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I have something to say

astronaut jones

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Thank you, I must admit that it is often a struggle to be a pacifist in an all too crazy world, but I know this is the right thing to do. I will make you and everyone proud, perhaps there will be shrines dedicated to me and my work one day.

You are quite a character...I like that.

Good luck!

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You're a pacifist, but you retain 2 nuclear weapons.

If you're a pacifist, then FAN is a charitable organization.

Those are mere relics from a bygone era, having been converted to flower holders and a nice table centrepiece respectively. I would not wish to deny people the grace and elegance that former weapons of war have become, would you?

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Those are mere relics from a bygone era, having been converted to flower holders and a nice table centrepiece respectively. I would not wish to deny people the grace and elegance that former weapons of war have become, would you?

Yeah, but those are still fully operational flower holders and table centerpieces. That could lead to some interesting discussions of politics at the state dinner when they're scrambled for launch.

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Yeah, but those are still fully operational flower holders and table centerpieces. That could lead to some interesting discussions of politics at the state dinner when they're scrambled for launch.

That is where you're wrong, as they're not fully operational, as there is no chance anyone would ever use them. They're much more valuable being the centrepieces that they are now, I know that's hard for you to understand, but I have enough patience for the both of us, to see you through until you do grasp it.

I thank you for your concern though, I know that without the likes of you, people like you that is, being a pacifist would be much harder. I thank you for looking out for me.

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If this stems from sincerity, then all the power to you, and I wish you the best of luck in the future.

I feel that there may be alternate motives, however I am not well informed on the situation and cannot be certain either way.

Forgiveness may be difficult to find, but changing your ways is the greatest way to seek it.

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If this stems from sincerity, then all the power to you, and I wish you the best of luck in the future.

I feel that there may be alternate motives, however I am not well informed on the situation and cannot be certain either way.

Forgiveness may be difficult to find, but changing your ways is the greatest way to seek it.

I am not seeking forgiveness per-se for the sins of my past, as I realize that citizens of Planet Bob are very quick to apply labels to each other, and if that label is a negative one, they are all but impossible to remove, no matter the good that the person may eventually do. I acknowledge my past, and although I am sorry for the way I acted, the only forgiveness I truly expect to find is my own, and I forgive myself, if I did not, I would not be able to walk the path of pacifism as I do now.

I will, however, try my best to convince others of my sincerity, and hopefully carve out a new life for myself on Planet Bob, if I am to be successful. Hopefully people will give me the benefit of the doubt, and maybe in time, perhaps they too will forgive, but that is up to them.

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Got your new sig' for you.


Going to miss the bile though.

AJ, This is why I do not believe the lies you spew. You have someone who made a wonderful sig for you! I might add a masterpiece of hiptastic creativity with the subconscious message you want. Instead you latch on to nukes and the mind burning war lusting cattle brand that is your signature.

I thought you were turning over a new leaf and I was all o/ and starting to feel the love. You ruin me AJ; you ruin my ability to find love and happiness on these forums with the lies that blacken my heart. I can't look at this thread anymore, every time I see you sig I think of puppies being murdered by guillotines and Kittens that are eaten by the wonderful people of North Korea.

When will it end. :mad:

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AJ, This is why I do not believe the lies you spew. You have someone who made a wonderful sig for you! I might add a masterpiece of hiptastic creativity with the subconscious message you want. Instead you latch on to nukes and the mind burning war lusting cattle brand that is your signature.

I thought you were turning over a new leaf and I was all o/ and starting to feel the love. You ruin me AJ; you ruin my ability to find love and happiness on these forums with the lies that blacken my heart. I can't look at this thread anymore, every time I see you sig I think of puppies being murdered by guillotines and Kittens that are eaten by the wonderful people of North Korea.

When will it end. :mad:

I am sorry you feel this way, but I can assure you he did not make that himself, though the fact that he was thinking of me enough to find an image he deemed worthy to use as a signature is most pleasing.

I will say again, that I do believe the prettiness that is found within my signature, the elegance even, is very calming and quite peaceful to me. I'm sure there are others who find the images to be quite peaceful too, and, I do hope you come around on the subject one day. Though if others feel your way, in fact if the majority does, then I will go about changing my signature.

It is my sincerest wish that you, one day, find peace and love and happiness on planet bob.

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AJ, This is why I do not believe the lies you spew. You have someone who made a wonderful sig for you! I might add a masterpiece of hiptastic creativity with the subconscious message you want. Instead you latch on to nukes and the mind burning war lusting cattle brand that is your signature.

I thought you were turning over a new leaf and I was all o/ and starting to feel the love. You ruin me AJ; you ruin my ability to find love and happiness on these forums with the lies that blacken my heart. I can't look at this thread anymore, every time I see you sig I think of puppies being murdered by guillotines and Kittens that are eaten by the wonderful people of North Korea.

When will it end. :mad:

^This. Totally this.

Pacifism means not resorting to violence, even when attacked.

I demand that Astronaut Jones accept an avatar and sig of GPA's choosing within 144 hours to prove his pacifistic intentions. This avatar and sig should then be used as seals of his authority to his missives to this august collection.

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^This. Totally this.

Pacifism means not resorting to violence, even when attacked.

I demand that Astronaut Jones accept an avatar and sig of GPA's choosing within 144 hours to prove his pacifistic intentions. This avatar and sig should then be used as seals of his authority to his missives to this august collection.

If the GPA would be so kind as to make me a signature, I would be honoured to use it on special occasions. Again, I am sorry you feel that my signature is not peaceful, but it bring harmony to my soul, and love to my heart.

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This is pathetic. Acting like a pacifist and being one are two different things. All you are is annoying

In time, I hope to change your perception of me if you give me the chance. If not, I will understand, perhaps it does take one to know one, perhaps not, but time will tell if I can convert you into a believer.

Perhaps I can interest you in some cake for now?

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