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Declaration of War

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Most of us no longer fall for the fake DoW thread anymore ... it just annoys us. Now that I see it is a treaty between two alliances I don't like much, I regret that I opened this even more.

Nice grouping, you're made for eachother, lolPurple, etc etc etc ...

Hmmm noted Mr. Hoo

Congrats a little more loven around the sphere is good for all congrats guys.

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I see some hate here. Perhaps those, who don't appreciate fake titles of these declarations, should come together and agree on a coalition for the sole purpose of 'recognizing hostilities' of these fake declarations, hahahaha.

Anyways, the OP: it's just pretty tired. Perhaps it's in many ways analogous to the people and alliances related to the publishing of this thread. Old, tired, not seriously 'getting' anyone but probably the most virgin of these boards, and perhaps those who are too drunk to do both reading and thinking at the same time.

But in any case, boys and girls of purplish kin, take my advice: stupid stuff will make you look stupid, and it can have unintended consequences you're not willing to process. I'm not saying that in this case it will, nor should this be understood as a threat which is it not - I'm trying to give you constructive criticism in this paragraph - but encouraging people to dislike you isn't by most authorities regarded as a smart thing to do in general.

Take care, haha.

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I see some hate here. Perhaps those, who don't appreciate fake titles of these declarations, should come together and agree on a coalition for the sole purpose of 'recognizing hostilities' of these fake declarations, hahahaha.

Anyways, the OP: it's just pretty tired. Perhaps it's in many ways analogous to the people and alliances related to the publishing of this thread. Old, tired, not seriously 'getting' anyone but probably the most virgin of these boards, and perhaps those who are too drunk to do both reading and thinking at the same time.

But in any case, boys and girls of purplish kin, take my advice: stupid stuff will make you look stupid, and it can have unintended consequences you're not willing to process. I'm not saying that in this case it will, nor should this be understood as a threat which is it not - I'm trying to give you constructive criticism in this paragraph - but encouraging people to dislike you isn't by most authorities regarded as a smart thing to do in general.

Take care, haha.

If purple cared about what others thought of them, they'd have stopped existing a loooooong time ago. :P

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Sadly, my superiors are very boring people.

If my superiors (who are all wonderful, loving people with nothing but kindness and compassions in their hearts) allowed me to recruit, I would poach you so very quick just to give you a taste of all that you have missed in your sadly misguided legionary existence. Then I would release you back in the wild so you could wander over hill and dale until at long last you reached the warm safe embrace of Purpledom, where you would soon start to spread the Gospel of Fun and so subvert your boring superiors into becoming at least marginally more amusing. I would do this because I care awesomesmith.gif

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Why do people continually moan about redundancy as a knee jerk reaction.

It would be much more rewarding to have a bit of a think and see if your conclusion is something different from the initial ignorant response you sorry mind settled upon.

For instance, I believe a redundant system is built to ensure continuity of service if the original structure fails. So it would be wise to build redundancy if you believed the original structure was either inherrently weak or heading for breakdown shorty.

Then in a few swift cranial motions you could bleat on about how purple unity is cracking. Would that be more staisfying?

(Or maybe redundancy is built as some systems are so important that despite the almost nil probabiliy of them failing they are worth backing up)


Sup Invicta and Legion


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