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The Rebirth of Razgriz

Razgriz 2K9

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Europe, Midgard

Near Modern Germany

It had been long time since Razgriz returned to Midgard, the lands were pristine, covered in snow. While it is not as beautiful as Asgard, it was truly a magnificent sight to behold.

But Razgriz was not here to see the sights; she was on a mission of great importance. Loki, posing as a Valkyrie destroyed several villages and brought death upon this very land. It would be up to Razgriz to prevent this from happening.

Riding on the steed of her horse, she rode across the flat, snowy fields of Midgard. Searching everywhere where Razgriz thought Loki would be hiding. After what seemed to be days of tireless search, she found a large, ice castle in the vicinity. It was there that she felt a supernatural presence resonate from within that castle, meaning that it had to be Loki within the castle itself. Coming off her horse, Razgriz draws her Long Sword and enters the castle to confront the Trickster God.

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Razgriz entered the castle, shaking off it's dark and foreboding feeling. She'd made it to the great hall of the castle when she heard an eerie chuckle. "Well, well...what do we have here? A wayward servant of the Goddess of eternal youth. Tell me little one, what causes you to stray so far from your Mistress' wing?" Razgriz spun around in a circle, hoping to find and confront the source of the voice, but saw only shadows. "Maybe because I've humiliated her, perhaps?" The voice chuckled again.

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"Well, well...what do we have here? A wayward servant of the Goddess of eternal youth. Tell me little one, what causes you to stray so far from your Mistress' wing?"

Razgriz heard the voice coming behind her, spinning around only to find nothing but shadow.

"Maybe because I've humiliated her, perhaps?"

The voice chuckled, Razgriz was not amused with his tone. She spoke in a serious tone, hoping to intimidate the god, "Loki, you will fix the damage you caused to this land." Razgriz spun around again, hoping to avoid being caught off guard. "Come out and face me, Trickster!"

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"But if I do that, the jig's up! And where's the fun in that? Besides, it's quite a thrill giving you shrieking crows a bad name while screwing with mortals at the same time." Loki chuckled. "You know, I was going to spare you, but the second I figured out your one of Idun's carrion...well, I just remembered how much she cares for her 'flock'. She would be devastated if one of her servants disappeared without a trace, no sign of an honorable fight or death. It would eat at her, for certain." When Loki laughed this time, it was much more sinister. As such, Razgriz was shocked when the god appeared, wearing strange dress and wielding not a sword, but a cane. Before she could react, Loki grabbed her neck and hoisted her into the air while knocking her sword out of her hand. "You know, I've been working on a new spell recently. I'm not even sure of what it does." A blackish orb of swirling energy appeared in the god's hand. He grinned at her manically. "Lets find out shall we!" He roared. With a heave, he tossed the Valkyrie across the room. She struggled to get up and saw it racing at her; the orb of energy Loki had been summoning. She couldn't block. She couldn't dodge. All she could do was scream.

The orb hit her, and the room was filled with hurrican winds. Thunder boomed, and the castle shook. Razgriz screamed, more out of fear of the unknown then actual pain. It felt like her very essence was being sucked somewhere else, and she was powerless to stop it. Then a flash, and then nothing. Loki found himself alone again, with no trace of the Valkyrie around. He giggled. "I have to try that on someone else!"

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"But if I do that, the jig's up! And where's the fun in that? Besides, it's quite a thrill giving you shrieking crows a bad name while screwing with mortals at the same time."

Razgriz exclaimed to Loki with anger in her eyes, “You have no right to do such a thing; you will right what you made wrong!”

"You know, I was going to spare you, but the second I figured out your one of Idun's carrion...well, I just remembered how much she cares for her 'flock'. She would be devastated if one of her servants disappeared without a trace, no sign of an honorable fight or death. It would eat at her, for certain."

As soon as Razgriz turned around, she was choked by Loki, who was wearing a weird set of clothing and carrying a walking stick of sorts. Razgriz tried using all her strength to swing her sword at the God, but Loki knocked it away with his cane.

"You know, I've been working on a new spell recently. I'm not even sure of what it does."

For the first time in her long life, Razgriz felt the one thing she never felt before, fear. Loki created a blackish orb of energy in his hand.

"Let’s find out shall we!"

Loki tossed Razgriz across the Great Hall, being thrown to the ice wall. As she was about to get up she saw the orb strike her. She could not move or even think straight. All she could do was scream as she disappeared into darkness…..

Present Day

Okchabursk, Union of Yuktobanian Republics

Sergeant Ludmilla Gorbakhin had just come back from her little uneventful stint in Australia. Due to the service of the 13th Varyag Airborne, the Fox Brigade, a unit of at least 150 women, including Ludmilla, was given a paid leave so they could return to their families.

When she received her leave, she left the Varyag’s Eastern Base in Krylo and rode a bus to her current hometown of Okchabursk.

Okchabursk is Yuktobania’s second largest city, behind Cinigrad, the capital. The city was at one point the capital city when Yuktobania was still a part of Mykep’s Northern Empire. Now it is an important city with many buildings dating back to the days of Imperial Russia.

Ludmilla lived in a small apartment with an amazing view of the Okcha River, overlooking the Phobeda Plains. The Varyag military base was located in Krylo, a small town not far from Okchabursk; it was there that she was trained to be a Varyag. The Varyag was an all-female Special Forces division, a counterbalance to the mostly-male Yuktobanian Spetsnaz Guard Brigade. Its training was a cross between the Special Air Service of the British Isles, and Australia’s Lillian Special Forces.

The moment Ludmilla returned to her apartment, she was too tired to even think. Tomorrow would begin her vacation of sorts, a time where she can relax, yet get a chance to practice her skills so she would not get rusty. She headed into her bedroom and landed onto her bed. Ludmilla would then sink into a blissful sleep.

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As Ludmilla slept, she started to have weird dreams. She found herself walking in the middle of a frozen field, wearing nothing but her normal Varyag combat gear. Surprisingly did not feel cold. She couldn't see very far as their was a snowstorm blocking her view.

As Ludmilla continued to walk she eventually saw a silhouette of a person. Walking towards the silhouette, Ludmilla saw the person more clearly. She was awed by the majestic black armor, almost Norse in origin. The person's helmet was as black as the armor, but it had wings on the sides of it, almost norse like.

Ludmilla began to approach the woman, saying, "Who..who are you?"

The woman turned around and looked at the Varyag Sargeant. The Valkyrie had the same facial features as Ludmilla, red hair, pale face and everything. Ludmilla was surprised when she saw the Valkyrie's face. However the Valkyrie, answered Ludmilla question by saying, "I....I don't really know."

This made Ludmilla wonder about the woman, "How is that so?"

"I cannot say. The last thing I remember was being surrounded by darkness, and the darkness transporting me to this world. The only other thing I remember was a name."

Ludmilla felt sorry for the young woman, irony indeed, she is a special forces soldier who shouldn't even give a thought for remorse. "Might I ask what that name is?"

The Valkyrie finally said in a calm manner, "Razgriz..."

Ludmilla remembered the book that she had in a mini library that actually mentioned her name. She told the Valkyrie, "Maybe, I could help you remember."

The Valkyrie reswponded, "You would do that...for me?"

Ludmilla placed her hand on the Valkyrie's shoulder, "Yes, I would do it."

The Valkyrie smiled then nodded, "Thank you."

The SpecOps soldier extended her hand, smiling, "My name is Ludmilla Gorbackin."

The Valkyrie didn't know what Ludmilla went when she extended her hand, "I...don't know what to call myself."

Ludmilla retracted her hand, thought for a bit, then said, "I'll call you Valkyria."

The Valkyrie responded, "Valkyria?"

"A few females in the land I'm from is named as such."

The Valkyrie smiled, "All right Ludmilla, Valkyria it is."

Valkyria put her hand on Ludmilla shoulder, and almost immediately, the Special Forces soldier felt herself change, as if someone elses, emotions, ideals and whatever memories she had was being impressed onto her.

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Ludmilla woke up the next morning, pondering about her dream last night. She then said, "It's probably just a dream." However, the voice of Valkyria seemed to echo through your mind, "I don't understnad much about this world, or about what's going on, but I am able to at least see what you see and hear what you hear."

Ludmilla said, "Yeah, I suppose people would think I'm crazy." She then put on her robe and walked to her small bokcase.

"Maybe you shouldn't talk to me while you're awake."

Looking through her set of books, she found an old book, though still in mint condition. The book was titled "A Blue Dove for the Princess." Although it was nothing more but a fairy tale, it might reveal clues as to who Razgriz might be.

OOC: Sorry for short post, next one will be up tomorrow.

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After reading the story book with Valkyria, she said, "I think I remember something."

Ludmilla responded, holding her head, "What do you remember?"

"I remember having to go to a stone castle near a lake, I was healing the land make it able to bear fruit, villagers came to thank me, but I departed to the sky."

Valkyria paused to think about how a mortal was able to know about the story, she asked Ludmilla, "Do you know where the book was written?"

Ludmilla looked to the front page and saw that the story was written in Belka.

"Belka, though the country dissolved at the end of the First Nordic War, most of the territory is a part of Detuschland now.

"So do you think that this will put a halt on finding ut who Razgriz is?"

Putting the book on the bookcase, she felt her hand on it's stained treated wooden board saying,"What I'm saying is, It gives me an excuse to actually make travel arrangements."

Heading to the computer she logged in and checked various satellite images (OOC: Hail Google :P ) of the castle that Valkyria was reffering to, the castle was near a lake, lake Edelwasser to be exact, and at one point served as the Capital of the Principality of Belka during the days before the First Nordic War.

"Steir Castle, formerly the seat of power of the House of Rald."

Valkyria said in Ludmilla's mind, "That's the castle, but how are we going to get there?"

"Let me worry about that."

Ludmilla started to pack her things for her trip to Europe, her pay in the Special Forces, (in addition for the 2 days compensation for the uneventful deployment to Australia) should help to cover her expenses, she also had plenty of money in hand.

With everything packed she took her stuff to her car, a blue Toyota Camry, and started driving to the airport, ready to go to Europe.

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Ludmilla, having bought her tickets for an overnight commerical airplane trip to Dinsmark, Detuschland sat in her seat at row 16A. She looked out the window to see the Boeing 757 taxi to the runway and eventually take off of Cinigrad-Zakhev International Airport.

To pass the time, Ludmilla put on some headphones and started listening to a wide vareity of music, from R&B to Orchestra to even Hip-Hop music. It was going to be a very long trip to Europe after all.

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Dinsmark, Nordland

Former Capital of the Principality of Belka

The Following Morning

Ludmilla's plane touched down at Dinsmark National Airport. Looking out the window, she saw the cold-snowy land that at one point was home to Waldemarr I, Grand Prince and Head of State of Belka. Coming off the plane, she passed all customs inspections, and left to the car park where she rented a Mercedes-Benz for use for the next 4 days. She was now set for the drive southward to Stier, the town famous for it's large castle, and maybe a clue as to who Razgriz is and where she went.

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Stier, Detschland

After 3 hours of driving, Ludmilla parked her rented car by an inn. She checked in to the inn and left her belongings in her room, afterwards she left her room to explore the town.

The town was rebuilt and was under rule by sucessive Nordic governments post First Nordic War, and even now, it was no different. The people were still happy about it's ruler, and although are still proud of their Belkan heritage, they were proud Detsuchlanders as well.

Ludmilla walked down the street, thinking about what secrets hold in Stier Castle. She thought so much on that, that she did not see a car passing by. By the time she noticed, Ludmilla jumped, trying to land onto the windshield and thus avoid death, however instead of landing on the windshield, she jumped over the entire car, a feat that no normal human, not even a special forces soldier could achieve. Landing on her feet, she caught the attention of several passerbys who was surprised by her agility.

Ludmilla decided to just ignore the passerbys and continue walking towards the castle.

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Ludmilla finally reached the castle. It was nothing more but a tourist attraction but it would help if whatever inside the castle would help trigger Valkyria's memory.

Valkyria said in her mind, "This is Steir Castle, whatever secrets hidden within might be the key to my memories as well as who Razgriz is."

Ludmilla said, "Yeah, hard to believe that we had to travel across continents to do it."

Heading into the castle, Ludmilla walked through it's walls and found multiple pieces of art left behind from the First Nordic War, ranging from artwork like Van Gogh to portraits of Waldemarr and his family.

One person, a male with red hair and freckles was looking peculiarly at a painting, Ludmilla looked at the painting that the teenager was watching, and it was a picture of 2 valkyries in a snowfield, full of forests. One was of the female that looks just like her, Razgriz, the other was wearing a dark red tinted armor in similar fashion to the black armored Razgriz.

The boy, noticing that someone was behind him said, "It's a pretty picture isn't it."

Ludmilla said, "Yes it is."

"My name is Wilheim Graun, I'm the son of Eleanor Graun."

"Your mother is the author of the Belkan fairy tale?"

"Yes, she is....she passed away during the Nordic War."

Ludmilla crossed her arms, her muscles tensed, "So what is a teenager doing in a place like this."

Wilheim put his arms behind his head, "I wanted to check out the paintings, this one actually got me interested."

"Why is that?" Ludmilla asked, wondering if his mother had influenced him on the Nordic culture."

"Because my Mom believed in the whole Nordic culture, she was fascinated about Valkyries. I think it was due to having went to school in Greenland."

"Greenland, do you think people still believes in Norse mytholog there?"

"I don't know, you would have to see for yourself." The kid started to leave but not without saying, "It's a pleasure to meet you lady."

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After Ludmilla left the castle, she headed back to the inn to rest for the night.

When she walked in to the room a piece of paper was put on her bed. Picking it up, she saw a advertisement for travel to the Eggman Empire. Taped to it was 1,000 marks

"The Eggman Empire, hm?" Ludmilla thought.

"Do you think someone might have put that there?" Valkyria said in her mind.

Ludmilla shruged saying, "Whoever put this here must really want us to go there."

"I think it may be a trap." Valkyria said,

"If so, probably would make sense to spring that trap then."

Ludmilla decided to head off in the morning, where there will be plenty of time to investigate. Until then, she laid on her bed and drifted to sleep.

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Ludmilla awoke refreshed and ready to go. After showering and packing, she took her stuff to her rented car drove back to the former Belkan capital of Dinsmark.

At Dinsmark she said to Valkyria, "So now we head for the Eggman Empire, I wonder what clues are hidden beneath the snow there..."

Valkyria responded, "I don't know, but somethig tells me that I have a bad feeling about this."

"Everything will be alright, it has been calm so far." Ludmilla answered back while purchasing a ticket to the Eggman Empire.

"I hope so, for your sake."

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

Ludmilla began boarding her plane after an hour of waiting, another 25 minutes and she was off for Greenland.

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Eggman Empire

6 Hours Later

Ludmilla came off the aircraft and saw the pristine atmoshpere of the Eggman Empire. Valkyria still had bad feelings about this place but Ludmilla shrugged it off.

The plane landed in what EE would be considered to be Osea Province. The state was a breakaway state from the Eggman Empire and are actively against both them and Groenlandia.

Ludmilla checked in to an inn near the airport, and began planning with Valkyria on what to do next.

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After some time to rest, Ludmilla decided to go ahead and get a few drinks. Valkyria thought that this would not help her in getting her memory back, and complained to Ludmilla, but she would have none of that and blocked her away. Ludmilla was for the first time since her trips having some sort of vacation time out of this.

Heading to the local pub, she walked in the door and sat down at the stool.

Ludmilla said to the bartender, "Let me get a glass of Beer."

The bartender looked and said, "One beer for the lady, coming up."

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Hank walked around the neighborhood. This particular town hadn't been hit so hard by the strife that was currently boiling around the Osean province, but there was still tell-tale signs. A bullet hole there, a pile of rubble there. Hank grinned. It was a nice neighborhood in his book. But he hadn't come to the town to see the sights, or lack there-of. Loki had detected "a follower of Idun", which probably meant some Queensland spy snooping around. Loki had also said "you'll know her when you see her." Ah well, life is full of riddles. He stopped by the local pub, as he was a bit thirsty when his eyes were instantly drawn to a foreign-looking woman sitting at the bar. Well life is full of riddles and pleasant surprises. He cheerfully walked over to her and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hello." He said when she turned to look at him, and then he threw a punch right at her face.

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Ludmilla had just finished her first drink before someone tapped her on the shoulder. Turning around, she saw a tall, muscular man, with an awkward smile on his face. The man said, "Hello." Before throwing a punch aiming towards Ludmilla's face. But her special forces training serve her well. She quickly ducked under the man's arm, grabbed hold of it, and tried to flip him over the bar, and into the wall.

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Hank popped back up like a jack-in-the-box. "Oh goody! You've got some fight in you! I love it!" He exclaimed with a maniac grin. He picked up a broken beer bottle and swung at Ludmilla's face. The soldier escaped major damage, but did receive a graze along her cheek. Hank promptly hopped over the bar and positioned himself between the door and put up a mock boxing pose. "So is that you fighting, or your mental stow-away you're lugging around?" He asked with a chuckle.

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"Oh goody! You've got some fight in you! I love it!" The man gotten himself up to the patrons horror and to Ludmilla's surprise. He swung at Ludmilla with a beer bottle,while she moved her head to dodge the man's swing and avoid heavy damage, it did leave a cut on her cheek. Soon after, he dropped the bottle and got to his fighting stance, saying: "So is that you fighting, or your mental stow-away you're lugging around?"

Ludmilla, surprised said, "Who are you? and How do you know about her....?" Though she wanted answers, it would be best to take out her opponent first. Picking up a wooden chair, she threw it at her opponent.

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Hank dodged the chair with ease and giggled. "Let's just say I'm playing for the opposing team. And if neither of you can figure it out, well...you're both idiots and I'm more then happy to remove you from the gene pool." Hank shot forward with speed belying his side and delivered a freight train of a punch to Ludmilla's stomach. As he moved past her, he shoved her into a table a few feet in front of her. "Not much a fighter after all, hmm?" He taunted with a smirk.

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"Let's just say I'm playing for the opposing team. And if neither of you can figure it out, well...you're both idiots and I'm more then happy to remove you from the gene pool." This dumbfounded Ludmilla, he knows Valkyria yet he is working for someone opposing her....according to legend, the only one responsible for opposing the Valkyries was Loki, maybe he was an agent of his.

Before Ludmilla could react, Hank moved forward and punch her in the stomach, knocking the wind out of her.

"Not much a fighter after all, hmm?"

Hank then shoved Ludmilla to a table, knocking her and the table to the ground. Ludmilla felt groggy and dizzy after getting tossed around like a ragdoll, and soon passed out, but not without saying in her mind. "I'm sorry, Valkyria."

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Hank cackled as Ludmilla slumped to the floor unconscious and clapped his hands together in glee. He sauntered up to the limp female and knelt down by her face. "Ah, natural selection is a cruel, harsh master, is it not? Still, I'm always happy to help!" He giggled. He quickly wrote a note. It was his plan to kill Ludmilla and leave the note for the authorities to find. After he'd finished scribbling the note, he stood up and placed his booted foot on the back off her head. "Well it's been a time and a half, but I gotta go. And so do you." He sneered. He raised his foot to crush her skull.


Hank spun to face the front of the bar as several grenade canisters of sleeping gas broke through the window. "EEA is on it's toes as always." Hank muttered. Normally he would've been effected by the sleeping gas, but thanks to his augmentations, he was only feeling slightly dizzy. Still, Hank knew when it was time to get out of dodge. He left just as the front doors blew inwards and several Eggman Army soldiers burst through the ruins, weapons loaded.

"On the ground now!" The leader screamed, his voice slightly muffled by his gas-mask. He, along with the rest, were surprised to find nothing but an unconscious woman on the floor with a note beside her. He picked it up and read it.

Dear Hannah/Idun. Please send better flunkies next time.

still coming to get you,


Still confused, the leader ordered his men to take the unconscious woman to the nearest med center and to continue searching for the madman that was just there.

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Ludmilla awoke and sat up on a bed the following morning. She still felt the pain from Hank punching her in the gut. She checked her surroundings, and realized she was in a hospital. Ludmilla wondered however, who and how did she get here?

She lied back down, hoping to find the answers she saught after.

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