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astronaut jones

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I thank the fine artists at the Moralist Front for this avatar and signature combination!

OK, sports fans. He's a pacifist. A pacifist with nukes, but I'm satsified. The dude has gone totally hippie.

Well done, Mr. Jones. Well done. :D

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Awww, that's no fair, you know I can't spell it.

Well, the only ducks I am aware of are the cartoon variety, and I do find them quite delightful. I assure you though, that I am sincere in my pacifism, just as I am sure you are sincere in your hate filled heart.

One day, I hope to grow your heart 3 sizes, mr. chron.

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Well, the only ducks I am aware of are the cartoon variety, and I do find them quite delightful. I assure you though, that I am sincere in my pacifism, just as I am sure you are sincere in your hate filled heart.

One day, I hope to grow your heart 3 sizes, mr. chron.

It needs to be pretty big to contain all of that, I'm sure it'll need to keep growing in order to accommodate future increases.

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Hate is a wasted emotion. Unproductive. You would be surprised at how small your heart really is, mr. chron.

A lower rate of efficiency means I need more simply to be able to keep up with other production levels, further implying that my hearts storage capacity is far larger than your own.

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A lower rate of efficiency means I need more simply to be able to keep up with other production levels, further implying that my hearts storage capacity is far larger than your own.

Except I have an unending supply of peace and love with which to utilize and fill my heart with. That is okay though, one day I will convert you, I bid you well on your journey until we meet again.

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Except I have an unending supply of peace and love with which to utilize and fill my heart with. That is okay though, one day I will convert you, I bid you well on your journey until we meet again.

Limitless isn't a capacity, it's a rate of restoration. No limit, meaning no matter how much is demanded, you never run out, thus further implying my heart is larger than yours. I will resist all your efforts.

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I will have the artists of the Moralist Front cook up both a pacifistic avatar and signature as soon as possible.





There you go, peacenik.

I thank the fine artists at the Moralist Front for this avatar and signature combination!
OK, sports fans. He's a pacifist. A pacifist with nukes, but I'm satsified. The dude has gone totally hippie.

Well done, Mr. Jones. Well done. :D

WIN! Good show AJ


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I thank you, good sir. Peace is something that I should have embraced long ago.. I'm sorry that it took me this long to do so.

Question: do you have some sort of manifesto and/or plan of action for propagating this peace movement?

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I have to say i find you more annoying as a pacifist than as a troll. Maybe this is just a new form of trolling after all.

Will you not consider embracing the darkness in your heart again? Please?

I have found my true calling, and it is in spreading the message of peace, and attempting to show everyone just how joyous a time they can have if they let peace into their hearts.

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If you looked sincere, AJ, I would have welcomed this change.

(For originality, if not for other reasons.)

You don't look sincere, anyway. Maybe I'm wrong, time will tell...

I do not wish to call into question your "shenanigan" detection skills, that is not my place. You can be assured however, over time, that this is indeed sincere, however much time it takes, that is up to you, I will continue to do good in that time regardless, however.

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I've often disagreed with some of the methods you've used to express your opinions. We'll see about this one, although one could see it as trying to inflict sugar overdoses in one's enemies. I will agree, though, that bile spitting isn't the best way of making one's point. (Personally, I prefer careful remarks and subtle questions. Then again, I'm not that good at this yet.)

By the way ...

Yeah, but those are still fully operational flower holders and table centerpieces. That could lead to some interesting discussions of politics at the state dinner when they're scrambled for launch.

'Fully operational' flower holders and table centrepieces would mean that if he were to hit the scramble button, they would ... hold flowers and look artistic, respectively. That's what a functional flower holder and centrepiece do.

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