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Christmas is canceled? :(
Yes. Forever.

On another subject..

(1,164 days old)

Funny, I don't regard myself to have wasted a second of my time. All my time on CN has been valuable lessons if for nothing else, for the upkeep of this foreign language and further learning of it.

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Hey Xiph, grats on the three years I just passed mine a couple months ago too. Unfortunately the circumstances from which we've known each other hasn't always been on the best terms, even if most of it happened more than two years ago. I dunno maybe in the next three years we might be able to get to know each other on a little more friendly of terms. Sure most things do stay the same, but somethings can change with effort.

I wouldn't sweat it man, all that was a hugely long time ago. I can only vaguely remember what we even fought about, it's all good. Time heals all and all that.

Can't believe I've been in CN now for 1100+ days...

And FA for, what, 2 years of that? Nonstop. We must be bat!@#$. :gag:

Heh, 5 days before I hit the big 3.

Aside from DV, you're another one of the people I wish I'd met before that cluster$%&@. Could've had a lot of fun. patriot.png

I'm coming up to my third year as well, though unfortunately I don't have an exact date. Anywho; congrats, and I like what you said.

Not the same nation?

And finally: It's a little weird to see how many of you who I thought had a long time on me signed up around the same time. Nice, but weird. Happy birthday to you dudes too.

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Congrats on making it to 3 years, if that's such a good thing? Although I'm fast approaching mine. You're one of the few that I can say I would put my full trust in, both IC and OOC and we had a hell of a lot of fun over the 2~ years I was with you and chatting each day. It's probably a damn shame RL hit me like it did :P

A big thanks for standing by us when NPO wanted to roll this old friend's old alliance. Good times. I've got to say, King Vences and The White Delegation was the best night I've had working alongside you :P

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A big thanks for standing by us when NPO wanted to roll this old friend's old alliance. Good times. I've got to say, King Vences and The White Delegation was the best night I've had working alongside you

No prob. The whole point of the MP rush was to make sure Q hurt a great deal if they messed. Would be kind of pointless to back down when it came down to it. Besides, can't abandon the Salsa.

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First, I'm extremely happy that I stayed around long enough to see NPO fall. Unlike a lot of Karma [though, definitely not all] I can't claim to have fought against them in GW2 and 3. Frankly, back then I liked them a lot, and so did all my allies and friends. Then came Moo, and they started killing off my friends, and they became the enemy. Glad it ended the way it did, even if the Karma internals were a bit of a nightmare. I don't regret my part a bit, it had to be done.

Sadly, as in the words of Yogi Berra: "It's not over, till it's over".

Apart from that, I agree with everything you said...oh god, I just realized my third birthday is in 7 days. I think I need to go have a sit down...

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