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"These are the last days of my life..."

Sargun II

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OOC: Not a problem.

IC: "Thanks for talking with me, Anthony."

Anthony looked almost uncomfortable at being thanked. His hands were in his pockets as they entered the hotel, otherwise he might have waved it off. "No problem," he mumbled.

As he usually did, he took in his surroundings carefully. it was evident just from seeing the lobby itself that the hotel was first-class. No doubt the room they would be staying in was much more luxurious than his own home. It made him think of the Hanseatic ideal, and that prompted a small smile. He wondered what Sarah would think.

Then he eyed the person behind the counter. Just as his suspiciouns were aroused, he had them confirmed. It was not a man, but a woman. He politely looked away while she bent down to retrieve her cap, though like Evan, he couldn't help noticing her figure. No doubt what she was there for in the first place.

he studied her curiously as Evan handled the reservation for their room.

"Go up to Room 11 and choose a bed for yourself, I have to determine how long I'm staying down here. Won't take but a minute."

Anthony shrugged. "All right." He could guess at what else might be running through the man's mind, and as he began climbing the stairs, he shook his head with an internal grin. Some people didn't change.


He had been right--the room was more lavish than home. Definitely something a Hanseatic would approve of.

He hadn't been there half a minute before he heard footsteps coming down the hall, then a knock on the door.

He would have thought Evan would have spent a little more time than that dowwnstairs with the woman. "Who's there?" he said, his suspicious nature taking over, and he quickly moved to flick off the lights.

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The two men laughed. "Mr. Bourne, are you in there? We have come to deliver your medicines," they said, pulling out a prescription bag and holding it up in front of the peephole. "We must administer the chemicals, remember?"


Neither Evan nor the countergirl, who were busy in the receptionists office behind a closed and shuttered door, noticed another man settle in the lobby with sunglasses and a funny hat.

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"You must be mistaken, sir. Mr. Bourne just checked in - the registry shows that he was just given his key a moment ago. Unless you are impersonating Mr. Bourne," one of the men said warily and stepped back, his hand clenching onto the medicine bag tighter. "Mr. Bourne needs this, sir, and he cannot administer it safely himself!"

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"And how would you know that he just checked in? Are you hotel employees?"

The suspicion was back, though this time he hid it carefully as he opened the door wider. "I am not Bourne, just a traveling companion."

His hand was hidden inside his sleeve, ready at a moment's notice to go for a weapon he had hidden there if it became necessary.

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