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The Amazing Survivalist Alliance Race

Jack Diorno

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Please do not insult other people's intelligence by using a single question of mine that has only arisen in my head in these last few pages and I seem to be the only one willing to ask simple and obvious questions.

I'll just have to take your word for it, I simply wondered is all.

What are you talking about?  I am not insulting anyone's intelligence.  Ignorance has nothing to do with intelligence.

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Hey guys I'm part of the new PRT.


Someone's not happy that more Paradoxians than MKers are showing up in this one (it's usually the other way around with those you try to argue with, I know, it takes some getting used to.)


Id trust Crymsons word over yours.

Except many people who were involved back up Delta's assertions. Delta says that they were in all the meetings, Crymson said they weren't. It's incumbent upon Crymson to prove there were secret meetings held, as Delta cannot prove a negative.

Edited by Penkala
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To Big Z. Proof we were inquiring to end the war at this time. The war with Echelon hinged on the end of the war with AB because AB was their protectorate and they wanted to stay in so long as AB was in.

Echelon Surrenders June 5th.

Now, I believe that meeting was supposed to be organized by Echelon, so I'm not sure wtf happened for that. However, I showed up. Obviously there was miscommunication, so I don't really hold anyone at fault there. It was simply frustrating is all.

Anyways, that is what I could find of my own contribution looking around my logs. Now, I'm not saying that more couldn't have been done to organize a meeting. Certainly, that is true. However, I believe my comments here prove that it wasn't solely organizing a meeting, it was waiting on Xiphosis's grudge on AB (mostly).  I hope that helps.

Edit: Erasing huge gap.

Oh, I wasn't really going to question the fact that TOP was looking for peace once someone said they were, though logs are always nice. Just that since I was one of the main people on the front and I never heard anything about it at all at the time, it must not have been the greatest coordinated effort ever, and that getting as upset as some people seem to have gotten over the fact that when other people got around to trying to arrange peace they didn't do much better at keeping everyone informed doesn't seem particularly gracious. It's your right to seek peace whenever with whoever. I'm sure you would have upset someone either way, but that always happens.

The issue is that when TOP left, they proclaimed that it was because the entire rest of the front had attempted to squeeze them out of negotiations in order to push an agenda TOP didn't like, and that TOP continued to claim this despite the fact that the issue had already been explained more than once. I could really care less whether an alliance that doesn't actually have any active wars with another alliance at the time decides to officially peace out with them and go do their own thing. I don't like it when inaccurate accusations are flung at myself and my allies while doing it and repeatedly thereafter by people who should by rights know better than that.

It's quite annoying.

Edited by Delta1212
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Obviously not as a whole.

Question: was one of the reasons you entered the Karma War in the first place, when you obviously didn't want to and had pretty legitimate reasons to sit it out, because you thought that if you were part of the war then you would have more sway in peace negotiations with your hegemony allies?

If you honestly believe this, and personally I think you're a moron so it's likely that you do, then you really have never actually talked to anyone in TOP objectively, but instead let your extreme bias get in the way and put a slant on every single move.

Stop posting, learn to think, then come back.

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Now first, point me to a single instance anywhere in this thread where I claimed credit for anything. Not just getting peace with Echelon, I mean anything. Go ahead and look. I'll wait, since I'm sure it must be there because you obviously wouldn't make things up about me. That would be rude and disingenuous after all.

I was referring specifically to where you have said that it was GOD and KaitlinK who were taking the initiative to bring the peace terms along. I didn't mean to include you as taking credit it's just that you are the one who said that they did. My bad.

Secondly, I find it very interesting that you went around and attempted to talk to all the alliances on the Echelon front. See, I never got approached by TOP about, well, anything. Except for being in a chan with Dan for maybe twenty minutes or so at a time when the war hadn't even started yet, my personal contact with TOP throughout the war was effectively non-existent. And I'm not exactly difficult to get in touch with. Now, you completely neglected to get input from RIA and, if memory serves, Monos Archein at the very least when trying to put your peace terms together, even going so far as to tell GOD that everyone else on the front was in favor of peace (and speaking for me to my allies without talking to me, that's not something I appreciate).

If you weren't contacted, it was likely because we couldn't get a hold of you at the time we were making our rounds and had no reason to continue our efforts after GOD - whom you are tied at the hip to - informed us that they were unwilling to consider peace. You might have noticed the part of my post where I said that talks were stalled because of GOD. I didn't say that once GOD had stalled the peace talks, we continued to talk about peace with all the other alliances on that front. "Those we were able to contact" does not include alliances that we didn't contact. I don't see where you're going with this anyway, if your stance is that RIA were also against allowing Echelon to surrender then it just adds you to GOD as another alliance stalling the peace talks.

Secondly, when did we tell anyone what your stance was?

Now, RIA and MA were two of the main alliances engaging Echelon in the first place. It's not like we were random hangers on or faux DoW to chain in allies that threw maybe a nation or two at Echelon. Yet, somehow, we got overlooked in your attempts at peace talks. Now, it seems to me that if you what happened to TOP was obviously intentional and malicious, then what TOP did to me, why that's downright hostile. Surely, someone who makes a slight oversight like entirely ignoring a main alliance or two on the front wouldn't take offense if there was a slight slip-up regarding them later on that could pretty easily be cleared up? No harm done, right?

It's pretty hilarious to see you trying to draw parallels between us not talking to you (after GOD stifled our efforts to arrange peace) and GOD et al not seeking our consent before presenting peace terms (which we staunchly objected to) to our enemy in a manner which made it appear that we consented.

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If you honestly believe this, and personally I think you're a moron so it's likely that you do, then you really have never actually talked to anyone in TOP objectively, but instead let your extreme bias get in the way and put a slant on every single move.

Stop posting, learn to think, then come back.

Let's all get overly defensive and confrontational about questions designed to clear up confusion but yeah, sure, whatever. You're either with us or against us, right!?

Learn to think.. That really didn't sound as good as you thought it did.

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Oh, I wasn't really going to question the fact that TOP was looking for peace once someone said they were, though logs are always nice. Just that since I was one of the main people on the front and I never heard anything about it at all at the time, it must not have been the greatest coordinated effort ever, and that getting as upset as some people seem to have gotten over the fact that when other people got around o trying to arrange peace they didn't do much better at keeping everyone informed doesn't seem particularly gracious. It's your right to seek peace whenever with whoever. I'm sure you would have upset someone either way, but that always happens.

The issue is that when TOP left, they proclaimed that it was because the entire rest of the front had attempted to squeeze them out of negotiations in order to push an agenda TOP didn't like, and that TOP continued to claim this despite the fact that the issue had already been explained more than once. I could really care less whether an alliance that doesn't actually have any active wars with another alliance at the time anyone decides to officially peace out with them and go do their own thing. I don't like it when inaccurate accusations are flung at myself and my allies while doing it and repeatedly thereafter by people who should by rights know better than that.

It's quite annoying.

Yes, I thought GOD would be able to provide me details best on when the AB war would end (with their involvement and all) and thus, all my efforts at arranging a meeting mostly hinged on that.  The angering part was some of the things Xiphosis said about AB and how I felt like we were being lead on a leash, awaiting when you were ready, with no consideration or timeframe to us.  That was upsetting to me, at least.

As for the rest, I wasn't available during the Echelon negotiations and thus unable to see it myself.  I wouldn't mind seeing evidence of either claim myself, if you'd like to PM me.  I haven't been able to keep up since the Karma war due to burn out!

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As for the rest, I wasn't available during the Echelon negotiations and thus unable to see it myself.  I wouldn't mind seeing evidence of either claim myself, if you'd like to PM me.  I haven't been able to keep up since the Karma war due to burn out!

Which either claim? I'm happy to provide whatever if you can be more specific.

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Let's all get overly defensive and confrontational about questions designed to clear up confusion but yeah, sure, whatever. You're either with us or against us, right!?

Learn to think.. That really didn't sound as good as you thought it did.

Right, I totally said learn to think because I wanted to sound super cool and witty. I said it because if you can actually use something aside from your $@!, you may not come across as a complete moron.

And yes, I am completely against you and completely against Argent. And if you were honestly confused about TOP's reasons for entering for Karma, which have been stated more times than I can count by many different members of Paradoxia, then you really need to go to your government, who knows these reasons, and ask them. Because if they answer this question, you are going to either call them liars or not believe them.

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This was a retarded argument when me and Crymson had it during and after the talks, and it is now. As for BL, part of what led to the terms presentation mess was the rest of the front [sans TSO] proceeding without TOP after we got the impression TOP wasn't on board for any terms that involved anyone getting reps.

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This was a retarded argument when me and Crymson had it during and after the talks, and it is now. As for BL, part of what led to the terms presentation mess was the rest of the front [sans TSO] proceeding without TOP after we got the impression TOP wasn't on board for any terms that involved anyone getting reps.

We were fine with the reps. It's the lulz/humiliation terms that turned our stomachs.

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Right, I totally said learn to think because I wanted to sound super cool and witty. I said it because if you can actually use something aside from your $@!, you may not come across as a complete moron.

And yes, I am completely against you and completely against Argent. And if you were honestly confused about TOP's reasons for entering for Karma, which have been stated more times than I can count by many different members of Paradoxia, then you really need to go to your government, who knows these reasons, and ask them. Because if they answer this question, you are going to either call them liars or not believe them.

Temper, temper.

I don't imagine learning to think is all that easy if I cannot think in the first place. Guess I'll have to continue using my $@! to ask the questions everyone's thinking in this godforsaken topic that, yes, I already know the answer to, but that save everyone else the time and trouble of sifting through everyone else's wall'o'texts as they compete for the honoured title of most ambiguous but still cool and threatening poster of they year.

There you go again with your black and white, yes or no crap. I'm not even going to bother with that second paragraph because that stick up your $@! is obviously interfering with your own $@!-thinking.

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Temper, temper.

I don't imagine learning to think is all that easy if I cannot think in the first place. Guess I'll have to continue using my $@! to ask the questions everyone's thinking in this godforsaken topic that, yes, I already know the answer to, but that save everyone else the time and trouble of sifting through everyone else's wall'o'texts as they compete for the honoured title of most ambiguous but still cool and threatening poster of they year.

There you go again with your black and white, yes or no crap. I'm not even going to bother with that second paragraph because that stick up your $@! is obviously interfering with your own $@!-thinking.

Well, I really hope I'm winning for most ambiguous but still cool and threatening poster of the year title, because that is really my goal. No, what you're actually doing, whether you realize it or not, is asking things in such a way that you're pointing your own MDoAP partners as the bad guys due to old grudges. So if I come across with dislike towards you, well hey, that's what you get for your own stupidity.

Oh, and speaking of things up @#$%, what crawled up yours and turned into a dick?

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We were fine with the reps. It's the lulz/humiliation terms that turned our stomachs.

I'm assuming the 1 tech to R&R and the 'cute demeanor' clause? Because the former was hardly anything bad (I doubt R&R would have seriously demanded that 1 tech) and the latter wasn't meant to be seriously enforced. It was meant to be ironic.

I could understand you guys being upset with rep amounts, but those clauses being the source of outrage seems a little ridiculous.

Edited by Mixoux
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Well, I really hope I'm winning for most ambiguous but still cool and threatening poster of the year title, because that is really my goal. No, what you're actually doing, whether you realize it or not, is asking things in such a way that you're pointing your own MDoAP partners as the bad guys due to old grudges. So if I come across with dislike towards you, well hey, that's what you get for your own stupidity.

Oh, and speaking of things up @#$%, what crawled up yours and turned into a dick?

No, you're actually doing pretty horribly in that particular race to be honest. I was referring to most other posters here, but whatever, I'm sure you could claim some sarcasm award. Oh the horror! Asking questions on the OWF that amount to more than just 'do u lyk mudkipz?', you do realize that they'll only end up pointing my lovely MDoAP partners as the bad guys if, listen up - this might sound ridiculous, they actually did do what my questions were asking. If so, then I'm afraid I'm going to have to accept the fact that they are the bad guys, if not, well it's pretty easy to answer the questions and end up not being the bad guys and the rest of us can quit beating around the bush about it all because it's pretty obvious they either did or didn't do most of this stuff. All these goddamn misconceptions come about because of everyone's apparent ignorance on the subjects and I'm willing to put money on the fact being that the only time things are ever resolved are in the middle of 40 page threads that most people never end up seeing. Sorry for cutting to the chase.

I don't personally give two !@#$s if you come across with dislike towards me to be honest, so I guess I'll just have to be content in my stupidity.

Apparently it was my thinker! I'm really only going on what you told me there though so I guess you'd be the better person to ask?

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No, you're actually doing pretty horribly in that particular race to be honest. I was referring to most other posters here, but whatever, I'm sure you could claim some sarcasm award. Oh the horror! Asking questions on the OWF that amount to more than just 'do u lyk mudkipz?', you do realize that they'll only end up pointing my lovely MDoAP partners as the bad guys if, listen up - this might sound ridiculous, they actually did do what my questions were asking. If so, then I'm afraid I'm going to have to accept the fact that they are the bad guys, if not, well it's pretty easy to answer the questions and end up not being the bad guys and the rest of us can quit beating around the bush about it all because it's pretty obvious they either did or didn't do most of this stuff. All these goddamn misconceptions come about because of everyone's apparent ignorance on the subjects and I'm willing to put money on the fact being that the only time things are ever resolved are in the middle of 40 page threads that most people never end up seeing. Sorry for cutting to the chase.

I don't personally give two !@#$s if you come across with dislike towards me to be honest, so I guess I'll just have to be content in my stupidity.

Apparently it was my thinker! I'm really only going on what you told me there though so I guess you'd be the better person to ask?

Could you two take it to PM or something else?

I'm missing my regularly scheduled TOP hate here. And I need it guys. So out with the both of you.

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Could you two take it to PM or something else?

I'm missing my regularly scheduled TOP hate here. And I need it guys. So out with the both of you.

Apparently I'm the new TOP hater around here, I'm sure I could give you your daily quota right now!

NorthernLights: if you were leading TOP during the Karma War, what's one thing you'd do differently?

How'd that feel? I hope it hurt.

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Apparently I'm the new TOP hater around here, I'm sure I could give you your daily quota right now!

NorthernLights: if you were leading TOP during the Karma War, what's one thing you'd do differently?

How'd that feel? I hope it hurt.

First off, I wasn't saying you were a TOP hater. Of course given your ties to us I'm sure you could find better ways to your answers.

Second, bathe the world in nuclear fire.

Third, felt good bro.

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Lovely how people are still accusing each other of a mess they created in co-work. This thread is a nice example of what is wrong with people on planet bob. People feed from the drama, and every voice of reason is drowned in a sea of wild accusations and misinterpreted conclusions.

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