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Athens Declaration of War


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I look forward to you supporting NPO declaring war on people because of people spying on them in 2006.

I think most people do when the evidence is solid. PWII a good sum of people will say NAAC deserved it for spying. Citrus War, those of us in ODN probably deserved it :3

Edit: I totally misinterpreted your post, but Stumpy's applies.

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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Athens has proven to be untrustworthy in their dealings before.

The substance of this casus belli is not only dated, but incredibly hard to believe.

Hard to believe? No way. TPF has been dropping hints since March! :o

Although there are many folks that belittle vox and how they have chosen to play the game, I will not. They are an enemy and it is complacent to underestimate any foe.

Whatever the case, what's certain is that TPF has acted as an enemy without dignity or decency.

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The closest thing I saw to an admission of spying was this part of the OP:

01[04:00] <DrunkMonkey[ZH]> so we can sit back and monitor their relationship and build ZH and see if we can't impress sparta along the way

[04:00] <mhawk> spies

[04:00] <mhawk> and works with them

[04:00] <mhawk> yup

[04:00] <mhawk> trash talk tpf

[04:01] <mhawk> if you need to

But then I noticed these lines in the link provided.

[04:00] <mhawk> yup

[04:00] <mhawk> keep in mind

[04:00] <mhawk> we know george the great

01[04:00] <DrunkMonkey[ZH]> so we can sit back and monitor their relationship and build ZH and see if we can't impress sparta along the way

[04:00] <mhawk> spies

[04:00] <mhawk> and works with them

[04:00] <mhawk> yup

[04:00] <mhawk> trash talk tpf

[04:01] <mhawk> if you need to

[04:01] <mhawk> to george

Spin it however you guys want, but unless you got something better I'm not buying it.

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I agree, this is not very honorable at all. Even in war, I would disapprove of such low methods.

However, I'm also firm in my advocacy of diplomacy. I would think that given the rather large time gap, Athens would have been interested in contacting TPF leadership and investigating the reasons for the discontinuation of the project. Afterward, they may even have discussed a reasonable punishment for TPF. War could have been avoided.

See my post above.

Also, I am not arguing for diplomacy because I am pro-TPF or anti-Athens. I simply dislike unnecessary wars (wars in general for that matter).

First, TPF did not call off this operation. It would have continued indefinitely and likely infiltrated Athens had ZH not decided that they no longer wanted to be a part of it.

Second, for clarification. Athens did not fight TPF in the karma war. We fought TPF in the NoCB/War of the Coaltion. That was a different regime and we moved past it long ago.

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Hard to believe? They have logs of mhawk laying it all out. He really just wrote down a CB right there in the logs. Also I didn't realize there was an expiration date on these kinds of crimes.

Ok. So logs have never been tampered or cooked up before then.


If there was any alliance that would stoop there, it's Athens.

Edited by Galapagos
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Play what good sir?

OOC: I thought this was an ic forum <_<

What do you build your nation for then? If all you want is petals and roses that's cool but the rest of us enjoy conflicts time to time, especially when they're justified.

Edited by WarriorConcept
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The closest thing I saw to an admission of spying was this part of the OP:

But then I noticed these lines in the link provided.

Spin it however you guys want, but unless you got something better I'm not buying it.

4:38:29 AM] DrunkMonkey: 01[03:51] <DrunkMonkey[ZH]> i still believe the best chance for revenge is to catch them off guard and go for the kill

[03:53] <mhawk> lol

[03:53] <mhawk> they are little !@#$%* kids

[03:53] <mhawk> in for a blanket party

01[03:53] <DrunkMonkey[ZH]> indeed

[03:53] <mhawk> however you guys feel you can hurt them the worst

[03:53] <mhawk> do it

[03:53] <mhawk> one idea

[03:53] <mhawk> was after you get some press

[03:53] <mhawk> make some pr things

[03:54] <mhawk> about no zi

[03:54] <mhawk> real idiotic pr things

[03:54] <mhawk> that pander to them

[03:54] <mhawk> then start recruiting maybe

[03:54] <mhawk> from them

01[03:54] <DrunkMonkey[ZH]> yeah

[03:54] <mhawk> they will then have to destroy you

[03:54] <mhawk> or back off

[03:54] <mhawk> one idea

[03:54] <mhawk> is merge into sparta

[03:54] <mhawk> and hurt those $%&@es

Yeah, there's more but that's the first part that jumped out to me.

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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First, TPF did not call off this operation. It would have continued indefinitely and likely infiltrated Athens had ZH not decided that they no longer wanted to be a part of it.

I believe it was Zero Hour who told you that?

Have you tried to contact TPF and ask for their reasons/side of the story?

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If you wish to send insults, use the PM method, I'll be here all night, don't clog up the thread with your ignorance.

It's only your ignorance that's showing here I'm afraid. Well not ignorance it's just your point of view really just goes against everyone else's which is cool and all but yeah.

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Ok. So logs have never been tampered or cooked up before then.


If there was any alliance that would stoop there, it's Athens.

And they havent been confirmed as real by mhawk already obviously..ohwait.

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Yes, very hotheaded that they would declare war on an alliance spying on them and posing as friends for these past several months with no remorse or attempt at making things right. I'm ashamed at what this world has come to... -_-

But can you actually prove that any person really actually spied or did anything of that sort? So far, there is no evidence of that.

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Ok. So logs have never been tampered or cooked up before then.


If there was any alliance that would stoop there, it's Athens.

Funny. Because Mhawk dropped by and he didn't raise any concerns of fake logs. So that leads me to think they're real.

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What do you build your nation for then? If all you want is peddles and roses that's cool but the rest of us enjoy conflicts time to time, especially when they're justified.

Why bring senseless destruction to another alliance when once could have easily used diplomacy to bring about a favorable outcome?

Why do I build my nation? Well that's an absurd question. I build my nation because my citizens entrusted me with the power to lead them. It is my duty and responsibility as the leader of my nation not to betray their trust!


OOC: Remember, this is IC..

Edited by kulomascovia
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And so the first thing they did was declare war? Sounds rather hot headed.

Of course! Should be sunshine and lollipop diplomacy for every alliance that cooks up spying plots with the intention of destroying communities they don't like.

Immoral Athens and pals! )):

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