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Procinctia Politics


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We prefer to wage war against the people that believe we are trying to sway them with words. They can spend all their time believing in their own political positions about nations while we crush them.

Dranagg is not built on hippies and love like some nations appear to be.

"Coincidentally, Norway is, in fact, built on hippies and love. Love makes an excellent mortar, and when it comes to foundations, Hippies can't be beat."

--Henric Abrahamsson, Political Humorist

Edited by Il Terra Di Agea
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Diego Estifanos, Procinctia Neo-Nationalists rally, Rat Island

What is democracy?

Rabble politics by a popularity contest.

Infighting and instability fueled by media polls.

Procinctia Neo-Nationalists continue where the old Procinctia Nationalists left off. . . our aim is to restore military rule and bring back the old junta through democratic processes we seek to dismantle.

If Neo-Nationalists gain the ninety percent representation according to Procinctia’s charter necessary to dissolve the legislature, we will vote to permanently end elected representation in this country, restoring the junta. In more likely circumstances where Neo-Nationalists maintain less than absolute representation in the national legislature the party will place our support completely behind the generalissimo, and against all those who oppose our rightful ruler.

For a long time Procinctia’s only government has been one or two people, and it’s never been better. With one generalissimo accompanied by a single assistant there has been no corruption, no partisanship, no overhead – the perfect administration. Liska’s regime, despite her complete lack experience, has been more than satisfactory. Generalissimo gave into the siren’s call of democratization ending his own military rule; the results were catastrophic and nearly destroyed us all.

Procinctia only needs one leader – a generalissimo.


Diego Estifanos, Procinctia Neo-Nationalists spokesman

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Dr. Hugo, Procinctia’s Technocratic Progress Party rally, Amchitka Island

With Generalissimo’s and Liska's contributions to the study of time have been Procinctia’s first real foray into an international scientific community, while a notable step it isn’t nearly enough. Procinctia still lacks a proper scientific community of our own, hindering our ability to be anything more than a stagnant insignificant backwater.

Science is innovation and innovation is progress.

Procinctia’s Technocratic Progress Party believes science is Procinctia’s destiny.

Whoever has technological superiority live healthier and wealthier than anyone else, wins wars, shapes culture, and maintains influence internationally.

Ideology, however, means little without tangible results.

In the next four real-time years Procinctia’s Technocratic Progress Party aims to construct four new schools, two universities, a great university, a national research lab, a scientific development center, a space program, with the additional development of at least nine thousand technological units.

A vote for Procinctia’s Technocratic Progress Party is a vote for the future.

! ! ! - Vote for Science - ! ! !


Dr. Hugo, speaker for Procinctia’s Technocratic Progress Party

The Eggman Empire Government and Emperor Sammy Kintober wholeheartedly support the Technocratic Progress Party and Dr. Hugo.

Thank God! Finally a party that's actually concerned about Mankind's future. Not some ridiculous ideology that they plan to enforce on others. This is the type of party that needs to come to power more often. You can always rely on science! Go team, Go!

-Emperor Sammy Kintober

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Rhodesia completely understands where Tahoe is coming from. The presence of a communist government, some may argue even a nation of radical left, can be a threat to stability and the established way of life in a nation. If leftist ideals are allowed to permeate into a nation, they can cause unrest and dangerous rebellion. Should they be successful, the leftist economics of the radical wing can devastate and economy and drive a country into a nearly inescapable spot of economic hardship.

"Definitely, that is why the PRC has lasted longer, is much more powerful and a stable nation then Rhodesia correct? We are definitely having unrest and rebellions and the economy is driving our country into a nearly inescapable spot of economic hardship?"

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Savoonga Municipal School, Savoonga Village, St. Lawrence Island

The following exchange is available to anyone who’s bothering to infiltrate Savoonga Municipal School

Liska, I never see you associate with anyone here at the school, ever if you are generalissimo it’s not healthy to be afraid of opening up to other people.

Have you considered joining my Sarah Tintagyl Fanclub? The girls and I would really appreciate your presence, if you have time maybe you come by the clubroom after classes tonight.

"That’s. . . well. . . there’s something. . . something I need to do . . . an import conference. . . a video conference? That’s it, an important video conference, with . . . Botha, about economic thingies. I can’t go to your meeting because I have to discuss African-Bering economics with Botha, ohwouldyoulookatthetimereallysorrygottogobye,"

Liska rapidly removes herself from the classroom, leaving her schoolbag behind in the process.

That could have gone better.

For a head-of-state she’s a terrible lair.

She’s actively avoiding us.

To bring the generalissimo into the fold will advance our cause beyond measure.

How long will it be before someone else in the school tries recruiting her?

We need to pursue her more aggressively.

Not too aggressively, or we risk completely alienating our shy little generalissimo. . .

Edited by Generalissimo
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"Definitely, that is why the PRC has lasted longer, is much more powerful and a stable nation then Rhodesia correct? We are definitely having unrest and rebellions and the economy is driving our country into a nearly inescapable spot of economic hardship?"

"The Soviet Union was the Second most powerful nation in the world. Maybe you will make it work, maybe you won't. Rhodesia, however, prefers not to take the chance."

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"The Soviet Union was the Second most powerful nation in the world. Maybe you will make it work, maybe you won't. Rhodesia, however, prefers not to take the chance."

"Right now, the GDR is second strongest nation in the world, after Viniland.

We are Rational Communist."

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"The Soviet Union was the Second most powerful nation in the world. Maybe you will make it work, maybe you won't. Rhodesia, however, prefers not to take the chance."

"Soviet Union? Please elabourate, I've never heard of such a nation, much less a powerful one by that name."

OOC: This is entirely different from RL history. There was no such thing as the USSR in RP.

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"Soviet Union? Please elabourate, I've never heard of such a nation, much less a powerful one by that name."

OOC: This is entirely different from RL history. There was no such thing as the USSR in RP.

OOC: Depends on the RPer. In my history, there was.

People can't decide when history started changing from RL.

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These are the types of inane, psuedo-intellectual statements made by Promised Land that, instead of awing foreigners with your philisophical knowledge make young children blush at their stupidity.

"Please refrain from petty insults. This is not the time or place for such."

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A big red transport plane escorted by two golden colored SU-35 fighter planes that were unarmed (they were there for ceremonial purposes only) approached Procintia. The pilot of the central craft, clad in a thick bomber jacket, cargo pants and goggles (with a communist star, hammer and sickle on the center) was none other then the Chairwoman Temulin, out for an evening flight to spread the good word about the endless possiblities of Socialism.

"People of Procintia! The chairwoman has arrived!"

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Upon seeing some of the comments made to Procintica due to the possibilities of a communist party takeover, Eternal President Haruhi Suzumiya almost flew out of her chair from laughter.

Historically, the far-left has always been pursued, beaten down, or forced into hiding. While this is the norm, it seems some are willing to resort to violence to drive the left away. The fact that Tahoe even finds believes itself to have some control over Procintica's politics and fate, is disturbing to us.

As such, Governor General Sakuya Hayashi has taken the neccessary measures, and due to Haruhi's current meeting with the Generalissimo, lends it's support to the Procintican Worker's Party. If a united bloc with the Tintagylist Front could be achieved as well, that would be most excellent.

The PDHRK however, does not view itself within right to directly govern or advise the Procintican state. Thus, we only offer our support, and wish them the best from these elections. We do not, however, mean to threaten or anger Tahoe, only to prove the point that Procintican affairs should not be considered the business of the Tahoe government, or should not be subject to their control/will.

In all, we leave the following message to our friends in Procintica: "Bankoku no rĹŤdĹŤsha yo, danketsu seyo!"

OOC: The Japanese in this post means 'Workers of the World, Unite!'

Edited by Elrich von Richt
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Current Status of Procinctia Political Parties 12/08/2009

Procinctian Worker's Party (PWP) [reformed]

Build a new Procinctia

Political Base and Support: Communists, Rational Communists, Socialists

Proposed Economic Policy: Communist –industry sponsored and controlled by central government authority

Proposed Foreign Policy: Solidarity with Communist/Socialist/Free nations of the world, a closer relationship with our Tahoe benefactors

Foreign Endorsements: Greco Soviet States, German Democratic Republic, People's Democratic Haruhiist Republic of Karafuto

Procinctia Apathy Party (PAP)

A political party that doesn’t care about Procinctia’s politics

Political Base and Support: Apathetic citizens, Slackers, Willfully Ignorant

Proposed Domestic Policy: Don’t Care

Proposed Economic Policy: Don’t Care

Proposed Foreign Policy: Don’t Care

Foreign Endorsements: None (but they don't care)

Procinctia’s Technocratic Progress Party (PTPP)

! ! ! - For Science - ! ! !

Political Base and Support: Scientists, Science hobbyists, Science teachers, Technophiles, Technocrats

Proposed Domestic Policy: Construction of four new schools, two universities, a great university, a national research lab, a scientific development center, a space program, with the additional development of at least nine thousand technological units in the next four real-time years

Proposed Economic Policy: Technocratic- Economy will be directed to scientific pursuits

Proposed Foreign Policy: Support of and participation in international scientific community

Foreign Endorsements: Eggman Empire (Emperor Sammy Kintober), German Democratic Republic

Procinctia Tintagylist Front (PTF)

Sarah’s Will Be Done

Political Base and Support:Internationalists, Sarah Tintagyl Fanclub, Tintagylists

Proposed Domestic Policy: Democracy, Freedom, Internationalism, and Multiculturalism

Proposed Economic Policy: Internationalist – participation in global marketplace, participation in international economic groups

Proposed Foreign Policy: Aggressive diplomatic relations with all countries, increased participation in international organizations

Foreign Endorsements: Mandalore (President Jack Carter), Sarah Tintagyl (Duchess of Brisbane), People's Democratic Haruhiist Republic of Karafuto

Procinctia Neo-Nationalists (PNN)

Procinctia only needs one leader – a generalissimo.

Political Base and Support: Radical generalissimo supporters, Ultra-Nationalists, Hyper-Nationalists

Proposed Domestic Policy: Restoration of military rule, removing democratic elements of Procinctia’s government

Proposed Economic Policy: Nation wide ban on all goods and services produced in Tahoe

Proposed Foreign Policy: Non-recognition of Tahoe until restoration of Besboro, Hagemeister, Walrus, Kritskoi, Nelson, Nunivak, St. Michael, and Stuart Islands to Procinctia; including absolute severance of all possible ties and relations with Tahoe.

Foreign Endorsements: None

Edited by Generalissimo
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"The Procinctia Neo-Nationalists are nothing without the endorsement and leadership of the one and only Generalissimo of Procinctia, Generalissimo.

Without him, Procinctia is nothing."

Edited by Vedran
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"The Procinctia Neo-Nationalists are nothing without the endorsement and leadership of the one and only Generalissimo of Procinctia, Generalissimo.

Without him, Procinctia is nothing."

I normally wouldn’t bother replying to mere foreigners,

The possible loss of Procinctia’s original Generalissimo is a loss to all Procinctians everywhere, but Procinctia is more than just one man.

Generalissimo didn’t actually support parties advocating Generalissimo’s absolute military rule, but the Procinctia Neo-Nationalists are willing to completely overlook that relatively minor discrepancy. Without contradicting Procinctia’s charter through the very electoral processes we seek to dismantle, we believe it is possible to install a generalissimo as Procinctia’s permanent and absolute ruler, whether that generalissimo wants it or not.

-Diego Estifanos, Procinctia Neo-Nationalists-

Out of Character Stuff:

Thank you.

OOC: :huh: is that RL time (sorry to be so inquisitive.) but that seems a while.

It's a short electoral process by real-world standards, and I'm hardline real-timer. Edited by Generalissimo
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"The Technocrats certainly look like a logical choice for the Procinctian people. I wish them the best, and yes, if you wish, you can put me on your list of Foreign Endorsements."

~Benjamin R. Wallace, Duke of Darwin

"Personally, I disagree with the Duke of Darwin. The Tintagylists are the best choice for Procinctia’s future."

~Westly Davies, Duke of Perth

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I normally wouldn’t bother replying to mere foreigners,

The possible loss of Procinctia’s original Generalissimo is a loss to all Procinctians everywhere, but Procinctia is more than just one man.

Generalissimo didn’t actually support parties advocating Generalissimo’s absolute military rule, but the Procinctia Neo-Nationalists are willing to completely overlook that relatively minor discrepancy. Without contradicting Procinctia’s charter through the very electoral processes we seek to dismantle, we believe it is possible to install a generalissimo as Procinctia’s permanent and absolute ruler, whether that generalissimo wants it or not.

-Diego Estifanos, Procinctia Neo-Nationalists-

"You use the image of the true Generalissimo only to help fuel your own efforts at taking his place. You are no more than a usurper.

Liska Atka is the best leader Procinctia has right now, and even she is inexperienced and should occupy herself with academic studies instead. She acts in the man's place competently but she will never truly fill his shoes. Mad as he was, Generalissimo was the best leader your country has had in its history. He was there at the beginning, he led you through countless struggles, kept you alive during the still ongoing reconstruction period. He will be there at its end, not you, even though you may bring about that end through your careless actions.

Face it - he was the heart, soul, and spirit of Procinctia, he held your country together by his own steel will (and through that of his assistants and psychiatrists, but that is not important), he provided for the people of Procinctia - and he will again, once he returns. Not you.

However this election may end, Arctica holds that Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia is the only legitimate candidate for Generalissimo of Procinctia."

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