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Operation: Because I can.

King Kevz

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OOC: *facepalm* Kevz, please try to be reasonable on this. Sarah has to be impartial on the entire matter. This has no basis, really, in IC. I appreciate you're trying to make a point, but there are better ways to go about it.

OOC: No im not making this as a point. This has nothing to do with Arathog, honestly. This is an IC invasion of the Queendom minus the nukes as I don't have them IC. The mercenaries who were left to die have found out that Valerie is in the Queendom and blames the Queendom for hiding her and are out for revenge.

OOC: hahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahah


Will work on an OOC response and an IC response shortly dear. >:]

OOC: Look forward to it, also no nukes were launched okay as I don't have them.

Edited by King Kevz
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Dranagg is very pleased at this event. We offer moral support of this action.

That's cute. How are the penguins doing in Dranagg?

**Private to Australia**

We dislike you however testing military hardware would take preference. We are more than willing to send in some bombers and troops.

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.:[Announcement - People's Democratic Haruhiist Republic of Karafuto]:.

The People's Democratic Haruhiist Republic of Karafuto condemns this group for it's terrorist actions against the Queendom.


Should you require our assistance, we shall send it.


Should the Queendom require troop assistance, or request it, we propose sending PDHRK/Zargathian troops in joint deployment.

Edited by Elrich von Richt
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The island nation that belongs to the Black Raven Mercenaries declares total war on the Queendom of Australia. . All of the Mercenary aircraft are being scrambled for the invasion of the Queendom with with 64,000 soldiers going by air and another 136,000 going by sea. Due to the short distance between the Queendom and the Mercenary island the invasion force will reach the Queendom territory in less than an hour.

The reason for the declaration was that the mercenaries had found out that Valerie the woman who had left them to die now lived in the Queendom and thus held the Queendom responsible for hiding the Queen Valkyrie and they would have to be dealt with along with the Queen Valkyrie.

"Whether or not she is here, that point is moot. Promised Land always reserved the right, as any other nation does, to offer political asylum to those it deems exiled for purposes we dd not agree with. That policy has continued, to a degree, in the Queendom."

An attack had never truly been expected from that direction., but alert levels were, of course, maintained. Air units wereimmediately scrambled and prepared to be the first wave of defense.

OOC: Can't actually respond any further until Sarah gives the order.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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OOC: Actually, I'll get a bit dirty.

IC: The shipments of unmarked H&H firing rifles, previously headed for Italica, have been re routed to the Heltzan remnant force by an unknown official within NMI, the NoN's weaponry manufacturing giant.


Its about time someone taught those hawt, hawt, haughty Australians a lesson. I mean, look at them, all peace-loving and such. Makes me sick.

-Unnamed NMI Official

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Part of the scrambling of defenses included putting satellites on high alert. While they couldn;t watch ever square inch of ocean, they could moniter a good-sized chunk of land and sea around the Mercenary group's island. It was known, after all, and they needed to gather information for the certain counterstrike.

This would almost certainly ensure the weapons from NOD would be interecepted before they could reach their intended destination.

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Part of the scrambling of defenses included putting satellites on high alert. While they couldn;t watch ever square inch of ocean, they could moniter a good-sized chunk of land and sea around the Mercenary group's island. It was known, after all, and they needed to gather information for the certain counterstrike.

This would almost certainly ensure the weapons from NOD would be interecepted before they could reach their intended destination.

OOC: :P See if I care, everything is civilian and unmarked, including the ship.

Also, its the NoN or Nod. :v:

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**Private to Queendom of Australia**

"If Valerie is indeed in Australia, we respectfully request she be extradited to Caucasia for an overdue trial...after the civil war, of course."

-HRH King James II


The message was received, and put on hold for the moment. More pressing matters were currently upon them.

Soon it had been lost in the shuffle.

OOC: :P See if I care, everything is civilian and unmarked, including the ship.

Also, its the NoN or Nod. :v:

OOC: Sorry, I didn't mean to capitalize the entire word.

And I know I can't identify the ship. That would be metagaming. Doesn't mean I can't sink it with a well-placed missile or aircraft strike. :P

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Should the Queendom require troop assistance, or request it, we propose sending PDHRK/Zargathian troops in joint deployment.

*** Classified to the PDHRK ***

"Should deployment occur we would welcome the assistance, as our forces worked alongside one another in Buryatia, did they not?"

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OOC: If taken in the OOC context, this move is quite extraordinary and hilarious.

Political action at its worstfinest, perhaps? Either way, things were slowing down a bit before this.

OOC: Oh yeah, Political action is ALWAYS at its finest [/sarcasm] <_<

Edited by Razgriz 2K9
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The message was received, and put on hold for the moment. More pressing matters were currently upon them.

Soon it had been lost in the shuffle.

OOC: Sorry, I didn't mean to capitalize the entire word.

And I know I can't identify the ship. That would be metagaming. Doesn't mean I can't sink it with a well-placed missile or aircraft strike. :P


More calls were made, and hundreds of written copies of the request were sent to the Australian government, a few of which directly to the queen.

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More calls were made, and hundreds of written copies of the request were sent to the Australian government, a few of which directly to the queen.

To: King James II

From: HRH Hannah Asgeirsson

Thank you for your concern Highness, but she will not be transported to you. She will be executed in Australia, I understand that she has faulted your country as well. But she will be made an example of here and now, no more second chances. I hope you understand.

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To: HRN Hannah Asgeirsson

From: Imperator Kevin Holihan

Should the Queendom of Australia require it, the Holy Imperium is willing to send over a contingent of soldiers totaling 20,000 as well as a Carrier and its' escorts to play ferry duty. State-of-the-art Imperial Weaponry is, of course available for purchase at reduced rates for the duration of the crisis.

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**Classified Reply**

"Then please allow a Caucasian government representative, and a Caucasian news crew, to witness and film the execution. If you wish, you may search them for weaponry and contraband upon entering the country."

-HRH King James II

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**Classified Reply**

"Then please allow a Caucasian government representative, and a Caucasian news crew, to witness and film the execution. If you wish, you may search them for weaponry and contraband upon entering the country."

-HRH King James II


Can't say it will be public at the moment, I have an agent looking for her and hopefully it'll will all be done in back rooms. However, if it turns out to be public. I will alert you.

-HRH Hannah Asgeirsson

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