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That is not how ODN operates. But of course, the OWF peanut gallery knows more about ODN policy than I do, as a mere Senator.

I'll echo the invitation from FOK - if anyone has genuine questions about ODN policy, my PM box is open.

I'm sure you were just speaking in code in those logs and what you meant was that you wanted to strengthen orange ties as equal allies, not gain more political power. Seriously, Pingu, are you going to insult the world's intelligence? The logs were straightforward - you want to control other alliances' FA actions.

You sure do have a communication problem, though. You say one thing in public, yet things keep leaking out that show you're simply a two-faced alliance. You maintain treaties which mandate you be respectful to alliances, and instead speak of how you may better manipulate them. It's quite easy to just say "lol communication failure" and leave it at that, but nobody's going to buy it. What exactly did ODN mean in those logs? Please educate the lowly peanut gallery (because ignoring public opinion works out so well for alliances) about what you really meant.

Then again, what do I matter? I'm just a lowly peon, right?

Edited by Penkala
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I'm sure you were just speaking in code in those logs and what you meant was that you wanted to strengthen orange ties as equal allies, not gain more political power. Seriously, Pingu, are you going to insult the world's intelligence? The logs were straightforward - you want to control other alliances' FA actions.

You sure do have a communication problem, though. You say one thing in public, yet things keep leaking out that show you're simply a two-faced alliance. You maintain treaties which mandate you be respectful to alliances, and instead speak of how you may better manipulate them. It's quite easy to just say "lol communication failure" and leave it at that, but nobody's going to buy it. What exactly did ODN mean in those logs? Please educate the lowly peanut gallery (because ignoring public opinion works out so well for alliances) about what you really meant.

Then again, what do I matter? I'm just a lowly peon, right?

5/5, would read again.

ODN: the new GGA?

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I'm sure you were just speaking in code in those logs and what you meant was that you wanted to strengthen orange ties as equal allies, not gain more political power. Seriously, Pingu, are you going to insult the world's intelligence? The logs were straightforward - you want to control other alliances' FA actions.

You sure do have a communication problem, though. You say one thing in public, yet things keep leaking out that show you're simply a two-faced alliance. You maintain treaties which mandate you be respectful to alliances, and instead speak of how you may better manipulate them. It's quite easy to just say "lol communication failure" and leave it at that, but nobody's going to buy it. What exactly did ODN mean in those logs? Please educate the lowly peanut gallery (because ignoring public opinion works out so well for alliances) about what you really meant.

Then again, what do I matter? I'm just a lowly peon, right?

Hopefully your not saying alliances have not discussed possible political moves in their future are you? Only difference between this log and discussions by other alliance gov members is simple, ours were leaked due to no ones fault but our own. But I would be hard pressed to believe other gov members of their respective alliances have not ever had discussions that went along these same lines.


Good luck FOK ^_^ hopefully we can re-hash what we lost here.

Edited by Lenex
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I'm sure you were just speaking in code in those logs and what you meant was that you wanted to strengthen orange ties as equal allies, not gain more political power. Seriously, Pingu, are you going to insult the world's intelligence? The logs were straightforward - you want to control other alliances' FA actions.

You sure do have a communication problem, though. You say one thing in public, yet things keep leaking out that show you're simply a two-faced alliance. You maintain treaties which mandate you be respectful to alliances, and instead speak of how you may better manipulate them. It's quite easy to just say "lol communication failure" and leave it at that, but nobody's going to buy it. What exactly did ODN mean in those logs? Please educate the lowly peanut gallery (because ignoring public opinion works out so well for alliances) about what you really meant.

Then again, what do I matter? I'm just a lowly peon, right?

You use the word 'lowly' - I do not. I insult the intelligence of no-one who shows any.

You conflate a speculative conversation between two alliance officials with ODN policy or "what the ODN means." We are not an autocratic alliance. Even if the officials concerned had decided (which they didn't) that the best way forward for the alliance was to attempt to manipulate allies, they would not have been able to get support for that policy from the Senate or General Assembly. No such policy has been presented to the Senate or General Assembly. The status of the conversations in question is, then, private speculation (and, now, thanks to the wonders of !@#$%* etc, political ammunition).

I fear I do not know enough about how decisions are made in your own alliance to judge whether similar conversations between some of your members or leaders would have the status of policy, or even show the likely direction of your foreign affairs strategy. If and when such conversations come to light, I'll be sure to read your charter and study your decision-making practices before assessing their significance.

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A sad misunderstanding.

Good luck FOK. Hopefully our paths will cross again in the future.

Misunderstanding my $@!. You guys intentionally tried to weaken FOK by forming your own orange bloc with all the signatories of LEO except one, FOK. I'm not sure exactly why you would do such thing since FOK was still allied to you and kinda wanted to improve the relationship. Well, I have an idea though. Maybe you knew that being in a bloc together with FOK would not make you the ringleader, you so desperately want to be. Maybe it has something to do with how the public sees you (Optional Defense Network), and you want to disprove them so hard you are even willing to backstab and betray your allies.

Well, I got news for you ODN. You are doing it wrong. If you want to get a better public image, you should not betray nor backstab your allies but you should stand by them. And keep doing that, even if war looms and you will have to face awful odds.

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Misunderstanding my $@!. You guys intentionally tried to weaken FOK by forming your own orange bloc with all the signatories of LEO except one, FOK. I'm not sure exactly why you would do such thing since FOK was still allied to you and kinda wanted to improve the relationship. Well, I have an idea though. Maybe you knew that being in a bloc together with FOK would not make you the ringleader, you so desperately want to be. Maybe it has something to do with how the public sees you (Optional Defense Network), and you want to disprove them so hard you are even willing to backstab and betray your allies.

Well, I got news for you ODN. You are doing it wrong. If you want to get a better public image, you should not betray nor backstab your allies but you should stand by them. And keep doing that, even if war looms and you will have to face awful odds.

For once, I agree with and support what Arexes has to say. :P

Naughty ODN is naughty.

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Misunderstanding my $@!. You guys intentionally tried to weaken FOK by forming your own orange bloc with all the signatories of LEO except one, FOK. I'm not sure exactly why you would do such thing

When you try and isolate someone you begin with the allies of their allies. Hypothetically speaking to begin a long term strategy of isolating someone like...lets say Citadel enough for someone like ODN/C&G to take them on you would to start by stealing the allies of their close friends FOK. Once there is enough of a break in the treaty web that stops treaties being activated on their side then you can begin to work your way back to the main bloc or just hit them with your newly stolen allies. Then again knowing how much they dont like to have to fight ODN might just be looking for a big orange meat shield to save their infras.


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Misunderstanding my $@!. You guys intentionally tried to weaken FOK by forming your own orange bloc with all the signatories of LEO except one, FOK. I'm not sure exactly why you would do such thing since FOK was still allied to you and kinda wanted to improve the relationship. Well, I have an idea though. Maybe you knew that being in a bloc together with FOK would not make you the ringleader, you so desperately want to be. Maybe it has something to do with how the public sees you (Optional Defense Network), and you want to disprove them so hard you are even willing to backstab and betray your allies.

Or maybe this is utterly wrong and this whole thing actually is a misunderstanding.

Your hypothesis is that ODN decided that in order to shake the image of an unreliable ally, ODN must betray its allies. Even if I didn't know it to be false, I would be disinclined to take such a bizarre argument seriously.

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