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The Hanseatic League

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The Hanseatic League


The Hanseatic League founded on the principles of friendship free trade and unity.

This Document is meant to set out our structure, rights and regulations.


The Grand Master is the Sovereign of the alliance. He is responsible for overseeing and directing The Hanseatic League .The Guild Masters work directly for him. He has the sole power over all the affairs of the alliance, although such powers can be delegated to others. The Grand master is the final authority on all internal and external matters. He can create any office and appoint any member to that office at his discretion. He has the power to expel members from the alliance.


Any player wishing to join the Hanseatic League must fulfill certain requirements, including (but not limited to) a series of examinations.

Rights and Duties

1.First and foremost, all members of the alliance are entitled to protection and respect .

2.All members are entitled to free speech and discussion about issues in Cybernations in a secure setting. All members have the right to voice their opinions on the alliance forum, IRC and Cybernation Forums.

3.Inappropriate or excessive spamming, abusive or insulting language, or general misconduct may result in a warning, expulsion, or other disciplinary actions.

4.The Hanseatic League shall expect civilized behavior from every individual who seeks to obtain or retain affiliation.

5.All members will be expected not only to advance their own nations, but to assist in the advancement of all Hanseatic players.



Effective immediately upon signing this treaty, The Immortals (TI) will become the protectors of The Hanseatic League (THL)


Both Parties agree to not use any act of violence, including in game and forum spying, on one another. Both parties recognize that rogue nations tend to occur to all and if said rogue attacks a member of the opposite party, both parties will use diplomacy to solve the issue at hand.


Both Parties agree to provide one another with economic and military support when they feel necessary or if either party feels the need to ask for said support.


THL shall not sign or announce any diplomatic agreements without consent from TI

THL shall not go to war without consent from TI.


Both parties can be unbound from this treaty five (5) days after proper notice has been given to the other party. At the end of the five days the termination of these terms are to be announced on the Cybernations Forum.


This treaty shall take full effect when both parties sign this protectorate and it is announced on the Cybernations Forums.


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The Hanseatic League - I remember the first time the name was used as a broad front featuring the two NV's, the FCO and a few others.

Both your MoC & MoW are listed as members of TGE (unless this is some kind of alliance slash trading agreement?) but aside from that, best of luck.

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The Hanseatic League - I remember the first time the name was used as a broad front featuring the two NV's, the FCO and a few others.

Both your MoC & MoW are listed as members of TGE (unless this is some kind of alliance slash trading agreement?) but aside from that, best of luck.

Just a matter of AA's not being changed yet, some are quicker to the draw then others :P

We look forward to a prosperous future with HL and are honored to be their protectors :awesome:

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You know gentlemen, I may, I just might have to join such an alliance as this. Very impressive and the country of the Hanseatic League sends its regards to the alliance that bears its name. No matter what, I hope that we'll eventually come into contact. Keep the Hansa strong!

Warm regards,

Sarah Tintagyl

Hierophant of Justitia

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You know gentlemen, I may, I just might have to join such an alliance as this. Very impressive and the country of the Hanseatic League sends its regards to the alliance that bears its name. No matter what, I hope that we'll eventually come into contact. Keep the Hansa strong!

Warm regards,

Sarah Tintagyl

Hierophant of Justitia

I must say, seeing this thread was the shock of my life. I was wondering when Sarah would express her congratulations on this--I got my answer.

I also express my (personal) warmest congratulations to this new alliance. May your protectors not be needed, but if they are, I wish them the best in carrying out their responsibilities.


Paladin in the GGA

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The level of my regard for Highlanderr is well known: my hope is that relations between RoA and the Hanseatic League will proceed accordingly. One could never forget the goodwill, friendship and cooperation that Highlanderr has shown RoA; we shall return that tenfold. On a personal note to Highlanderr, remember if you ever need anything from me, you always know where you can go.

And, good show, TI!

Edited by Valdemar
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