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Declaration of War on the Duchy of Poland

Sargun II

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"Yugoslavia hereby declares its neutrality in this conflict, albeit we urge both parties to come to a resolution. A lot of our nations and people have gone through enough in the last three years - the least we need is more suffering. The country is open for refugees of either side of the war."

Classified to the Union:

"Given that we share borders - and quite honestly, we dislike Poland as it currently is right now, we are willing to secretly sell ammunition, weapons and assorted military equipment in order to aid your cause. What do you say?"

-Bozidar Blagojevic, CEO of Zastava Arms

"The Union will not impede refugees from the Czech Republic wishing to enter Yugoslavia. All Polish citizens who manage to make it into the Union will be given a search of property but are allowed free reign."

Classified Reply

"We are not a militaristic nation at heart - we strive for peace above all. That has led to the neglect of several MLRS systems - if Yugoslavia is capable and willing to sell 16 MLRS units, we will pay the price."

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"And Europe descends into madness once again...simply amazing. Perhaps it's something in the environment. Still, one must wonder why the entire continent isn't a glowing wasteland by now." Kintober mused. "Tell Minister's Voi and Dreth to monitor the situation. See if either side is interested in buying any medical supplies." He told the aid that had informed him.


To either side, we would like to sell you medical and disaster relief supplies. Please contact us if interested.
Sincerely, Eggman Empire

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