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Dark Fist's reponse to NSO

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How about someone locks this as the people replying now don't bother to read the whole thread anyways and will bring up long-resolved issues?

For anyone thinking tl;dr :

NSO declared the issue with DF as over, whether or not the apology was retracted or not or whatever.

Picking up an offer to DF for a 1on1, RIA asked for a duel with NSO without any CB, NSO accepted.

Everyone is waiting for RIA to finish their 48h voting time until the war starts.

Anything else is history.

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How about someone locks this as the people replying now don't bother to read the whole thread anyways and will bring up long-resolved issues?

For anyone thinking tl;dr :

NSO declared the issue with DF as over, whether or not the apology was retracted or not or whatever.

Picking up an offer to DF for a 1on1, RIA asked for a duel with NSO without any CB, NSO accepted.

Everyone is waiting for RIA to finish their 48h voting time until the war starts.

Anything else is history.

Seems this must be repeated on every page? :/

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The delay is RIA voting whether or not to accept the acceptance of the challenge they threw down to NSO. Ivan was merely pointing out the possibility that the delay could open the door for someone else to attack them and do the "dirty work" for RIA.

a door he left open... possibly only so he could say delta left it open?

What? When did Ivan reject immediate discussions to set the ground rules in place for the 1v1? He invited RIA to speak to his people about it immediately. Delta said RIA had to vote and that is what is happening. I still don;t think you have any idea what Ivan was actually saying.

no, delta said:

The summary was basically asking whether you were in a hurry or whether I should out the terms to my membership to decide on. Unlike you, I'm a democratically elected leader, and I'm sure my people would enjoy picking their terms. Like I said in my previous post, though, I can come up with them myself if there's a rush.

emphasis mine. then Ivan said:

I am in no rush .... Do whatever you feel like you need to do...

which equates to him consenting to a delay when offered a rush, while in the same breath accusing RIA of trying to delay (why then would delta offer a rush if he were trying to delay? my original point) and complaining about something he was offered a choice about. poorly executed spin, nothing more.

Where has Ivan claimed to be a victim? Are you making this up as you go along? Ivan accepted RIA's challenge and invited RIA to discuss the ground rules with his people. Delta said RIA had to vote as they were a democratic alliance. Ivan gave him some ribbing about the delay and how it left the door open for someone else to jump in and do his "dirty work". I really do not see what you are getting at, most of what you say appears to be a figment of your imagination.

where did delta say RIA Had to vote? that's what the fallacy of Ivan's post hinges on; he offered to give Ivan the terms as soon as he wanted them, and Ivan implied that delta was trying to delay, an implication which I then utterly disemboweled, poking the innards about with a stick for the benefit of all onlooking.

Ivan chose to allow a delay and then ribbed delta as if he had given him no choice. That's where the implied victimization comes in. and Again, since there was a choice given, it's not dirty work, but keep saying that and proving my point. dirty work implies a victim, and in this case there can be none. Ivan left the door open. maybe he's doing delta's 'dirty work?'

Again, where did Ivan demand RIA vote on it? The option on whether to vote is RIA's not NSO's.

in delta's post which Ivan responded to, that option was presented to NSO.

Delta: "I can come up with them myself if there's a rush"

Ivan: "I am in no rush .... Do whatever you feel like you need to do..."

when someone says they'll fight you anytime, anywhere, you don't then draw the conclusion that because anytime includes a later time they are trying to 'cop out' and delay... unless you're, well, an untalented politician, searching frantically for a way to make them look weak, with no sense of how weak this makes you look. also, I expect more reading comprehension from the leader of an alliance.

edit: missed a spot

Edited by llamavore
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/me puts NSO in a corner with alliances like Invicta and ODN :)

What is this I don't even?

Look, it's a small corner, I'm not even sure how Invicta and ODN ended up in it, there's not really enough cake to go around, we just shipped all our Twinkies to STA, the booze is only just holding up. We're a hospitable bunch, but I don't think we can fit all of NSO in here. On the plus side, given how compressed we would all be, Heft might get some of that leg-humping action he's so interested in. So - OK, in the spirit of the season, they can join the party.

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What is this I don't even?

Look, it's a small corner, I'm not even sure how Invicta and ODN ended up in it, there's not really enough cake to go around, we just shipped all our Twinkies to STA, the booze is only just holding up. We're a hospitable bunch, but I don't think we can fit all of NSO in here. On the plus side, given how compressed we would all be, Heft might get some of that leg-humping action he's so interested in. So - OK, in the spirit of the season, they can join the party.

I was just making a random comment like everybody did in the last 28 pages ;):lol1: :lol1:

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What is this I don't even?

Look, it's a small corner, I'm not even sure how Invicta and ODN ended up in it, there's not really enough cake to go around, we just shipped all our Twinkies to STA, the booze is only just holding up. We're a hospitable bunch, but I don't think we can fit all of NSO in here. On the plus side, given how compressed we would all be, Heft might get some of that leg-humping action he's so interested in. So - OK, in the spirit of the season, they can join the party.

:wub: Awww. Well aren't you just a darling :wub:

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Last I checked, Penkala wasn't in government. I have absolutely no CB to attack NSO with. I do think you are a pompous blowhard who uses the threat of war and the gimmick of 1v1 battles to try to intimidate people that you don't think will take you up on the offer or that you'd be able to safely wallop on even if they did, and I think you do this because 90% of the game has more friends than you and if you go even one place removed from your direct allies, your allies' allies don't want to defend you either, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. The thing is, I think you'd rather spend time dancing around semantics and feinting through logical loopholes than put your nukes where your mouth is.

I asked you a simple question, "Will you accept a 1v1 fight from anyone?" and you've now spent several pages dancing around giving me a straight answer and lumping in qualifications. It's your own system. I know this because your membership loves touting how it pioneered it every other !@#$@#$ day of the week. You get told to put up or shut up a lot, and so far you've been able to fall back on the defense that it was your subordinates that were writing the checks you've been refusing to cash.

You don't get to do this now. Ivan, either put up, or shut. the. $%&@. up.

This is why I love Delta. Verbalized my thoughts fully.

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What is this I don't even?

Look, it's a small corner, I'm not even sure how Invicta and ODN ended up in it, there's not really enough cake to go around, we just shipped all our Twinkies to STA, the booze is only just holding up. We're a hospitable bunch, but I don't think we can fit all of NSO in here. On the plus side, given how compressed we would all be, Heft might get some of that leg-humping action he's so interested in. So - OK, in the spirit of the season, they can join the party.

Well I lol..

I'm surprised it took over 30 pages for someone to bash the ODN in a thread that has nothing to do with them..

Edited by monkeybum
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Can anyone please explain to me why this discussion [OOC: totals over 97 pages over the course of three threads]? All I see are people trying to so whose male genitalia are bigger. Guess what people, VICTORY IS MINE. Now that everyone is aware of this fun fact, the size comparisons can cease... it's just not pleasant to watch grown men measure themselves up (literally) with other men. Just makes me uncomfortable. It's even more disturbing because, again, I win and you all lose. (c wut i did thar?)

So go home, simmer down, and eat some ham, turkey, beef, or whatever food you eat on this seemingly innocent holiday. And NSO: I hope you have fun this holiday season, because RIA are... well, have you ever seen a bull that is really pissed off, but is also wearing a mask and dance shoes? That's is probably my best description of RIA at war. :v:

But in all seriousness... just drop the subject. We know DF can't do jack against NSO, so it's a non-issue. No offense DF, and the effort was at least admirable in the beginning, but you just don't have the punch required to call out certain alliances.

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