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tLC's way of techraiding: teasing and destroying a nation


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You saw an opportunity to take a cheap shot at a Frostbite member and you took it. Understandable, if not very inspired.

Yes, because anyone who doesn't love frostbite and doesn't agree with you lot 100% of the time must be out to take a cheap shot at it :rolleyes:

Not defensive at all, just pointing out you really just posted to make noise rather than contribute anything much to the discussion.

Well that's really a matter of opinion isn't it? I don't particularly like raiding, and I think raiding nuclear armed nations is just stupid, and I have every right to comment here just as you or anyone else so...

I think it's both funny and cute how several individuals like you and Corinan get so worked up at the slightest hint of disagreement or disapproval with anyone in FB.

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Well that's really a matter of opinion isn't it? I don't particularly like raiding, and I think raiding nuclear armed nations is just stupid, and I have every right to comment here just as you or anyone else so...

I think it's both funny and cute how several individuals like you and Corinan get so worked up at the slightest hint of disagreement or disapproval with anyone in FB.

Fiercely defending your allies in public and private is what being a good ally is all about. I'm sure you try to stand up for your own just like we do for ours.

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Yes, because anyone who doesn't love frostbite and doesn't agree with you lot 100% of the time must be out to take a cheap shot at it :rolleyes:

Well that's really a matter of opinion isn't it? I don't particularly like raiding, and I think raiding nuclear armed nations is just stupid, and I have every right to comment here just as you or anyone else so...

I think it's both funny and cute how several individuals like you and Corinan get so worked up at the slightest hint of disagreement or disapproval with anyone in FB.

I didn't mention anything about Frostbite. I only pointed out you were arguing with people who don't exist. What reason you had for doing that only you truly know.

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Fiercely defending your allies in public and private is what being a good ally is all about. I'm sure you try to stand up for your own just like we do for ours.

I wouldn't bet on it if I were you.

edit: context

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There's a !@#$load of alliances out there, there's got to be at least one that'd be for them. You don't just join an alliance for protection, you join it because if you don't you're missing out on more than half of the CN experience. I know I for one spend more time on my alliance boards and IRC than I do on my actual nation and I seriously doubt I'm the only one that does. If CN had no Alliances and thus none of the tension and politics they bring along with them this game would be unbelievably dull. That's what unaligned nations are missing out on. They're doing nothing other than collecting taxes and paying bills everyday. I just can't understand anyone finding that enjoyable. It's not like they're really contributing much to CN anyway if they're just keeping to themselves. Does it really make a difference to anyone in an alliance if they're here or aren't here?

And that's the funny thing about it. The only one that truly benefits from the existence of unaligned nations is the tech raider. And yet it's the non-raider that wants them to have the right to stay unaligned and the tech raider who claims that nations should join an alliance if they want to be safe, and yet if all unaligned nations did that they wouldn't have any targets. An amusing bit of irony there.

Here's another funny thing. You dont *need* to understand why someone would want to remain unaligned in order to respect their borders. But if you are truly so worried about them missing out I suggest you volunteer with a division of your alliance probably known by the moniker "recruiting." Remember that letters are an efficient way of delivering messages, and bombs are an efficient way of destroying life and property - they are not at all similar and should not be confused.

Edited by Sigrun Vapneir
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I think it's both funny and cute how several individuals like you and Corinan get so worked up at the slightest hint of disagreement or disapproval with anyone in FB.

If I was truly "worked up" your nation would be smoke and rubble already. I only responded to you because it amuses me to do so.

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Well this is entertaining - The rules of tech raiding are up to each and every alliance - that beign said, how someone responds to such attacks is up to them. The difference between spying to change defcon for better GA odds and spying to lower nukes that can be used in retaliation can be debated, but the point of tech raiding is to profit, and you'd likely have to steal a great deal of tech to make up for 5-6 nukes being launched against your nation.

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Is there a problem?

Article 1 - Membership of the Alliance

a. The council decides on admission towards membership. b. The Alliance is open to all orange nations who respect the articles in this charter as well as the FOK Code of Conduct and are in accordance with the following: - the applicant can not be a member of another alliance and can not be at war during the application


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Luckily I am in a techraid and not in a war ^_^

That is arguably one of the most blatant attempts at E-Lawyering I have ever seen. If you didn't already look horribly pathetic and hypocritical already, I would point out how this makes you look.

However, in this case, you may as well keep yourself digging to the bottom, after all, it's not like FOK cares what anyone else thinks about them accepting attention whores/Publicly announced Nuke Rogues/Complete tools anyway. :awesome:

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Oleg was a real member of AO, he wasn't ghosting them....

Hmm, I am sure an AO member had declared on him with the reason 'ghosting'

Anyways: I didn't attack him since he had no soldiers and I would only be able to destroy something. That goes in against all principles of a techraid

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Hmm, I am sure an AO member had declared on him with the reason 'ghosting'

Anyways: I didn't attack him since he had no soldiers and I would only be able to destroy something. That goes in against all principles of a techraid

Prove it.

And that second part is another terrible attempt at spin. Do you really not care how stupid you look?

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What a ridiculous response. You are in an all out nuclear war with nigras. Can you explain the difference between a tech raid and a war?

Of course

A techraid is started to raid tech (like its says) and to make a profit

A war is meant to completely to try to destroy the opponent

Nigras started a techraid, and as a responce of that I nuked him once to damage him too.

Then he decided to make it an all out nuclear war by nuking back (I even offered peace) and by sending in the 2nd nuke. He could have taken the first request for peace after the nuke, he could have nuked me back and offering me peace. In the end its him who decided to make this an all outgoing techraid

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Anyways: I didn't attack him since he had no soldiers and I would only be able to destroy something. That goes in against all principles of a techraid

One might consider that war slot filling. If you can call your nuclear war a tech raid then why not?

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One might consider that war slot filling

Ahh, maybe thats the reason I got the yellow exclamation warning? :lol1:

Because he has no shame? :huh:

You forgot to mention I have no feelings <_<

Anyways, lets concentrate on this techraid and see how it goes

When we started:


Technology: 4,500.14

Infrastructure: 9,999.99

Area of Influence: 6,871.490 mile diameter


Technology: 7,900.00

Infrastructure: 6,999.99

Area of Influence: 3,402.184 mile diameter.

Right now


Technology: 4,130.89

Infrastructure: 8,317.27

Area of Influence: 4,164.282 mile diameter.


Technology: 7,394.96

Infrastructure: 5,109.53

Area of Influence: 1,246.560 mile diameter.



- 470 tech (an extra 100 because of techdeals)

- 1682 infrastructure

- 2710 land

- still enough money


- 500 tech

- 1981 infra

- 2920 land

- hardly any money left

So far I am slightly ahead if you just look to those numbers. Of course my infrastructure is more expensive at that level

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