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Public Agenda - Twenty One


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*Secret in Character (SiC)*

Upon hearing of his return from the European theater, Deveraux issued a summons to the Lord Marshal of the Royal Marines, or Red Beret’s as they were often known, Marc Stephens. Upon receiving the order he made his way to the Magistrate’s wellington apartment. Once arriving he found the young leader waiting for him in his personal library. As he approached he removed his own Scarlet Beret, a small respect he always paid to his personal benefactor. Noticing him Devereaux replaced the book he had been skimming, and offered his hand to the soldier. “I trust Europe was pleasant?”

“Unfortunately.” He replied as Devereaux lowered himself into the chair behind his desk.

“I trust that wouldn’t stop you?” Thomas smirked.

“Heh…” The general diverted his eyes, turning his attention to the book case. “I did send a few scouting parties across the border, yes. Though they were dressed as Germans and they assure me they did nothing of consequence…” Devereaux laughed.

“I’m sure.” Sighing he opened his desk and removed a sealed letter. “I trust you remember Agenda Eleven, and what my father developed?” Stephens nodded. “Please deliver this to the director of our Military Science Office.” Accepting the letter, there was a moment of silence and Stephens turned to leave. Someone surprised Thomas quickly recalled him, asking “You aren’t going to ask me what it is?”.

“I wasn’t sure if it was meant for me?”

“Well it concerns you… Anyway, you have done an excellent job as the head of the guard, and your men have distinguished themselves. All of them are seasoned veterans in their prime, all highly trained and specialized as soldiers, all highly loyal, and all pooled from our military selective breeding programs. They have above all shown the upmost dedication to serving this government, as well as myself. To that end, I would like to make your forces even better. I wish to put the full wind of science behind you; and am willing to use the full resources of my administration to meet that goal.” Stephens was at a loss for words. For a moment he again wondered how he could ever repay this man.

“Sir, I’m very honored and I speak for my men when I say that.” He paused, feeling that he should say more. At last Devereaux simply nodded, indicating that he could go. Stepping out of the room he placed the letter into his jacket pocket, and left the apartment.

Public Agenda – Designation: Twenty One

Date Enacted: 29 December, 2nd year of Ryn Atrevier’s Reign

Policy Originator: Office of High Magistrate, Thomas Devereaux

Summary: The utilization of existing, and the development of presently emerging technology for the performance enhancement of the Royal Marine Corp/Royal Guard (OOC: My small elite troop of shock forces/secret police).

Areas of Concern: Brain cyberization, Computer mind interface, simulated neural network, quantum computing, artificial stimulation of sensory cortex, artificial stimulation and override of motor cortex, streamline and update of intelligence gathering systems, nanomachine maintenance, carbon plating and skeletal strengthening, performance enhancing pharmaceuticals, dietary/exercise regimens, dietary supplements, selective breeding, embryonic modification, ballistics & weapons science, lightweight armor and ballistics fabrics.

Orders To: Ministry of war, Office of Military Science.

Orders: Develop an enhancement protocol to be executed amongst the 10,000 Royal Guard. Bodily enhancement is to primarily focus upon endurance, speed and agility, rather than strength; mental enhancement is to focus primarily on planning faculties, information sharing and access, leadership abilities, reflexes, and willpower. Weaponry and armor designed for units, is to be light weight and allow for full mobility.

Additional Note: Your office has been granted access to previous Agenda Eleven notes and study. You are free to exploit what you can from the Alliance’s former project.

OOC: Before anyone starts with ooc a few things.

1) I have discussed this with Sarah who agreed that it would be acceptable as long as the units themselves are not immortal or given insane abilities like super strength (neither of which is intended or will be created). She moreover stated that they would be acceptable as long as they are used in a respectful fashion and not abused. To which I assure the community that these units will not be used or created in such a way that they give a distinct edge in combat (other than the fact that they are slightly more elite). In other words I will not be posting any “LOLZ ALL YOUR UNITS DIED”.

2) The main purpose and their primary use will be internal RP, (as they are also my secret police). If they are used in war they will more or less just be counted as elite soldiers, (like I have in the past with my Royal Marines).

3) If it really bothers people (though I would rather not resort to this) I don’t have a problem with making them like Lynneth’s robot, or KM’s valkaries (or was it Einherjar), and simply only use them with the permission of the defender.

In short while I do not think I have ever been abusive in war; in the future if you believe I am abusing these units then point back here. That being said more RP to come.

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OOC: Nothing wrong with some supersoldiers.


>>“Heh…” The general diverted his eyes, turning his attention to the book case. “I did send a few scouting parties across the border, yes. Though they were dressed as Germans and they assure me they did nothing of consequence…” Devereaux laughed.<<

Into my country? If so, I'd like to have been informed, because that would've been a spy operation, requiring rolls.

But the RP itself about making them better and whatnot will surely interesting.

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OOC: Nothing wrong with some supersoldiers.


>>“Heh…” The general diverted his eyes, turning his attention to the book case. “I did send a few scouting parties across the border, yes. Though they were dressed as Germans and they assure me they did nothing of consequence…” Devereaux laughed.<<

Into my country? If so, I'd like to have been informed, because that would've been a spy operation, requiring rolls.

But the RP itself about making them better and whatnot will surely interesting.

OOC: Not the HRE, I meant KM's country; things are pretty chaotic in the midst of a battlefield... but yeah it could have been a lie or just a really dry joke :v:. In actuality though, there was no spy op, or even an RP about that at the time. Writing that there was more just to provide insight into his character, and the nature of the guard. (In the sense that they have a tendency to do whatever they want, and have somewhat of a blood lust.)

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OOC: Not the HRE, I meant KM's country; things are pretty chaotic in the midst of a battlefield... but yeah it could have been a lie :v:. In actuality there was no spy op, or even an RP about that at the time. Writing that there was more just to provide insight into his character, and the nature of the guard. (In the sense that they have a tendency to do whatever they want, and have somewhat of a blood lust.)

OOC: Right, thank you for clearing that up.


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It had been a few days since the original orders had come down and despite the enormity of what the mandate entailed, the Office of Military Science appeared to be business as usual. Staring from the windowed break room, Ashley let out a heavy sigh. Across the office she saw the director was deeply engrossed in a game of darts, and following suit that last month’s recognized employee was now playing a game of basketball, utilizing the common paper bin as his hoop. Yes as was typical with such a relegated office, a few of them seemed to do a work while the rest took all the credit. Thankfully though this standard of excellence did not manage to affect the work of her fellow scientists; so while the bureaucrats may goof off, and their work materials may be a bit delayed… things still managed to get done. Consigning herself to silent resignation she finishing off the last of her tea and left the disposable cup out on the counter, ”someone else can get that…” she thought to herself leaving the offices. As she made her way down the hall she took note of the framed portrait of the High Magistrate, the man her sister seemed to hold a strong affinity for. While she had every reason to be attracted to him, and he to her, Ashley couldn’t convince herself that such a man would be so impolitic. “Victoria…” Saddened by such romantic naivety she continued moving, shaking her head as she did so. After a long while she made her way back to the labs, and thus to her own office. As she entered she let the door shut slightly louder than normal, a signal to others who might intrude upon her disturbed demeanor. Somewhat reluctant to return to her work, she rested her forehead on her palm, and simply stretched the moment. As she did so she felt the pang of urgency, and soon the nagging reality of the new project seemed to eat away at her melancholy. Sighing once more she raised her head allowing her silky brown hair to fall through her fingers, and returned to the matter at hand. Before she had went on break she has been working to draft up a few conceptual sketches of the different components the mandate required. Namely, she had been analyzing the function of nerve tissue, and had been working up ways of simulating it. In her mind the most significant piece of the project was effectively simulating an neural network… or rather giving a machine consciousness. Once they had done that, the finer levels of expertise required to implement the enhancement protocol itself would be more feasible. Barely having started back into her work, she heard a faint knock on the office door and the click of the knob. Turning, and somewhat ready to strike the disruptor, she found standing in her door way her sister. Immediately she felt the weight of her own despair dissipate and stood to embrace her other. Matching Ashley’s features, though a fair bit more refined, Victoria’s piercing blue eyes met with her own as they separated. “It’s really great to see you.” Ashley said offering her sister a seat.

“Likewise… we really don’t get to see one another enough.” Ashley nodded. It had been a several years since the two of them had left their father’s care.

“You look well…How have things been?”

“Things have been great, Thomas… I mean the Magistrate has me set up at IA, which has been wonderful.” At mention of his name, Ashley diverted her attention to an arbitrary spot across the lab, feeling somewhat uncomfortable. “Anyway… so the word is that Military Science was just handed something big.” Ashley laughed somewhat uneasily.

“Yeah… but you know the clowns upstairs. We’ll be lucky to get any pencils when we run out down here, chances are it would end up as someone’s baseball.”

“Right… which is why I came to talk to you. If you need anything you can just put the order through to my office.” Pleased with the offer, but somewhat skeptical Ashley raised an eyebrow.

“Favor to Devereaux?” Victoria smiled.

“Favor to you.” She paused taking note of the stack of sketches. “So… what is that you are working on?” Glancing back at the sketches herself, Ashley bit her lower lip, attempting to condense what she was doing down into something a Social Scientist could understand.

“Eh… basically, AI.”


“Artificial Intelligence, creating a simulation of consciousness, that sort of thing.” Victoria cocked her head, somewhat interested, though smirking. She didn’t seem to take it seriously.

“Is that… even possible?” Ashley laughed to herself.

“Well… if these notes are accurate, which I think they may be, the Alliance successfully did it almost a decade ago. Unfortunately… none of their methods seemed to have survived. However… there is nothing truly special about our consciousness, as I believe Ryle put it, consciousness is little more than a phenomenon arising from the complex nature of our organism. If we could simulate the brain… that simulation would at the very least appear to be, and functionally be conscious.” The intelligent but unqualified counter appeared somewhat confounded.

“But would it be… conscious?” Ashley thought about it for a moment tilting her head from side to side.

“I believe it would.”

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It had been nearly six months since the original order came through, and the Office of Military Science was up for its regular monthly meeting. The meeting itself was to be held later in the week and would include all senior members of the Office. In theory it would be a progress check for the scientists, and a resource check for the bureaucrats. However, as a matter of tradition, it would merely be a formality, as any substantive meeting would be impossible with the bureaucratic portion running the show; the scientists had no interest in hearing about the managerial drama, and the managers were too easily bored by the science they were supposed to facilitate. Therefore it was always customary for the Labs to hold their own meeting two of three days before the actual. Having always enjoyed these meetings, Ashley took her seat with the rest of her colleagues. As the de-facto head of Laboratory work on the project, she took one last glance at each of her fellow scientists before initiating the meeting. “First, thank you all for taking time out of your personal schedules to meet here. Sadly this is a necessary reality of the office we work in, and without your personal sacrifice the progress we make would be impossible.” Pausing she ran a finger through her straightened dark red hair, pulling a bang back behind her ear. “That being said I would like to just go around the group, and have each of your discuss what you and you teams have done since the project began. To get us started I’ll begin. I am Doctor Ashton Blake, our head of artificial Neural Networking, the last six months my team and I have been working to develop algorithms for dynamic non-linear neural networks in an effort to simulate consciousness. So far we have had moderate success in regard to our theoretical work, and have successfully developed a number of models for individual nodes, as well as larger node groups that should be able to simulate lower brain masses. I project that by the end of the year… given that our other areas of study pull through, we will have a functional model of a sentient capable mass. Despite that we are only in the beginning stages of figuring out how we want to socialize the simulation itself. That being said, so far we have been unable to test our models as the processing required exceeds anything conventional computing can offer. We currently await the work of Dr. Benson who we hope will be able to provide us with a working quantum computer capable of handling our processing requirements.” Having finished she looked across to Benson who took the cue.

“Yes… I am Doctor Ian Benson, the leader of our Quantum Computing project. So far we have completed designs for modulized chip sections which were closely based off the work of the Alliance. We have successfully tested several configurations of quantum computing, and are constantly improving upon and becoming more adept in manipulating quantum positions. Within the month we intend to begin work on the large general purpose computer which Ashton’s team requires, a process which will continue for several years… though we intend for it to be operational within the year. Processing capabilities we project will easily surpass present conventional capabilities within a month of work, and will successfully reach an exoflop by the operational due date. Within several years and upon “completion”, it will be capable of operational speeds surpassing a single yottaflop … which we believe will more than meet the requirements of the project.” The group nodded and seemed mildly impressed by the figures. Welcomed by the renewed silence, the only other female scientist stood to speak.

“Doctor Lauren Remier, Neural Implants & Computer interface… Like Ashley, we are presently inhibited by the fact that much of our work is dependent upon the work of everyone else here. However, we have spent the last six months closely studying the work of the Alliance, as well as designing our own cyberization schemes. Based on the wealth of practiced information given to us, my team and I have developed a sort of lexicon for neural – electrical signaling which we hope to utilize in our interfacing technology. Specifically speaking we currently have designs for optical and auditory interfaces, cerebral, and artificial cerebral components, cerebral interfaces, motor interfaces, and even this so called slave chip that the Magistrate alluded to. Moreover a few of our people are working on casing schemes to ultimately modualize the brain itself, and create a separate artificial brain-spine interface. Of course all of that is rough design and will require a lot of fine tuning, and refinement once we move into the application phase…” Following her presentation there was a brief questioning period before Ashley looked to the man sitting next to her. Unnoticed he was somewhat hesitant as he stood.

“Mark you can be the last of our presentations before we take a break...” She pressured him. Nodding he began.

“Mark Xavier, Nanotechnology. So this project as I envision it really requires four separate areas of nanotechnology each of which my team has confronted and has made progress in. The first being in the areas of construction technologies. Mucho f the work that needs to be done is on the microscopic level and would be impractical for any traditional methods to accomplish. The second being active medical and technological maintenance. The order stipulated, and pragmatism dictates that’s the soldiers themselves will need some sort of antonymous maintenance system. In other words if a carbon plated bone gets fractured there is little a surgon can do, however with an internal swarm of nanomachines that bone could be reset and repaired within a matter of weeks. In the same respect if they are injured, in so far as the damage isn’t to one of their critical vital organs such as the heart or the brain stem, and in so far as they do not bleed out before their wounds clot, they should be able to heal within a few days. The third requirement is the need for biological and technological surveying. We will need a way to create a digital replica of a human individual as a model for the nanomachines to follow and maintain. And finally the fourth area of requirement will be nanomachines that can carry out the needed surgical procedures. Unfortunately there is no practical way I can see of carbon coating a human skeleton, or installing implants without a highly accurate, and highly sophisticated surgical protocol. The only answer to which is nanomachines. That I feel requires no further explanation. That being said, to our advantage the Alliance had already made a great deal of headway in this area as they had developed nanomachines capable of constructing biological life forms. While we are not going nearly as far, we were able to base our own designs and protocols after their own, and develop designs for machines that fulfill the needed tasks. Once Ashton, and Benson start making practical headway within their own projects we too can begin experimentation and production based on our designs and protocols.” The scientist paused unsure of how he would like to finish. Drawing a blank he simply returned to his seat. Taking the silence as consent Ashley recessed the meeting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Devereaux smiled to himself as he finished reading the OMS’s first annual report. Turning to his Lord Marshal he handed him the summary sheet.

To: The Office of High Magistrate

From: The Office of Military Science

Subject: Annual Progress Report

Your Excellency,

I write to you today to report upon the progress made in agenda twenty one. The last year we have made considerable headway in all areas itemized with the original order.

In the area of quantum computing our lead Ian Benson and his team have successfully constructed a functional, and operational quantum computer presently capable of processing speeds exceeding a single exoflop. The further development and refinement of the system itself is expected to continue for several years, regardless this marks a great landmark in the project itself as it means Ashton Blake and her team can begin practical experimentation in the area of simulated intelligence. The last few months her tests have proceeded with projected levels of success, and we at the very least have confirmed that our computing system is capable of handling the task requirements of your requested simulation. I am now confident in assuring you that the results of her project will be at approaching the threshold of completion by next year’s report.

Mark Xavier our head of Nanotech has also made considerable progress in the area of nanotechnology. As much of the work was already completed for us, and our job was less to invent, and more simply to explain the mechanism behind the Alliance’s technological innovations he now stands ready to begin utilizing his innovations in practical application. We await similar operational completion in the other areas of concern. Similarly Lauren Remier is now in her medical trials phase as she tweaks the different implants, and cyberization schemes developed by her team.

In the final two areas of concern Robert Kane and his team have been working on a line of light weight, flexible armors, weapons, and other needed interfaces. His team will be sending over a few pamphlets to assess their progress in the coming days; I’ll allow those to speak for themselves. Finally Wilson Verns has being drawing up a pharmaceutical, dietary, and physical conditioning regimen. In addition he has been developing methods for skeletal strengthening. (All of which have made consideral progress and should be at or near operational readiness by my next report).

If you have any questions I will be happy to explain further, or direct you to those who can.


Director James Mitchell

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  • 2 weeks later...

It had only been a matter of months since the annual progress report had been filed with the Magistrate's office, and now Ashton couldn't help feeling that something had gone terribly wrong. Standing before her and her colleagues was a team of technicians and three accompanying red berets. The most decorated of them, a colonel opened his portfolio and removed a a folded and sealed letter. Looking around he cut allowed his objective stare cut through those assembled, "This is the entire scientific team?" The group nodded. "Very well..." He broke the seal on the letter and took a moment to unfold it. "The following is a letter from the office of the High Magistrate, and the Lord Marshal of the Royal Marines. Enclosed is a copy of a royal directive issued by the crown." He looked down at the letter and proceeded to read. 'To the Office of Military Science, I commend you on your efforts and your progress with regards to Public Agenda Twenty One. As a team, and members of the Scientific Corp you have served your nation and your King in a way that no other set of individuals could ever be capable of. For your individual and group efforts you are each to receive a royal commendation in the area of science, and a substantial salary raise. That being said we regret to inform you that the project is to be reassigned to another team and that future work on the project by your office is to be discontinued. The team standing before you is to assist in the packaging of your work and will be responsible for its transport. Again we thank you and sincerely wish you well'... and he signs his name at the bottom..." The colonel again looked at the scientists before him.

"You cannot... be serious." Remier was indignant.

"I am afraid so... now we are going to need you each to take two of our technicians back with you to your respective work stations. Show them your notes, give them access to your computers, and eh show them to your prototypes." As he finished Ashton stood silently, taking the colonel's words in, after a moment she lowering her head in despair... she had never felt so, empty. Despite the failures of the bureaucracy she was a part of, despite the stark reality of the political system, the lab had always been the one place she could feel... free. The one niche in this sad ignorant world where things were not out of her control... today it seems that feeling was, illusory. Devastated she turned to return to the privacy of her office... she didn't want them to see her this way. As she closed the door behind her she stared out at the defeated faces of her colleagues, led on by the all too enthusiastic technicians, prodded by the cold and empathy lacking soldiers. Collapsing in her office chair, her eyes came to rest on her first set of sketches... the ones she had shown her sister nearly a year ago. She had, had... no idea that things would end this way... that her, creation would simply be... snatched from her hands. "So naive." She told herself in a cracked whisper, feeling the cold trail of a tear slip down her cheek. Her mouth trembled and she felt the flow of more salty drops slip from her eyes as the clear horror of the world before her became a clouded mess of utter despair and loneliness. Silently she sat there, enduring the internal pain of her sorrow, shielded by her dark office. Taking a deep breath she fixed her gaze on her office's empty wall, slowly she felt the simple inevitability of the her situation set in, and with it a new feeling emerged... eyes ablaze with the cold fire of an internal rage she couldn't now think of anything she wanted more than to make the people responsible for this suffer. Intoxicated in her emotions she heard the faint sound of a light knock on the door. Shaking her head she dismissed the feeling.

"This... really is not the time."

"I apologize ma'am... however I have a letter here from a Victoria Blake, it was enclosed with the other letter." Puzzled by the Colonel's words she took a moment to wipe her eyes before opening the door. Before her the taller soldier offered her the letter.

"Um. Thank you." He nodded and left. Breaking her sister's seal on the letter she and stared down at the message in her hands.

My Sister,

I apologize for whatever pain this new directive has caused you, I left instructions for this letter to be delivered to you immediately after Thomas's order was read. To that end I hope it was received in accordance with my wishes. The last year there have been numerous other teams... teams other than your own, working on very similar projects developing variations of the same technologies-- or rather expanding on the applications of the fundamental work your team has done. It was hoped that by putting many other teams at work independently on the same task, more original variations would develop and more insight would be gained. Most other teams are at or nearing a similar level of completion to your own, and thus having these redundant offices working on identical projects has outlived its usefulness. Given the degree of expertise required, and the new level of security needed for the continued work of this project, a new team is to be formed within the bureaucracy of the Royal Marine Corp. Your team is to be relieved of further work on the project, and will be re-assigned... Your team, with exception to yourself, and Dr. Robert Kane; the two of you are to instead be retained as members of this new team-- you in particular will be the team's project leader. That being said, Thomas believed it would be prudent to make the transition to the new office and team during the the time which would normally disrupt your work anyway (the Wellington construction). Hence... the awful timing of this intervention. I speak for Thomas when I say that he has full faith in your abilities, and your drive to see this project through. So congratulations. With that also wished to extend an offer-- during the interim period of construction, instead of your assigned temporary housing, I would like you to stay here in Nelson as a guest of Lord Devereaux and myself. I look forward to hearing from you.

With love,


As she read the letter, she slowly felt the tide of her previous outburst recede; leaving in its wake a wash of uncertainty. "What... is this." Swallowing the knot in her throat she slowly lowered herself into her chair allowing the letter to fall onto the desk before her. As she reclined in her seat, she tilted her head back. She couldn't help but feel... at peace.

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  • 1 month later...


[quote][b]Level Six Personnel Protection Suit- Project Alpha[/b]

The Lvl6PPS is an advanced body armor protection system developed explicitly and exclusively for use by the Greater Pacifican Royal Marines. Merging the science of nanotechnology with that of known ballistics protection the system developed by Robert Kane (Ph.D) sets a new standard in battlefield protection. The suit can be broken down into three core components. A full body under-suit, the primary armoring system, and the helmet , together these components balance the competing interests of security and mobility finding a useful compromise that can maximize both.

[b]The Under-Suit:[/b] The under-suit forms the base and utter last line of defense against both hostile environmental factors as well as threats from conventional warfare. Its outer base is formed from six to ten layers of highly innovative nanotube fiber sheets each miniscule in depth and weight and offering personal protection rivaling that of more conventional ballistics fabrics. Each sheet has been proven to hold up against roughly 400 joules of energy and in compound can withstand impacts of 2000-3000 joules while still maintaining an acceptable distribution of the energy across the suit. The suit has been endurance tested and has demonstrated that repetitive impact has little to no long-term impact on the overall effectiveness of the vest and that gradual deformity is not an issue. The inner lining of the suit is a thin silicon-gel layer serving as a minor cushion as well as a bio-thermal regulator. Imbedded electronic systems accessible by the helmet HUD, or cybernetic implants can serve to cool or heat the user, as well as shield their presence from passive inferred detection. Between the gel-layer, and the outer fiber layer is an additional layer of latex-silicon shielding against chemical and miscellaneous environmental irritants. This layer and the non-reactive state of the outer fiber layer can serve to waterproof the suit in the event of partial submersion. Altogether this under-suit covers the entire body and is thickest around the body’s core while thinning to allow increased mobility and freedom around the joints and particularly around the hands. The Suit is a single piece and is removed via a long zipper running parallel to the spine, from the nape of the neck to hips. The Zipper itself is shielded via an outer and inner flap. Located along the small of the user’s back is a compact respiration tank which can be connected to the helmet and supply the wearer with an independent and irritant free environment. Recycler systems within the system can stretch the environment to give the wearer a window of ninety minutes. The respiration system also provides an integrated filtration system which can actively filter external atmosphere to extend the window. The suit is powered by a compact personal fuel cell system; each system has an average operating time of one week before the cell itself require replenishing. Cells can be replenished via a direct power source, or field solar array. To make field repairs reasonably simple each Fuel Cell is modularized and is easily replaceable/interchangeable should the need arise. Standard suit color is black. Each suit has a practically indefinite shelf life, and is 2,000,000 credits per unit.

[b]The Primary Armor System:[/b] While the Under-Suit can provide protection against a wide variety of small arms and environmental irritants the Primary Armor System goes even further to ensuring the safety of its end-user. The outer layer and first line of defense is centered around a scalar armor system utilizing a series of ultra-light three centimeter composite disks which overlap to ensure that there are at least four disks protecting any given point. The disks themselves are made out of a specially engineered formula consisting of ballistics ceramics with integrated titanium fibers and carbon-nanotubes. The result is a durable, effective, and above all light weight armor system. This outer layer mimicking the under-suit provides the most protection to the core, though it provides extended protection across the body excluding the head. Surrounding this scalar core is two to three layers of nano-tube fiber providing an additional layer of protection as well as a suitable carrier for the scalar system. Present tests indicate this scalar system is capable of handling impacts of roughly 5000-6000 joules while maintaining acceptable distribution of the impact. In accordance with expectations the armor is form fitting and designed to be worn in conjunction with its under-suit, its outer comes in a standard color of black, though it can be adjusted for desert, jungle, and arctic environments. The armor ensures a full range of motion, and in conjunction with its under-suit adds just over twenty-five pounds to the user’s operational weight. Average cost per unit is 2,000,000 credits.

[b]The Helmet:[/b] Fully enclosing and concealing the face and form of the user the level six’s helmet is a state of the art piece of equipment. It is built to integrate with the cyberized soldier and centers around an interface with one of the several accessible ports, transmitting real time communication, audio, and visual data to and from the central operational computers. The Helmet’s comm. systems work to feed invaluable tactical information, as well as a wide variety of on the spot analysis resources to the end-user. Beyond this the helmet provides a sealed environment for its user, allowing up to a ninety minute window of breathing time within an isolated environment and an indefinite breathing time within a contaminated one. Its visual package moreover provides several different spectral filters enabling the end user not only the normal visible spectrum, but also the inferred, and ultraviolet spectrums; in addition it can enhance the vision of the end user based upon intensity modulation enabling visibility in all light environments. In the presence of total darkness the helmet also equip with an inferred source enabling active inferred visualization. The Helmet itself is moreover constructed from a carbon composite with tested strength against most ballistics particularly many specialized as armor penetrating rounds. The helmet as with the two other pieces also runs standard in black, and is designed explicity for the purposes of projecting an intimidating, and impersonal appearance. Average cost per unit is 1,000,000 credits.

Together a full unit runs 5,000,000 credits, and provides immeasurable security on the battlefield, or any combat scenario. Presently only being offered to the Royal Marine Corp of the Greater Pacifican military.[/quote]

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The AR417 was developed exclusively for use by the Royal Marine Corp and represents a pentacle in the development of conventional assault rifles. Constructed of an ultra-light carbon composite utilizing state of the art nanotube compounds it has the structural integrity and durability of the more rugged metals while cutting the weight in half. The 417 is built for versatility accepting a 7.62x51mm cartridge, one of the more common round sizes available. The build of the gun is moreover designed for to make its use and care simple, with the avoidance of typical jamming vectors in mind. The 417 has three fire settings allowing the end user the option between semi-automatic, three round burst, and fully automatic. Normal magazine size provides for 20 rounds, though extended magazine offer up to 30 rounds. In addition to standard and extended box magazines there are also extended drum magazines which provide for up to 70 rounds of fire. In addition to standard optical sights the 417 also has an integrated fire system which links with the helmet-cyberization interface and allows for HUD based targeting. Average cost per unit runs 3500 Credits.

[b]General Specs[/b]

Average Length: 805 / 885 mm (12" barrel, stock collapsed/extended)
Barrel Length: 305 mm (12 in)
Effective Range: 600m
Cartridge: 7.62x51mm
Weight: 2.57 kg
Action: Gas-operated, rotating bolt
Rate of fire: 800-850 RPM
Muzzle Velocity: 975 m/s[/quote]

[quote][b]Level Five Personnel Protection - Project Alpha[/b]

In addition to developing protection systems for combat situations Kane's team moreover developed a series of discrete alternative armor systems for use by formal protection details, and operations requiring soldiers to blend into the population. As an alternative the level five protection vest was developed. Utilizing the same carbon nanotube fibers which the vest combines five to ten sheets of the material to create a formfitting ultra-thin soft vest. The vest can be worn under normal attire and creates no bulge, or give away while heavily protecting the torso the wearer. Tests with the vest have demonstrated its ability to absorb up to 2000-3000 joules of impact while maintaining acceptable impact distribution; moreover endurance tests demonstrate that heavy use does not result in deformation over time, nor does it serve to decrease the effectiveness of the vest. Each runs approximately 500,000 credits per unit. Presently it is only being offered to the Royal Marines as well as limited high level officials.[/quote]

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The completion of the re-designed wellington meant a return to work for Ashton and her team. Thankful to be ridden of the poorly managed Office of Military Science she now stood in the presence of what she felt may be one of the most qualified teams of scientists to ever be assembled. The most qualified and experienced of every constituent field had been pooled, and the work of countless more seized, yes she was sure, they were making history. Calling the group to order she had them all gather around one of the many islands in the vast laboratory that was their new workspace. "We have been given the full resources of the government to achieve something which few others have, and sadly we don't have very much time. Now I have before me," She indicated to the folder sitting on the slab, "a compiled regimen of cybernetic, pharmacological, and physical augmentation, we also have the prototypes and theories behind each. We have reached the point where we are now beyond planning, it is time to begin to implement the project that we have been attending to all these months. I have selected ten candidates to begin trials, each matches a list of optimal phenotypes. I am told we have ten nano-surgical tanks prepared and ready to go; the date is set, we have ten days, lets get ready."

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  • 2 weeks later...


Subject 03's vision was obscured by the fogged glass of the nano-surgical chamber. Trained for worse he had long brought under control the cold-induced convulsions the aquatic tank had attempted to impose, now consigned to the lowered body temperature, and the slowing of his own heart. He drew slow and steady breaths from the life giving oxygen mask, closing his eyes to relax in the suspension of what would either become the prelude to his transformation or the crypt of his young body. Just beyond this watery barrier stood the young woman to whom his life was now entrusted, Ashton Blake. In the formality of a funeral, the project leader had chosen today to wear a gray pinstripe skirt and complementary jacket, both keeping and enhancing the line's of her slender feminine body. The champagne silk shirt, and similarly colored hoes complemented her light complexion, and the radiance of her straight shoulder length auburn hair. The image was completed by the lose fitting platinum ruby bracelet which accented her thin wrists. With a detached and unfeeling manner she surveyed the team as they made final preparations for the first ten test subjects.

"Vital signs are stable. Are stabled ma'am." One of the scientists confirmed. Keying into her own electronic tablet she selected the program she had written to feed the relevant medical information to her.

"Yes they are." The team finally concluding their preparations one member stepped forward.

"Alright, as these men are in your custody we only need your final signature to begin the treatments."

"Give me the documents." Nodding he handed her a small digital drive. Closing the application she set the drive on the tablet's surface and allowed it to transfer. Opening them she reviewed the statements. [i]Brain Cyberization: Purpose, creating a mentally immersive network environment with rapid mind-network information sharing and network-mind analytical assistance[/i], removing the tablet's pen she signed her name and copied it to each of the ten subject sheets. [i]Cerebral Cyber Augmentation: Purpose, enhancing higher mental faculties[/i], she signed. [i]Sensory interface: Purpose, two way mind-network sensory information sharing[/i], [i]Slave Chip: Purpose, temporary network-mind override.[/i], she paused for a moment- then signed. [i]Skeletal Carbon Plating: Purpose, strengthening the skeletal structure of the body to guard against break vectors.[/i], [i]Muscular Augmentation & Enhancement: Purpose, limited enhancement of natural strength and extended endurance while maintaining average muscle size[/i], [i]Active Nano-Machine Maintenance: Purpose, longterm maintenance of present body form, repair to trauma[/i], [i]Electro Magnetic Shielding[/i], [i]Immunol Booster & Enhancement[/i], [i]Red Cell boosters[/i], sign, sign sign. [i]Exo-cortex & CI orientation[/i], this the final signature she hovered her pen, this would change the lives of these individuals forever- she signed. With single a nod one of the scientists at the terminal in the back verified the legality of the procedure. Receiving confirmation the main physician standing before her smiled.

"Thank you."

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The sterile and well lit recovery room was presently occupied by ten stretchers arrayed in two columns of five. Its walls were that of polished ceramic tile, and the floors sealed concrete. Bright halogen lamps hung specifically projecting bright beams upon the ten bodies while generally granting visibility throughout the room. Along the chamber's shadowed edge stood the solitary silhouette of Ashton Blake, her face one of tortured contradiction born out of a competing sense of felicity and anxiety. Surveying the closest body she allowed her eyes to sweep his athletic frame, pleased with it. She admired the product of her work. The light unblemished skin had been completely stripped of hair for the nano-surgical process, and despite the muscular augmentation the muscles themselves retained the streamlined look of a swimmer. Altogether the first ten super soldiers produced by her program had the full look the Greek ideal, their bodies had accepted the augmentations and upgrades, and the nano-machines which presently flowed throughout their respective body had taken to their host without complication. According to the Compound Intelligence she had developed each had accepted the immersion protocol and had been oriented for future use. She could only hope the rest of the royal marine subjects were so successfully altered. In the coming weeks more nano-surgical facilities would be developed, and the regime would begin the scheduled surgeries and subsequent equipping of the entire Red Beret outfit. Fully funded, and with the complete resources of the Pacifican government, they were too big to fail...

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To: The Office of High Magistrate
From: Public Agenda Twenty One Project Team Leader

As a general update over the last four months our team has preformed approximately 40% of your requested procedures, we have had a 99% success rate with approximately 50 fatalities. We will continue our mandate, and I will notify you again once we have filled your order.



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I am writing this message as a final notification of project completion/fulfillment of your original mandate. As it now stands the project has produced 10,000 healthy and successfully augmented adult male soldiers with the marginal loss of approximately 132 fatalities. Dr. Kane's team has successfully outfitted this group with equipment produced based upon his own team's designs. Having received your office's most recent memo the project team is presently being restructured and reorganized as part of your larger project Seraphim directed by former Lord Marshal of the Royal Marines, now Lord Marc Stephens Archon of the Seraphim [AoS]. We will continue to maintain the health and scientific vitality/edge of the program as it ages and continue to produce replacements for the project. As it now stands a separate offshoot of our team has set up and will be monitoring the selective breeding program already existing for the military; in addition the team will be working to integrate genetic engineering techniques into future candidate selection programs as that will allow us to further hone the pool of preferred phenotypes. A briefing has been prepared and submitted for you're office to review, we await any questions you may have.

-Ashton Blake
Agenda Twenty One Project Team Leader
Director of Science: Project Seraphim.



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