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The Phoenix Federation Response to war.


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Reading all of this reminds me of what is or is not done with minefields after wars.

Some nations help clean them up upon a war's conclusion, others continue to harbor some hostility even after "peace" and do nothing.

It's a weak analogy since sleeper cells are much more dynamic than mines, but it still tells us a few things about war and peace and how people have vastly different ways of viewing the two.

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They never officially declared it doesnt mean they didnt consider themselves at war.

That's cool they should've asked Athens for peace too then since they didn't seem to know, woops?

Then athens should have approached TPF for reparations once it was brought to light and tried to work it out diplomatically.
Wouldn't restitution consist of reps and perhaps other demands then if Athens were involved in these peace negotiations? I mean TPF was already beaten about as badly as it could have been in the war (they haven't grown much since either) and going at them a second time as opposed to just sitting back down at the negotiation table as it should have been done months ago doesn't seem to fit with the idea of restitution, if anything this is more like revenge.

Really this is all personal opinion. If you guys are going to go to diplomatic means for every instance possible then that's fine, some people have limits on what they can put up with. From seeing TPF's responses thus far it doesn't look like "negotiations" would've accomplished anything except let TPF hit peace mode and organize its allies better.

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I have proof TPF conspired to spy. I have no proof of TPF ever ending this conspiracy.That's the point. The onus is on TPF here.

So you are just making things up as you go along? nice to know. normally the party accusing another of commiting a crime they are supposed to back it up with proof as well but I am sure your "reasonable" assumption is enough. Just like Athens made a resonable assumption that TSI was leaking stuff and WF ressonably assumed that KDII was ordering his alliance to attack them.

edit: So mhawk and co are supposed to give you all the irc logs/forums pm's etc from the time they surrendered till now to prove they didnt spy?

Edited by silentkiller
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ok next question... TPF clearly was working towards bringing down Athens, even if the attempt to do so ended before they surrendered. And, sure RoK is allied to Athens, so they could go in with them, but that's not the reason stated:

It has came to our attention that mhawk and TPF plotted and conspired against Ragnarok.

Now really... I would expect better from Hoo in this. RoK being like GOD and \m/ and attacking to back up their ally would be far more acceptable than this CB. Athens has shown that steps were actually taken against Athens, so while Athens apparently lives in some crazy world where time does some weird things, they still have something. RoK has that their name was brought up and... well... that's it. It seems that they were mentioned in the planning stages but then discarded and all effort went towards Athens.

Now, is there a single leader on Bob willing to say that they don't look at multiple options when preparing military action?

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TPF had valid reasons to commit war acts against both alliances in regards to the Karma war. Seeing as though TPF was already defeated and surrendered and completed terms for that war declaring on them months later for it seems idiotic at best.

Err..they did?

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Look we have an admitance of guilt already.

TPF have confirmed that they did not break off the operation, ZH did that. We also have logs confirming that ZH broke this off in late august.

<edit>should probably add here that TPF got peace in the begining of august</edit>

That's almost a month where TPF let the operation run freely and even after that they didn't take any steps to stop the operation, ZH did that.

imho spying on a alliance for a month after the war ends is a perfectly valid cb

Edited by neneko
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You also have no proof that Vox members have stopped their pre-Karma War spy rings.

That's irrelevant. We made peace with everyone we conducted operations on. They made independent decisions to let us be on our way -- a chance that Athens never got. So again, stop bringing us up. Unlike mhawk when we ended our wars we made sure to tie up our loose ends.

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I have a few semi unrelated questions.

What in god's name made you think this plan was a good idea to begin with? Why did you pick people who weren't at war with you?

I mean honestly, you saw how good blackstone collusion worked out for you, what would make you think a 2.0 would have better results?

I never said it was a good/smart plan, only that it ended before we were granted terms.

I think the reasons for discussing RoK and Athens was due to their willingness to have mergers/fold-ins.....and they were both very vocal members of the coalition we were at war with.

Apples & oranges really.

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They didn't just say they didn't like Athens, they didn't just say they would like Athens destroyed, they actually started a plan to destroy Athens, which as far as I can tell only ended because ZH backed out.

That's different from, I don't like NPO, or I'm going to create a power bloc which can balance out Q. It was an active attempt to destroy Athens.

And I have been privvy to conversations in the past of numerous alliances plotting to take down another, and have watched as the world moaned on their behalf. This is no different. Damnable evidence taken out of context. The only difference this time is those that bemoaned it before can revel the surprise attack this time. Really, who cares? Everyone got the drama they wanted, and the haters get to see TPF get rolled.

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Why not carry this act on, I don't know, an alliance they were at war with

Their intent is then shown to be just to harm Athens.

That's a leap in logic. Just because they committed an act of war against an alliance they were not legally at war with does not mean that said act was not related to a war that they were in. In fact, it's more logical to assume that the Karma war was related to the acts as there isn't any other clear motivation for them to do this, especially while they were at war.

Also that's fine, I'm used to TOP playing devil's advocate whenever there's a chance of infra being lost ;)

Just because we like to keep the peace doesn't mean we're afraid of war. Also, few of us care about infra, it's all about the tech ;)

Edited by Hayzell
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No, just the specific logs showing he called it off are sufficient.

So TPF was supposed to make another splinter alliance and then tell them they didnt want their services anymore before you could be sure that TPF had stopped their plotting? AFter all they cant tell zero hour that they didnt want their services after zero hour already quit(before TPF surrendered). I can imagine.

Zerohour: hey I dont wanna do this anymore. I quit

Mhawk: you cant quite. you are fired!

Edited by silentkiller
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That's irrelevant. We made peace with everyone we conducted operations on. They made independent decisions to let us be on our way -- a chance that Athens never got. So again, stop bringing us up. Unlike mhawk when we ended our wars we made sure to tie up our loose ends.

But can you prove you've ever stopped the spying?

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Oh and they surrendered to the coalition they were at war with, but lets ignore that.

Well, Athens never signed that in case you missed it. Meaning they didn't condone or acknowledge the surrender, if you want to go all e-lawyer, which it seems you do.

But let's ignore that.

You're missing it. It wasn't a failed plan. It could neither succeed nor fail due it's dying during birth.

Yes. The baby died. Kill the mother!

I really can't say it better than Doitzel, but.

If the baby dies during childbirth, it would be a failed childbirth.

And the birth of a plan is when it's thought up. Unless it got clogged up somewhere in mhawk's brain, that's really not working.

If he had already served his sentence.

This is an argument I don't understand. People seem to be saying, "this plan was started during the Karma War, TPF lost in the Karma War, they've paid." But the Karma War was fought for a wide variety of Hegemony transgressions, leading up to mhawk and co. attacking OV. Even if it was formed during Karma, a plan to destroy an alliance you're not at war with (to e-lawyers: no war declared, no war exists) months in the future seems to be retribution, not an attempt to destroy aggressors. Which would make it a seperate incident, and not atoned for.

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