." and posted.

Then again, you send me back to this strange sentence. Maybe I didn't dig far enough, what does "around" mean in this precise situation.

What is this around exactly?

Used with the verb to be around has here a special signification : Alive, existent, or present.

existent : now that's something interesting.

Let's read the sentence again.

IRON is still around,

wich following the current semantic signified analysis (the signifier analysis would be interesting as well).

IRON existence linked to an essence implying an existence.

now that's interesting. the link existence - essence is truly being put forward. Idiots might see a circular logic but it's really even more semantically intresequed.

Linguistically, it's interesting to see that the two part of a being are being put together so closely.

Then again, there is this part that we have not decrypted yet.

and you are.

Et tu es, obivously is linked to the first part.

I, as well, am, still around

Now appealing to an ad hominem argument, I could claim that WarriorConcept does not like me and defines me as annoying further proving my claim of his meaningness.

But let's not enter it.

My Existence is also linked to an essence implying existence. Furthermore, my existence is linked to IRON existence in a semantic manner.

How shocking.

being part of IRON defines my identity as per WarriorConcept terms as being part of IRON, reductive indeed.

Then again I claim we have seen the errors of our ways.

Therefore, IRON essence would surely have CHANGED due to an EXISTENCE, more exactly in this case, Karma War.

A vulgarisation of it would be to say that the IRON of yesterday is not the IRON of today.

Let us see our schema once again.

IRON existence linked to an essence implying an existence and your existence (mine) is linked to that same essence implying an existence

The Essence is being changed, we can therefore write.

IRON OLD existence linked to a NEW essence implying a NEW existence and your CURRENT existence (mine) is linked to that same NEW essence implying a NEW existence

a new essence implies a new existence, therefore interfering with the first OLD.

We can clearly see a paradox forming there (CB TOP, Lol twice the same joke).

What is meant there by WarriorConcept

The IRON of yesterday is still around.

But IRON has changed, WarriorConcept. therefore me claiming "We have seen the errors of our ways", We did change. Wich moreover explains my presence here "And you are".

Therefore you cannot claim what you just claimed we are not still around WC,

We are around.

And We're going to hug our infra even more

Edited by Alter Leader Nabla
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I see your legacy of ignoring the vast majority of arguments, covering your ears, and spewing off unrelated nonsense continues. Last time you tried it in the NPO reps thread you got a personal gag order, let's see where it goes this time.

I has never been gagged. Try again. :)

Weakness runs through this bunch.

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... What?

Is that not the dangerous precedent Athens and Co. are attempting to set?

An act of war in wartime being a valid CB long down the road?

Too bad they went and set it.

Either way, enjoy the bitter taste of your bull.

TPF is already choking the lulzy Coalition with the Coalition's own massive pile of it. :)

Edited by PrideAssassin
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Is that not the dangerous precedent Athens and Co. are attempting to set?

An act of war in wartime being a valid CB long down the road?

Too bad they went and set it.

Either way, enjoy the bitter taste of your bull.

TPF is already choking the lulzy Coalition with it. :)

So you endorse the ideals behind the plan, of attempting to destroy an alliance and its community through means not related to their nations?

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I patiently await TPF's reply with a list of individual surrender terms for those nations of the what is it now? 5 AA's that have declared war on them?

I hope that infra hugging pixel fairy's will be treated equally fairly on both sides.

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