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Joint Announcement from M*A*S*H & GGA


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On 0000 Unified Server Time, 6 July 2009, the Mighty Armed States of Honor signed a monumental treaty with the Grand Global Alliance called the 'Catch Your Breath Accords'. This was an experiment on a massive scale. Today, 3 October 2009, we announce the cancellation of said treaty, to replace it with THIS:

The 'Caught Your Breath' Accords


During the Karma War, the GGA earned major respect for its tenacity, courage, integrity and professionalism on the field of battle, holding on until the very last. During the current state of peace, they have demonstrated a willingness to work together for the common good of both parties of the 'Catch Your Breath Accords', becoming more valued as time went on. Therefore, having completed a feat worthy of Admin, as of 0000 Unifiedl Server Time 4 Oct 2009, the sovereign alliances of the Mighty Armed States of Honor (aka M*A*S*H), and the Grand Global Alliance (aka the GGA) have made this agreement in full, and shall herein after be refered to as 'The Signatories':

Article 1: Sovereignty.

The signatories affirm that they are sovereign alliances comprised of sovereign nations gathered together in enlightened self-interest. Therefore, neither signatory shall attempt to coerce or subvert the internal government processes or culture of the other, neither shall sovereign members of the Signatories engage in espionage, military action, or disrespect of members of the other Signatory. Offenders shall be punished per the laws and customs of the offending member's Alliance.

Article 2: Defense.

The Signatories agree that a common defense in an uncertain world is a Good Thing, and that an attack on one is an attack on both. This section is to be considered nonchaining, in that per Article 1, the Signatories have no authority to dictate each other's friends and treaty partners, and thus, should not be held to defend the other's treaty partners if no other treaty exists. The option for a unified Defense co-ordination center, under a Supreme Defense Commander, shall be explored and implemented, as it would increase defensive effectiveness. The mechanics shall be left as an internal matter for each Signatory. The Supreme Defense Commander shall be answerable to the highest levels of both Governments.

In the event of war considered to be covered by the nonchaining agreement, financial and diplomatic aid shall be given the other Signatory, as well as priority rebuild aid after the expiration of the war.

Article 3: Offense.

The Signatories agree that at times you just have to go to war, and reserve the right to join in the other Signatory's offensive wars. As in Article 2, if military support is not deemed appropriate at the time, diplomatic and financial support will be expected and provided, to minimalise the effects of the war on the other Signatory. As much advance notice as possible shall be given the other Signatory, as well as all pertinent data, to allow them to come to a decision whether or not to participate in a joint strike.

Should both Signatories agree to wage the offensive war, the Supreme Defense Commander per Article 2 Section A shall be the overall military commander. The Commander shall have operational authority to prosecute the war in any manner which will resolve it in our favor. All Foreign Affairs departments from both Signatories shall report to the Supreme Defense Commander for the duration of the war.

As per Article 2, the Supreme Defense Commander shall be answerable to the highest levels of both Governments.

Article 4: Communications.

The Signatories agree to keep each other apprised of trends and events in their Alliance. Such communications shall include, but not limited to, IRC, offsite forum, ingame messages, and the Offworld Forum, plus any other medium the Governments of the Signatories deem necessary to good communications. Signatories agree to share information needed to plan for the future freely in order to keep the current excellent working arrangement in place and functioning properly.

Article 5: Foreign Affairs.

Each Signatory shall remain Sovereign in matters of foreign Affairs, however, they shall keep the Other apprised of developments per Article 4. Realising that neither is required to accept the Other's treaty partners as friends, the Signatories agree that defense of a Signatory's treaty partner is not manditory, reinforcing Article 2.

Article 6: Economy.

In as much as possible, the Signatories shall co-ordinate trade, aid, and tech deals. Preference to the other Signatory shall be exercised as much as possible.

Article 7: Termination.

This treaty goes into effect as of 0000 Universal Server Time 4 Oct 2009 and shall remain in effect unless upgraded or cancelled.

Upon determining that these Accords are no longer viable, and upon due diplomatic diligence resulting in an agreement to cancel, this treaty may be cancelled upon written notice, and shall degrade to a Nonagression Pact for 72 hours. Reasons for cancellation shall be given the other Signatory in private.

This treaty supercedes the 'Catch Your Breath Accords' of 0000 Unified Server Time, 6 July 2009.

For M*A*S*H:

Col. Fitswilliam, Commanding Officer

Flonker, Commanding General

RpR Francheezi, Commanding Officer

Bedford Forrest, Executive Officer

Dran129, Executive Officer

justavictim82, Senior Drill Instructor

Kaznecki, Foreign Affairs Officer

IBurnMyCd, Payroll Officer

gorrillaballz, Personnel Officer

lukemjl, Internal Affairs Officer

For GGA:

Manfred, Holy Triumvirate and Chief Protector of the Realm

Andre27, Holy Triumvirate and Chief Protector of the Realm

Shaneprice, Holy Triumvirate and Chief Protector of the Realm

DeScepter, Elder Statesman

ironchef, Elder Statesman

On a lesser note, the Mighty Armed States of Honor is proud to announce the promotion of Bedford Forrest to the rank of Commanding General. Bedford has held several important posts during the last two years, including Internal Affairs Officer and Executive Officer. He is no stranger to Foreign Affaris either. He is the second non-ONOS expatriate to reach Commanding General.

General Forrest replaces Flonker, who is retiring back down to the ranks for a well-deserved vacation.

Edited by Flonker
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Dang! Now I gotta edit my info. :D

We really should think of getting Flonk a new advisory title, like "War college professor," or something. Big salute to the player who taught me how to do an underdog raid! o7

And we are pleased with the accords. GGA fights like a squirrel in a chimney when they have to (and I mean that as a compliment!) We admire their tenacity and their loyalty. Lookin' for good times from this!

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