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Vanguard Edict

Rafael Nadal

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Earlier today, Vanguard served notice internally that we would be leaving the Orange Unity Treaty. In accordance with the withdrawal procedure of the treaty, this announcement serves as the public announcement aspect, and thus starts the 120 hour, 5 day, cancellation period.

As I said internally, this shouldn't be too shocking to anybody familiar with OUT politics, as I've long taken umbrage in both the treaty itself, and how some issues have been handled by signatories of said treaty. Because of this, and the fact there is no inherent advantage of being allies to your fellow color sphere alliances as opposed to an alliance on a different color sphere, there is no reason for me to keep Vanguard a signatory. I wish the rest of OUT good luck in their future plans and actions as a bloc, and look forward to maintaining and opening relations with other Orange alliances individually, outside of OUT.

Edited by Rafael Nadal
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Orange alliances are more than welcome to visit our forums and interact with us, like any other alliance regardless of color sphere is welcome to do so. Let it be known that this basically changes nothing.

unless, you know, you consider NAPs to model the political atmosphere.

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A pity, because OUT so clearly represented the ability to cooperate despite disagreement.

In short, this marks the end of the era that no matter your opinion, you could be part of the Orange community. Now, the question is if such a community is necessary for cooperation, but at least it's clear that we're not going to have that anymore. We shall see what this brave new future for Orange brings.

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