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Most Hated Player


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I hate you all, each and every one of you and I will see your nations burn. You make this topic and I am not mentioned? Are you fracking kidding me? This used to be my nation on a regular basis from the first FAN war on :nuke::nuke::nuke::nuke: the rogues had to wait in fricking line for me. Every pathetic person whom could not sleep at night because I has shamed them would then become so filled with hate and tears they would go rogue on me. And I loved it every single time, because I had just broke one more idiot. You weak minded cattle are just that easy to provoke. Now lets talk about most hated. I am The Bad, bring it you little toads.

It was never you they despised, it was TPF treaties which kept them from stomping on you that were hated.

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I hate you all, each and every one of you and I will see your nations burn. You make this topic and I am not mentioned? Are you fracking kidding me? This used to be my nation on a regular basis from the first FAN war on :nuke::nuke::nuke::nuke: the rogues had to wait in fricking line for me. Every pathetic person whom could not sleep at night because I has shamed them would then become so filled with hate and tears they would go rogue on me. And I loved it every single time, because I had just broke one more idiot. You weak minded cattle are just that easy to provoke. Now lets talk about most hated. I am The Bad, bring it you little toads.

When I read that the firs thing that came to mind was Professor Chaos / Butters from South Park. :lol1: :lol1: :lol1:

Anyway, I'd probably say ES / Ivan for most hated by community. Personally I've never much liked Sam.

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When I read that the firs thing that came to mind was Professor Chaos / Butters from South Park. :lol1: :lol1: :lol1:

Anyway, I'd probably say ES / Ivan for most hated by community. Personally I've never much liked Sam.

I think Sam would be pretty high on the community hate list, as well. Other than that I agree with your post.

I personally don't dislike Ivan. But I know many do, terribly.

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I hate you all, each and every one of you and I will see your nations burn. You make this topic and I am not mentioned? Are you fracking kidding me? This used to be my nation on a regular basis from the first FAN war on :nuke::nuke::nuke::nuke: the rogues had to wait in fricking line for me. Every pathetic person whom could not sleep at night because I has shamed them would then become so filled with hate and tears they would go rogue on me. And I loved it every single time, because I had just broke one more idiot. You weak minded cattle are just that easy to provoke. Now lets talk about most hated. I am The Bad, bring it you little toads.

I dunno, I don't think you were ever really hated, I think you were regarded as more of a nuisance than anything else. When reading these rambling posts of yours that reek of desperately trying to be badass, you remind me of a chihuahua that just won't shut up.

As for hated players, Starfox, Aimee Mann, George the Great, Penkala, Revanche are all pretty high up there. It's a long list though.

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I hate you all, each and every one of you and I will see your nations burn. You make this topic and I am not mentioned? Are you fracking kidding me? This used to be my nation on a regular basis from the first FAN war on :nuke::nuke::nuke::nuke: the rogues had to wait in fricking line for me. Every pathetic person whom could not sleep at night because I has shamed them would then become so filled with hate and tears they would go rogue on me. And I loved it every single time, because I had just broke one more idiot. You weak minded cattle are just that easy to provoke. Now lets talk about most hated. I am The Bad, bring it you little toads.

Nah. At least I never really hated you and whatever you were doing never caused any kind of strong feelings inside besides the uncontrollable urge to just facepalm miself 'til the point I was no longer able to recognize my very own nose.

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The fact that no one has mentioned me so far hurts me.

Sorry to disappoint, KP, but your style and perspective are now en vogue.

IC, there are several people that come to mind, but OOC it just seems ridiculous to expend any energy hating someone for a CN malfeasance. On my personal !@#$list are iClean, KP, and Xiph. But, in the end, these people actually only make CN more interesting for me, so I can't say that I really dislike them at all.

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Individually they may be quite decent, but when they get together then it is a whole new story...

You sound like you honestly believe that they all, each and every one of them, started posting that stuff years ago and did their best to bring Bob down. I was there that night and it was pretty few actually doing it, even if more came in when 4chan heard of it (non-players who just made a forum account to "have fun").

I have no idea how you can claim that they become some sort of monster when they get together in a group.

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Why would one waste hate on a game? We are here voluntarily are we not?

Nah, I don't hate on my 'playmates', even the folks who are against me, my alliance or my friends still provide hours of entertainment - and thus enjoyment.

I actually get a bit sad when a good protagonist shuts up shop or leaves.

Good protagonists are under rated.

Edited by Some-Guy
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You sound like you honestly believe that they all, each and every one of them, started posting that stuff years ago and did their best to bring Bob down. I was there that night and it was pretty few actually doing it, even if more came in when 4chan heard of it (non-players who just made a forum account to "have fun").

I have no idea how you can claim that they become some sort of monster when they get together in a group.

Not to mention there are a lot more CN players who visit 4chan then any of us realize.

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Strictly IC:

By others, probably Sponge. Not liked by the downtrodden masses forever, then GOONS, [m] and \m/, then everyone else when he went goofy and left for VoX. I always enjoyed him.

By me, Denial & Duffman. Mostly due to my n00bishness. Here for 10 minutes and these guys were trashing my home. I had them on my saved page until they went *poof*. Slayer was always posting up quotes of theirs on TF!s forum, inciting the masses.

Looking back, kinda funny now.

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It was never you they despised, it was TPF treaties which kept them from stomping on you that were hated.

Boy, I was hated long before TPF. In fact the time I was "protected" by TPF treaties was short. Of course the fact that those same treaties led us to into not one but, two curbstomps makes even that claim moronic. I was open game when I came back and instead of coming after me the cowards got on their knees and begged me to join them. Yeah like that was going to happen. Sadly in this day on Bob everyone hates eveyone so much its hard for me to shine. Its a sad day when eveyone is a bigger jerk than I am.

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I've had a lot of hate for certain persons, but speaking to them in person in an entirely different situation has changed my feelings about them.

I don't currently hate anyone. I'm waiting for that special someone to come along.

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Boy, I was hated long before TPF. In fact the time I was "protected" by TPF treaties was short. Of course the fact that those same treaties led us to into not one but, two curbstomps makes even that claim moronic. I was open game when I came back and instead of coming after me the cowards got on their knees and begged me to join them. Yeah like that was going to happen. Sadly in this day on Bob everyone hates eveyone so much its hard for me to shine. Its a sad day when eveyone is a bigger jerk than I am.

There are few players in the game that, for whatever reason, are bigger than whatever alliance they end up joining, no matter what alliance they join. You're on the short list.

That's not necessarily a good thing, though.

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I really disliked Slayer99.

I'm really surprised that it too this long to mention him. I used to read all the replies and hating that people would do on his remarks and laugh myself out of my chair. Made me think he'd be right up there with ES, IM, et. al. Those are the ones I figured are hated by most others.

As for me... I never really payed enough attention to really take any of it in any seriousness.

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I can't believe no one has mentioned Chris Kaos. I personally thought people really hated him.

For me, Walkerninja.

The passage of time does wonders. Not nearly as many people would have picked Ivan if he hadn't come back to make NSO, this despite the fact NSO hasn't done much worthy of hate.

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