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Dark Fist's reponse to NSO

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Tyga show me where i called Ivan a coward. I was the one asking for Ivan to post the apology so that we could move on. I never once called anyone a coward on either side. So please quote me or I would ask you refrain from putting words in my mouth.

Show me where I said you said it. If you cast a glance over the myriad of threads covering this incident you'll see quite a few have accused him of cowardice for only wanting to fight smaller alliances one-on-one.

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DF at 1.5 mil and NSO at 4.2 is a wonderful mis-match. RIA at 5.1 is a much closer match.

Of course, I likely missed the sarcasm in my over-tired state. :not awesome:

But still RIA is a larger alliance. I was merely showing amusement at one person being lauded as a hero for challenging a smaller alliance to a 1v1 war when another gets labelled a coward for doing the same thing.

I honestly could not care less, Ivan is big enough to look after himself. I just found the different reactions funny.

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But still RIA is a larger alliance. I was merely showing amusement at one person being lauded as a hero for challenging a smaller alliance to a 1v1 war when another gets labelled a coward for doing the same thing.

I honestly could not care less, Ivan is big enough to look after himself. I just found the different reactions funny.

There's more to it than just two alliances wanting 1v1s against smaller alliances and one being applauded for it and one being demonized for it and you know it. RIA didn't start threatening people out of the blue over the most minute issues, only then backing down to 1v1s when it'd be clear they couldn't cash the checks they were writing.

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Show me where I said you said it. If you cast a glance over the myriad of threads covering this incident you'll see quite a few have accused him of cowardice for only wanting to fight smaller alliances one-on-one.

http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=2049867 <-- done

Umm yeah you made that comment after quoting me. Now I guess you could be quoting me just because you like my post, but normally when someone quotes someone and makes a comment after its because that comment is aimed at or about the quoted post.

I have never called him or DF a coward in any of the threads relating to this. Have I stated I felt that what they were both doing with the whole "you show evidence, no you show evidence first" to be childish on both parties? Yes I have. So please dont quote me and then make a post like that considering I have not been making those calls of Ivan being a coward. I am not those quite a few, I was one of those asking for factual evidence of anything in this matter.

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But still RIA is a larger alliance. I was merely showing amusement at one person being lauded as a hero for challenging a smaller alliance to a 1v1 war when another gets labelled a coward for doing the same thing.

I honestly could not care less, Ivan is big enough to look after himself. I just found the different reactions funny.

If I recall correctly, Mr. Moldavi was never labeled as such, it was his subordinate and the label was due to the fact that it was a ridiculously obvious "oh yea well...uhh...1v1! huzza! how about that!" after the claim of a CB was already made. It was obviously a way to back out of a threat that was made, here however its a different circumstance.

Edited by Il Impero Romano
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RIA challenged NSO to fight 1 vs 1 War, then the NSO leader said yes..

so, why wait ?? :huh:

i assume both sides are disscussing the rules of engagement in private :popcorn:

We will be in the morning. Well, later in the morning or in the afternoon, I suppose. *sigh*

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You should point out exactly what you disagree with unless you're trying to avoid being corrected.

Your post:

1. cats often play with their food before killing it.

2. dirty work? a consensual 1v1 war with no CB is our dirty work?

why are you implying that you would be the victim of an enemy you are simultaneously trying to make look weak?

Point 1 is neither here nor there. Meaningless fluff to pump yourselves up. No issue there.

Point 2 is entirely wrong. Ivan was saying that the voting process by RIA about the 1v1 war could open the window for another alliance to attack NSO and do their dirty work for them during this delay. That is, attack and take down the NSO being the "dirty work".

The last comment of yours mkes no sense at all. I didn't see Ivan claiming to be a victim of anything. He was goading Delta over the "delay" a vote causes much like most people here have been goading the NSO over various wars and challenges the past day and a half.

I hope that clarifies. The reason I did not bother going into specifics was because I hoped you'd go back and read his post and work it out for yourself.

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I mean I guess. I suppose this could all change if Ivan got couped under their charter in the next few hours too. Or they backpedaled their way out of like the fourth conflict in two days.

Hmmm, you seem a little sensitive there Penkala. I was just raising what I thought was a legitimate comment. I'd imagine going to a vote would be redundant if you have no intention of acting on the majority from that vote, right?

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Hmmm, you seem a little sensitive there Penkala. I was just raising what I thought was a legitimate comment. I'd imagine going to a vote would be redundant if you have no intention of acting on the majority from that vote, right?

I'm not being sensitive really. I'm pretty sure the majority of RIA wouldn't mind a few shots at NSO.

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Unless it gets voted down in the RIA, right?

Sub-Section i

An independent offensive declaration of war shall be called for when the alliance feels that another entity has infringed upon it in a way which can only be resolved through application of force. Such a declaration shall require a unanimous Cabinet-Triumvirate vote as well as four fifths majority popular vote lasting for a period of forty-eight hours.

From what I believe is the current RIA charter, if it is wrong, someone in RIA feel free to correct me and throw at us the most current. So yes it could be voted down, but I have heard that RIA has a great distaste for NSO so i don't think it will. Has about as much chance of getting voted down as Ivan getting couped ;) .

Also Tyga can you address my earlier post about the whole you quoting me and then saying i called Ivan a coward.... I understand your busy trying to be the good treaty partner and bash RIA in all, but if you could spare some time for me that would be great. If you cant, i would again ask you to refrain from putting words in my mouth in the future, i may choke.

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Guyz! You're falling into Citadel's trap! Infighting only weakens you for the inevitable Citadel-rest.of.world showdown and makes their boring, stat-collector hegemony (even more) inevitable!

Too lazy to read the whole thread, but if that hasn't been said, I wanted to point it out. Mostly jest, partially not. I'm definitely not going to complain about war in any case. :)

Also, I don't know what to do or who to support at this point. It's annoying. I've always been staunchly partisan in this game, but right now, I go back and forth between the blocs and even specific alliances. Sure, it doesn't matter in the scheme of things to anyone but myself, but it's driving me crazy. -_-

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Sub-Section i

An independent offensive declaration of war shall be called for when the alliance feels that another entity has infringed upon it in a way which can only be resolved through application of force. Such a declaration shall require a unanimous Cabinet-Triumvirate vote as well as four fifths majority popular vote lasting for a period of forty-eight hours.

From what I believe is the current RIA charter, if it is wrong, someone in RIA feel free to correct me and throw at us the most current. So yes it could be voted down, but I have heard that RIA has a great distaste for NSO so i don't think it will. Has about as much chance of getting voted down as Ivan getting couped ;) .

Confirming that this is the current version of the RIA charter.

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Guyz! You're falling into Citadel's trap! Infighting only weakens you for the inevitable Citadel-rest.of.world showdown and makes their boring, stat-collector hegemony (even more) inevitable!

I figured it is a trap....but i am not sure who is setting a trap for whom.....

This issue has just crossed a total of 100 pages in three different threads.....and i am still not sure who is trapping whom......

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Sub-Section i

An independent offensive declaration of war shall be called for when the alliance feels that another entity has infringed upon it in a way which can only be resolved through application of force. Such a declaration shall require a unanimous Cabinet-Triumvirate vote as well as four fifths majority popular vote lasting for a period of forty-eight hours.

From what I believe is the current RIA charter, if it is wrong, someone in RIA feel free to correct me and throw at us the most current. So yes it could be voted down, but I have heard that RIA has a great distaste for NSO so i don't think it will. Has about as much chance of getting voted down as Ivan getting couped ;) .

Where did I say it would be voted down? I said that RIA's going to war with NSO via the challenge they threw out to NSO relies on the vote going in favour of such action.

Also Tyga can you address my earlier post about the whole you quoting me and then saying i called Ivan a coward.... I understand your busy trying to be the good treaty partner and bash RIA in all, but if you could spare some time for me that would be great. If you cant, i would again ask you to refrain from putting words in my mouth in the future, i may choke.

I already addressed that post, perhaps you should scroll back and read it. I never stated you called Ivan a coward, I said he had been called a coward for challenging smaller alliances to 1v1 wars. Perhaps it is you who is too busy trying to appear clever when you should probably be reading posts a little more closely.

As for examples of Ivan being labelled a coward, I got tired after only page 6 of this thread and found these. I'm sure you can read on for more if you are so inclined:




If you can also point out where I have bashed RIA (I wasn't aware posting a comment that is accurate in relation to the RIA Charter was bashing) and where I have put words in your mouth, I'd much appreciate it.

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