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Pro-Piracy Act of 2009


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it seems like you're saying is that the demise of the old GOONS was down to the inaction and apathy of its leadership, not down to its policy decisions.

If so, that's great, as our government is motivated, active, and (as we've said since our first appearance) out to play the game rather than breaking it.

No, I merely cited that as one of the reasons GOONS has lost the UJW before it had even started.

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I find it funny that you copied an officail DOC law. What does D.L. stand for? With us, it is DOC Legislation, where the number represents the year and the piece of legislation passed in that year. Does Goons have a parliament? Hmm... If you wanted to insult us, you could have just done it to our face instead of subterfuge.

Ours stands for "Documented Legislation" and no we do not; thank you for asking. If we wanted to insult you, we would have just posted "This policy of yours is the kind we expect from our retarded nephew." in your thread. Upon close inspection, you should note that we have made no such post in your thread. Instead, we have created a policy of our own and posted it for public information as is custom in this world.

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OH my I just feel out of my seat lol cause this was 90% of the reason the GOONS feel. The arrogance, the failed control policies, and a few other reason related to not playing nice with their fellow alliances in CN.

How exactly do you manage to misspell "fell" twice? Regardless, imaginary cited statistic or not, the arrogance has nothing to do with it. The control policies were very successful, and remained in place 'till the end. Shark week was an enormous success. Overall, GOONS was a huge success, until the end, a few very special extraordinary things happened at that time. You don't really have a leg to stand on if you're saying that GOONS original wasn't a successful alliance. All we have to do to avoid the messy end is not cross the line, or lines, they did. GOONS as a concept is a proven brand. [ooc]Here and in other places[/ooc]. Our lifestyle might not be everyone's choice, but it works.

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I understand some don't like this document and some are being overzealous, but

its GOONS sovereign right to do what it wants as an alliance. If this backfires its their own fault.

I respect your opinion but I fail to see how this in any way puts us at risk. The policy revolves around two unaligneds, who by definition, nobody should care about.

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Nice throwback announcement, I guess. <_<

I can't say this will end well. Then again I can't say that anyone will have sufficient gonads to set up GOONS to take a fall for it. I recall similar outrage when NSO made its announcement regarding its intervention policy, but NSO seems rather intact, as does its policy.

I really hate having to respond to you, as it means giving you momentary legitimacy, however, I must point out that the NSO's policy is nothing like this. GOONS is simply making an excuse to bully the weak, while the NSO has simply affirmed its right to get involved in any conflict it sees fit (a right which it, and every other alliance, already possessed). There is no comparison to be had between the two.

Funny, that's not in our playbook. What is in our playbook is making fun of people, such as RebelVirginia, that make veiled and ominous threats against us then produces excuse after excuse after excuse for backing down from those threats. I don't particularly care whether you agree with me or not, and, generally speaking, as long as you're not obnoxious then I am more than willing to find some middle ground when the occasion requires. However, when you start off telling us that we're wrong and that you're going to show us by some sort of force, whether military or your pathetic excuse for political grandstanding, I reserve the right to tell you to put up or shut up. We all know that you'll just whine about how unfair it is that I'm calling your hand and keep posting more, but a good many of us find the backpedaling that follows to be quite hilarious.

Would you like to tell me how attacking you and getting ZIed would accomplish anything? I tried to be civil, however, your childish insults and goading of me to "do something about it." It really is hard to reason with such thick individuals. But yes, you want me to do something about it, well, I am. Do not forget that I am the voice of the people, and my words alone are to be feared by tyrants. I have the ears of the masses.

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I really hate having to respond to you, as it means giving you momentary legitimacy, however, I must point out that the NSO's policy is nothing like this. GOONS is simply making an excuse to bully the weak, while the NSO has simply affirmed its right to get involved in any conflict it sees fit (a right which it, and every other alliance, already possessed). There is no comparison to be had between the two.

Would you like to tell me how attacking you and getting ZIed would accomplish anything? I tried to be civil, however, your childish insults and goading of me to "do something about it." It really is hard to reason with such thick individuals. But yes, you want me to do something about it, well, I am. Do not forget that I am the voice of the people, and my words alone are to be feared by tyrants. I have the ears of the masses.

lol. he has a point. you have been making up a lot of excuses

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I really hate having to respond to you, as it means giving you momentary legitimacy, however, I must point out that the NSO's policy is nothing like this. GOONS is simply making an excuse to bully the weak.

We don't *need* an excuse to bully the weak.

Moreover that isn't even what the announcement is about. It's a chance to help the true underdog of the raider/raidee relationship, the raider. In the eyes of the community too often is the spreader of entropy viewed as a pariah, an enemy of the peace. In a literal sense he might be, but he is contributing a valuable service. I'm also not talking about an alliance member raiding an unaligned, I'm talking about unaligneds attacking other unaligneds. It is important that wars of this nature continue to increase, so more people can experience war, and as a result, either join alliances, or dedicate themselves to the lone wolf lifestyle. No unaligned should be afraid to attack another unaligned.

Edited by Sardonic
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Would you like to tell me how attacking you and getting ZIed would accomplish anything? I tried to be civil, however, your childish insults and goading of me to "do something about it." It really is hard to reason with such thick individuals. But yes, you want me to do something about it, well, I am. Do not forget that I am the voice of the people, and my words alone are to be feared by tyrants. I have the ears of the masses.

You made no attempt to be civil and I made no attempt to goad you to "do something about it." You threatened us; I told you to either follow through or stop blowing hot air. You, as it seems, are insistent on the hot air and excuses. Voice of the people? Please - how many people did you actually confer with? Your paltry attempt at branding yourself as representative of more than just your own ambitions is laughable at best, much like your petty excuses for backing down from your threats.

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We don't *need* an excuse to bully the weak.

Moreover that isn't even what the announcement is about. It's a chance to help the true underdog of the raider/raidee relationship, the raider. I'm not talking about an alliance member raiding an unaligned, I'm talking about unaligneds attacking other unaligneds. It is important that wars of this nature continue to increase, so more people can experience war, and as a result, either join alliances, or dedicate themselves to the lone wolf lifestyle. No unaligned should be afraid to attack another unaligned.

This is just ridiculous. You can't seriously expect reasonable people to swallow this nonsense. Unprovoked attacks upon new nations is not something that is to be encouraged or praised. Senseless destruction of new nations, driving them from this world, only hurts the rest of us. When one suffers, we all suffer.

Now don't get me started about them being weak enough for you to attack without consequence. These are civilized times. Unless provoked or in self defense, you have no reason to war these nations. It's barbaric.

You made no attempt to be civil and I made no attempt to goad you to "do something about it." You threatened us; I told you to either follow through or stop blowing hot air. You, as it seems, are insistent on the hot air and excuses. Voice of the people? Please - how many people did you actually confer with? Your paltry attempt at branding yourself as representative of more than just your own ambitions is laughable at best, much like your petty excuses for backing down from your threats.

You do realize that it was my words that inspired the Vox Populi movement and subsequently brought down the Hegemony? Do not delude yourself into thinking I am powerless, irrelevant. Now, when you are interested in having a civil and rational discussion, without insulting my character or telling me to "do something about it," I will be more than ready to talk to you. Until then, good day sir.

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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We don't *need* an excuse to bully the weak.

Moreover that isn't even what the announcement is about. It's a chance to help the true underdog of the raider/raidee relationship, the raider. In the eyes of the community too often is the spreader of entropy viewed as a pariah, an enemy of the peace. In a literal sense he might be, but he is contributing a valuable service. I'm also not talking about an alliance member raiding an unaligned, I'm talking about unaligneds attacking other unaligneds. It is important that wars of this nature continue to increase, so more people can experience war, and as a result, either join alliances, or dedicate themselves to the lone wolf lifestyle. No unaligned should be afraid to attack another unaligned.

A raider isn't an underdog. An underdog is someone who has the popular support, but is inferior statistically. That's pretty much the exact opposite of what a raider is.

I really did not notice that verbal diarrhea had become so popular these days. That's what I get for not being around so much, I guess.

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You do realize that it was my words that inspired the Vox Populi movement and subsequently brought down the Hegemony? Do not delude yourself into thinking I am powerless, irrelevant. Now, when you are interested in having a civil and rational discussion, without insulting my character or telling me to "do something about it," I will be more than ready to talk to you. Until then, good day sir.

All Vox Populi did was exactly what you did now - keep posting until someone else does something about the situation then try to say "SEE IT WAS SUCCESS!" Whether two months or twenty years from now, you all would have patted yourselves on the back for a job well done. Early in the morning I can sit on my porch and talk to myself for a bit and guess what - the sun comes up. It was totally me guys!!!!


Your rhetoric does not work here, RV. The only thing I've told you to do anything about is the claims you have made. Telling a guy you're going to punch him in the nose and him says "Quit talking about it and do it." is not the same as him taking your lunch money. Hard to paint yourself as a martyr when you are the one making the threats, huh?

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All Vox Populi did was exactly what you did now - keep posting until someone else does something about the situation then try to say "SEE IT WAS SUCCESS!" Whether two months or twenty years from now, you all would have patted yourselves on the back for a job well done. Early in the morning I can sit on my porch and talk to myself for a bit and guess what - the sun comes up. It was totally me guys!!!!


Your rhetoric does not work here, RV. The only thing I've told you to do anything about is the claims you have made. Telling a guy you're going to punch him in the nose and him says "Quit talking about it and do it." is not the same as him taking your lunch money. Hard to paint yourself as a martyr when you are the one making the threats, huh?

It is well known that I am a renowned pacifist. Never once have I threatened to take military action against your alliance. I am merely protesting injustices through peaceful means.

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This is just ridiculous. You can't seriously expect reasonable people to swallow this nonsense. Unprovoked attacks upon newbie nations is not something that is to be encouraged or praised. Senseless destruction of new nations, driving them from this world, only hurts the rest of us. When one suffers, we all suffer.

Who said anything about newbie nations? Just because they are unaligned does not necessarily mean they are newbies. Nothing about the attacks is "unprovoked" the attacker is enticed by the tech of the victim, or just wants to destroy them. If the raided didn't want to be attacked, he should have chosen to not exist, or join an alliance. Very few make the choice to not exist anyway, the proper thing to do is suck it up and take it, and grow up. I don't buy your "when one suffers, we all suffer", hippy.

Now don't get me started about them being weak enough for you to attack without consequence. These are civilized times. Unless provoked or in self defense, you have no reason to war these nations. It's barbaric.

We have every reason to help the raider, we need to promote this behavior. More war = better world. Even in the limited sense of unaligneds. What is the point of living if you never experience dying?

Edited by Sardonic
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It is well known that I am a renowned pacifist. Never once have I threatened to take military action against your alliance. I am merely protesting injustices through peaceful means.

So, the excuses that you could not attack me since you were:

  • In an alliance
  • Rebuilding your nation
  • Waiting to get nukes

What were those? An actual pacifist would never have said "I can't attack you because I don't have nuclear weapons yet." That's like calling yourself a vegetarian because you cannot afford to buy steak - just another pathetic excuse. Here you're simply using the title of pacifist to try and elicit sympathy and make me out to be a bully despite you having delivered far more threats in this thread than I. Unfortunately for you, that spin is failing horribly.

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Who said anything about newbie nations? Just because they are unaligned does not necessarily mean they are newbies. Nothing about the attacks is "unprovoked" the attacker is enticed by the tech of the victim, or just wants to destroy them. If the raided didn't want to be attacked, he should have chosen to not exist. Very few make the choice to not exist anyway, the proper thing to do is suck it up and take it, and grow up. I don't buy your "when one suffers, we all suffer", hippy.

So, by having technology they were asking to be attacked and robbed of their possessions? Because they exist they deserve to be attacked? Tell me, are you even capable of a rational argument or do you just expect us to buy this nonsense, lift you upon our shoulders, and sing your praises?

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So, by having technology they were asking to be attacked and robbed of their possessions? Because they exist they deserve to be attacked? Tell me, are you even capable of a rational argument or do you just expect us to buy this nonsense, lift you upon our shoulders, and sing your praises?

No, you see they just have to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and buy a gun or two so this doesn't happen again.

Edited by Sardonic
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No, you see they just have to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and buy a gun or two so this doesn't happen again.

And if they do just that and defend themselves, all the raider has to do is run to you and you'll assist him by ganging up on the nation to make sure that he doesn't stand a chance. Do you see how nonsensical this is?

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And if they do just that and defend themselves, all the raider has to do is run to you and you'll assist him by ganging up on the nation to make sure that he doesn't stand a chance. Do you see how nonsensical this is?

Would you consider it to be more or less nonsensical than, say, claiming you're the voice of the people, then getting called on not having talked to the people, then claiming to be a pacifist, then getting called on obviously non-pacifist excuses you've made, then ignoring the entire thing altogether?

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And if they do just that and defend themselves, all the raider has to do is run to you and you'll assist him by ganging up on the nation to make sure that he doesn't stand a chance. Do you see how nonsensical this is?

No, he doesn't.

All you can do is start saving up the funny quotes to make sigs later.

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And if they do just that and defend themselves, all the raider has to do is run to you and you'll assist him by ganging up on the nation to make sure that he doesn't stand a chance. Do you see how nonsensical this is?

The idea is for a raider nation to have the courage to take the honorable step and raid another nation. By us providing a safety net they are emboldened to attack another nation for fun and profit. What's wrong exactly with two unaligned nations slugging it out? Nothing! We might provide assistance to the raider if he comes to us for help, but that is just so he doesn't get discouraged and swears off war. It is important that unaligneds experience war so they might one day divest themselves of their unaligned nature and become productive members of society.

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