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Order of Justice


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Welcome to the official Declaration of Existence of the Order of Justice

It is my honor to announce the DoE of OoJ

This Alliance was the idea of two friends

It's my pleasure to say we now have 10 members and 110k NS

We might be small but have the potential to grow.

OoJ is protected by MHA

The Charter of OoJ


The Order of Justice Charter:


The Official purpose of OoJ is to preserve democracy, protect and serve its fellow nations, and promote fun above anything else.

Article 1 – Members

By joining OoJ you receive the protection of OoJ as well as our treaty partners in exchange for your loyalty in times of need, be it war or financial difficulties. An attack against one OoJ member is an attack against all of OoJ.

Additionally, all OoJ members are expected to be loyal to the alliance themselves and play nice with each other.

These are the requirements of all applicants to join OoJ

-Must not be in an aggressive war

-Must not be on any alliances ZI list

-Must not have any outstanding debts to any other alliances

-Must be an active and contributing member of OoJ

These are the responsibilities of OoJ members

- All nations must follow our rules.

- In times of war, OoJ members will be called upon to help defend your fellow members.

- OoJ members are expected to behave in a respectful manner towards their fellow members in game and on our forums

- We are an Aqua alliance so please change your team color to Aqua.

Section 2: Rights and Powers of the People

To ensure that OoJ remains a member oriented alliance we have come up with these

Rights for the members of OoJ.

-The people have the power to remove any Justice or lower government official. Any member may start a poll in the Membership area to remove the official. They must state in the thread why they feel the official should be removed though. The vote must be approved by 60% of those voting for the official to be removed.

-The People have the right to speak freely without threat of punishment by OoJ. However, The President has the right to lock, merge or split topics if they are duplicates, contain

Excessive profanities/obscenities or have degraded into nothing other than name calling and/or trolling.

-The Members of OoJ have the right to vote on members of government, and government issues such as joining Blocs and issues that affect the alliance as whole.

-The Members of OoJ have the right to military protection from tech raids and alliance wars.

- The Members of OoJ may leave the alliance at any time, providing you owe no outstanding debt to a OoJ member and you must post a resignation message in the appropriate OoJ forum.

-The Members of OoJ will vote on every justice office every 3 months. Any member may run for office if the requirements ( As stated In article 3 ) are fulfilled.

Article 2 - Government

Section 1: Gov Voting rights

OoJ shall be governed by 3 groups: the President, Vice-President and the Justices of OoJ

the voting rights in general matter are all the same 1 vote is a 1 vote.

Section 2: Government Jobs

-OoJ members are encouraged to get a job in the alliance or run for a government position, as long as there comfortable with it.

-The President and The Vice President – are the leaders of OoJ and are the founders and will always be of such.

-The Justices of OoJ – Are Elected by the members of OoJ every 3 months to regulate the areas of finance, education, foreign affairs, defense, and internal affairs to create a better OoJ alliance.

• Justice of Finance

• Justice of Defense

• Justice of Foreign Affairs

• Justice of Education

• Justice of Internal Affairs

Section 3: Government Job Descriptions

-The President is the leader of OoJ and will make all final emergency and war decisions. The President is a permanent job.

-The Vice-President is the “Adviser” to the President although he does hold most of the same rights as the President. The Vice-President is a permanent job.

-The Justice of Internal Affairs will be in charge of running all internal programs and must be consulted to announce any new program.

-The Justice of External Affairs is in charge of all things outside of the alliance including appointing diplomats and posting any OoJ announcements on the OWF.

-The Justice of Education runs the academy and is in charge of the education of all new OoJ members.

-The Justice of Finance runs all trade circle and tech deals inside and outside of the alliance.

-Justice of Defense plans all wars and is responsible for making all the target list and running all the special war groups.

Article 3: Voting

Section 1: The voting booth

As stated in the members rights section there will be elections held every 3 months for general Gov jobs. Please place your vote in the appropriate forum.

Section 2: Rights to run for office

Every member of OoJ can run for office. But there are some requirements.

1: Every member that runs must be tagged as active and contributing to OoJ.

2: Every member that runs must have at least 30 days seniority in OoJ.

3: Every member that runs must have Access to IRC.

4: Ever member that runs must post a campaign speech in the appropriate forum.

Article 4 – War

Section 1: general war info

In order for OoJ to declare a state of defensive war the President, VP and JoD must come to an agreement.

In Order for OoJ to declare an Offensive all Gov Officials must vote for or against. which ever has the highest percent gets the vote

All members of OoJ must comply with the orders given to you by the government as failure to do so may result in exile from the alliance.

Section 2: Defensive war

OoJ will do everything in its power to avoid war. However sometimes War is inevitable and will be dealt with as such. In case of a defensive war the Justice of defense will send you instructions on how to handle you nation best in times of war. The JoD will also send target lists to help defend OoJ.

Section 3: Offensive war

Some times an alliance has to go to war and when that does happen the Justice of Defense will send instructions and target list for update strikes that will best benefit OoJ.

Section 3 - Technology Raids

There will be no Tech Raiding.

Section 4: War voting

The voting to go to war are strictly Government votes that will run on a percent basis as follows

-The President will hold the majority of the vote (40%)

-The Vice-President will hold 30% of the vote

-The Justices will hold 5% each except for the JoD which will hold 10% for a total of 30%

Article 5- Diplomatic Efforts

Section 1: General Diplomat info

In order to keep healthy relations between alliances a specific Diplomat shall be appointed to run an Embassy in other forums and to keep alliances informed on current activity in OoJ

Section 2: Diplomat appointments

This is how a diplomat will be appointed

-Diplomats must be well known in the OoJ world

-Diplomats must have a history of patience and politeness

-Diplomats must be active and on the OoJ forums at least 3 times a week

-Diplomats must post in the forums 2 a week

-Diplomats will be appointed by the MoFA

Article 6 - Charter Alterations:

This charter is subject to change. But any change to the charter must be submitted and voted on by OoJ government.

-Signed by

President: Erik

Vice President: Marcus

*Protectorate of MHA*

President- Erik

Vice President- Marcus

Justice of Defense- xR1 Fatal Instinct

Justice of Internal Affairs- Adude

Justice of Foreign Affairs- Eumirbago

Justice of Finance- Darts

Justice of Education- Open

Edited by marcus the great
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There is plenty for me to pick apart in the charter, but few people rarely actually care. At least I can say that you have a means to amend your charter, and you've clearly put in a great deal into writing it. If you put forward that same effort, then I look forward to seeing more of you around.

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YAY! Finally, I want to thank everyone that made this happen. Mostly Marcus, without him this alliance would still be creating a Charter. :P But there are so many other people to thank, almost too many, so to everyone that helped we are great.

Congratz Guys, and me. :P

Lets make it Great!!!

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I'm assuming you acutally meant tech deals in that first bit. I just thought this was funny.

HAHAHA :lol1:

prolly got mixed up when I posted it I was having some problems posting this

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