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In Defense of Our Homeland

Sarah Tintagyl

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Black Raven Mercenaries, a private military company, has invaded the sovereign nation of Queendom of Australia. Will we live in a world where independent mercenary armies can usurp legitimate countries at will? Procinctia deems Black Raven Mercenaries’ assault on Queendom of Australia an intolerable precedent, and will use whatever means at our disposal to defend a besieged Australia.

While Procinctia might lack the influence, finances, military might, population, power projection, or resources of most other nations there’s one thing we have in abundance. . .

– while I personally believe it to be a suicidal character flaw in my nation’s character, everyone else in this country carries it with great pride –

. . . the will to stand for what we believe to be right, especially when faced with overwhelming opposition. Procinctia offers what little forces we have to assist in defense of a free Queendom of Australia.


From the office of Liska Atka, acting Generalissimo of Procinctia

Proposed Procinctian Forces

6,000 soldiers

5 Centurion Tanks

10 MiG-15

Edited by Generalissimo
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The Republic of Finland offers medical and logistical support to the Queendom of Australia. Transport aircraft and medical teams on on standby.

*Private to leaders of the Queendom*

If necessary, we can send the 15th Mechanized, they have not yet demobilized from the Molakian war, and are equipped with our newest tank.

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The far forward elements of the attack consisting of ten F-22 Raptor Stealth Aircraft were flying at high altitude to allow them to locate any intial threats to the invasion force which were still loading up on their transports back at the island. They located and identified three Queedom naval vessels and reported their location and heading back to command before flying onwards coming into visual range of the Queendom border and spotting to their horror the mass of oncoming aircraft and the fact that allies of the Queendom had already arrived at the island.

Throwing off their stealth capabilities the ten aircraft hit their afterburners and made straight back for the island as fast as they could, avoiding the three Queendom vessels they had spotted earlier and screeching back to command that they odds were against them.

Due to this new information Command ordered that the invasion be cancelled and that instead the mercenaries take up defensive positions on the island. Long, medium and short range radar facilities were brought online and placed in active search mode whilst the F-22 Raptors took up CAP positions across the whole island range whilst ground troops took up defensive positions.

In Australia itself Valerie upon hearing that she was the cause of the problem walked out of the police station she worked in avoiding the glances and glares from her work mates and walked the short distance to the nearest military base, holding her arms before her she calmly and carefully approached the guards at the front gate.

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**Central Command, Brisbane Australia**

Allied support was more than the Queendom could ever have hoped for. Support came in droves so much and the world was so rallied behind the Royals that intelligence reported that the Raven invasion had all but been called off. However, this was the Raven's mistake for the attack on the Queendom would not be trifled with so lightly and they would pay for their affront. What would now be necessary with radar exclaiming that the forces had withdrawn back to the island was a full invasion and eradication of the Black Raven Mercenaries and given the mercenary island's size it would be a simple constant bombing run after the Black Raven air force was destroyed.

The plan drafted by General Christopher MacDohl sent to both Royal officers and allied soldiers was simplistic. The Royal Navy would deploy towards the island, the Mercenaries did not have a navy and so the worst they could do was to fight from the air. However with allied air craft, as well as Royal squadrons, the dog fight, for however bloody it may become was geared in favor of an Australian victory. After that threat was neutralized it would be constant bombing runs until the Black Ravens would surrender.


Please ready air support in Brisbane for an attack on the mercenary island. You will be accompanied by one hundred thirty squadrons of the Royal Air Force and support by vessels of the Royal Navy. Since the Mercenaries have no navy and are pinned up against a small island that their density is to an inhuman level, once the air force is neutralized they will not be able to hold out against bombing raids and naval bombardment. We have the air superiority to end this quickly so we must do so now. I thank you for the cooperation of your forces and for the allied nations still committing troops and fighter planes, do so, it will only quicken the length of this war.

-Marshal Christopher MacDohl

Once the allies had confirmed their ability for take off, the Royal Air Force would do so as well. The vanguard of this operation would be the Royal Navy itself and once the air battle would begin, they would lend their support to the fighter planes as well as beginning the bombardment of shore positions.


At the military base where Valerie approached, the Royal Marines standing guard immediately identified her as the woman who had been described in Her Majesty's speech. However as the orders had changed from the Office of the Grand Duke she was not to be harmed and instead incarcerated. The guards approached her, cuffed her and led her into the base to a holding cell. From this point she would taken to Alice Springs for interrogation by SWORD, Crimson Shield, and the Lillian Guard.


"Your Highness?"

Hannah looked up from her throne, her eyes narrowed at the messenger. "Continue."

"We have confirmation from our military base outside of Perth that Valerie Klein is in custody and will be transported to Alice Springs. They said she turned herself in."

"Good. We're making ground. Tell Valeria to head down to the command center then and inform the young lady of how she will enjoying herself in the Queendom for a time being until this war is over at least."



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From: The Kingdom of Cochin

To: The Queendom of Australia

We are happy to hear that the threat against Australia has been removed. However we must express our inability to be a part of an offensive action. We request permission from Australia to withdraw our forces currently committed to the theater.

Yours Sincerely,

Gen. Mahesh Varma,


Royal Cochin Defense Forces.

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President O'Deaghaidh spent the day watching the war unfold in real time in the so called "Observation Room" deep under the Rocky Mountains at the highly classified facility that recieved constant live feeds from dozens of sources around the world, including satellite images of combat taking place. It allowed Tahoe to keep a constant eye on the action without revealing to the world that it was interested at all.

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Valerie never once attempted to resist arrest or to even ask where they were taking her. Instead she just sat in waiting as the vehicle she was in took her to her destination. Along the way the only thoughts she had were on how Westly would handle looking after the children on his own. Eventually they came to Alice Springs and she was ordered out of the vehicle which she managed with some ease. Taking a look around she tried to spot where they would be taking her next.

OOC: As for the attack on the mercs I leave that in your hands Sarah. I don't intend to RP as them anymore so bomb them to your heart's content.

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Taeunas' geosync orbit satellite over Australia focused on the area and relayed data to the fleet still just outside the Queendoms national waters. The Morrigan went on full alert as orders were received and kicked two full squadrons of Tyre fighters off her deck, ready to scrap any tango that got within range. The three missile frigates uncovered their turrets and retracted the hatches on their SLBM vertical launch cells. HullGuard radars on the cruisers were turned on and the ships positioned themselves to unmask their anti missile systems. As soon as the fleet was at AP-1, their readiness was radioed to McDohls people.

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"Hmm, figures they'd chicken out. So what's the plan?" Phil Ryst asked.

"Contact Admiral Trenton. Tell him to divert his fleet to Mercenary Island. He is to hold position off the coast and begin bombardment of naval ports, army garrisons, and air bases." Kintober replied.

"I thought we were waiting for Queen Hannah's permission to attack." Phil inquired.

"That was the plan if there was enemy ground forces on Queendom of Australia. Now the Merc forces are in unprotected waters retreating back to their homes. They should've just stayed there in the first place." Kintober explained. "Speaking of which, Alert the 104th ICBM Missile Wing command. Tell them to also target military installations on Mercenary Island. Make sure they know only to use conventional warheads in the strike. We wouldn't want to cause an international outcry just yet. However, tell them if they do find that returning Merc fleet still in open water, they're free to strike at it with chemical warheads." Kintober chuckled darkly. Phil nodded with a smirk of his own, and left to fulfill his boss' command. Kintober leaned back and sighed. "Well Hannah, you sure are a lightning rod for enemies. Probably why Loki wanted you..." He muttered.


In the seemingly empty and frozen wasteland in central Eggman Empire, camouflage equipment was moved out of the way as dozens of missile silos prepped for launch. Every silo held one of the Empire's newest class of ICBMs, the Pox Gungnir. They are a MIRV-ed missile type, capable of carrying ten re-entry vehicles. These particular warheads were tipped with HE conventional munitions, capable of leveling anything inside it's 600m blast radius.

The first ten missiles roared away from their silos and shot into the atmosphere. Within minutes, the missiles were over their general target, Mercenary Island. The ten missiles then released their payload of 10 re-entry vehicles each. Almost as one, a hundred warheads raced down to Mercenary Island like avenging angels. Mere seconds later, the Island was lit up with explosions, tearing into bases, vehicles, supply depots, hangers, and ports, ripping them a sunder.

To:Mercenary Island government

From Eggman Empire government

Surrender to the Eggman Imperial Naval fleet that's bearing down on your little mudball and we will relent in making it rain warheads. If not, well...Hope you have many deep underground bunkers.

Sincerely, Phil Ryst; Head Minister of Defense


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Arriving in Brisbane were two large ferries from shipping companies operating in Zargathia. On board were 6.000 troops, among which most of the Zargathian High Command, including four star General Yelena Muromets. Though it had been an often overlooked detail, the majority of the Zargathian Army consisted of the Crimson Dagger Mercenaries, who were more than willing to enact a liberal amount of retribution on their colleagues of the Black Raven. One less fish in the sea...

The parking space of the ferries would be filled with a grand total of 800 tanks and artillery pieces, of whom 100 pieces were of a heavy tank design prototype that needed combat testing. Another 400 were light tanks for mobility and tugging set artillery, with the remaining 300 being fairly standard medium tanks common in most nations' armies.

In addition, after a quick stop on the Riau Islands for refueling, 15 Mig29s and 5 Su30's of the Zargathian Air Force arrived as well. The pilots, though just having returned from their training in Pavlodar, were a little short on actual combat experience, though they had been excellently trained by Cochin up to less than a month ago.

The other ships would hold the PDHRK troops that both nations had agreed would deploy alongside them, but given the necessity of boarding troops in harbors often far apart the two armies would have to make the trip separately.

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The Yuke Air Force transports after hearing the coordinates of their objective location, changed direction towards the Mercenary HQ in Mercenary Island. The escorts (2 pairs of F-16's) flew forward towards the Island, tasked with the objective of destroying all Anti-Air equipment missed from the Eggman Empire's Strategic Missile Strikes.

The Yuke Squad leader, Gorizont 1 said to his squadron, "All fighters, arm your HARM and Aphid Missiles, we're going into a hot zone soon.

The Yuktobanian planes commenced their operation. From standoff range, the F-16's launched their HARM Missiles. Scrreching at Mach 2 from over 60 miles away, the Anti-Radiation Missiles homed in on the SAM's onboard radar system, destroying the SAM sites and relieving the airborne to engage the Black Ravens on the ground, or even underground.

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A private message to Hannah:

"I would feel remiss if I did not get the opportunity of taking part in this action. The Household Guard, your very own personal infantry unit, has not yet been disbanded. The unit has not seen the front since China, and I think it would be excellent in the extreme to take them out, one last time. What say you?"

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OOC: Since Kevz pretty much surrendered I'm wrapping this up if you all don't mind.


It was a call of distress to a people who had continuously been forsaken by the world. Hannah truly had underestimated the love that she and her people still had by a world that was cold, a world that they thought that turned their backs. No, there was still love and there was still friendship and it would be that friendship that would turn the Black Raven mercenaries into nothing but a fond memory of the first to defy the power of the Queen of Australia. Following the Eggman Empire's missile crisis which had turned the island into a literal fireball, allied and Australian air support thundered towards their positions. The Black Ravens had barely an air force when they had arrived and it felt more like a mop-up mission that it did an actual air battle. The Australians did lose a few aircraft to their defense, but the entire Black Raven air force was defeated in the matter of a greater portion of a half-hour and the allied planes could happily report no damage was done.

Following the battle by air, Australian commanders began the next phase of their siege and that was a bombardment of everything on the island until there was nothing left. Given the island's size that would not be extraordinarily difficult. The Black Raven base was already a blazing inferno from the missile strikes, this combined with aerial bombing and a naval bombardment that would make Thor rethink his power of thunder. Explosion rocked the island to breaking apart and once the guns and the bombs had stopped, everything had fallen silent.

From here, an expeditionary force of one thousand Australian regulars and a handful of special forces took to a series of landing craft and reached the shore of the island. Dead bodies of mercenaries lay everywhere, not having the time to build underground bunkers the missile and artillery bombardments had destroyed the majority of their forces within a matter of minutes, today Hell would receive a great deal of new slaves. Slowly, the expedition crossed the island, a few died from unaccounted mercenaries still alive, however the orders were simple. These weren't nationals, they had no country and they had no leader, therefore, there was no mercy and after an hour or two of sweeping the island. The expeditionary force was pleased to report that all mercenaries had been eradicated.


Back on the mainland, Hannah appeared once again to address the world from Lillia Palace.

My friends,

There is no amount of thanks I can give to you for your help to defend this country from these sea devils. With world help I have just confirmed from my military commanders that the Black Raven mercenaries are as good as dead with few casualties to report from our side. To my people, you have shown to me once again that your bravery is unparalleled and restoring my faith that our country will never fall, I am proud to call you my brothers and sisters and I hope that you are equally proud to call me your queen. As to the rogue people of Helzan, the world has my promise that this nation which has caused instability wherever it goes will have the wraith of this Queendom the next time it attempts to take breath. This is my official declaration of war against the Helzan people for now and forever.

Thank You


And in Alice Springs the girl named Valerie was thrown into a bare room, there was a door and cement walls on all sides, she had been checked for any concealed weapons that could pose a threat to the interrogator. But that particular interrogator was barely worried and had seriously contemplated taking a does of Raging Nostrum before going in, just for fun. As Valerie waited in the dim light for what seemed like moments, the door finally opened as a tall woman with green eyes, tan skin, and blonde hair, dressed in the uniform of the Lillian Guard walked in and shut the door behind her. Valeria Sangral smiled down at the girl and took a seat on the floor near her.

"So Valerie." She laughed at the name. "Lets have a little chat. Tell me how apparently four days after you arrived in our country that these mercenaries attacked us." The Lillian grinned manically. "Sounds suspicious to me, you want to clear it up?"

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OOC: Since Kevz pretty much surrendered I'm wrapping this up if you all don't mind.


And in Alice Springs the girl named Valerie was thrown into a bare room, there was a door and cement walls on all sides, she had been checked for any concealed weapons that could pose a threat to the interrogator. But that particular interrogator was barely worried and had seriously contemplated taking a does of Raging Nostrum before going in, just for fun. As Valerie waited in the dim light for what seemed like moments, the door finally opened as a tall woman with green eyes, tan skin, and blonde hair, dressed in the uniform of the Lillian Guard walked in and shut the door behind her. Valeria Sangral smiled down at the girl and took a seat on the floor near her.

"So Valerie." She laughed at the name. "Lets have a little chat. Tell me how apparently four days after you arrived in our country that these mercenaries attacked us." The Lillian grinned manically. "Sounds suspicious to me, you want to clear it up?"

Valerie had picked herself up off the floor and waited with her back against the wall facing the only doorway with her head rested on her knees. When the door opened she looked up and caught sight of the woman who entered. The smile she gave her was anything but comforting.

"I don't know I gave up my power a long time ago when I knew I wasn't fit to rule and left it in the hand sof those I thought were sensible enough to do so. I was wrong and with me gone just before the nuclear exchange the survivors must have blamed me for fleeing."

"As for how they found me I came into contact with one of them, maybe their leader and she asked for help. I don't know if she is alive or dead now and frankly I don't care" Valerie replied looking up from over her knees to Valeria.

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Valerie had picked herself up off the floor and waited with her back against the wall facing the only doorway with her head rested on her knees. When the door opened she looked up and caught sight of the woman who entered. The smile she gave her was anything but comforting.

"I don't know I gave up my power a long time ago when I knew I wasn't fit to rule and left it in the hand sof those I thought were sensible enough to do so. I was wrong and with me gone just before the nuclear exchange the survivors must have blamed me for fleeing."

"As for how they found me I came into contact with one of them, maybe their leader and she asked for help. I don't know if she is alive or dead now and frankly I don't care" Valerie replied looking up from over her knees to Valeria.

"If she was a Black Raven and on that island, she is most definitely dead my dear. Mercenaries, especially mercenaries who betrayed us, there is no mercy for such behavior." Valeria stood back up and looked down at the girl. "You see, a lot of people think you're responsible for a lot of death. It seems everywhere you go Miss Klein death seems to follow you and trust me, I thought Tintagyl was bad until I read your dossier. Antarctica, Indochina, North America, your people wage war, your people launch devastating attacks on neighbors and friends and every time that the Reaper comes to collect its dead, you seem to evade him. You're never responsible. A stroke of luck three, four times?"

Sangral paced for a moment and laid a strong hand on the girl. "The Grand Duke likes you, he convinced the Queen to spare your life, you know that? He said you were a scared teenager in Antarctica, that it was a double that killed the Dragonisian representative, and that you weren't responsible for the nuclear attacks on the world recently. The nuclear attacks that caused one of the worst exchanges in recent history. So why should I believe the Grand Duke?" She walked back to the far wall and leaned against it. Her piercing green eyes cutting through Valerie's mind.

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Valerie listened quietly and carefully but was unable to stop a small strained laugh as Valeria described her ability to escape death. "Maybe I am the harbringer of death? Never allowed to die but made to bring death to others. As for why you should believe the Grand Duke I can not say. I believe that every person should make up their own mind about each and every issue they face and not always rely of others" said Valerie standing up to allow her muscles to stretch.

"I made all of my mistakes back when I was in some place of power and I gave all of that up, willingly too. I don't intend to run any sort of nation ever again. Is that good enough for you?".

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"At the moment Valerie. No. This government is extremely weary of your movements, but to say your story ends here would also be a sin and Her Majesty understands that you may have a degree of innocence. Westley Davies and Anthony Harlem I'm sure will both be around in the near future to allow you freedom. However, until that time I have orders that you are to be imprisoned for a period of time for the possible declaration of war on this state by the Black Raven mercenaries. You can request a trial if need be, or you can appeal to Her Majesty and His Grace themselves for pardon. I would suggest the latter, the executive is always much more efficient than the judiciary."

Valeria opened the door as two other Lillian Guards walked into the room and took Valerie calmly by the arms. While she was a prisoner, she would be treated with respect. "Holding Cell 2C, ladies, and give her a warm meal. I have a report to make to the Queen and the Grand Duke of her condition here and how they want to proceed. Given your situation with the Duke of Perth, I will recommend that you are placed on surveillance for the remainder of your life, but so that you can spend it with your husband and children." Sangral smiled. "I'm not a heartless !@#$%*, I'm a !@#$%*, but I do have a heart. Take her away."

Valerie would be taken to the prison facility and placed in her cell while Valeria left for Darwin to give her report personally to the Queen and Grand Duke.

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To: Foreign Affairs of the Queendom of Australia
From: Office of the Imperial Envoy of Foreign Affairs of the Holy Empire of the Eternal Phoenix

Subject: Former Helzan Government Members

Dear sir/ma'am,

It has come to the attention of our Justice Department that you have captured one or multiple former government members of the Helzan state. With the arrest warrant for all former members and our treaty the Imperial Department of Justice has requested me to file a formal extradition request. In line with Imperial laws I hereby do so.

As such I invite a representative from the Queendom of Australia to come to the Imperial Embassy to discuss a possible arrangement. Our ambassador will be authorized to talk on behalf of our nation.

Yours faithfully,
Rosshe Natono,
Imperial Envoy of Foreign Affairs

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Yes, we have a member of the former Helzan government in our custody after the Raven War. However at this time extradition cannot be allowed until said subject passes through our own justice system. The subject will have an audience with Her Majesty and the Grand Duke and if allowed the Judiciary before Australian punishment is given out. Wherein that time, if it is deemed fit, the subject may be extradited to stand trial in the Phoenix Empire. However once again, I cannot give any information on what is going on, until after our own trials take place. Though, a representative will be sent over shortly to verify between our nations. Hopefully these talks will put a piece of a chaotic past due to these criminals behind us.


Glen Strinholm,
Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs

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