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How To Correctly Pronounce Your Name


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nice topic Raga B)

Cataduanes is pronounced as follows:

  • Cata (simple enough)
  • Dua (like 'Du-ar')
  • Nes (as it looks)

Always thought it was kah-tah-DWAH-nes myself :P

Anyway, my ruler name is YARK-ko SAW-low-mack-ee (IPA: /jɑrk˸ɔ lɔmæki/)

Pronunciation of my nation name depends on the language ;)

English: roughly oo-RAH-lick-uh (IPA: /uɹɑʟɪkə/)

Finnish: OO-rah-leek-kah (IPA: /urɑlik˸ɑ/)

Russian: roughly oo-RAH-leek-uh (IPA: /uralika/)

NOTE: The upside-down "r" is the English "r," the voiced alveolar rhotic approximant. The normal-looking "r" is the "rolled r," the voiced alveolar trill.

I've been waiting for a topic like this, being an epic language geek and all :P

EDIT: IPA stress markings don't work properly so I went with bold for primary stress instead.

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Black as in "I'm black, y'all"

y as in " 'e took my purse 'e did!"

Nation Name

Lib as in "Libya"

nan as in "Nandos chikkinz."

Isn't Libnan close to the Arabic name for Lebanon? (I s'pose it even could be the Arabic name for Lebanon, depending on the dialect.)

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My forum name's not the problem. It's my RP name, Michael von Preußen.

That's an eszett, not a capital B, not a beta. If you don't have an eszett key and are too lazy to copy/paste, then spell it "Preussen," not "PreuBen."

As for pronunciation... Preußen would be, in simplified terms, pronounced Proi-sen. No, that's not horribly correct, but it's not horribly incorrect. See this.

Now, my other names are easier: Michael von Prussia, Mako Lim, Mako-chan. All spelled as they sound. 林眞 is also pronounced "Mako Lim."

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I believe the IPA transcription for correct pronunciation of Preußen is something like /pʁ̥ɔjsən/.

Yeah, that looks about right. I was too lazy to actually transcribe it, and besides, let's face it, most people get a bunch of random boxes there :P

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