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An Announcement from Zero Hour


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Ok, I just have to add my paranoid 2 cents to this..... Has anyone considered that this is part of the overall plan, for them to create another war, befriend us and worm their way inside and carry out the original plan if this war doesn't destroy any of the intended targets?

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Ok, I just have to add my paranoid 2 cents to this..... Has anyone considered that this is part of the overall plan, for them to create another war, befriend us and worm their way inside and carry out the original plan if this war doesn't destroy any of the intended targets?

Haha, that'd be some dedication, wouldnt it?

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Ok, I just have to add my paranoid 2 cents to this..... Has anyone considered that this is part of the overall plan, for them to create another war, befriend us and worm their way inside and carry out the original plan if this war doesn't destroy any of the intended targets?

We've certainly seen stranger.

But at this point, it'd be nice to see the war wrapped up with the terms being the forced merge of TPF, TSI and ZH.

edit: thanks MM, I missed TSI

Edited by Fantastico
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Ok, I just have to add my paranoid 2 cents to this..... Has anyone considered that this is part of the overall plan, for them to create another war, befriend us and worm their way inside and carry out the original plan if this war doesn't destroy any of the intended targets?

Sounds like something mhawk would do. :ph34r:

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So what operation did you perform?? by your own timeline you exited tpf on the 22nd-24th and told TPF on the 2nd that you were done with the op.

So what spying took place?? and it is obvious from those logs that desire was done long before the 2nd.

And the last question would be, why the smoke screen in the logs released justifying the "spying" including reference to my op, which had no reference to spying at all??

Alot of that is Luls, and shows the OOC rif that started and kept building throughout the Karma war.

I think you miss the bigger picture here. Regardless of an personal, OOC riff between Mhawk and the original members of ZH, and regardless of the fact that the war ended before the plan could come to fruition, and regardless that the "spies" decided to ditch the plan even before that, the fact remains that it would've been a good idea for Mhawk and crew to spill the beans themselves WHEN THEY SURRENDERED. You guys would be in a much better moral position at this point had you just done that covertly in peace talks with Karma.

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Thanks for the full disclosure, Zuli.

This definitely reinforces the argument that it was a TPF wartime project in a war they thought would never end for their side (NPO), and that it was terminated before TPF's surrender.

I was thinking the same thing Bob.

I think TPF has paid it's dues. This was wartime planning, let it go.

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Thanks for proving that you didnt do any spy ops after 4th of august. How kind of you. :)

The fact they were planned is bad enough. Whether or not they happened after August 4th is irrelevant. This kind of treachery goes beyond the bounds of even spying and ventures into that of community destruction. If someone tried or even thought about doing that with MK, I'd want their head.

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All I see here are things that destroy any possible credibility that this CB had.

That depends what you think the CB is. It backs up the idea that TPF and ZH cooperated to harm Karma alliances while TPF was in an apparently unending war with Karma. But it destroys the argument that the plan was actually put into motion or that hostile acts were done after TPF surrendered to Karma.

Edit: And indeed, ZH are at least as guilty as TPF. If their 'crime' is so forgivable that not only are you not rolling them, but you are continuing to protect them, then it's hard to claim that the exact same crime from TPF deserves war without diplomacy.

Edited by Bob Janova
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I have a proposal to the world at large:

We all stop point guns and making meanie faces at each other and stomp the crap out of ZH, TSI and Mhawk

I'm pretty sure you meant to type TPF instead of TSI. If not, wtf?

We've certainly seen stranger.

But at this point, it'd be nice to see the war wrapped up with the terms being the forced merge of TPF, TSI and ZH.

edit: thanks MM, I missed TSI

What in gawd's name does TSI have to do with this, and what logic would there be in our inclusion of a forced merge? We're TPF's allies, and our Empress is privvy to information from TPF thanks to that. It's not a crime to keep your friend's secrets.

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The fact they were planned is bad enough. Whether or not they happened after August 4th is irrelevant. This kind of treachery goes beyond the bounds of even spying and ventures into that of community destruction. If someone tried or even thought about doing that with MK, I'd want their head.

Unfortunately, the public is now starting to veer into the realm that these actions are actually accepted during wartime. It's now the only argument they have left to justify the entire op.

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Thanks for the full disclosure, Zuli.

This definitely reinforces the argument that it was a TPF wartime project in a war they thought would never end for their side (NPO), and that it was terminated before TPF's surrender.

Terminated yes, but not by TPF. As far as I can tell there was no statement from anyone in TPF about terminating the operation once the NPO had agreed to peace. This suggests to me that TPF intended to leave the cell operating even after the war had ended.

As ZH terminated it themselves, we'll never know for certain. ;)

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