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Smashed Indeed

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More what if's and assumptions coming from Athens, I'm shocked!

Nah, we definitely have proof they were in the war planning room most of the day yesterday, that is, before they realized they should probably password it. I took the screenshot myself. Plus, they didn't deny that when we confronted them about it. Them leaking to TPF, though, is a hypothesis, I will concede that much.



I have a screenshot of the second list of names taken from my own status window. The first list was snagged by someone else so I don't have a screenshot of it.

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MASH had given us word that they would defend us if we were attacked. CDBurns was invited into the room that was dedicated to our defense.He then took full logs of the discussion left and went to the planning room for TPF.

After this and several discussions with Flockers where he told me that they would not defend us and instead protect Purple Unity from Pre-Emptive Strikes 0_o

(and yes they told me that they took the logs and even showed me parts of them to prove it)

So everyone who gives you their word and doesn't your going to cancel on them?

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Clearly Athens was desperate more support on the TPF front. The current 17 million NS vs TPFs 2 million isn't enough and no other Athenian ally or wartime ally would lend further assistance. Not Superfriends, not C&G and certainly not Sparta so Athens had to try and force MASH to attack TPF against their will.

No holes in this theory. Shame on you Athens. :rolleyes:

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Maybe you guys don't understand English. We came to you saying it was a defensive war against TPF aggression, yes, but we never asked you to enact the optional aggression clause. All we asked was that you be ready to enact the defensive clause if it came down to it. We told you, and every other Athenian ally late because we weren't going to hit the night that we hit, we were meaning to hit either the next day or the day after that. We invited you folks, as allies, into our discussion room and the invitation was accepted. You guys left without any objections, TPF mysteriously found out about our plans early and they then began moving into PM, so we acted quickly and decided to attack immediately to avoid letting any further nations slip into peace mode. The next day we saw you guys playing in #grudge, the naughty people room. D: So we took the 2 from the night before and added it to this new-found 2, we then discovered the number 4. Now, after some talking with your government, we've found our selves here.

You came to us DEMANDING we partake in your 'defensive war'. Yes, M*A*S*H government members were present during your initial planning. However, no military secrets were revealed to our other allies on the other side of Athens in this war. Various snippets showing Athens' attempt to spin this war and shift our support to them at the expense of our other allies were revealed strictly for comic relief.

You ignore us for months, don't bother cluing us up on a possible Stickman/C&G move on Purple, get into a massive tech raid with somebody who I admit I dropped the ball on (and I take FULL AND UNQUESTIONABLE RESPONSIBILITY for said ball dropping as it happened on my watch), then come to us to get support for what looks to us like a massive tech raid. We say 'No thanks, we don't buy your spin. We don't support TPF in what they did either, it was monumentally STOOPID, but this is an agressive war NOT defensive, and we're opting out. We'll defend Purple if it's attacked.' And so we are here.

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I don't believe MASH has denied that they were in the planning room with Athens, and then after having agreed to participate on the one side, decide to completely flip around and join the other side.

As to whether they leaked info, I haven't heard solid proof, but when the decision to move up the timetable was made, the folks on TPF's end knew about it within 5 minutes, and the MASH rep was still in Athens' room.

Again, this has nothing to do with MASH not actually honouring the oA, but saying that they would, then going and siding against Athens. If they had gone with neutrality from the start, I doubt Athens would have cared.

Good enough reason to cancel on them Athens, good job.

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You came to us DEMANDING we partake in your 'defensive war'. Yes, M*A*S*H government members were present during your initial planning. However, no military secrets were revealed to our other allies on the other side of Athens in this war. Various snippets showing Athens' attempt to spin this war and shift our support to them at the expense of our other allies were revealed strictly for comic relief.

You ignore us for months, don't bother cluing us up on a possible Stickman/C&G move on Purple, get into a massive tech raid with somebody who I admit I dropped the ball on (and I take FULL AND UNQUESTIONABLE RESPONSIBILITY for said ball dropping as it happened on my watch), then come to us to get support for what looks to us like a massive tech raid. We say 'No thanks, we don't buy your spin. We don't support TPF in what they did either, it was monumentally STOOPID, but this is an agressive war NOT defensive, and we're opting out. We'll defend Purple if it's attacked.' And so we are here.

There is a CnG/Stickmen move on purple?

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(and yes they told me that they took the logs and even showed me parts of them to prove it)

And I told you those logs were posted in our Officer's Club as briefing materials for our government. The 'O-Club' is NOT accessible to anyone but government and Veterans Council (former Gov), our cadre of advisors.

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You came to us DEMANDING we partake in your 'defensive war'. Yes, M*A*S*H government members were present during your initial planning. However, no military secrets were revealed to our other allies on the other side of Athens in this war. Various snippets showing Athens' attempt to spin this war and shift our support to them at the expense of our other allies were revealed strictly for comic relief.

You ignore us for months, don't bother cluing us up on a possible Stickman/C&G move on Purple, get into a massive tech raid with somebody who I admit I dropped the ball on (and I take FULL AND UNQUESTIONABLE RESPONSIBILITY for said ball dropping as it happened on my watch), then come to us to get support for what looks to us like a massive tech raid. We say 'No thanks, we don't buy your spin. We don't support TPF in what they did either, it was monumentally STOOPID, but this is an agressive war NOT defensive, and we're opting out. We'll defend Purple if it's attacked.' And so we are here.

Purple isn't even engaged in war. o_O We're in engaged in a war and (were) allied to you. Just because you didn't want to go on the aggressive, which we never asked you to do (if you want to accuse us of such, it should be easy to logdump us making such demands, so please do so), doesn't mean that it wasn't your responsibility as a MDoAP partner to defend us when attacked. If you had a problem with it, you should have spoken to us instead of letting us find out about your treachery by viewing the user-list in #grudge. We told you what was up, invited you into our defensive planning and then you up and left and said you weren't going to defend us, if need be, but alliances not even engaged in war.

Also, did you really Flonker too unwise to admit leaking? You just said you released privileged information to enemies that your allies were engaged with when they met some sort of "comic" qualification. How do I know you don't have a sick and twisted sense of humour where you leak information about us attacking TPF to them 5 minutes after we tell you?

I say no thanks, I don't buy your spin. We count on our allies just as much as they count on us, and so we are here.

Edited by George the Great
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Back before Thanksgiving, the Sticks were seriously rattling cages to see if they could stir something up. We suspected a possible move by them. We started stockpiling for it.

Was that the senate thing with Avalon? I can understand those concerns.

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More what if's and assumptions coming from Athens, I'm shocked!

Apparently "what if" and "fact" mean the same thing in your vocabulary. George's post is well laid out, maybe you should reread it before jumping to another feigned response.

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