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Kivortistan's Response


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It was the first time since the creation of the conglomerate that the three leaders would meet in person Georgi Reslov of The Iron Brotherhood, Jason Marcotte of Code Blue, and Frederick Relex of Relex's Cossack Army. The three met in Irkutsk to resolve Kivortistan's position on all of the issues within the world. In the basement of a unknown building a poorly lit room, fairly damp, and fairly smokey due to how many people (Relex's guards) in the room were smoking cigars and cigarettes.

"Welcome, to the first and most likely final meeting between us" joked Reslov.

"Made up your mind already have you Reslov? hopefully your decision mimics mine as I too have already made up my mind as to what to do regarding this matter" said Relex lighting up a cigar.

"Can I get one of those Relex? Also I for one will not be lumped in with these spineless cowards, abandoning their allies in time of a major crisis. Of course they probably have in their mind set that fighting the Americans means certain doom" said Marcotte as Relex obliged him with a cigar.

"Facing overwhelming odds sure makes people run from the challenge. Many have already shown their true colors however the Iron Brotherhood will not run from such a challenge these invaders are making" calmly stated Reslov.

"Besides who the %$^# do you think is next when the DE falls? The rest of Asia including us will be seen as ripe for colonization and expansion after how weak this display of what used to be the strongest entity within Asia... although many have abandoned them, we shall not." said Marcotte

"With the Breakup of the empire this is going to make it fairly difficult to do anything since we no longer border an active member anymore and since we do not have the abilities to make such a heavy airlift into the empire on such short notice, not to mention the drastic amounts of armor which would have to be airlifted which is definite no can do with that much" said Reslov.

"Well we could always use the former Bloodvale Empire, They would make an easy route towards the remaining pieces of the Dragons" said Relex.

"Why not act now before the secession of Cochin is set in stone? We could easily take advantage of such an opportunity to sent reinforcements into the Dragons territory" said Reslov.

"That might end in a declaration of war from the kingdom of Cochin, which will be even worse of a situation than we are thinking of" said Marcotte.

"However Reslov has a point there they are the easiest accessible area and I doubt that we can get permission from Cochin to travel through their lands to support someone who is no longer an ally of theirs" said Relex.

"We could always force them to allow us passage? after all it is the least they can do to help the very people they have stabbed in the back" said Marcotte taking a swig of Vodka.

"That is a very plausible idea I too have great reasons to doubt that they will let us travel through their land no matter what the reason. However I still believe we should hand them a message asking them first, that way we might get through on peaceful terms. We for sure do not want to go through Buraytia's protectorate without permission, there could be serious repercussions if we do so. Unless the borders of Cochin do not stretch across the entire border of the land classified as the "Dragon Empire Protectorate then we can use that as such a means of transportation" said Reslov.

"Of course you are already thinking that it will stretch that far" said Marcotte.

"It will, Cochin was one of the most dominant figures in the Dragon Empire, they most likely held all of the land that we could use to access the remaining dragons" said Reslov.

"No matter what the situation looks grim and we haven't even made a decision yet, we must secure permission from one of the two nations in question before we can go further. I will send out the message myself. Meanwhile, you two should mobilize your forces and assemble them within the southern end of our nation to prepare for whichever course of action" said Marcotte smoothly.

"Now that is a $#%^ing plan" said Reslov throwing Marcotte's cigar to the ground and stomping down on it. Go make the D@#$ messages and organize your own $#%^ing forces immediately then Marcotte. I will take care of the message for declarations of war that we will need to make after we secure a response from one of the two nations" said Reslov.

"Make some calls, meet back here in a half hour" said Relex.

OOC: Will post as events occur since the point of this thread can't be revealed in the first post due to uh complications explained by the leaders of my country.

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To the Kingdom of Conchin and Buraytia, the 
Conglomerate of Kivortistan requests permission to move 
across your land to and be allowed to help the Dragon Empire. 
-Jason Marcotte Leader of Code Blue.

OOC: More of directed at you Cochin since I am not sure how active Azenquor is. Also this is why I needed to see an updated map of the empire.

Edited by Jerahoam
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From: The Kingdom of Cochin

To: Conglomerate of Kivortistan

Kingdom of Cochin refuses to permit Kivortistan to move military units through our nation. We would however consider providing passage if the assistance is of a humanitarian nature. However armed units would not be permitted to pass through Cochin or Cochin Protectorates.


KP Varma,

Minister of External Affairs

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To the Kingdom of Conchin and Buraytia, the 
Conglomerate of Kivortistan requests permission to move 
across your land to and be allowed to help the Dragon Empire. 
-Jason Marcotte Leader of Code Blue.

OOC: More of directed at you Cochin since I am not sure how active Azenquor is. Also this is why I needed to see an updated map of the empire.

Private response to the Conglomerate of Kivortistan:

While Kivortistan, as a sovereign nation has the right to intervene in this conflict, they may not pass through our territory, or any territory under our administration with military equipment or personnel. Our borders, airspace and territorial waters, and those of our protectorates, are closed to all military forces regardless of their affiliation. It is the position of the government of Buryatia that this conflict is a matter for the Dragon Empire and the AUP to resolve. As we are not bound to assist any side, and have limited information as to the cause of the war and which side is at fault, we shall remain neutral.

We apologize for the inconvenience that this may cause, and hope that your government may find an alternative path to the Dragon Empire.

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Marcotte, angered at the responses from both nations returned back to the meeting point while Relex and Reslov did as well.

"Well both nations have declined our access to the lands bordering the Dragon Empire, It would be of no use to try and sail our navy out of lake Baikal down the different outlets to the ocean since the only outlets we can use run through Buraytia and the newly created Union of Vaule whom I would assume would also submit a similar response as the others. Also even if we did secure the sea route the amount of transportation we could provide safely, and the amount of time it would take to get there, would be suicide" said Marcotte.

"As I thought, however I am going to dismiss the idea of traveling through either one of their lands anyway without their permission. The simple reason is that we are trying to help the DE in this matter not bring in more enemies around them" said Reslov.

"Well with all land routes, airspace routes, and naval routes closed we must conclude that there is nothing we can do to help the Dragon Empire and that they have to fend for themselves with what allies did not flee from their side. I will send the message to them telling them of the ordeal that has been placed onto our position" said Relex.

"Very well we will meet again once this ordeal concludes or escalates, until then we will keep in touch" said Reslov.

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