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BACoN FEST 2009!!

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It is with great pleasure that I Emperor Oink: The Divine Swine, announce the opening of BACoNFEST 2009! The festival shall be a week long celebration of our recent launch and rapid growth in our first few days! The festival shall have a few competitions and the winners will recieve some brand new technology!!!

SPAM!! The other delicious pig product !!!

The first competition will be a spam competition. The player with most posts in our spam section by 12 AM (GMT -5) on Wednesday, Dec 23, 2009 shall be the recipient of 150 tech!! So go to our boards and start spaming, no need to be a member of BACoN all are encouraged to participate. www.cnbacon.co.cc

LOL Pig! Competition

Have you ever heard of the internet sensation LOL Cats? Well BACoN will be having a LOL Pigs competition for grand prize of 100 Tech!! The player who submits the funniest picture shall win the prize! Here are some quick examples I made from images found on google and MS Paint.



So why not give it your best shot? What have you got to lose? Register and participate today at www.cnbacon.co.cc!!

In other news...New Govt.

Rather than make another for post and "hog" (get it?) the OWF, I figured I could announce some updates.

Since our launch on sunday, we have had 9 aplications and have added almost 60K NS, we also picked up a new government member, Ghux.

our new government is as follows.

Emperor Oink: The Divine Swine : kpcurley (me)

Ruling Council: The Three Little Piggies and The Big Bad Wolf

Big Bad Wolf (Military): Aimee Mann

Foreign Affairs Piggie: Darknight6

Membership Piggie: Vacant

Finance Piggie: Ghux

Well, thats all folks! I hope to see some lulz on our boards and more importantly I hope BACoN will get a chance to meet and greet other citizens of planet bob.

Hope to see ya,

His Supreme Succulence, Emperor Oink: The Divine Swine

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