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I can O.o

I dunno what you see...but I see a picture of a small girl (drawn anime-style) who looks like she's going to cry, and the words "Chiyo-Chan says only you can prevent hotlinking. It's bad for our bandwidth and it makes Chiyo sad. Think of Chiyo-Chan please."

Then a link at the very bottom www.animegalleries.net

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Picture: N/A

Name: Magan de Vries

Title(s): Prime Minister, Comrade

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: uh... 28 years ago? What year are we in in CNRP?

Eye Colour: Blue

Hair Colour: Dark Brown

Body Weight: 195lbs

Body Height: 6'3"

Affiliation: RSSN

Description/Life Story: Can be found here. After this, went on to lead a Revolutionary Socialist Revolution, known as the 'Golden Revolution' in the Netherlands, against Maartens' government, becoming leader of the RSSN and remaining so.

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Picture: In Avatar

Name: Erik Betrakte

Title(s): Kaiser, Regent-General

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: January 15, 1991

Eye Colour: Blue

Hair Colour: Black

Body Weight: Thin

Body Height: Tall

Affiliation: Distopya, Nordland (Sekritly)


Name: Vincent (Vinzent by Erik) Beauregard-Sixx

Title(s): Kaiser, Regent-General

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: July 15, 1984

Eye Colour: Green

Hair Colour: Blonde

Body Weight: Lean

Body Height: Tall (shorter than Erik still)

Affiliation: Distopya, Lawless


Name: Vince Sixx

Title(s): Father of Distopya

Age: Dead

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: June 2, 1950

Eye Colour: Green

Hair Colour: Silver

Body Weight: A little on the heavy side (alcoholic)

Body Height: Shorter than both Vincent and Erik

Affiliation: Distopya, Lawless, La Cosa Nostra

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Name: Jack Carter

Title(s): Premier

Age: Unknown (24-28)

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: Unknown

Eye Colour: Brown

Hair Colour: Light brown

Body Weight: Average

Body Height: Average-tall

Affiliation: Mandalore

Description/Life Story: (Most of this is classified) Carter worked as one of two Executives in the Mandalorian Party, second only to Alek Sigint in power. When Sigint--who had become unstable and paranoid-- regime became a dictatorship, Carter told him that his closest friend, his manservant Pegrand, was a spy, and executed Pegrand--or so he led Sigint to believe. (Unclassified)Carter then broadcasted a signal to the international community about Sigint's dictatorship. (classified)After being hunted by various organizations in Mandalore--killing those who attempted to capture him--he was able to lead a group to oust Sigint, who went on the run and was killed in Caucasia. (Unclassified) He now rules as the premier of Mandalore, though shady parts of his past still exist.

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Picture: x-smith.jpg

Name: Edward Dawson

Title(s): Prime Minister

Age: 47

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: April 14, 1962

Eye Colour: Green

Hair Colour: Brown

Body Weight: 180 lbs.

Body Height: 6' 2"

Affiliation: Rhodesia; Rhodesian National Party; Rhodesian Nationals' Club

Description/Life Story: Edward Dawson

Picture: cecil-rhodes.jpg

Name: General Rhodes

Title(s): President

Age: 54

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: June 3, 1955

Eye Colour: Blue

Hair Colour: Gray

Body Weight: 202

Body Height: 6'

Affiliation: Rhodesia; Rhodesian National Party; Rhodesian Nationals' Club

Description/Life Story: General Rhodes

Picture: 200px-C_Dupont.jpg

Name: Hendrik Vermaak

Title(s): Minister of Foreign Affairs

Age: 53

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: January 27, 1956

Eye Colour: Brown

Hair Colour: Brown

Body Weight: 185

Body Height: 6' 2"

Affiliation: Rhodesia; Rhodesian Conservative Party

Description/Life Story: Hendrik Vermaak is an Afrikaner who was the son of a wealth business owner originally from Southern Rhodesia. His family survived the Rhodesian War and was able to remain in Salisbury throughout and after the conflict. However, as Rhodes' message spread of an independent Rhodesia, Vermaak moved to Lusaka to support the movement. He is a Political Science/German major. He would go on to finish 3rd in the first elections for Prime Minister of Rhodesia, but was then appointed by Edward Dawson as Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Rhodesia.

Picture: jennifer_connelly.jpg

Name: Annelie van der Berg

Title(s): Minister of the State

Age: 35

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: August 1, 1974

Eye Colour: Blue

Hair Colour: Brown

Body Weight: 118

Body Height: 5' 9"

Affiliation: Rhodesia; Rhodesian National Party; Rhodesian Nationals' Club

Description/Life Story: Annelie van der Berg was born in Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia, the daughter of Afrikaner parents who moved into the Northern Areas of Transvaal to pursue business opportunities as merchants. Annelie was raised in a modest environment all her life and worked her way through college garnering a major in Political Science. From there, she continued with school and received a degree in Law. After practicing for many years and continually advocating a Nationalistic position. Shortly after finishing second in the Prime Minister election, she was appointed as the Minister of the State of the Republic of Rhodesia.

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Name: Anastasia Johns

Title(s): Queen, Admiral of the fleet, The wolf of the north

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: 19/12/1984

Eye Colour: Blue, wears brown contacts occasionally

Hair Colour: Blond

Body Weight: Classified

Body Height: 5' 6"

Affiliation: The kingdom of Niciae

Description/Life Story:

*taken from the official history of the kingdom*

Born to an aristocratic Nordic family she lived a sheltered upbringing in the social circles of Europe.

Upon turning 18 she attended a university in Deutschland and majored in political science and history and obtained a doctorate in both with first class honors.

She is a serving naval officer in the military and lists pilot as her profession on her passport.

She is taciturn and seldom speaks much, And she considers her word to be he bond and will never break any oath she makes.

OOC: More to come, this is a fresh character.

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Name: Catherine Reznov

Title: Prime Minister of the Union of Yuktobanian Republics

Age: 30

Gender: Female

DOB: 04/02/1979

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown

Weight: N/A

Height: 5'6"

Affiliation: United Yuktobania (formerly Yuktobanian Liberation Front)

Birthplace: Cinigrad, Northern Empire (now Yuktobania)

Short Bio: The daughter of merchant parents who lived in the outskirts of the city. Went to college shortly after the Yuktobanian Democratic Republic was founded. She joined Imran Zakhev's YLF due to atrocities found in the YDR government, serving as a political leader and a part time combat medic.

Served as prime minister for the 1 year following Zakhev's death and has served for at least 2 terms, she is still able to qualify for reelection in February)

Picture Not Available

Name: Ludmilla Gorbachin

Title: None, (Currently the Host of Razgriz)

Age: 25

Gender: Female

DOB: 11/01/1984

Eye Color: Blue (Red when Razgriz is in possession)

Hair Color: Black

Weight: N/A

Height: 5'8"

Affiliation: Varyag Guard Brigade, 13th Airborne Battalion, Fox Company

Short Bio:

Little is known about her personal life, except that her brother took part in operations during the Yuktobanian Civil War during classified operations in the Battle of Glubina. Ludmilla joined the Yuke Military after High School and due to exceeded expectations, joined the Varyag, an all-female SpecOps Unit, at the request of her commanders.

Is a nice, helpful person, but is tough and relentless.

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Picture: edwards_convention_5.jpg

Name: Edward "Ned the Great" Miles Bartowski III

Title(s): President of the Republic of Nedland, Chairman of Nedland National Congress

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: July 16th, 1974

Eye Colour: Green

Hair Colour: Brown

Body Weight: N/A

Body Height: 5 ft, 11 in

Affiliation: Republic of Nedland, Nedite National Congress

Description/Life Story: Ned grew up in the 1980's, a time when Nedland was ruled by the dictatorship of General Nadav Carden. His father, Edward Miles Bartowski II was a leader of a guerilla movement against Carden's government, and as a result Ned's father was constantly away and Ned was under the scrutiny of his classmates and teachers at the upper class school he attended when young. This injustice, in addition to the poverty and opression Ned would witness on a daily basis in the streets of the capital city of Nedopolis influenced Ned greatly. By the time he was in his teens, Ned was a socialist radical and an atheist, similar to his father. However, Ned was also influenced by the American scientist, Carl Sagan, who preached a message of science and democracy. By the age of 15, Ned was actively involved in the resistance to Carden, while remaining an honors student at his school. At the end of 1989, Carden's government collapsed and Ned's father found himself as the leader of Nedland. Although Ned was close to his father, he could not help but object to his father's refusal to hold democratic elections, and this would drive a wedge between the two for some years. In the 90's, Ned traveled around the world, visiting many places in Europe, Asia, and South America. When Ned returned in 2001, the relationship between him and his father had healed, and as part of Edward II's spoils system, Ned was appointed as the Minister of Foriegn Affairs. Four years later, Ned's father died, and Ned was selected to replace him. Ned began to liberalize Nedite society soon after his election, allowing free elections and enterprise. However, he has come under attack from both the political left and right; and had to deal with several rebellions against his presidency (the Sons of Shining Truth Insurgency of 2008 and the July 5th Revolution of 2009 to name a few examples) and also a coup attempt by his Secretary of Education in late 2008. Love him or hate him, he has a unique and quirky style of governing, and is still the President of Nedland today. His hobbies when not working as President include reading a good novel from time to time, studying history, and playing video games.

Picture: 51c164-1176632184.jpg

Name: Rowan Susan Bartowski

Title(s): Vice President of the Republic of Nedland

Age: 32 (Will be 33 in two days ;) .)

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: December 23rd, 1976

Eye Colour: Brown

Hair Colour: Brown

Body Weight: N/A

Body Height: 5 ft, 4 in.

Affiliation: Republic of Nedland, Nedite National Congress

Description/Life Story: Rowan is Ned's sister, and as such she grew up similarly to him. She was also involved in her father's resistance group, although not as much as Ned due to her age. In school she was academically gifted, and excelled at swimming. After the revolution was successful she served as an activist for her father's policies. Later, she would join Ned for part of his travels around the world. When she returned, she was given the position of Minister of Healthcare by her father, and upon his appointment to the presidency, Ned did not change this. Later, in 2007, she was promoted by Ned to the position of Vice President, a position which she retains to this day. Known for her humor, Vice President Rowan's hobbies when not working include reading all of the books she can get her hands on, visiting animal shelters and national parks, watching Star Trek, and playing pranks on her brother and other members of the cabinet.

Picture: yvonne-strahovski.jpg

Name: Heather McAdams

Title(s): Secretary to the President

Age: 36

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: September 12th, 1973

Eye Colour: Blue

Hair Colour: Blonde

Body Weight: N/A

Body Height: 5 ft, 5 in.

Affiliation: Republic of Nedland, Nedite National Congress Party

Description/Life Story: Heather was born to a working class family in Nedopolis, but she distinguished herself in high school for her smarts and got herself a place at Nedland State University (which she preferred to the alternative, University of Nedland, where Ned and Rowan went). At the University, she was on the cheerleading team and, although smart, was described as a bit stuck up by other students. She was indirectly involved with Ned II's resistance movement, and through this met his son, current President Ned III. Heather and Ned hit it off immediately and were soon good friends, until Ned left after the revolution. They would not meet again until late 2008, when Ned, in a meeting with atheist activist groups in the nation, ran into her again. They soon became friends again, and Ned appointed Heather as his secretary the following spring. It was at this time that Heather was married to a Nedite Special Forces Operative named Marcus Bellman. Bellman had a mistrust of Ned, as he always suspected that Ned was after his wife. Bellman's suspicions were true, but Ned never made any move on Heather while she was married. Eventually, their marriage fell apart when Bellman lashed out at his wife for remaining as secretary, telling her that she could either have him or Ned (he later became involved with a fellow special ops soldier, Natasha Neumann). Heather remained as President Ned's secretary, and eventaully an illicit affair developed between the two, which was leaked by paparazzi in the summer of 2009. Today, Heather remains as President Ned's devoted mistress, and in her spare time enjoys practicing firing automatic weapons at firing ranges, reading, and watching the Lord of the Rings films.

Picture: sp-ryan.jpg

Name: Nicholas Bartowski

Title(s): General in the Nedite Army, Commander In Chief of the Nedite Army

Age: 41

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: March 17th, 1968

Eye Colour: Brown

Hair Colour: Brown

Body Weight: N/A

Body Height: 5 ft, 11 in.

Affiliation: Republic of Nedland, Nedite National Congress Party, Nedite Army

Description/Life Story: As the older brother of Ned and Rowan, Nicholas was also involved in their father's resistance movement against General Carden. While having exellent grades in school, he excelled in combat and was working with his father in violent acts of resistance since the age of 16. Nicholas was always closer to his father than Ned was, which led to some rivalry between the two boys. Nicholas saw action in many of the battles of the western jungles during the resistance movement, and eventually led a group of soldiers in the capture of Nedopolis in 1989. Once victory was achieved, he served many more combat missions against anti-Ned II guerillas and eventually, the Sons of Shining Truth. Eventually he was promoted to general and was appointed the Commander in Chief of the Army by his father. When Ned III was appointed president, he allowed Nicholas to keep his job. While there is still some rivalry between the brothers today, they have mostly learned to live with one another. Nicholas is still the Commander In Chief of the Nedite Army today, and in his spare time he enjoys to play first person shooter and real time strategy video games, study history, and have a friendly round of boxing from time to time.

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Name: Sebastian Saviri

Title(s): Prime Minister, Former Head of the Liberal Party, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs for WNSR

Age: 58

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 8/30/1952

Eye Colour: Blue

Hair Colour: Brown

Body Weight: 215

Body Height: 6'4"

Affiliation: Liberal Party of the Netherlands

Description/Life Story:

Sebastian Saviri is the brother of Scolar Visari. He did not receive much recognition by his brother as Visari was more consumed with both merit and ensuring that the union of Nordland remained stable in its early years, when it was most vulnerable to civil unrest within itself. He mostly engaged in small-level politics within Wästerdyskreich. He remained in the political system during the later pseudo-democratic nation and then in the Senate in the Third Republic. He was Minister of Foreign Affairs for the De Vries-regime, and then elected Prime Minister once Magan decreed it time for elections. He is in good health, and has often been regarded as the healthiest of anyone in his family. He lives in the Prime Minister's Palace in Amsterdam currently however his private residence is just outside Amsterdam in a quiet home in the backwoods.

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  • 3 weeks later...

[b]Name[/b]: Wesley
[b]Title(s)[/b]: Lone Wolf Leader
[b]Age[/b]: 14-16, unknown
[b]Gender[/b]: Male
[b]Date of Birth[/b]: Unknown
[b]Eye Colour[/b]: Blue
[b]Hair Colour[/b]: Brown
[b]Body Weight[/b]: Light, unknown
[b]Body Height[/b]: 5'4
[b]Affiliation[/b]: Lone Wolf Terrorist
[b]Description/Life Story[/b]: Unknown

b]Name[/b]: Kiki Meslof
[b]Title(s)[/b]: Now NTR Vice President
[b]Age[/b]: 29
[b]Gender[/b]: Female
[b]Date of Birth[/b]: I don't mention real time
[b]Eye Colour[/b]: Goldish
[b]Hair Colour[/b]: Blond
[b]Body Weight[/b]: 150(Woah mama)
[b]Body Height[/b]: 5'8
[b]Affiliation[/b]: NTR Foreign aid manager
[b]Description/Life Story[/b]: Born in a small Japanese fishing village, she lived a happy peaceful life. Only a coupple of GT months ago, she was invited to join her old friend, Yiroshi, on a trip to the Americas. The soon found out that this was no trip, she was invited to lead NTR with Yiroshi and others.

OOC: On another note, a cat has cute whiskers.

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Kaede Asakura:
Title: Premier of Nagase and Governor of Monryojo
Age: 22
Gender: male
Eye Colour: Dark Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Body: Lean but slightly muscular build, average weight
Height: About 6

Affiliation: Nagase
Life Story/Description: Asakura is calm and cool-headed, able to remain so even in the most tense of situations. He was born to Japanese parents within the Iberian Pact protectorate, and after graduating from college at the age of 18, went into politics. After four years of hard work, he worked his way to become the UEP's candidate for premier after the IP granted the protectorate independence, and won the election by a narrow margin with his current Director of Foreign Affairs, Yuki Misaki.

Yuki Misaki:
Title: Director of Foreign Affairs, Head of the Scientific Department
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Eye Colour: Black
Hair Colour: Natural unknown (dyed a purple colour)
Body: Light weight
Height: ~5'8
Affiliation: Nagase
Life Story/Description: Yuki Misaki has been described as a quiet person who thinks of everything very logically. She received the highest marks in the protectorate in Science exams throughout her college time, and seemed set for a bright career in science. However, she unexpectedly turned to politics instead, her reason being that she wanted to experience that as well, and became the primary candidate of the NPN, garnering huge support and barely losing the election to Kaede Asakura. After Asakura became premier she was appointed Director of Foreign Affairs and Head of the Scientific Department.

Yuji Misaki:
Title: CEO of Alillere Scientific
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Brown
Body: Heavyset
Height: ~6'2
Affiliation: Nagase, Alillere Scientific
Life Story/Description: Yuji is the older brother of Yuki Misaki. Throughout his youth he grew up envious of his little sister, who did much better than he ever had in science, which he once had been best in. However, he continued to work hard, and at the age of 25 formed the corporation Alillere Scientific. When his younger sister was running in the elections for premier, he decided to set aside his envy and his company endorsed her.

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[b]Name[/b]: Lucas Perry Jones
[b]Title(s)[/b]: Leader of New Mambosa, General of the Republic Army, Governor of Solomnia, CEO of Perry Co.
[b]Age[/b]: 33
[b]Gender[/b]: Male
[b]Date of Birth[/b]: August 13, 1976
[b]Body Weight[/b]: 185
[b]Body Height[/b]: 6'1
[b]Affiliation[/b]: Whatever he is feeling at the moment
[b]Description/Life Story[/b]: Born in Greenland, he helped his father lead the first country there. Moved up the military till it transferred to Siberia. Fought in all of the wars there. Began to despise the Nordic. In The Republic of Western Africa, fought against Afrika nords. Fought against the Reich. Then fought against A-oles, Oceania Terrorists. Founded Perry Co. to take on several international terrorist missions. Now is in hiding with his Niece Ava.

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Name: Kottan Sephira Lyndexer
Title(s): Carthage Minister of Foreign Affairs
Age: 18
Gender: female
Date of Birth: November 22, 1991
Body Weight: 142
Body Height: 5'7"
Affiliation: Carthage
Description/Life Story: Born in Carthage, has lived there her whole life. Has been abused emotionally and physically by her father (now deceased), therefore developing ability to comprehend body language and facial expressions. Not much other information.

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Kottan's pics-

[url=http://tektek.org/avatar/36376525][img]http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1004/d25/1824/8894119.png[/img][/url] -informal clothing
Prefers goggles when informally dressed, wears long clothing to cover scars on body; people react adversely to them when they are visible because they're that burning red. Colors vary; but she prefers green or red. Sometimes she'll wear purple. Very rarely seen in white clothes- it makes her scars too visible.

[url=http://tektek.org/avatar/36450091][img]http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1004/d29/2052/e29d689.png[/img][/url] -formal clothing
Does not cover scars. She knows people will react less adversely to the burning red marks on her body, because if they took the time to invite her anywhere, it means they know her. Wears chain belt but no goggles. Combs hair into curly ponytails so it won't look informal.

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[b]Picture[/b]: [img]http://www.gamehotties.com/images/eva/eva.jpg[/img]
[b]Name[/b]: Lillith
[b]Title(s)[/b]: None
[b]Age[/b]: 31
[b]Gender[/b]: Female
[b]Eye Colour[/b]: Green
[b]Hair Colour[/b]: Blonde
[b]Body Weight[/b]: 120
[b]Body Height[/b]: 5'6
[b]Affiliation[/b]: Independant
[b]Description/Life Story[/b]:

Lillith is a well trained assassin who hold no current loyalty to any one person or any one ideal. Being a loner she wanders from place to place doing the odd jobs for any group whether they be lawful or unlawful, it matters not to her.

Her past is unknown, even Lillith doesn't know where she was born or who here parents were. All she knows is how to kill people and how to stay alive, she is wanted in thenation of Nova Sol Terra for the death of Valerie Westly though the authorities have no idea of her identity.

For now she just travels looking for that one person or ideal with which she can follow to her dying days.

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Name: Kairan Chiana
Title(s): None
Age: 22
Date of Birth: January 17, 1988
Gender: Male
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Blonde
Body Weight: 219
Body Height: 6'0"
Affiliation: Carthage
Description/Life Story: Kottan Lyndexer's best friend. Knows all her secrets. Intends to marry Kottan. Not really all that special.

Kairan's pics-

[url=http://tektek.org/avatar/36471588][img]http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1004/d30/2348/e2c0616.png[/img][/url]- formal clothing
Loves his sneakers. Wears suit for formal. Never wears tie around neck. If he wears a tie, it's when he's drunk and it's on his head.

[url=http://tektek.org/avatar/36471923][img]http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1005/d01/0009/2899238.png[/img][/url]- Informal clothing
Wears jeans and shades. Even at night. Still wearing sneakers.

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[b]Picture[/b]: [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/36497297][img]http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1005/d02/0013/8169514.png[/img][/url]
[b]Name[/b]: Sephan Pandora
[b]Title(s)[/b]: none
[b]Age[/b]: 21
[b]Gender[/b]: Male
[b]Date of Birth[/b]: February 14, 1989
[b]Eye Colour[/b]: Brown
[b]Hair Colour[/b]: Black with a natural white streak
[b]Body Weight[/b]: 165 pounds
[b]Body Height[/b]: 6'3"
[b]Affiliation[/b]: Current unknown, previously Carthage
[b]Description/Life Story[/b]: Knows about Kairan's plan to kill Kottan after he's got her trust. Has always been in love with Kottan, and has watched out for her without her knowledge. Born to a teenaged mother who abandoned him shortly after birth. Armed at all times, usually with a Smith and Wesson .357 revolver. Has perfected his fighting style to the point where he can land a kick perfectly while someone's moving and in the dead of night. Can shoot perfectly under good conditions. Carries his guitar at all times as well. Wears Kottan's family symbol (the falcon) around his neck as a reminder of who he's fighting for. Wants Kottan's hand in marriage.

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[b]Name[/b]:Isaac Muskalov Kintober
[b]Title(s)[/b]:Emperor of Eggman Empire
[b]Date of Birth[/b]: October 4th
[b]Eye Colour[/b]:green
[b]Hair Colour[/b]:black
[b]Body Weight[/b]:163
[b]Body Height[/b]:6'1
[b]Affiliation[/b]:Eggman Empire
[b]Description/Life Story[/b]: Isaac Muskalov Kintober holds an interesting life story. Born outside of Isen in zone four on Oct. 4th, 20XX, Isaac grew up without a father. He was informed that his father, a well-off business man, was killed in an unfortunate car accident two months before his birth, leaving him and his mother a decent sum of money to help pay the bills. As he progressed through his studies, Isaac found he had a flair for chemistry. Though, he was responsible for occasionally causing small explosions in the science labs of the various schools he attended. Upon reaching the age of 18, neither Isaac nor his mother could scrounge up the money necessary to send him to college. So, he joined the army. There he found he also had a nack for leading. He made Sargent in four years, and Staff Sgt. in another five. Then one day, he was called to his commander's office where he was informed that, not only was his father alive, but his father was also the current Emperor of the EE and that he was ceding his position to his son. Isaac took it in stride (barely). A few days after he was sworn in, the first assassination attempt on his life was made. Then his apparent uncle, Jack Ulysses Kintober, started a civil war to wrest control of the nation away from his nephew, though Jack was being manipulated by outside sources. Isaac masterfully stopped the rebellion while also dealing with internal dissident. In the end, Isaac made it through his baptism of fire, stronger and better, securing his rightful position as the Emperor.
(OOC:Support characters 2 follow)

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Name: Gregor Eivanov
Title: Premier of the Drei Macht, the military leaeders of the Isara Alliance, and General of the Army
Age: 51
Gender: Male
Birthdate: October 13
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Light brown
Affiliation: Isara Alliance
Description: Gregor Eivanov is the General of the Army, as well as the leader of the Drei Macht, the three military rulers of the Isara Alliance. Gregor Eivanov has shown himself to be a capable leader, though he also is known to be a calculating man who will make any sacrifice for victory, and has a very decorated military history. Also, in spite of his age, Eivanov is also known for his physical combat prowess. He has an 18 year old daughter who is known by her middle name of Isara; she is a tank operator in the Alliance. His wife died not long after Isara was born, and her death affected Gregor greatly, and he began to disregard his daughter, becoming cold and focusing on running his nation. Though his daughter has always believed he does not love her, he has lived with the guilt of his actions while raising her.

Name: Irina Ivanovich
Title: Member of the Drei Macht, Marshall of the Air Force
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Birthdate: June 23
Eye Colour: Black
Hair Colour: Black
Affiliation: Isara Alliance
Description: Irina Ivanovich is the Marshall of the Air Force, and a member of the Drei Macht, the three military rulers of the Isara Alliance. Irina Ivanovich is well known for her willingness to throw any force, herself included, into danger for the good of the Isara Alliance. She never married during her life, believing that would inhibit her ability to serve the Alliance.

Name: Andrei Alexeivich
Title: Member of the Drei Macht, Commander of the Tank Forces
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Birthdate: February 19
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Brown
Affiliation: Isara Alliance
Description: Andrei Alexeivich is the Commander of the Tank Force, and a member of the Drei Macht, the three military rulers of the Isara Alliance. Andrei Alexeivich is well known for his great care for his men, and it is well known that he will not sacrifice his men if it is avoidable. He has a son, who is an officer, named Nikolai.

Edited by Kaede Alexeivich
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Name: Jack Ulysses Kintober
Title: Head Senate Chancellor
Age: 44
Gender: Male
Birthdate: September 19th
Eye Colour: green
Hair Colour: white
Affiliation: Eggman Empire
Description: Jack Ulysses Kintober is the younger brother of Sammy Kintober. Originally thought to had died in a car wreck at the age of 10, Jack disappeared from the face of the earth. He came out of hiding over three decades later to challenge his brother's claim to the Imperial throne by launching a full scale rebellion. He kicked it off by launching a chemical attack on the seaport of Vlask and dumping large amounts of toxins in the Vlask harbor. Tens of thousands died, and Vlask is still undergoing a clean-up. Sammy personally tracked Jack down and arrested him after preventing the launch of a dozen chemical WMD tipped ICBMs. Jack was then put in the Facility for safe keeping. Years later, now Ex-General Nickoli Reedenka arranged for his escape so Jack could start another civil war against the new Emperor, Isaac Muskalov Kintober. Though the attack didn't do much damage aside from killing a few regional governors. Isaac managed to talk Jack into taking the position of Senate Chancellor in order to expose his backers. Despite holding the position of Chancellor, Jack spends a good deal of his time conducting experiments in Sammy's old lab. Jack, like Sammy, is a great scientist. He developed the toxins used in the Vlask.
Jack's personality is best described as "cheerily sadistic." He tends to view those not as smart as him as "inferior," and is a bit of an egomaniac. Though generally "nice," if Jack feels he has been wronged, he will hunt down the perpetrator, and exact whatever vengeance he deems necessary.

Name: Phil Ryst
Title: Head Minister of Defense
Age: 49
Gender: Male
Birthdate: February
Eye Colour: blue
Hair Colour: brown
Affiliation: Eggman Empire
Description: Phil Ryst is one of Sammy Kintober's oldest friends. Born in Robotropolis, Ryst was an average student. His grades prevented him from getting a scholarship from any colleges, so Ryst joined the army. He and Kintober went through boot together, and became close friends, despite the Drill Sargents constantly picking Kintober and anybody who associated with him. After Basic, Ryst and Sammy stuck together. Soon, Ryst served under Sammy as the Kintober was constantly getting promoted before him. During their time working together, it became clear Ryst excelled at all things military, and was a master when it came to strategy and tactics. Ryst stayed in the army after Sammy eventually left. He switched from being an NCO to an officer, and slowly climbed his way up to a two-star general. When Kintober finally assumed control of Eggman Empire, Ryst was naturally his choice for Defense Minister. Ryst faithfully served Kintober until Sammy retired, and now works under his son.
Ryst has strong moral values and a solid character. He fights for what he believes and always tries to do the right thing. When good isn't an option, he'll choose the lesser of two evils. He also cannot stand Jack.

Name: Blyzar Dreth
Title: Head Minister of External Affairs
Age: 48
Gender: Male
Birthdate: June 7th
Eye Colour: blue
Hair Colour: black
Affiliation: Eggman Empire
Description: Born in Havensvend, Dreth's mother left soon his birth. Dreth had an uncanny ability to make friends. His father, who ran a small fishing business, was able to send Dreth to a small community college, where Dreth got a degree in political science. Unfortunately, nobody was hiring. Dreth was forced join the army. He was surprised to find a young Sammy Kintober in his Basic class. Despite the extra punishment heaped out on him, Dreth stuck by Kintober. Not because he was the son of the current Emperor, but because Kintober was cool and fun to be around. Dreth stuck with Kintober and Ryst for five years after Basic. Then he got out and wrangled himself a job as a political adviser for the mayor of Isen. Dreth soon made a reputation for himself as a shrewd but friendly negotiator. His skills garnered him national prestige, and when Sammy Kintober came to power, it was easy to figure out who he wanted to put in charge of his foreign affairs branch. Before he left, Kintober had Dreth promise he'd serve under Isaac just as faithfully as he had under Sammy. Dreth agreed.
Dreth is a cheery and outgoing person, who like Ryst, has a strong moral code he lives by. Dreth also is known for his occasional unorthodox methods, such as bringing beer to a CAN conference to "lighten the mood."

Edited by Eggman Empire
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[b]Name[/b]:Avita Karnikov(nickname Vitty)
[b]Title(s)[/b]:Head Minister of Medicine and Science
[b]Date of Birth[/b]: May 21st
[b]Eye Colour[/b]:blue
[b]Hair Colour[/b]:black
[b]Body Weight[/b]:138
[b]Body Height[/b]:5' 4
[b]Affiliation[/b]:Eggman Empire
[b]Description/Life Story[/b]:Though Avita Karnikov was born in Eggman Empire, her mother came from southern Asia. During her childhood, Avita discovered she had a knack for the medical sciences. She also had a knack for the unorthodox. Many a time the fire department would have to come to her school became she had decided to "spice the mix up a bit" in the chemistry lab. She was was an honor roll student, and found it easy to get a scholarship. Her problem, however, was holding onto it. Avita was booted from three colleges for reasons ranging from property damage to the university grounds to criminal misconduct. She had just been expelled from Robotropolis Medical University after being caught by law enforcement digging up graves for "test subjects," when she literally ran into Sammy Kintober after he'd given a lecture that day. After reviewing her record, Sammy deduced that Avita was smarter them most experienced doctors he'd came across, and placed her in the position of Minister of Medicine and Science. A risky move to be sure, but it paid off in the end. At the moment, she is spending her free time partnering up with Jack to solve complex medical problems.
Avita is cheerful and enthusiastic, tackling any challenges placed in front of her with zesty determination. Unfortunately, she lived a sheltered life and is a bit naive and a little easy to manipulate. Phil Ryst and Blyzar Dreth have taken to the rolls of protective brothers to guard her from anyone who would take advantage of her.

[b]Name[/b]:Kenny Kintober
[b]Title(s)[/b]: (Shadow minister of Technology)
[b]Date of Birth[/b]:December 3rd
[b]Eye Colour[/b]:Green
[b]Hair Colour[/b]:red
[b]Body Weight[/b]:165
[b]Body Height[/b]:6' 0
[b]Affiliation[/b]:Eggman Empire
[b]Description/Life Story[/b]:Kenny has an interesting life story. He is actually a clone of Sammy Kintober created by the now defunct nation of Forever Battlefield. It was authorized by Mykep, who is now also dead. Regardless, Kenny was raised and taught in a lab environment. Despite being a clone, Kenny seemed to have inherited the Kintober gene that allows them to master a certain skill. In this case, technology. He quickly mastered all things computer related; from hacking to programing. When Forever Battlefield fell, Kenny escaped with the help of a friendly scientist, and set out to explore the world. He soon found that information was quite valuable, and knowing you way around firewalls could be very lucrative. Eventually, a hidden client hired Kenny to break into the Imperial palace, hack into Kintober's personal computer, and steal important documents pertaining to the Happy Smiler program. He would've succeeded if Sammy Kintober wasn't in the room that night. Kintober was quite interested in Kenny's story, and offered him a job. Kenny accepted, and Kintober secured the deal by knocking Kenny out and surgically installing a microbomb in Kenny's spine. Officially, Kenny does not exist. Unofficially, he is in charge of developing and maintaining Eggman Empire's computer system, as well as being in charge of Eggman Empire's cyber-warfare division.
Kenny, being raised the way he was, is an introvert and not a people person. However, he is coming out of his shell and is becoming your average smart-mouthed teen. He is kind, but usually doesn't show it up front. He's also taken to hanging out with Avita, as she's intent on showing how him how "real teenagers" act, much to the chagrin of everyone else. Kenny is also probably one of the few people who can get away with bugging the hell out of Jack, though the teen occasionally catches a "mysterious" illnesses.

Name: Wallace Yerkes
Title: Major General
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Birthdate: June 13th
Eye Colour: grey
Hair Colour: brown
Affiliation: Eggman Empire
Description:Not much is known about Wallace Yerkes' childhood besides the fact he was born in Vlask and joined the army at 18. When he was 21, he switched to be an officer. He rose through the ranks and was a Brigadier General Jack first attacked. Yerkes was in charge of defending Isen against Jack's forces, and held his opponent of masterfully. The city itself only suffered minor damage. Yerkes was also in charge of the force used to invade and subjugate the province of Osea. Later, he served as the commander of all CAN forces. After his term expired, he was promoted by Sammy Kintober to the rank of Major Gen. As of right now, he commands the 9th Experimental Division from his headquarters in Robotropolis. He is also in charge of said city's defense.
Wallace lives by all the values that make up a good soldier: Loyalty, duty, honor, integrity, and courage. He believes in leading from the front, and wouldn't ask his soldiers to do anything he wouldn't. Wallace is also deeply loyal to the current government.

Edited by Eggman Empire
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