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She Counted to Two and then Became a Stormtrooper.


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This announcement has made me sad... I wish each and every member/ ex-member a fond fairwell.. oo7..

In honor of Lord Jay.. I have prepared a great BBQ Feast with BBQ Ribs, Hawaiian style buried pig, steak diane, turducken, deep fried turkey, Beer can chicken, duck fingers and a variety of Ozekilandian Sushi dishes just for you and your friends..

Let the Party begin!!! \oo/

Also.. I am glad to see you have chosen IAA ... they are a fine bunch (HI NOVA! :D)

Best of luck in your future endeavors... oo/ Sssw18... You were a great bunch! :)


PS.. I'm sending my finest Siamese wenches from my hareem... enjoy ;)

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This announcement has made me sad... I wish each and every member/ ex-member a fond fairwell.. oo7..

In honor of Lord Jay.. I have prepared a great BBQ Feast with BBQ Ribs, Hawaiian style buried pig, steak diane, turducken, deep fried turkey, Beer can chicken, duck fingers and a variety of Ozekilandian Sushi dishes just for you and your friends..

Let the Party begin!!! \oo/

Also.. I am glad to see you have chosen IAA ... they are a fine bunch (HI NOVA! :D)

Best of luck in your future endeavors... oo/ Sssw18... You were a great bunch! :)


PS.. I'm sending my finest Siamese wenches from my hareem... enjoy ;)

Ribs and wenches? Now we're talking!

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We couldn't have asked for better friends...I'm going to miss you guys.

I have a funny feeling this isn't the end thought ;)


Does it ever really the end?

As far as the announcement goes, I never really thought I could have this much fun [ooc] over an internet game[/ooc] but my eadership experience SSSW18 was simply awesome. However insignifigant or immoral you though us to be, you owe it to us as fellow citizens of this game to at least have the common respect for the departed community. I have no regrets looking back, I wouldn't have changed a thing.

No shoutouts from me, if you deserved to be mentioned you already know how awesome you are.

So with that Cybernations, I bid you adieu. It's been real.

Edited by Jipps
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Jipps, you're insignificant and immoral. :P

And you're all magnificent basterds. :D

O/ !!!!!!!! SSSW18

We'll miss you guys as a group. Glad you found a new home. Even if it was in a star wars alliance....those things are so lame and cliche`. ;)

Open door to you guys at our forums anytime. Bring your new frinds with you. We always like new people to razz.

Edited by Wargarden
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Perhaps he should use the word "us" less, or perhaps use "they" instead.


/me points to his signature (look below) and his title and his AA listed on his name (look to the left)

Sorry, apparently the ability to look down or the left has evaded you. My sympathies.

Oh, and I use the word "us" instead of "them" or "they" because they were/are my friends who I have/and will always defend. I realize being part of the Moral Brigade you don't have time for friendships or the like, but you should really look into it. They're definitely worth the time and effort. Just think, if you put forth the effort towards being a non-self-righteous person as you put forth being...well, a self-righteous person you might be able to understand the use of the word "us" instead of the terms "them" or "they" in this context.

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Oh, and as to never forget...aside from the petty arguing that's being done in this thread (myself included) I want to make sure I pay my respects to my good friend LordJay. The anniversary of his passing was just a few days ago, and tomorrow being the day we learned of his death, I felt it appropriate to pay my respects in SSSW18's final announcement thread.

LordJay made a definite impact and he's still remembered and I feel he will remain to be.

As always, o/LordJay

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On a side note, 17 is "legal" where I live... ;)

That said, well met on the battlefield, SSSW18. We had a grand fight and I had fun getting to know some of you. While I had hoped you folks would have continued...I understand.

I think you found a good home.

Any of yours needs anything, jest holler.

o7 SSSW18

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If disliking rape jokes makes me a 'moral crusader' or 'picking a fight', then I'm happy to play that role. Considering the things this community inflates to be CBs, it amazes me that you were not only put up with but supported by the establishment for so long.

I'm sure (some of) you are decent people at heart, like the nice bloke down the pub who has a bad habit of making racist jokes, and I hope you'll show that in IAA. But the 'joke' needed to be removed from your repertoire.

We look forward to continuing a relationship with you, no matter how illegal it might be.

Ah, I see the implicit joke just became explicit. Well, there went the plausible deniability.

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There's few things funnier than watching people get their panties in a bunch over a joke. Good luck and bright futures again, former members of SSSW18.

And also, I'd like to point out that there is a difference between racism and the joke implied by the AA: I have never once met a person who appreciated being the butt of a racist joke, but I've met plenty of 17 year old girls who would have me believe they were 18. :P

Edited by Kzoppistan
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If disliking rape jokes makes me a 'moral crusader' or 'picking a fight', then I'm happy to play that role. Considering the things this community inflates to be CBs, it amazes me that you were not only put up with but supported by the establishment for so long.

I'm sure (some of) you are decent people at heart, like the nice bloke down the pub who has a bad habit of making racist jokes, and I hope you'll show that in IAA. But the 'joke' needed to be removed from your repertoire.

Ah, I see the implicit joke just became explicit. Well, there went the plausible deniability.

One last plead to rationale...

Statutory rape is completely different than criminal, forced-sex rape. True, statutory rape is a crime, but it's nowhere as deplorable as forcing yourself amongst an unwilling party. In this scenario, the girl has deceived the guy by telling her she was 18. The fact that she was under-18 is hidden from the guy. This makes it statutory rape for no other reason than because the girl deceived the guy. No other reason. A 19 year old can be deemed a sex offender for the rest of his life because a girl who looked 18, told him he was 18, and acted 18, turned out to be 16. Guys at the age of 21, 20, 19 and 18 are extremely susceptible to this because girls are told that to be more attractive, you need to seem older than you are. This is a cultural issue that girls are raised this way in our society. But to claim it's rape and to say we're making rape jokes deters from the actual cases of rape where a man/woman forces sex upon unwilling parties. To say we're condemning a rape joke because we are making a cultural comment on the social issue of girls parading and presenting themselves as older than they are is laughable at best. The reason SSSW18 was never in fear of being attacked for their name is because the majority of our community here understood this. They had the awareness to understand the context that the name was being used and that rape wasn't being laughed upon, but instead the deception.

So, for the last time, shut the *!&$ up and get over yourself. SSSW18 is gone now. I realize opening your mouth was just too enticing to pass up, but showing restraint is an admirable quality in a person. You should try it out.

Again, I'm sorry SSSW18 for allowing myself to be dragged into this argument one more time. I do hope it's the last time.


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If disliking rape jokes makes me a 'moral crusader' or 'picking a fight', then I'm happy to play that role. Considering the things this community inflates to be CBs, it amazes me that you were not only put up with but supported by the establishment for so long.

I'm sure (some of) you are decent people at heart, like the nice bloke down the pub who has a bad habit of making racist jokes, and I hope you'll show that in IAA. But the 'joke' needed to be removed from your repertoire.

Ah, I see the implicit joke just became explicit. Well, there went the plausible deniability.

I understand your distaste, but I ask that you give the people a chance for their own sake. Over the past few months of getting to know and working with them, I can honestly say that despite what you and anyone else may think of their name, they are hands down some of the most caring and honorable people who reside upon Planet Bob.

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You said that NPO should be ashamed for associating with something that was the same as what started GW1 (i.e. Yaridovich's actions). That's saying we're as bad.

Also, Starfox, I wasn't trying to make you seem worse. I was speaking my mind about how you seem to be a self-righteous $@! who likes to critique others while holding yourself up as a person who never has done wrong.

Finally, no matter what you like to pretend, you are associated with us now. Those evil joke name alliance members are now your alliance mates. Stay or leave; I don't care what you do. I have a strong suspicion that we'll never be friends and quite frankly, I wouldn't want to associate with you.

I did? I don't recall saying that. It is pretty true though. Yari made a rape joke, NPO declared war on his alliance that he had left. SSSW18 made a rape joke their alliance name, NPO MDPed them. That really was one of my favorite ironies of all time. Now, of course yours wasn't as bad, but the parallels are there, and it was great ammo for us in Vox back then.

Now, I love this whole moral crusaders bashing thing. I guess you guys think it's cool to call people moral crusaders as a derogatory word. I bash you for making a rape joke your alliance name and you counter with "Ur a moral crusader shutup!". Man, you really burned me, eh?

Finally, why on earth would I leave an alliance that I have gone to ZI for, and spent months in, because some little funny guys joined? Sorry but I'll be staying whether you like it or not. I really don't ever have to talk to you, so it's really no problem at all.

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I did? I don't recall saying that. It is pretty true though. Yari made a rape joke, NPO declared war on his alliance that he had left. SSSW18 made a rape joke their alliance name, NPO MDPed them. That really was one of my favorite ironies of all time. Now, of course yours wasn't as bad, but the parallels are there, and it was great ammo for us in Vox back then.

Now, I love this whole moral crusaders bashing thing. I guess you guys think it's cool to call people moral crusaders as a derogatory word. I bash you for making a rape joke your alliance name and you counter with "Ur a moral crusader shutup!". Man, you really burned me, eh?

Rape joke? Really? Statutory rape and rape aren't the same thing. There's a reason that adjective "statutory" is put in front. Statutory rape can be anything from a 20 yr old getting with a 17 yr old, completely consentual, but the parents dont like the boy so they file charges. True, it can also be where some dirty old man takes advantage of a 13 yr old and convinces them to sleep with them. But in the case of this alliance, a girl saying she's 18 and the guy being deceived is the reference in the name. So quit with the rape joke BS.

And moral crusader is more of a derogatory term towards those that believe they're doing the moral thing but instead are hypocritical. Another one of those wonderful colloquialisms describing people such as yourself.


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Grundig, I know how hard this is for you but I understand the reasons. It is difficult to disband the home you've worked for so long and tried so much to keep together and no one can say you haven't gone up and above in an attempt to fix that. IAA is a great group and I know SSSW18 will find a welcoming home there. It is a blow to white sphere to lose a great group (I remember more than a year ago when TOOL made those images for you :) ) but things come to an end.

I wish all of you luck in the merge. I just regret that we never gained a closer relationship. You've always been well liked by us. Good luck in your future and your journey.

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Rape joke? Really? Statutory rape and rape aren't the same thing.

It's not the same thing, but it's still not suitable material for joking about. It's an offence for a reason, and carries pretty stiff penalties in most countries – it's akin to joking about committing GBH and then saying 'But it's fine because it wasn't about murder'.

Now, I too don't mean to be dragged into an argument now the 'joke' is gone, so I'm going to drop it unless you keep insinuating that having a moral code somehow makes me a bad person.

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