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A pair of Quantum announcements


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Quantum has a new home!

When Quantum was founded we always new that the work we were doing was temporary. We knew that someday we'd outgrow our forums, and that eventually we'd have to move. We just never thought it would be this fast.

As of the posting of this announcement, Quantum's new home will be:


Everyone is invited to come check out our new crib. Feel free to set up an embassy while you're there. Madal said he's providing free beer to those are old enough to drink. BigO bought a couple huge cakes, and Attitude promised to book a live band for entertainment. Sounds like a party to me. Everyone's invited!

We will no longer be maintaining our old forums, and shall take them down in a couple weeks.

Quantum also has a new flag!

When I created the old one, it was nothing more that a sad attempt at graphics by someone with no graphical skills. I knew then that once we'd recruited a few people with some graphics skills, that the members of Quantum would get a chance to design and choose a new flag. In honor of the new home, I decided the time was right for us to upgrade and update our flag.


*note: A special thanks must be given at this time to RyanM for all his hard work on the new forums, and to Fallinup for putting his graphical skills to work on the new flag and on some of the new forum graphics as well

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