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Most Hated Player


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Oh and Jazzi. But that was normal human reaction on meeting her. Like getting a rash with nettles.

Haha, nah I'll have to agree to disagree with you mate, Jazzi's cool :D

Edit: Also, on topic, Bilrow, no question.

Edited by Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz
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Most hated by others is probably Sam or Tela. Personally, my vote goes to Pikajew.

I never cared for Pikajew's behavior in the game (ask Solaris about Pikajew's antics in the Purple Star Directorate). That said, I can't honestly say that I hate anyone here. Frankly, what fun is a game without any tough opponents?

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I dunno, I don't think you were ever really hated, I think you were regarded as more of a nuisance than anything else. When reading these rambling posts of yours that reek of desperately trying to be badass, you remind me of a chihuahua that just won't shut up.

As for hated players, Starfox, Aimee Mann, George the Great, Penkala, Revanche are all pretty high up there. It's a long list though.

Despite your distaste for me, I must say you summed up TBB quite well.

Strictly IC:

By others, probably Sponge. Not liked by the downtrodden masses forever, then GOONS, [m] and \m/, then everyone else when he went goofy and left for VoX. I always enjoyed him.

By me, Denial & Duffman. Mostly due to my n00bishness. Here for 10 minutes and these guys were trashing my home. I had them on my saved page until they went *poof*. Slayer was always posting up quotes of theirs on TF!s forum, inciting the masses.

Looking back, kinda funny now.

You certainly weren't the only one that had my nation saved after the Great War era; GOONS, \m/ and TPF were all watching me like hawks, waiting for me to leave peace mode to enforce The Initiative PZI list I was on. It's nice to know my comments were used for productive purposes within TPF though :v: If this topic was created back then, I think I'd have a good shot at being #1. I did make it to #2 on banned member's suicide-hate list, only behind Pope Hope, after all.

As for me, there is no longer anyone that I could describe with such a strong word as 'hate'. Though, when people such as Slayer99, Bilrow, noWedge and chefjoe wielded the power necessary to employ their deplorable, abhorrent practices on the Cyberverse as a whole, they certainly would have made my personal list. Luckily, that is no longer the case.

Edited by Revanche
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I take back my previous comment,

I actually hate The Big Bad for stealing my "I have everybody" line and forcing me to come up with something else.

You, sir, have ruined my joke and for that you are going to the top of my list. You will pay accordingly.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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Most Hated Player: TheBigBad......You know that a guy is hated even when he saved your arse. TBB was the sole reason VA was able to get protection because he was such a jerk that instead of attacking a small alliance at the request of an alliance leader, he offered us a protectorate. :D

Cant be much more of a jerkoff than that.

...oh, and I heard he donkey punches kittens.

Edited by JWConner
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I have no hatred for anyone OOC, and anyone who does is taking things too seriously. It's a game, and we're all players. Certainly now that EZI is off the table, there's no reason to hate other players.

IC, several of the old NPO 'troll squad' used to make the cut, but most of them have retired or mellowed. Only Bilrow remains as a real figure of dislike.

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I have no hatred for anyone OOC, and anyone who does is taking things too seriously. It's a game, and we're all players. Certainly now that EZI is off the table, there's no reason to hate other players.

IC, several of the old NPO 'troll squad' used to make the cut, but most of them have retired or mellowed. Only Bilrow remains as a real figure of dislike.

The NPO troll squad has just been replaced with the karma troll squad, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

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Overall it has to be Bilrow right??

Personally: Not particularly hot for Kaiser Martens. The rest that would have made my list have largely departed Planet Bob, however one that deserves mention is Soviet Sindorin in all his guises.

Prodigal Chieftain was insane, drunk and abusive to other players. The game is better off without him.

That depends on whose AA you were flying, he was always cool to me :D

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Sponge - The dirtiest player of all time by default, no one else has ever come close.

Jerdge - Every post he has ever made has been psuedo-moralistic drivel. Its not easy to say that much and contribute that little. I can only hope that he sits home laughing at anyone that actually buys into his crap. The only way I can rationalize his playing style is that its a big prank.

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Jerdge - Every post he has ever made has been psuedo-moralistic drivel. Its not easy to say that much and contribute that little. I can only hope that he sits home laughing at anyone that actually buys into his crap. The only way I can rationalize his playing style is that its a big prank.


Jerdge's a top bloke - no one hates him! (except for you.)

I'd say the most popular player to hate on is Bilrow. As me witness any real hate directed against him in recent times...weeeeeell...

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I've had a lot of hate for certain persons, but speaking to them in person in an entirely different situation has changed my feelings about them.

I don't currently hate anyone. I'm waiting for that special someone to come along.

I love you too, Vilien. ^_^

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I don't really hate anyone, I just need to get them better right?

Anyone I did hate, however fleetingly, has been suitably annihilated.

(oh but I secretly hate jerdge, I just pretend to be his friend to compromise him ;) )

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I don't really hate anyone, I just need to get them better right?

Anyone I did hate, however fleetingly, has been suitably annihilated.

(oh but I secretly hate jerdge, I just pretend to be his friend to compromise him ;) )

You Hate John Mathews :P

I don't hate anyone, I just have a dislike of some peoples who know who they are for just for certain view points that they push forward at times

tho OOC I hate Crush since hes so sexy its scary

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