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Cyber Nations Dictionary


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Here is my compilation of slang words used in CN. To add a word, post it and the definition and I'll add it. If I miss it, feel free to remind me.


AA - Alliance Affiliation

Acronym - an abbreviation for an alliance or bloc

AADN - Anti-Air Defense Network

ADP - Agriculture Development Program

Admin - The creator of Cybernations and managers of the boards , His real name is Kevin and he is often referred to as Kevin

Afk - Away from keyboard

Albeit - Althoughe

Amsg - A message sent to all channels of IRC

AVGNS - Average Nation Strength

Avy - Avatar (as in forum avatar)


Back Collect - when you pay bills and dont collect taxes for an extended period of time

Banned member - someone who is banned from the forums for excessive warns

Bbl - Be Back Later

Bloc - a treaty with more than 2 signatories

Bob - See Planet Bob

Brb - Be Right Back


CB - Causus Belli

Charter - A Document outlining an alliances government structure and bylaws

CIA - Central Intelligence Agency

CM - Cruise Missile, used mainly to destroy infrastructure

CN - Cyber Nations

CN:SE - Cyber Nations Standard Edition

CN:TE - Cyber Nations Tournament Edition

Cyberverse - See "Planet Bob"


Digiterra - An alternative name to Planet Bob

Disband - When a membership base of an alliance decides or is forced to separate

DoE - Declaration of Existence, done by new alliances to announce their creation

DoW - Declaration of War

DRA - Disaster Relief Agency


EZI - Eternal Zero-Infrastructure, where you are hounded with the threat of war as long as you continue to play CN


FAC - Federal Aid Comission

FAB - Foreign Air-Force Base

FFS - For Forum's Sake

Fine gentleman - A respected and well-liked person, used only in certain circles.

FSS - Fallout Shelter System

ftl - for the lose

ftw - for the win


Ghost - someone who is using an alliance's affiliation and has not applied to be part of the alliance

GM - Great Monument

GRL - Global Radiation Level, and in-game indicator of the level of radiation in the cyberverse. Radiation is cause by nations using nuclear weapons. The higher the radiation level, the lower your environment

GT - Great Temple

gtg - see g2g

GU - Great University

GW - Great War

g2g - got to go


Heh - A space filler used sometimes to recognize humor

HNMS - Hidden Nuclear Missile Silo


IC - In Character

icwutudidthar - i see what you did there

IRC - Internet Relay Chat

Iirc - If I recall correctly

Ily - I love you

Infra - a shorter word for Infrastructure

IS - Interstate System

ITC - In this channel

ITT - 1. In This Topic 2. In This Thread


lbp - Little Big Planet

lol - laugh out loud

lmao - laugh my $@! off

LUEcide - To spam the forums and break as many rules as possible

Lulz alliance - Alliance formed and populated by people from an external gaming community


MADP - Mutual Aggression/Defense Pact

MB - 1. Mars Base 2. Moon Base

MC - 1. Mars Colony 2. Moon Colony

MDoAP - Mutual Defense optional Agression Pact

MDP - Mutual Defense Pact

MHP - See MP

MI - Movie Industry

MIC - Mining Industry Consortium

Mil - Million

MM - 1. Mars Mine 2. Moon Mine

MP - Manhattan Project

Multi - someone who creates multiple nations


NEO - National Environment Office

No U - A pointless response primarily used by spammers and trolls

np - No problem

NPP - Nuclear Power Plant

NRL - National Research Lab

NS - Nation Strength

Nuke - Nuclear Weapon

Nuke Anarchy - A period of time a nation is in anarchy and suffers the affects of a nuclear attack

Nuke Rogue - A term often used for a nation that uses its nuclear arsenal to its own discretion whether its allied or not

NWM - National War Memorial


ODP - Optional Defense Pact

ofc - of course

OOC - 1. Out of Context 2. Out of Character

OP - Original Post/er

OWF - Open World Forums

Own'd - I own you


PB - Shorthand for Planet Bob

PIAT - Peace Intelligence Aid Treaty

Planet Bob - A name for the Cyber Nations community

Plz - please

Pl0x - please

Ppl - people

Propaganda - Images and videos made by players to support a side or idea, often during war

Protectorate - a small alliance that a larger alliance protects

Pwn'd - player owned

PZI - Permanent Zero Infrastructure


Reparation - A sum of tech, & cash paid out by a loosing party of a war to a victor

Reroll - To create a new nation, sometimes with a new identity

RL - Real life

Rogue - a nation that attacks by its own discretion whether allied or not


Sanctioned - 1. When an alliance AA in the top 12 is added to the alliance drop down list 2. When a team senator blocs the trade/aid though in game options of another nation on that team

SDC - Scientific Development Center

SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative

Sig - signature (usually an image)

Sledding - when you pay bills for 17-20 days and dont collect taxes, usually buy infra right before collecting

SM - Stock Market

SP - Space Program

SSS - Social Security System

Stfu - Shut the $%&@ up

Sub conflict - A conflict that has different goals from a main conflict it is considered to be apart of


tbh - to be honest

TC - Trade Circle

TE - Tournament Edition

Tech - a shorter word for Technology

Tech Deal - When a (Often lower strength) nation sells tech though the aid system to to another nation

Tech raid - Warring another nation to grab its tech, A controversial type of warfare raged by nations aligned or not

tl;dr - Too Long; Didnt Read

ttly - totally

ttyl - talk to you later

ty - thank you


UHC - Universal Health Care

Unaligned - A nation who's AA is set as none

Update - When the server hits midnight and you can collect taxes again


WTF - What the $%&@

WRC - Weapons Research Complex


ZI - Zero Infrastructure


-_- - means unhappy, angry, or a show of ignorance

^-^ - see "^_^"

^_^ - happy, excited, vibrant

>_> - see "<_<"

>_< - see "<_<"

<_< - mad, angry, unhappy

:D - very happy

:) - happy

>:( - angry

>:) - evil

o/ - a little guy hailing

o7 - a little guy saluting

XD - extremely funny

D: - sad, unhappy, shocked

:o - gasp

:v - a sarcastice version of ":awesome:"

;) - winking

<3 - heart, meaning love, etc.


Could a mod pin this? That would be great

Edited by King Alias
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A lot of the list is regular Internet words the list should probably be scaled down to just include CN native words, there is a list in the wiki with many CN words absent that could be added


Thank you, that was very helpful!!

And for now I'll leave those other words in, as they are used in Cyber Nations, even though they are not native to Cyber Nations.

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PZI - Permanent Zero-Infrastructure, where your current character is kept in a state of war until one deletes their nation/character

EZI - Eternal Zero-Infrastructure, where you are hounded with the threat of war as long as you continue to play CN.

PB - shorthand for "Planet Bob"

Rogue = a nation that attacks by its own discretion whether allied or not. (You spelt it wrong in "nuke rouge" btw :P)

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Cyberverse - See Planet Bob

GW - Great War

Nuclear Anarchy - A period of time a nation is in anarchy caused by a nuclear attack

Nuclear Rogue - A nation that uses its nuclear arsenal to its own discretion

PEACE - Protofols for Espionage and Armed Conflict Eradiction

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PEACE - Protofols for Espionage and Armed Conflict Eradiction

Protocols for Espiowhat? I'm fairly confident that almost all OWF actives would think of the Purple Economic Acceleration & Collaborative Entente instead of whatever that is whenever the abbreviation in question is mentioned. Let's try not to mislead folks here, mmkay?

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Protocols for Espiowhat? I'm fairly confident that almost all OWF actives would think of the Purple Economic Acceleration & Collaborative Entente instead of whatever that is whenever the abbreviation in question is mentioned. Let's try not to mislead folks here, mmkay?

Technically, treaties such as the one mentioned were around before the PEACE bloc. In other words, Purple - and you - are misleading folks. ;)

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